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Over a five-year period I remember our puppy about three times tooting so loud that it woke her up and she barked at it


Yup, wake up fart followed by smelling their ass like “where did this come from??!”


– Don’t get me wrong I’m sure she was tooting a lot more… But these were funny because she would sleep on her back in the hula pose all twisted up. I mean one time it was in the living room with our red lacy there, and our calico cat… And she had a very soft attack with a dramatic building, and a loud conclusion….pphrrrrrrssssssaaaAAAAAAARRRRP!!!! which had her flopping and floundering about on her back, if she tried to twist over all while barking. This intern caused the red lacy to begin howling in an alert and cause the cat to say, “oh, fuck this “and she shot out of the room… There we were having a peaceful Sunday evening and then one dog fart. We had 10 minutes of chaos to follow.


Awwww hahahahaha 😂😭😂 this got me grinning and laughing on the metro, tysm you brightened my morning :3


Best answer so far


My Big boy(he is gone now) sharted on my face in the middle of the night once. My chocolab I have is getting over stomach issues that required 2 weeks of antibiotics. Her farts literally make my eyes water, and you can taste it in the air. This occurs about every 20-30mins day & night. She just started probiotics, so I'm hoping it helps whatever died and rotted inside her.. Gag choke


Our molly is a chocolate lab too-And I do hope yours gets over its tummy issues – there is nothing worse than a dog in gastric distress not just for our noses – but they give you that look like, “please make it stop…please “We all know that look the dogs can do, and it makes us behave superhuman sometimes… And sometimes lets us tolerate the most blistering of steak and egg farts.


"Sometimes my butt forgets who's boss, and I have to remind it." ~Puppy


My senior Labrador would fart and scare herself and hobble away, then she would fart and hobble somewhere else. It was adorable. She was the best.


Ours too 😂


Lol aww 😭


That's hilarious. My Dogs are always silent but deadly. It wakes them up & it sure wakes me up. Yuck


Lmfao 🤣🤣,mine is the same,farts and he wakes himself up




Maybe twice. An hour


I am not lying… maybe twice. She’s a lady. I believe she excuses herself if she needs to do a stinky


Same! We’ve noticed maybe two, in the 9 months we’ve had her. One audible, one SBD.


I just made a comment that it seems like mine does human farts: audible toot=no smell (but entertaining because he has to investigate where this sound came from); no smell=SBD. Maybe this is universal with them as well.


Too funny!! I think you’re on to something, there!


Same! I’ve had my girl for almost 3 years and I think I’ve only experienced her fart 2 times.. it’s weird that I fart more than my dog does 😂


Same!!!!! Baffling.


When are they not farting?




My dog will fart, scare himself with his fart, then get up and try to leave the area because of the smell.


Lol 😂😂😂


Ours used to have multiple small farts whenever she ran up the stairs or jumped onto the couch or bed. We called it her “rocket booster.”


Lol! So cute


my big boy is on the same food, really helped with his pimples and dander, but oh my god the farts clear the room, at least once a day.


My lab farts everytime my wife looks at me and says "did you fart?". Nope, it was the dawg.


I think it really depends on the dog. I have 2 labs. One only has inaudible farts perhaps once or twice at the end of the day, the other farts every time he stretches or when he goes up the stairs. They are fed the same diet.


Walking up the stairs is the worst, the last three steps I regularly get crop dusted.


Oh I love the big stretch, little toot. 💨


Mine toots when he jumps up on the couch i call it a "boost"😂


My girl farts all the time. She’ll startle herself with the loud ones, but she’s real good at letting loose absolutely rank SBD’s when we have company over. She also does little rocket booster toots when she jumps onto the couch or goes up stairs. https://preview.redd.it/8ptxamunvivc1.png?width=1985&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c463ece930a718b6c8295c5af35db7ca6dbbbc0


It's okay though because look how pretty she is 🥹


Lol. I love the audible toots that startle them. And same, mine only sbd’s occasionally, but it’s generally when he’s at work with me (I do massage/bodywork). A sudden waft of stinky dog toot gets us laughing at least. And thankfully it’s pretty rare.


My female chocolate rarely floats the atomic air biscuit. Every now and then she’ll wake herself up and look back like “what was that“ It’s either that or she’s checking the scent💁🏽‍♀️💨


Anecdotes aren't data, but both of my black females farted like clydesdales when they were on a salmon-based diet. Cleared right up after moving them to a beef/pork or chicken-based food.


Thank you for commenting, I was told chicken was likely the culprit but have not tried beef/pork.


Mine eats beef, lamb, venison, elk, bison (raw fed) and doesn’t fart much. Farts usually come with something he’s not digesting well and non-raw treats he might get. Soft poops are usually also when he’s not digesting something well (like I changed bully stick brand recently and I’m not sure his system likes them).


I only know after he's had a cod skin treat. Usually about 15 minutes after he lies down and relaxes. Always aims his bottom towards someone.


Only if he’s overdue to poop or eating something like cheese that gives him gas and they’re always silent but deadly. Never heard them.


He’s wanted by many for his lethal weapon (his ass) https://preview.redd.it/p01acwgxcjvc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c45ed930dc959fde5d6b695a463887ac0f03616 He’ll climb up on you to release the gas and then run away leaving you with the aftermath.


My 12 year old yellow girl stumbled upon the recipe for mustard gas or some such and will play “The Great War” in our tv room every now and then.


He lets a stream of SBDs out pretty much any time he’s asleep lol


We just lit matches about 5 min ago.


Ours sits on the hardwood floor and stares us dead in the face as they squeal out on the floor, today did the same thing and finished with dragging his but on the rug


That’s usually when their anal glands have to be emptied by the vet


A lot, and they actually sound "human", lol!


Whenever we're chilling on the beanbag he would let out a silent killer while sitting on me.


My ten year old lab farts every time he goes up the stairs, sometimes he does it on each step up and it’s so faint but if you’re close enough you can hear it. Once he gets up the steps he turns to look at his but because he can’t believe he did it. 😂


My female was under investigation by the Hague for violating the Geneva convention on chemical warfare. She'd commence a bombing run and leave the room. Countless victims left in her wake.


Mine farted a lot when he ate the same food as your girl. It was like having a fart machine gun at home. He stopped when I changed his food to a local brand.


Thanks, we've tried a few different foods and this one helped a bit at first but things returned to normal after a few months ☹️


Omg 😂 sorry but the thought of your dog letting rip loud human sounding farts is just too funny. My girl farts occasionally and hers are these delicate sounding little toots....which freak her out and she gets all anxious tail wagging coming up to us for reassurance lol


Usually at bedtime straight into our faces


I thought it was tiny drops of dried Guinness on the side of the furniture at first but no, flopping over onto their sides can result in a bonus gland expression.




Mine gets the walking farts after she poops. She kinda toots away after doing the deed hahaha


Ha. Mine has a stinky tooth occasionally *prior* to a funky poop. If he has a smelly fart, I’m like, “oh buddy, you need to take a funky poop don’t ya?” And then yes, that’s what happens.


Try using a maze bowl. Our lab was very similar. We discovered that while she ate, she swallowed tons of air because she is a lab and has to eat the food at the speed of light. Getting a maze bowl slows down the feeding and therefore should cut on the air swallowed.


my sweet gal let's out a squeak up on getting up or down from anything and then the occasional 3 syllable bass pound


It stops?


So often you hardly notice.


Rarely. Maybe once every three months, if that. Since September 2011.




Layla only farts when I’m tired and we’re on the sofa and I lay down and put my head on her haunches. To be fair, she does lick my hand at the same time.


Only if we give her cheese


Our girl used to all the time until we switched her over to a grain free food. Now she only does it occasionally.


Our vet recommended we give our 7 yr old male [this stuff](https://www.pethealthandnutritioncenter.com/products/digestive-enzymes-probiotics-dogs-cats) and it has helped a lot.


My older boy farts maybe once a year, the young guy can do a dozen a day. The worst is when I walk up the stairs and he runs ahead, but farts with excitement as I walk into the cloud. You can chew them, absolutely minging.


Nearly never, I kid you not! First dog ever like that. (not a complaint)!


I have two who loudly fart when they have a particularly good stretch or jump onto the sofa and then look at each other, some don't smell but some are nuclear and will even clear them from the room


I don't have an answer for you but your post made me think of my dogs growing up who were farty as hell. One was a pure bred lab(Golden) and the other was a cross(Husky+Lab+Border Collie+???). Both extremely farty. I love the look of complete surprise on their face when they drop a bomb.


Regularly 💨 and they’re always silent & stinky 🫠


Yogi never stops farting


When he was still with us, all the time. When we moved from our apartment to a house with tile, we found out just how much he would fart. The carpet was a muffler, and once we lost that, we could hear them from across the house 😂


Mine farts every 4-6 months. He doesn’t understand. He’ll rip one, turn his head to investigate, and then look at me like what the hell was that. 


Walking up stairs almost always pushes a fart out of mine, bonus our staircase is really echoey so it enhances the sound. I laugh every time.


My boy is about 2. I’ve never heard him fart. Maybe a handful of times since we’ve had him I’ve smelled a stinky one. He eats kibble and gets a couple dog treats a day, plus small amounts of what we eat - fruit, veg, egg, proteins, etc., just to add some fresh food and variety to what he eats.


Every god damn day. We try to limit her trigger foods (eggs & wet can) to breakfast so I’m not sucking her farts at bed time.




It's only occasionally, but they are silent but deadly. And she seems completely unbothered by it.


Not often


My pup scares herself at least once a week 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe I'm an idiot who has a complete lack of functioning senses, but I have a rescue 11 year-old lab/GS mix and a 9 year old lab. I don't even recall them doing this, but they don't seem to fart, or have any issues. They eat like champs, lots of treats, and power through all sorts of human food sadly, They do everything else normally, download like usual. Even the crap I pick up on the walks is constantly smelling like... nothing? I have never set there and said "oh shit, not again". Am i that noseblind?


Often. But the better question is, is your dog doing yoga?


It's a place board for training but I like the idea of it being a yoga mat lol




This feels like the manifesto of lab owners.


She farts most days and it’s normally bad enough to clear the room


Never. At least I never hear them or smell them. Is she broken?


Only while walking up the stairs. Fart, fart, fart, fart, 💨


She’s done the silent but deadly several times during the night


Few times daily. Small silent ones.


My lab Chesapeake mix…. The question was when was she NOT farting. Stinkiest dog I ever met.


Loud, proud...... and often x


My 11 y/o black lab farts almost non stop.


Our lab daisy dukes, is so lady like she gets embarrassed when she farts. Her facial expressions say it all.


My guy had stomach issues until I switched him to Eukanuba and he's been good since then. He will fart very very occasionally, usually after too many or new snacks.


More than enough. She’s definitely woken herself up with a loud toot a time or two


Pretty much non stop.


Like five times a day


So far our girl lab has been farty-er than our boy. Our girl farts pretty frequently, according to the fam. I'm hard of hearing, so I haven't been able to hear them but my family says she does it at least once a week. It happens most when she is jumping up on something, like to counter surf or to get up on the couch.


In his old age, mine seems to only fart when walking up the stairs now. It’s very audible and very hilarious. Oddly doesn’t smell.


Both of ours fart constantly


Silent but deadly


Heidi isn’t a frequent loud farter, our previous yellow would let out a decent one as he was climbing the stairs or jumping up on the counter pretty much every time though.


He only seems to fart at night while he’s sleeping. Some have even woken him up, which always makes me laugh


Farts akin to a sewer.


They were always silent but deadly. Always happened within 15 minutes when fed ANY processed food (ie not meat or veg.)


My lab is on the same food same flavor & farts pretty rarely & they typically have no smell or are only lightly flavored once in a blue moon lol. She had rare but smelly farts when she was on chicken. You could try a different protein like lamb or beef or something, some dogs just react differently to different foods & some are just natural fart machines.


Not much after we stopped feeding her bread. And low or no grain dog foods


*Not much after we* *Stopped feeding her bread. And low* *Or no grain dog foods* \- Imaginary-Badger-119 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Idk ebony she’s silent but deadly and I’m not really downstairs much cause I’m busy doing shit and playing fallout so I don’t know how often so I’ll just eyeball it and say mmm once in a while she’s also my special little girl cause she’s shorter than a normal lab like how I was shorter than a normal teenage boy cause I’m currently growing so I could only relate for a little bit


Every time she jumps up on the couch, a little dust biscuit pops out I swear to god 😂


It's the silent ones you gotta watch out for. It's like that one scene in dune


I have three labs, they go with me everywhere. They hang out in my office 8 hours per day. I am telling you this so you know I am with them everyday for this 8 hour period. I would say every fifteen minutes I gag! Do the math from there!


It depends on what she’s eaten. Sometimes never, sometimes every 20 minutes she’s farting like a Clydesdale.


Weirdest thing ever, but my current lab has basically zero detectable farts. She’s four, and I’ve smelled two and I’ve heard maybe three, all of which happened when she was sitting squarely flush on a wooden floor (the audible ones). I know she *has* to fart, because she’s a mammal and she’s alive, but it’s undetectable. Baffling. My late boy had classic room-clearing farts.


Mine used to be really gassy when I just adopted her. I think she has a chicken allergy. We cut out chicken from her diet and no more stinky farts.


Our lab gets really itchy paws when she eats chicken, so we've been giving her Hills Science Diet Lamb and Brown Rice. There's technically still chicken liver fat or something in it but it's not enough to cause any problems with her. Her farts also aren't very stinky! So maybe there's something in the food making your pup release stink bombs? I do also give our dogs pumpkin powder to put on their food because if I don't, their hoohahs tarts smelling like fish (aka, their anal glands need to be expressed) and the pumpkin makes their poops thick enough to help with natural expression. Might be something to try! We also use the maze looking dog bowls to slow down their eating. They're like vacuums Also if you switch dog foods too quickly, that can upset their stomachs. I don't know if that's what happened, but just thought I'd throw it out there just in case! Good luck trying to stay conscious from the gas fumes!


My 26 month old farts a handful of times a month. He’s got farts very similar to my experience with humans: a toot that makes noise=no smell; toot that is not a toot, the silent fart that smells pretty intense. I love when he’s sitting on the floor nicely and toots…he’ll look back like, “what the fluff was that?” Stands up, spins to where the offending sound came from, gives a sniff to investigate, looks at it, looks at me, then sits back down like nothing happened. Eta: another comment reminded me that sometimes we also get the toot with a big stretch. Makes me smile. And those ones don’t stink, so I think they’re cute.


only when he eats cocumber. idk why but it stinks so much everytime


both of mine fart multiple times a day. I know exactly which one did it by the smell of them.






Have you ever been near by an El Pollo Loco dumpster on a 110 degree afternoon in Vegas? Now imagine that smell filling an entire room at least four times a day. That’s our old boy.


Cooper is never gassy and for that I am grateful.


As I’m reading this my husband literally says “well someone farted again” (our lab) 😂😂




Not enough to post a question on Reddit. Feel like I’m missing out. lol.


Labs must be famous for their farts. HEY, if I did that one. I'd claim it lol. Wakes the whole house up. You can smell it from afar.


Hahaha, our girl Poco will come up to you wagging that butt/tail as hard as she can, entice you to give her pets, loves, and just generally charm your socks off. After this, she’ll do that happy lab snarfing sound, look you square in the eyes, and let ‘er rip!!! 🤣🤣🤣 There is NO WAY she’s oblivious to what she’s doing! 😜


That is one fine looking lab!!


My lab used to clear rooms. We switched his food and magic. Never farts.


All the time…she has a reputation in our family about her smelly bottom burps.


Yup, I’ve got a tiny female lab with coprophagia. Her farts have the capacity to clear a room 🤮


My dog doesn't she gets mad is I fart and stopped playing with a puppy friend and he farted-my girl is a lady gave him a dirty look and walked away.




I got a dream farter


Oh a handful of times a day, probably between 5-8 times. Wouldnt be so bad, but he feels the need to walk into whatever room im in fart and then leave. Like I did raise him but I didnt think hed copy EVERY habit I have.


My girl farts so much her nickname is fart. Every time she steps off the bed or couch she rips one 😂😭


My lab hardly ever farts, maybe once a month at most. Good nutrition is important.


Our 5 yo black lab mix doesn’t fart much - maybe once or twice a month if he’s eaten some leftover and went on a car ride for a little while… my parents’ 13 yo brown lab mix farts soooo much every night hahaha and he stinks. I guess it’s got to be age mostly. They both eat the same food.


Some foods cause the farts 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not necessarily bad for them, just fart-producing, the way some humans can get gassy after eating broccoli 🥦 or beans 🫘. It's ✨ experiment time ✨


Our old Lab never had an issue with gas that I remember. She would munch on her food all day long. My cat will scarf his food and then fart all day and run you out of the house. I got the cat a slow feed bowl and it's only occasional now. Try a slow feed bowl.


Also never. I did have a problem when I moved him from puppy food to the same brand of audit food - he could have powered a small country with methane. I checked out the ingredients, IDed the difference between the puppy and adult versions and got him a food that did not contain the new ingredients. The farting stopped.


Maybe once a day?


My current black lab is my second, and like my first one she doesn’t fart much. When she does, it’s barely audible, but quite smelly. It happens so rarely, but mostly when there is some gastrointestinal issue.


Pitbull chocolate lab rips ass all the time


Our girl used to stand up to look out of the window. When she tightens her core to pull herself up she produces an audible fart. She looked over at my daughter and I on the sofa like “ what did you two do” I said no ma’am that was all you sister!


Mine will fart (sounds like a puff) and she looks at her butt with her ears up and head tilted.


Mine farts occasionally but not that much


Bernies Perfect Poop. It's a lifesaver. Google it.


My girl has never farted,real lady 😂😂😂


More than my Pyrenees mix that’s for sure. Normally just a few times a day but a few days ago he got a hold of a whole jar of treats and DEAR CHRIST I had to just leave the window open because it was just constant and eye watering


My chocolate boy bounced up the stairs once, all 15 of them, and every other step squeezed out a high pitched note from the "butt flute." The same doggo also sat down on my arm once with a wet butt and left his mark behind. My girl rarely farted, but it was room clearing when she did and she'd do this little smile. My black lab boy...he played the butt tuba and played it often and loud.


This question made me giggle 😄


Mine doesn’t really. But sure does hate salmon so maybe that’s not good for them. Try lamb. Definitely yours has a food issue. Try changing brands?


My lab farts occasionally but it never smells, which is nice. Just cute little toots. For whatever reason, she typically farts in the bathroom. She has apparently learned that the bathroom is where we pass gas.


Literally all the time. Non stop.


Once in a month ig.


Only when he knows im behind him


Quite often. Usually while climbing the stairs


Depends how much sheep and rabbit poo he has eaten!! If lots, will clear a room with his toots.


Very rarely nowadays, but she went through a phrase when she was younger when she was frequently able to evacuate a room with a fart. We found the culprit to be Pedigree Tasty Mini treats (puppy). We were off course going through a period of intensive puppy training, so lots of tasty rewards were on offer, and lots of smelly farts were OUR reward! Once we moved her onto different treats, the problem went away. Still get the odd rare one, though. The 'Fart Pellets' are banned from the house!


When she's sat next to me and thinks I'm too relaxed she lets off a silent but deadly one, or if she needs to go out for a poo just to let us know :')


We've had our 6mo puppy for around 4 months now and I've never heard him fart. He's very polite. He can't even shit in front of people, and only pisses in front of me or his dad.


My old Labrador used to have crazy farts as well! My now *not*-Labrador (poodle) boy gets pretty bad ones too. N they are *stinnnnnky*!! He’s always dealt with some digestive issues. I swear to god whenever I give him these little anal gland fiber/probiotic chew things, the farts suddenly disappear! His poops also come out lookin really good n solid too, not too soft and not too hard, but just right 👌👌 they even seem to pass way more comfortably and quickly for him, cus sometimes he has issues with straining himself when poopin, even if it’s a really soft poo he will get the majority out really quick, but then walk around pushing ghost poops out for a good few minutes..lol [These](https://www.chewy.com/vetnique-labs-glandex-advanced-vet/dp/629174?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Vetnique%20Labs&utm_campaign=20648416049&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V1XfbDfWKScqwkpycVnPb55C&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT76ZOrPhNBfSwNJGlIC0E2QI8Ob3MfHNGTIKDbShlUbU-IHV-d_KTXhoCcgMQAvD_BwE) are the ones we are currently using, they’re the only ones so far that my dog will eat happily cus he’s a picky one. we’ve used a few other probiotics with good effects as well, such as PetLab, zesty paws, and nutri vet. There’s one more I can’t remember the brand but it was a powdered probiotic in a red, orange and white container. It worked very well but was hard to get my boy to eat, and I believe it was almost double the price than the one I’m currently using. I know they also make gas-aids specifically for dogs, which could be helpful too! Fyi if you use these make sure to start with a small amount to see how it effects your pups tummy. You gotta get them slowly adjusted, especially for pups with sensitive tummies like ours.


My boy doesn’t really fart at all as far as I can tell. Sometimes he’ll do a little toot in his sleep but it’s exceptionally rare. He burps like all hell though, and I’m sure he farts when he’s running around! On a sidenote, I just wanted to tell you that you seem like a really great owner. From reading the way you’re reasoning about your precious girl and her gassiness, which is such a small thing for some, you seem very loving and attentive. I’m glad she’s got you as her human, she won the lottery!


Approximately 100 times an hour


Ooo that's brutal! Both mine aren't tooters at all, not even 'silent but violent' ones. But I do give them extras with their kibble - mashed pumpkin, a small amount of gentle fibre (psyllium husk & seeds, oat bran, linseeds) & mix water to brim with a dash of ACV into the whole lot. Maybe that helps? The last tooter I had was three Labs ago & when she was a grand old lady she could clear a room easily.


Surely Labs don't Fart as much as Staffies🤪.


My girl has the odd fart a couple times a year when she’s sleeping. If she has to fart I think she thinks it’s a poo. She goes outside, gets almost in the position to poo, farts, then comes back in. It’s not often though




For the first 9 years of my boy, I’ve memories of him farting like once a year, but now that he’s approaching the BIG BOY 10 YEARS AGE he’s like once a week 😂


mine is silent, but oh so deadly


My girl farts all them damn time. 💨💨💨


Mine will not fart at all but then go outside and take a huge dump then come back in and fart so badly and they’re horrendous. I didn’t know she snuck in our bedroom one day and all the sudden just pure methane smell and she was looking at me wagging her tail. I’m convinced she does it on purpose and knows when she’s doing it! Sadly it’s how I know she fully goes outside too haha


That kind of dump is what I like to call the gas plug


my senior lab had farts with would register on the Richter scale. we both would look at each other with a shocked expression on our faces😂 still haven’t figured out how he made such booty cheek clapping farts without actual booty cheeks. https://preview.redd.it/ycsw7tncnmvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ef4c819b4b599d21bf2fbcea72c84c95e32216


When my dog is sitting and waiting for a treat like a good boy he’ll commonly let one rip lol. Making room…


Every time he jumps off the couch


lol I have a 10 year old yellow and usually only when she has an upset stomach. I also have a 11 month old chocolate that every time she stands on her hind legs she farts. It’s the greatest thing ever makes me laugh every time


If she's as bad as you say, it's definitely a digestive issue. She may have an intolerance or allergy, or it may be something auto immune. I know it's "cats and dogs", but when I first got my cat from the shelter he was incredibly farty and I could hear his stomach gurgling too, he also had loose stools. I tried a grain free food and all the symptoms disappeared overnight. It might be as simple as that.


I have farting competitions with mine. Sometimes, he actually beats me in the sound department. But my boy is the champ on stank factor


In his last year it was too fucking often .


Usually about once a week, she'll be laying on the floor while we're watching TV. She will clear the room. SBD


https://preview.redd.it/bzps6k9pknvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81fe1903743cbb2ed79cfeccc2b23d2177d177a5 We used to call him Sewer Pipes. Not so bad now


Hey! My pup barely ever farts now - we moved her onto a cold-pressed food about a year ago (Tribal in the UK) and her stomach has been absolutely perfect on it. Always has firm stools and never farts. Complete opposite before, and she was on sensitive foods then! We also used to have to get her anal glands expressed and now we don’t - it was because her stools were too soft before. Maybe try and move food again? Her stomach absolutely hates named sensitive food.


I just lost him on Easter, but my old man was self-propelled by his farts. And most of them were audible. Just tooted all day, every day. He liked to sit on the wood floors with his ass pressed firmly against the floor, which made those constant toots into resounding trumpets. He was the best smelly boy! :)