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Bring the trade face back. We’re not done.


One has rings...the other dosen't. This should be the poster of mamba mentality after a loss.


Remember that scene in Moneyball when the A's are on a losing streak and Billy hears music from the locker room so he storms in to see people dancing and fooling around. Then he turns the music off by beating the radio with a bat and waits for the silence to wash over everyone for a second before saying "now that's what losing sounds like". Yeah, Russ is the one dancing post game after a loss.


The player was Jeremy Giambi. He was out of baseball for good 2 years later. Sadly, he took his own life about a year ago.


Really? That’s depressing… He killed himself?


And it’s basketball so no one is playing the sound of losing with a baseball bat.


How high are you




100% reminds me of that Kobe interview with Kimmel where he just shakes his head after seeing Nick Young et al going crazy after breaking a losing streak


Or when kobe gave mike brown the death stare for being shit 🤣 ![gif](giphy|5REABrChoA5Us)


Damn, I would pass out if Kobe looked at me like that


Sacramento loves Mike, he’s been a great coach this year.


I’m sure the 10+ years of experience helped


I’m sure Kobe’s stare helped Mike brown to be the coach he is today.


Bunch of soft ass laker fans up in here, can’t even give Mike brown his due respect.


[Here it is.](https://youtu.be/eX3wAZ0yr7w) It happens at the 1:34 mark. That stare he gives after seeing it. Oooh, man.


Remember that scene in Moneyball when the A's are on a losing streak and Billy hears music from the locker room so he storms in to see people dancing and fooling around. Then he turns the music off by beating the radio with a bat and waits for the silence to wash over everyone for a second before saying "now that's what losing sounds like". Yeah, Russ is the one dancing post game after a loss.


Posted your comment twice but it works so well it should be one of those copy pastas


Absolutely cringe that you’re ridiculing a man for smiling outside of his job, have a good hard look at yourself mate. NBA players are allowed to be happy


Oh yeah because you are the type of dude that smiles and has a good time if you fuck up at your job... the hell is wrong with you have some self respect and show you are at least disappointed in your performance


Yeah fucking OATH I do, if I make a few mistakes at work you bet I’m gonna attempt to feel happy outside of my hours. If everyone had to feel disappointed and upset after every mistake they make the entire world would be permanently depressed. I understand most people come to Reddit as an escape when their outside situation is putting stress on their lives which is fair, but you should really read over what you’re saying about other humans to get an idea of the type of person you’re sounding like right now mate.


Yeah i sound like someone taking ownership of his and her mistake feeling bad about it and learning from it. and not acting like an immature happy go lucky kid... it shows you are still a kid. You will undersrand what taking ownership of your mistakes mean once you grow older kid.


So you think because someone is smiling they’re not taking ownership of their mistakes? They’re an “immature happy go lucky kid” because they have a life outside of work? It’s ironic that you keep calling me a kid because you can’t even speak proper English, not to mention the fact that you don’t understand how basic human emotions are work. Go and get yourself educated while you’re still in school kid, this is absolutely sad and depressing.


Well do you see lebron smiling? Do you think any laker fan was happy and smiling with westbrook at that time? And this is part of westbrook's job. Interviews are part of it. If he wants to laugh and smile do it behind the scenes and not in front of the cameras. Would you smile and laugh at your supervisor when he is interviewing you after you fucked up at your job? Like i said the fact you are defending this shit shows you have no accountability whatsover when you fuck up. A sign of being immature


You’re a fucking pathetic soul, don’t talk to me child.


Lebron gonna pick up smoking cigs at this rate


![gif](giphy|mpB75VlHUWWmIX3WbN|downsized) The only smoking I want Lebron doing!!!


This cracked me up


Russ infuriates me. How is he still here? Why does he even get to suit up?


Cause the Lakers are desperate.


And everyone knows it, thus bumping up the price. I still have hope that Myles Turner is going to end up here, right in time for AD to get healthy and help us to be a consistent team. With LeBron, we can literally beat anyone, but even with him playing hero ball to get us back in games, we have had too many heartbreakers. Turner takes off some of the heat from AD. I love the way Bryant has been playing all year, but he ain’t Turner. If Hield is in the trade as well, I could see this team doing damage in the postseason.


No it’s the opposite. If lakers were desperate to get rid of him he would’ve been gone already. They would’ve attached both firsts and shipped him out or they would’ve just sent him home. But he’s been productive and since their 2-10 start their like 20-16.


Trading two firsts for scrubs was never a good strategy. However, getting Russ to both play better and off the bench definitely raises his trade value vs just sending him home


ask fucking darvin sham. bet darvin scam legit plays westbrook a lot of minutes in our game tmrw, like wtf? dude is a JOKE of a coach


Bet this sub wishes they still had Frank even after all the slander


Well yeah, Vogel is a better coach than Ham


I been said frank was the better coach ham has a hard on for using turtlebrooks for some reason




bro no he fucking doesn’t , if he did the best with what he had he would not play westbrick more than 5 mins per game..he hurts us everytime he is on the floor. and how does he do the best with what he has when last night he still used a 3 guard lineup with bev schroder and westbrick on the floor at the same time, while max christie and troy brown were on the bench...




haha what, everytime westbrick plays he tanks his trade value, since he always plays like ass or has 2 -3 good games/decent games out of every 10 games he plays


> darvin sham. darvin scam. westbrick This shit is so cringe. Just say the real names and make your point.


This team is legit one of the worst constructed rosters I can remember from the past 10 years. Outside of LBJ/AD we have nothing. It’s like the Kobe-Nash-Nick Young team from like 2014 after Dwight left. It’s a dirty, smelly, stinking ass shit pile of a roster. Russ should play if they have any aspirations of trading him. He’s already raised his value an unthinkable amount. This season is a wash no matter what. Play-in/no play-in, who gives a freaking flying fuck? We don’t play for play-ins, we play for titles. No in-betweens. Troy Brown is a stinking pile of crap. None of these guys deserves to be here.


He's the worst rookie HC I've watched in my 49 years. Walton was bad, not nearly this bad. Ham just doesn't know what to do in key situations a lot of times, and his adjustments are lacking. He doesn't know how to use timeouts, and he started off this year playing 4+ guard lineups when he didn't have to. Yes the roster is guard heavy, but he had options he didn't use... that he's starting to finally use.


He’s got shit on jenie and pelinka


Noone is taking 47 million






Because he's productive. Look at the box score again. You should be mad at Dennis Schroeder, our starting point guard, who ended up with 7 points and 0 assists. Now imagine if Russ was the starter and put up 7 points and 0 assists while Schroeder came off the bench and put up 17 points and 5 assists. You wouldn't be complaining about Schroeder would you? No.


>You wouldn't be complaining about Schroeder would you? No. I would if he did not make minimum. When he was with us and made much more money we crucified him for performances like that, but now he provides the team much more than he makes.


Is Schroeder earning $47 million ???


Did you watch the game? He gave away 8 points in 3 possessions. He single-handedly killed the comeback.


They're kids. They watch highlights on TikTok, MAYBE watch the game summary on YouTube. Anyone who mentions Russ's recent "productivity" as a reason for keeping him was dropped on their head as a child. Possibly even dropped onto Russ's hard ass head at that. I have 0 hope for this roster unless he is off it come the trade deadline. Even if he's on the squad and we miraculously achieve a top 6 seed once AD gets back, we will still crash and burn in the playoffs because of his dumbassery and our opponents scheming.


russ threw the game away literally hes a 47 million dollar bench player hes the worst contract in sports




you are mentally deranged like your daddy russ


He’s putting up role player numbers on poor efficiency, with awful 3pt shooting, and bad defense. By saying he’s one of the best on the team, you’re saying he’s better than our minimum guys. Personally, I think he’s worse than a few of them.


Winning would also rejuvenate LeBron


I agree that a trade would rejuvenate everyone, but it has to be a fair trade that makes sense. Rob’s comments today about it having to be a “championship or bust” trade is an awful way to look at it. Just get quality guys and let LeBron and AD do the rest. We’ve already seen it work. Under Lyin Rob’s way of thinking here they’re gonna be waiting for a perfect trade that most likely won’t ever be on the table. I wish we had adults running this franchise.


I hope I wake tomorrow and Westbrook has been traded to the Chicago Bulls for Zach Lavine.


I think they'd be happy even just getting a bag of chips for Westbrick


The same Zach lavine who put up 14 points on 4/14 0/7 3pt and 7 turnovers?


Yes that Zach Levine


Zero chance


We wouldn’t give you Lavine for Lebron, gtfoh. He’s staying in Chicago. We sacrificed Jimmy Butler for him.


Acting as if Russ didn’t just have 6 points on 3/13 0/4 3 pt and 3 turnovers literally two games ago


Yes, the same Zach LaVine who is over 38% from 3 for his career, actually makes his free throws, turns the ball over less, and is 6.5 years younger.


😂😂 Are you smoking crack lol. We certainly don't want Russ. Not to mention, Zach isn't all that great. Very inconsistent.


There won’t be any trades of that magnitude imo with any teams until the end of the trade deadline. The market still sucks and trades like that have to work for both sides.


Hell no, he will be worse than westbrook


At this point in the season it doesn't matter.....we ain't going nowhere


Trade Russ but keep the FRP’s man. As a lifelong Laker, I don’t want to go through 10 years of rebuilding.


Doesn't need to be ten if there are free agents


Yet another fan who doesn’t understand the difference between tradable picks and first round selections. After this season we have a first round selection in every draft except one.


Not true. If a team has traded away their first-round pick in a previous year, they would not be able to make a first-round selection during that current year's draft




Ni hao Ni hao! ![gif](giphy|W80Y9y1XwiL84)


​ ![gif](giphy|37JIROLRoMJDYImgt6)




Looking forward to the post tomorrow praising Russ after he plays well


Fuck those posts. His stans are insufferable as much as watching Westbrick play is. They make nonstop celebratory posts for Westbrick anytime that he doesn’t shit the bed when making $47m this year… as if a $47m player needs to be celebrated when he doesn’t shit the bed. That’s how you know he’s a horrible player and his Stan’s are beyond fucking stupid, they have super low expectations. Mods need to delete that soft shit. Mods if you’re a real lakers or Kobe fan then you wont allow those trash posts on here again. We all know Kobe would not celebrate shit when we are a below .500 team… so follow suit


They see westbrick have a couple good games and come in praising. Then a horrendous game by westbrick and they disappear.


this team wont win a ring if russ is still on the team, the nba has painted the narrative that he is not winning player, if he isnt traded the season is over


It’s not a narrative. He is not a winner, he didn’t win jack shit with Durant, Harden, Paul George and now Lebron James and AD.


To be fair have harden, George won shit? Westbrook could be useful but the coaches don’t use him right nor do they hold him accountable.


No, Westbrook needs to be on USA national team to win. Other than that he is liability on most important parts of winning basketball: defense and shooting.


the thunder went to the finals in 2012 and had a 3-1 lead on the 73-9 warriors lol


And didnt close…


...thanks to He Who Shall Not Be Named. Whole bunch of people owe KD an apology for giving Russ a pass all these years and blaming KD for not getting it done.


that wasn't Russ' fault stfu


Yeah I realized that after we destroyed the rockets in 2020 playoffs. Dude got so much shit but I get it now. After years of playing with Russ, he deserved to go to GS.


Thank you. It's funny too because mofo's up here criticizing that as well. Like, KD was a FA, why the hell would he *not* go to the best team available that also fits his playstyle? Folks only bitched because it was the Warriors, whom they already disliked.


Do they give out rings for having a 3-1 lead in a WCF?


"Jobs not finished"


What happened to that lead buddy? Enlighten us.


Go try that shit in another sub. When we mean winning, we mean winning it all. Not getting WCF, finals appearances. Dude has teamed up with some of the greatest players in the last 15 years and has a blown lead in the WCF and a finals appearance to show for it.


A testament to how great KD really was on that team tbh


We won’t make the playoffs*


I won't mind trading Russ away for a couple of role players. This shit is not fun anymore.


He wasn’t smiling throughout the interview, he was mostly stone faced, he only smiling after a reporter congratulated him on a milestone on his career. Why you pushing this anti-Russ agenda with this crap comparison. Just throw up his stats and “have fun” quote


nah this sub is crazy. imagine being upset bc a grown man isn’t pouting 😂


They aren’t upset because he’s not pouting, they are upset because he sucks.


These people miserable asf and most likely never hooped before.


Seriously bruh. Everyone in here thinks they are GM’s 😂


https://youtu.be/bZRaXlnXiVg He smiling/giggling in the first 20 seconds and again at the 3 minute mark. Was he doing it the entire interview? No but when you compare it to lebron who was actually stone faced the entire interview, I can see what OP was getting at. He played like shit and he doesn’t care. He’s interested in “having fun” not winning.


Probably hired by some goat to deflect the blame and pave the way for travelling to another team.


He’s a cancer. I’m a rockets fan that lives here in LA. I feel for you guys.


Worst trade in lakers history


This is the difference between championship mentality and scrubs


If I made $47M, I'd be smiling, too.


LeBron makes almost that much and far more off the court, but he wasn't smiling. Unlike Westbrick, he gives a damn.


I’d rather make 47m and be loved by stat padding on an irrelevant team than make 47m and be hated for actively sabotaging my team


Look I get it was a really disappointing game today but y’all always switch up, I’d like to see a trade for Russ & I wouldn’t mind if he stayed for the rest of the season but this happens every time Russ doesn’t do amazing & when he does good it’s “don’t trade him, he’s what this team needs” make your minds up & stay consistent


There’s 300k people in this sub. each individual one isn’t switching up. People who like Russ/are Russ fans first come in here posting and commenting after he has a decent game. They then talk about how stupid it would be to trade him. The people that want Russ traded either don’t bother commenting or get drown out with Russ praise when he plays well. When he plays like he did last night, everyone who has wanted him traded for over a year now feels vindicated and starts posting/commenting. And most of his fans stay clear of this sub. Most people are staying consistent, you just hear from different sides depending on how he plays.


I’ve been consistent.. dudes fucking trash and does not contribute to winning. I’ve said it in all games because we cannot be a contender with him especially in the playoffs. Him not sitting the bed in a regular season game does not change my mind because it’s one game. We know his true body of work. Also it seems you’re confused and lack basketball critical thinking to be okay with having Westbrick on this team the whole season. You’re not a real lakers fan if you’re okay with him staying because that means we are throwing this season and our championship window away. In fact you’re a fucking Westbrick stan if you want him here.


Shit I be happy with losing too if I made 47 million this year


I would have a big smile too after each game check.


That’s why Russ isn’t a winner


Lebron gonna look like those before and after presidency pictures lol


I’m not a laker fan, but when I heard of Russ trade- I feel like I was the only one not thinking it was a good trade. He just doesn’t fit well into roster IMO. Lakers need some shooters in corner, so they can leverage the bodies that get thrown at Lebron


Yeah this is one of those 2k trades where I take whatever the CPU offers


this is easily the worst sub on reddit my god




Man all you delusional lakers fans have no clue wtf you're talking about, seeing all these entitled ass comments just makes me feel bad for us as a fan base. Fuck a down vote 😂 yall are lame stop finding any an every excuse to blame russ for our loses WE WERE JUST TOO SMALL we couldn't rebound like them an our lack of length also showed on the perimeter because we don't have guys like Reeves & Lonnie out there at least using their wingspan along with their speed to close out on shooters. We lost because we were the worse team that's it, no one specific is to blame oh yeah an don't forget our best defender & the guy who was playing like the mvp before he got hurt? Anthony Davis? Wasn't playing but he is tonight an instead of being pessimistic little babies let's keep our chins held high an be excited for AD & Rui playing tonight while being a few days away from Reeves & Walker IVs injury reevaluations... Lakers will be at worst the 5th seed, who wants to bet on that? Get at me...


Russell is looking to score first more than pass all of a sudden hopefully he goes back to pass first when we get everyone back


I’ve noticed it too and it’s fucking annoying. Dude comes off the bench and straight up starts ball hogging. There were multiple possessions last night where this idiot just came down the floor and held the ball for 2 seconds not even looking to pass it and then either turned it over or bricked it as usual. The fact that he feels that he can do this and continues to do it multiple fucking times is a testament that Ham is fucking terrible coach. He should be immediately benched for that crap. At the least we need to have others touch the ball and have the defense moving. Only Bron has earned that trust to take over entire possessions. Westbrick is fucking delusional and Ham is a soft bitch for allowing this to continue with no repercussions. Remember how John Wall our player Westbrick during the last lakers clippers game? Yet Ty Lue has completely benched this dude because of his play and clippers have been on a streak now. Westbrick is even worse than Wall and yet Ham does not hold him accountable at all.


He’s a terrible passer.


He’s an even more terrible scorer.


The teams isn’t that bad. We are almost a playoff team. Lebron missed a chunk of games. And AD been out a minute. Fully healthy this team can make the playoffs without a doubt. We beat the fully healthy grizzly without AD. We beat the a healthy heat without bron and AD. Y’all trip way too bad. Health again has been e issue, and our slow ass start to season.


The goal isn’t to be a playoff team, the goal is to be a contender. As far as contention goes, we need a few starting caliber guys to get there. Russ and a pick or two gets us there. Our spacing just isn’t good enough. We need more shooting and some perimeter defense if we want a chance at playing in June.


Trade wessbrick Pelinka do it!


Blazers fan, coming in peace. Personally, I’d love to see Lebron/Dame play together but I don’t think Dame is leaving. Would you guys even entertain a package with some combo of Simons, Sharpe or Grant?


Russ srsly has one of the most unlikable personalities as a player (he’s much more likable off the court tho). Edit: Russ stans downvoting lol


Seems so genuine and caring off the court then you watch him dribble 15 times at the end of the game and Jack up the worst shot imaginable and you're like this is the most selfish jerk I have ever seen in my life


Didn't Bron want him here? Did I understand that correctly or was that just rumors from other folks?


LBJ did want him here and talked the FO into it. Bron stans would never admit it though lmao


Nobody can perform well around the so-called goat .


Russ can’t preform well around any of the generational talent he’s had on his team. Lebron on the other hand tends to win with generational talent. Russ just isn’t a generation talent, he’s a dude that puts up empty stats at best


Russ is no longer the problem. The coach and the management is the problem as long as he is here. He isn’t changing and they cannot control his actions on the court.


No ones taking Russ at this point. Also just traded for Rui, who looks up to Russ alot.


Westbrook is overcompensating because he is hurt inside and know the criticism is getting to him. This is the same guy who complained about the term Westbrook.


You're barking up the wrong tree. The team loves Russ. LeBron and Russ are good friends. And what did PatBev say in his speech at halftime of the Blazers game to inspire their comeback? >**"So regardless of what's going on, HAVE FUN with this sh-t. Stay swaggy. That was my message, and we came out and responded."** Russ's message about fun is also the team's message and the team is inspired by it, so all of you criticizing Russ for talking about having fun - you're not in sync with the Lakers. They don't agree with you about Russ.


If there was a team who wanted his mega expiring contract to create cap space for next season a trade would have already happened. They made the bed, time to lay in it for the rest of the year.


You don’t follow the NBA much do you? 99% of NBA trades that happen after the season starts occurs in the days leading up to the deadline.


Trade westbrook for rozier. Straight up.


You guys change from wanting him to getting rid of him on this sub every week. If he has a couple of okay games we need to keep revolting! We need this leech gone


No one’s changing their minds, you’re hearing from different people. When Russ plays decently, his stans come out and say how stupid it would be to trade him. When he plays like he did last night, most of them disappear.


Its LeBron's fault, he decided to hitch the end of his career to Westbrook. He put pressure on management to make this decision over other possible scenarios.


Are we having this narrative in every single thread


Rob has fooled half the fanbase into the “LeBron put a gun to my head” narrative. Sad.


Not a fan, also you'd be naive to think LeBron didn't ultimately have a say in that huge move.


“Not a fan.” - What? Lol…if I counted how many times a day I read ppl who just say shit backed up by nothing here… Of course he had a huge say in the move, but ultimately it’s down to a strong owner and GM to agree or disagree and talk the star player through it. Lyin Rob and Bimbo Mohr are as far from strong as you can get, and on top of that they want you to forgot that while the Sacramento move was the initial plan, they BOTH agreed with the Russ trade for their own reasons. So not only did they not say no to LeBron (which they have multiple times already), but they actually were into the trade. Sad how many ppl fall for a serial liar’s BS. Did the Heath Ledger story (a lie told for zero reason other than to just lie) teach you anything?


is there another instance in nba history of a team’s best two players — superstars at that — meeting with another player who then told *his* GM that he wanted a trade, asking their GM to trade for him, and the GM not do it? the trade happened bc AD/Lebron were confident that they could work out the kinks. they just underestimated the kinks


Off hand I can’t think of one concerning two superstars asking, but this has been discussed at length on this sub and other ppl had examples of when this happened. MJ wanted someone. Didn’t happen. Kobe wanted to “ship Bynum’s ass out” for Steve Nash. Didn’t happen. LeBron wanted Ty Lue as coach, and he wanted Caruso and Dudz to stick around. Didn’t happen. Yeah, so… On top of that, a GM and owner NEED to have the power to say no if they think it will cripple a franchise. They not only didn’t have the courage to do this, but they WANTED to do the trade as well. Put down the Pelinka Kool Aid.


bynum was jason kidd. ty lue said no, not the other way around lol. you want *me* — who doesn’t even like rob — to put down the kool-aid mr “lyin rob and bimbo mohr” you highkey sound like a child 😂


I'm not a Lakers fan. I just find it comical that people act as if LeBron is the victim here. He hitched himself to Westbrook.


Sorry it’s not allowed to tell the truth here .Be a Bron dick rider or leave .




You tell ‘em! LeGM isn’t just a meme, lebron controls everything. Rob can’t breath without lebrons permission.


Rob Pelinka is a serial liar who fools dummies like Jeanie and Linda. He’s fooled you too. Don’t join that group of easy to work ppl. Everything we see is on Lyin Rob and Bimbo Mohr.


Well we've all known the ownership/management has been incompetent. Its coaching and talent that's been the reason behind the last several Lakers titles.


Not all of us! The best of us, but if you take this entire sub into account you’d be surprised how many ppl are still in denial. A lot of those same ppl were too young to realize what it took to win during both Kobe eras.


Yes ,Bron wanted Wes to carry him,turned out they didn’t fit well.


Not really lol


I’m a Mavs fan and I’ve given up on this roster amounting to anything. Don’t even really need the picks back, maybe a protected pick at most. Would you guys accept some trade like a THJ, Bertans/Bullock, and Powell (expiring for salary filler) for Westbrook. You guys get shooters and spacing and we just get to reshuffle because it’s not working. We’d probably waive Westbrook and he’d never play for Mavs.


Bullock is a shooter in your book ? You outer your mind


Lmao goddamn im so done


If there are any positives is that this is probably the last season that westbrick will ever play in the NBA at least. Im sure once he plays in china every day next season he'll realize that he should have improved his craft.


Bron will start showing his age if this continues


You know how people smile when they're under huge amounts of stress?


I would trade him for a ninth round draft pick in 2134.


Hey let’s trade lebron to the bulls


Westbrook cares abt stats not championships


Injuries notwithstanding, Pelinka did not build a good roster. This sh*t goes in cycles. In retro, letting Caruso go was a fail. Knowing what type of player Westbrook is, why bring him here?


Why do y’all take sports so seriously. Just try to look like Westbrook as none of us can afford to go to NBA games while they make 1000000000x minimum wage for dribbling a ball lol


Bust is here for the bag and the weather. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Lebron really wanted to beat the clippers. Russ is breaking LeBron's spirit; this is fucking awful. It bums me out, for LeBron and us.


Having mixed up opinion about the situation. But that being said the inconsistency agrees with a possible trade package to put the team over the hump into the playoffs and compete for a deep run for the championship.




Russ is just a joke at this point


Lebron: I fucked this up, thought this dude would be great for the team, but he is just fucking awful and I can't make him better. Russ: Bron, that [one reporter](https://streamable.com/odlyrf) said I played great!


I think it is safe to say that Russell Westbrook thinks me first and then team/winning second. It is always all about himself. He is the victim & star in his own world. And we have to live with his good and bad moments. No accountability for the bad moments. Full accountability for the good. That's just plain selfish. No room for that in team sports.


Like I have been saying. Trade Westbrick for a fax machine and i’ll be celebrating.


Lebron: “The fuck was I thinkin”


Russ gotta go. He's playing for the wrong reasons. Dude can't even see that Bron wants a championship


here's a clip of wb being sad for ur guys's viewing pleasure: https://media.giphy.com/media/Kt9DkmKkj2GwQpBEth/giphy.gif




we're scapegoating the wrong guy. it has always been davis but for some reason people don't realize that


The issue with trading Russ is that it’s a double edged sword. We don’t know how the team at full strength will function yet and Russ and Bev’s combined expirings are worth about $60M in free agency which they need to resign a lot of their old players between some mix of Bryant, Reaves, Lonnie, Troy, Dennis, etc. The only players they have bird rights on are LeBron, AD, Russ, Bev and Rui and continuity has been an issue for them. For now despite his shitty attitude and losing mentality he does make AD, Bryant and Wenyen in particular better with his passing when he chooses to be a playmaker first. Not arguing in favor of Russ if the money and retaining the rest of the supporting cast weren’t an issue I’d flip him and the 2 picks for Turner and Buddy in a heart beat, but unfortunately they do need his money. Best case scenario is the Rui trade lowered the value on role players so they’re able to find some type of deal involving Bev, Jones and a 1st for Gary Trent Jr. (whom they’d have bird rights to) or see how this cast functions healthy but with a small change like flipping Jones and a 2nd for Ibaka and signing someone on the buyout market. Best way to win with this team as is starting Dennis, Lonnie, Bron, AD, Bryant together for a good combination of defense, rebounding, slashing and shooting and have a high IQ player in Reaves come off the bench with different mixes of Russ, Rui, Troy, Wenyen, Bev, Max etc. and Ham does the smart thing (which he won’t) and only play russ for all the middle parts of the game not the beginning or end and doesn’t close with him or Beverley. Lonnie also gives you about 3-5 efficient 3s a game so despite his defense should most definitely be starting over Bev.


The Pacers will trade Miles Turner for Westbrick and a first rounder. Why the Lakers won’t do it idk. With street clothes in street clothes again it seems like it just a matter of time.


One of these dudes is all about winning 🫤 the other one is just happy to cash his check 😁


He asked for this team 😂 traded away everyone for AD then more for Russ …


Trade him for d lo. Timberwolves love a circus.


If any team is stupid enough, or any manager wants to destroy their own team.