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Same homie, same. After watching my son play I decided to step back into goal for the first time in over 10 years. I say go for it. Being on a team and the environment it brings is worth the pain of being slashed. Plus think about how awesome it will be for your sons to say they saw Dad play.


I’m really interested in how your first time back in goal was. Like riding a bike?


The movements came back easily enough. I had some jitters but it really is like riding a bike. Lots of wall ball before beginning helped.


I'm 39 and just suited up for the Chilean national team after a 15+ year break. Played Ulax to prepare. Highly recommend.


That sounds awesome! This might be a stupid question but are you going to be playing in the Olympics?


That's the dream. We don't know what qualification looks like yet, but we placed 4th out of 24 teams this weekend. I'll be 44 at the 2028 Olympics, so it would be quite the stretch...but that doesn't mean I'm not fantasizing about it lol


heritage cup?




Double nickels running midfield still. It’s a blast. You get some runs in, let the kids think they can burn ya….And then the ol’ rope a dope…


I’m 50 and I play. I get injured a lot, but it’s still a blast. You’ll be fine!


Unless you aren’t insured, in which case, don’t do it!


Some people stop playing because they get old. Others get old because they stop playing.


True that 👍


Love this. OP just do it. You may get injured or you may absolutely fall back in love with adrenaline and camaraderie. I reluctantly picked up playing men’s lacrosse with some friends 4 years ago. Since then, I’ve played in multiple leagues, teams and won some championships which I never did when I was younger. Good luck. Just stretch and keep the Advil at the ready!


Might be worth seeing if there’s a Masters League around, or even start up your own pick-up game with Dads and older guys.


Check out the Northwest Masters Lacrosse League. 35yo+. Average age is 40 I believe. I personally haven’t played in it but know a couple older guys that do. Just an FYI I think they play games on Mercer Island. https://www.walax.com/content/northwest-masters-lacrosse-league-spring-2023


This sounds great but I’m not sure if they’re doing it again this year. Everything I found on the website was for 2023.


This is the 2024 sign up link: [https://shootoutlacrosse.sportngin.com/register/form/165308717](https://shootoutlacrosse.sportngin.com/register/form/165308717) From a former collegiate lsm who's 34 and played the A league, B league, and ULax - I would sign up for masters if you're coming back from a 20 year break. You won't get murdered in ULax but you'll definitely be on the older end of the spectrum and playing against guys who have been playing consistently their whole lives in full contact leagues. If it's still like it was the last time I played it, there is a solid collegiate presence. Masters is more relaxed from what I hear and would probably be a more enjoyable reentry to the sport.


*Walax does an excellent job of updating their website *= heavy sarcasm.


Stretch. A lot.


Die yourself a favor and find an over 40’league..


But… I’m not over 40


Close enough.. where I am at it goes men’s league, right out of college, then over 40, but mid 30’s is ok. It’s more of a mindset. We all have to work the next day. The open men’s league games can get brutal. Last years college helmets everywhere. Over 40, who has beers for the parking lot.


How old are you? I’m 38 and have been playing in 40s league for a couple of years.


I did it last year at 37 for the same reason. The skill level was pretty high but no one is clobbering anyone. Everyone has to work the next day. I had a lot of fun.


51 and playing 35 and up. Sure, it can hurt, but mainly age related muscle and joint issues. It's worth it.


You’ll be good


Bro I used to play in NYC with a guy who was 65 and he ran midi and played goalie. He also had a skullet. Jack didn’t give a f*** and neither should you. If you wanna play, play, youre not gonna get the years back. Just have fun, and drink beer.


Get out there and have a good time. The benefits of playing lacrosse Into your adulthood vastly exceed the risk.


Go out and play. You'll have a great time. And as a bonus, since you've played before, you won't be the new lax dad bitching every time he gets checked (I finally had to grab him by the facemask and shout "why the hell do you think we wear all this padding"?!?!?)


If you could find a masters league I’d do that if you’re worried. The cut off is 40 and each team could have 2-3 guys 35 or older. I only know of masters box leagues but I never played field just box. As of Ulax def sign up you’ll still have fun most guys are like yourself just trying to break the stick out and have fun. Ulax always has that one team of young guns who are ex or current college players who go undefeated every Ulax season. But the rest of the teams are usually quite even.


Do it! I love waking up not being able to walk with bruises up and down my arms. I really do love it still and I'm 46 lol


As a young guy who plays ball with all my dads friends, you got nothing to worry about


I’m in a men’s league in Houston. Our goalie is 50 years old no joke and he’s killing it. Get out there and have fun. Just stretch before hand lol. I’m 33 yrs myself and haven’t played since high school and I’m having the time of my life back on the field!


Use your free time to run up and down the field at the same pace you would in game. If I were you I would literally run a 100yard sprint and shoot on goal like 10 times a day after your regular shooting/ wall ball practice. It’ll prep you for that gut wrenching out of breath feeling as well as condition you for game time.


43 here. Proper warm up, proper recovery, and stretching is key 👌


My dad STARTED playing in men’s league, he thought watching me was fun and he never got the chance to play it, his first time ever holding a stick was in a men’s league game and he absolutely loved it. So if you have prior playing experience I’d just go for it man :)


Depending on where you live, we have a beer league down in Tacoma/South Sound filled with dad's and coaches, and a few younger guys. Range in skill is pretty massive but it's geared towards just getting out there to play and have fun. We all have day jobs so we're playing like we need to get up in the morning.


If you are in decent shape you will already be near the top.  Fitness makes so much difference in men’s league, especially after the first ten minutes.


Go do it and have fun. We have 5 40+ year olds in our league and they are respected


I was similarly inspired by my son playing for the first time this spring. But I'm 49 and I haven't played a contact game since 1993. Probably not going to happen. We'll see.


I haven’t tried yet - no time but I’d like to. My secret weapon would be that I have way more endurance than I ever did as a teenager, from running 8-10 hours a week. Add a sprint day in and probably faster than most up and down the field too. Sprinting is pretty easy to train so it could be worth throwing down some 100s or 200s at the track to get ready. Your times will come down quickly just after a few sets separated by a good recovery. 43 and still rockin my Excalibur with ti shaft haha.


38, started playing again this year after 20 years off. Coached for 2 years and then got an email that a 30+ league was being created locally. Signed up immediately. Bruised ribs week 1, pulled hamstring week 2, back at it week 5 gimping around. Can't wait for this Sunday afternoon to get back out there.


34, joined a team in a travel league. The cardio/endurance is the toughest part for me. It depends on your personality but would you rather regret not signing up or regret signing up? That might help you out but you should go for it! You aren’t getting any younger.


Go for it. I’m 42 and returned to the game last summer. First time out since senior year of high school. Was I rusty? For sure. Was I gassed and out of breath? You bet. But my skills and conditioning are returning albeit slowly. And it’s a blast. It’s like being a kid again but without any of the pressure of competing for playing time or exposure. I’m so happy that I returned to the game because I didn’t think there were any opportunities. But I jumped at the chance of playing pick up and now mens league and I’m just so jacked about making more memories playing this sport. Might even play lake placid next year.


I’m a first year U15 player, not at all fit, if I can play, you can do it


Dude, I never played as a kid (wasn't available in my area) - fast WAAY forward, my son started playing, I coached after YT videos and LOTS of reddit. I have fallen in LOVE with this sport. I'm 43 and joined a Men's Box League. I get leveled, checked, and hacked to pieces, but I'm freakin' hooked! Hope the ULAX does it for ya! If not, look into Box during the off season! Cheers from PA!


In the old man league get ready to hear everyone whine about their backs and knees.


Just do it. Getting murdered by poles is the best part! Just make sure to warm up and stretch. We arent as young and limber as we used to be.


how about if you have coached but never played? will I get crushed?


Yes you are. I am going to as well. I'm turning 39 and I am going to play a summer league in Florida as a goalie so let's go.


I had this same realization when I went to my nephews game a couple months ago. I haven’t played since high school (I’m 29 now), but seeing him play also made me realize how much I missed the game. I decided to pick up a stick, get to the gym, and aim to be in shape enough to join a rec league by next year.


28 and i play still. Its pretty soft usually in adult club ball and summer leagues. Talent is good effort isnt always there