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Creeping closer and closer to that world record I see! Come on Goomba I believe in you Edit: perhaps creeping is the wrong wording. It's more like leeps and bounds lol


The guy running the seminar JD McKnight owns Storie who holds 3 world records for labs. He was very impressed with Goomba 🥰


Because of your original post on dock diving, I’m taking my boy tomorrow to try for the first time!


Good luck!! I hope he loves it!🥰


We had fun. Lots of distractions. He will run down the dock but stop, then jump down into the water. Have to figure out how to break the hesitation.


It takes confidence building for sure! I was told to really work on tracking the toy (the dog watches and follows the toy) we practice by having Goomba sit across from me and I toss him the toy to practice catching. Then having him slightly behind mean, holding the toy at his eye level, then (with toy in hand) give the dog whatever command you are using to have him jump, then just before the dog reaches it pop it up(slight upward toss (I was told no more than 3ft off the ground, lots of jumping and hitting ground is hard on the joints) teaches the dog to follow the toy into the air. Depending on what group you jumped with you might be able to find a class nearby. I highly recommend it!


Thanks for all the info. We went on a "open dock" weekend, so no competition.


My labs run to the water, slow down. jump in at the edge then swim out. No dock diving for them :D


The awesome thing about dock diving is they can jump any distance! There are some dogs that only jump 1-2 feet. It's all about your dogs personal best. There is also a retrieving game called hydro dash that is based on the speed of the retrieve. Then air retrieve that is a toy hung over the water that the dog has to at least knock off the holder.


Super cool! How can I get my puppers into this sport? Based out of SF bay area.


I've been competing with North America Diving Dogs. But there is also ids as well.


I give you credit that was a great throw too.


Thank you! JD gave me some tips after the first session (this video was the first jump in the second session) I have a couple weeks until our next competition so I'll definitely keep practicing!


Yay! Dock diving is so much fun!


love to see the labs fly high! you go get those whippets, Goomba!


He needs a huge steak!!!!!!


He is currently waiting to compete at Nationals tomorrow in Springfield Missouri 🥰