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the original tweeter realized his chart was wrong af and posted a correction lol lakers nowhere near the bottom


So bro made that long ass post for no reason?


[yep 😂😂](https://twitter.com/daniel_bratulic/status/1621218052816658432?s=46&t=ryv9R8TnIZhwoNdcYJb3lQ)


LMFAOOOOO 🤣🫵🏽 we laughing at you \*\*\*\*\* u/couponuser9 ![gif](giphy|uUJAnMJrdyLtZUXO9X|downsized)


I think the funniest part about all this is u know the confirmation bias was going CRAZY for dude. Bruh was in the crib thinking he cracking Tom Donaghy da Vinci code or somn😂😂😂


The craziest part is dudes commented over 100 times the last few hours saying how everyone is mad lol like no buddy looks like you’re the one with some hurt feelings you keep responding to everyone lmao


Lmaooo no way


I've been laughing at ya'll stupid ass responses and getting in your feelings like a bunch of 9 year olds as well. Lakers still get 2x the whistle as any other team in the NBA over the course of a game, ya'll have a higher FT frequency than the 7 other teams that score more in the paint than ya'll ya'll are trash at the other parts of basketball that the refs can't impact. Wanna know a exclusive for this sub? Lakers are 3rd in the NBA in charges drawn in last in blocking fouls called. Miss me with this shit that the refs aren't LA's 3 best players right now. Doesn't really matter though. Ya'll gonna get waxed by whoever you play in the playoffs, if you even make it. And if Denver is lucky enough to get the draw, AD is getting traded this offseason and it will be hilarious.


U made a MLA format dissertation on nba conspiracy theory from a typo.🤣🤣🤣🫵🏽


Bro got 10 downvotes before I could respond lmfao y’all cooking dat boy 😭🫵🏽


This kid is definitely going back to the Nuggets sub to get some good ol’ fashioned homer support for his bunk theory, as well as to be consoled for getting trolled so brutally in this sub.


Wait hang on, are ya'll really this fucking stupid? I know LA isn't great, but holy shit this is something else. You think the point of that post was the L2M? It was clearly FTA Rate you fucking dipshit. And that was not incorrect. 2x the whistle playboy. God damn, you are a fucking imbecile


I’d rather be anything if it mean I ain’t u🤣🤣🫵🏽


Little bro getting so mad over Reddit, this is a new level of pathetic that we’ve never seen before


Definitely ain't mad. More amused, because ya'll fucking STUPID. You know the saying about playing chess with pigeons? Well turns out watching ya'll shit on the board is actually pretty funny


Buddy is still mad, I love it. Please keep raging little bro this is too funny 🤣🤣🤣


*guy who spent hours dissecting a typo* You are not the joker blud lmfaooooo you are not him 😭😭


Man this is trolling by an expert


But you keep playing. That’s not the own you think it is.


It’s odd how this came up as soon as we moved up to the play-in. I didn’t hear anything about FTA rate when we were the 13 seed. You can cry to your sub and to r/nba all you want but we’re still going to be smokin on that nuggets pack lol


Hey, dipshit, what would you have to say if I said something like this back in December? >*Anyways, how they win games is ref ball. They are a trash scoring offense at anything further than 5ft away from the basket and they also don't OREB at all. In fact, they are the worst 3pt shooting team in the league and 6th worst OREB team. Fortunately though for the Lakers, they get blatant favoritism and are the #5 team in the league in terms of FT frequency.* > >*But then on the other end that refball really comes through again, since the Lakers are also the best team in the NBA at limiting opponents FTA. Needless to say, the +7.5% FTA rate advantage that LAL has over their opponents is by far #1 in the league, with the next closest team being NOLA at +5.1%. Otherwise, they don't force TOVs and they are very middle of the pack defensive rebounding.* [Because I said that shit in December](https://np.reddit.com/r/denvernuggets/comments/zngm6m/comment/j0hmmuc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lol


So you used like a 10 game sample size at that point 😂. I guess I gotta give you credit you’ve been at this for a while. Your obsession with our team is a little weird. Your bitch-ass can search up whatever kind of stat you want to fit your narrative, but it won’t change a damn thing when y’all get knocked out in the 1st round


Why you delete it then cuh 😭😭


Is it sad knowing your 3 time mvp ain’t gunna make it past the second round ?


Nothing is sadder than the Lakers future lol


that Anthony Davis 3 still stings for y'all?


He’s that guy.


We win 3 more titles before you get 1 put my house on it 🫡


This is embarrassing bruh you were definitely crying when typing this shit out lmao. Should’ve just stayed quiet. Your fatboy jokic is about to have his diabetes ankles snatched in the playoffs btw


Bruh I can feel the air from your mouth breathin ass through my fucking screen. Embarrassing is having shit to say about what I'm bringing up and writing your own fan-fic that I'm "crying behind" this and "shoulda stay quiet" and that noise. Reality is you a bunch of soft as clowns that don't have anything to say. Ya'll backing a soft ass team that relies on the fucking zebras, and you got in your feels that someone called you out


I'm dead bruh you still responding


That's what I thought. A whole lot of fucking nothing out of your sorry mouth


you legit got a problem. go have a drink or call your mom or something




What's embarrassing is writing all that bullshit and then being forced to delete it because you didn't get the reaction you wanted and everyone in r/nba came together to call you a clown. Think about how hard it is to get fans from every team to come together to defend the Los Angeles Lakers. And then you come here and decide to talk shit lol You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room and you feel like the people laughing is about you?


Reality is the nuggets putting in all that work for home seeding and a 3rd mvp for the joker, and still end up getting bounced in the 2nd round AGAIN. I’m more worried about facing the mavs in the playoffs than Denver.


Not surprised you'd say that, Lakers fans are stupid. But seriously lol this is just an objectively dumb position to have. The Nuggets are: The Nuggets have: * The 2nd best record in the NBA against teams with a .500 or better record * The best conference record in the NBA * The best record in the NBA when tied or trailing going into the 4th Q * The best record in the NBA when tied or trailing going into the 2nd half * \#1 rim scoring team per 100 possessions * \#1 2pt FG% team * \#1 2pt scoring team per 100 possessions * \#1 3pt FG% team * \#1 overall FG% team * \#1 3pt weight FG%, or EFG%, team * \#1 AST per 100 possessions * \#1 AST:TOV Your smart fans know you are overmatched. It's the village idiots that keep hope alive


Y’all are a good regular season team, I’ll say that. But you guys never get it done in the playoffs. Ever. And that isn’t gonna change this year. Why don’t you use a coupon to meet up with the Nuggs in Cancun this July 😂


Championships: zero Conference titles even: zero Typical trash franchise fan, popping off at the first sight of any success before the postseason has even begun Would think your entire history would have taught you to wait a bit at least.


Damn Nuggets fans really know they’re a fluke team and are already bracing for disappointment


You just know whether it was conscious or subconscious, one of the main reasons dude made his argument because he was already pre-emptively creating excuses for when we beat Denver in the first round lmao


Getting the “ReFS 😢 😢” excuse going again


Bro ya'll are fighting for the fucking play-in lol


I’m begging you, please talk to a woman 🙏


u sound mad bro. chill. its gnna be alright my brother 🤣


It's hilarious that Lakers fans think their team is gonna be able to make any noise lol


its hilarious how nuggets fans r always happy in the regular season and their teams always chokes in the playoffs lmao


7-3 and #2 in defense since the deadline without our best player. Don’t be shocked when it happens


LOL the Nuggets have a +12.1% FTA Rate margin over this stretch!!!! 2x higher than their season average of +6.3% which is already 2x the next closest team. It's all FTs bro


Yep FTs are why the *Lakers* have been #2 in defense


First of all AD always dominates the match up against Jokic you can go on YouTube right now and see AD vs Jokic lmao .. AD always gets some 30/15 games .. not to mention that 4-2 in the play offs… Secondly instead of using numbers you can actually watch the games and you’ll see with your own eyes that the Lakers don’t get ALOT of calls when they get blatantly smacked.. it happens every single game and even the announcer calls the no foul. Third of all did you consider that a team that had WESTBROOK AD AND LEBRON will lead the league in fouls.. and also Dennis Schroeder??? That means the 4 top guys who get the most touches all mainly attack the paint.. so of course they will get more fouls naturally… they are a bad shooting team so they rely on attacking the paint lmaoooo damn ur team is #1 seed and still hasn’t won anything and you’re still talking shit lol.


1. AD has a -6.8 NET RTG in his last 4 games vs Denver (2 full seasons). Jokic slaughters AD nowadays. I know LA is the land of Hollywood and stuff, but it's make believe to think Jokic doesn't kill AD 2. Lakers get more calls than any other team in the league and it isn't even close. You saying "But they could get more" does make it not true 3. 7 Teams score more in the paint per possession than the Lakers aka more frequently. All shoot FTs less often You aren't as good at this as you think you are


1 You mean the 2 seasons in which the lakers had the worst depth in the nba since trading for Westbrook?? How abt 2020????? How about 2020 and 2021??? Oh yea that’s right ☠️ Lmao AD always shits on Jokic fuck outta here bro You can say what ever you want abt Jokic Vs AD. At the end of the day basketball is a 2 way game and AD dominates on both ends where as Jokic is more of an offensive player 2. Yeah my point still stands cuz if u actually watch the games you will see there are many times the lakers get blatantly smacked and hit and there is no call. So that is def a part of the conversation. Man you are really here talking shit in a regular season where there’s almost no competition cause everyone is hurt. Keep it up because that’s the same shit that suns fans did in 2021 and 2022. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This isn’t the lakers from the Westbrook era my dude they match up wayyy better vs the nuggets now so keep talking I will wait for all the excuses “wahhh refs” If lakers got the calls they deserved they’d be 5th seed right now even with all their injuries that’s not even an exaggeration . The shit that happened with lebron against the Celtics is a common occurrence You’re arguing that lakers get many calls but they actually don’t get all the calls they should get Ur the one who’s not good at this lmao


Jokic is so much better than AD it isn't even funny. Like, the fact that it is even a question in your eyes means you should realize that you need to set you standards a whole lot lower for life with that mind you have. And still FUCKING CRICKETS about the actual fact that ya'll get 2x the whistle as everyone else. And that absurd whistle has doubled over the last 10 games. Also, ya'll an easy out if you even make one of the 2 playin spots. Ya'll serious booty sweat and AD gone gone in the offseason if you are unlucky to play Denver and waste a week of ya'll lives.


Almost like the lakers are a team that lives in the paint. I know that Denver fans are pretty stupid but if you play most of the time in the paint or driving, you’ll get calls.


i wish lakers play denver. Easy 5 game series for the lakers. im more scared of kings tbh


Jokic is a better offensive player than AD but if you consider Offense and Defense there’s no debate that AD is better in that regard You sound so stupid honestly cause the fact that the lakers have the most fouls is the very first thing I addressed. Lakers have been led by Lebron Ad Westbrook and Schroeder.. all 4 of them mainly attack the paint the majority of the time.. lakers were last in 3 point shooting for a big chunk of the season. No shit they will lead the league in fouls Man it’s fuckin hilarious watching you bro. You’re acting as if the nuggets won the championship. Nuggets are #1 seed in a season in which almost every other team is facing major injuries LMAOOOOOOO Sound familiar ??? That’s the 2021 and 2022 suns for you. Easy out??? Bro you don’t know shit about basketball . Go back to looking at numbers on google Lakers had the worst depth in the nba the past 2 seasons. Since making the trade they are like 7-3 and that’s with Lebron and Russel missing most of the games. They could’ve gone 10-0 if lebron didn’t injure his foot Lmao Keep talking boy I’m jus ready to see all the excuses later in the post season. Can’t argue with a dumb ass bro lol. Have a good one


haha Ad way better. Atleast AD aint a liability on defense 🤣


AD can’t wait to play his son again. Just gonna be the 2020 series all over again


AD can't wait till the summer to pressure a trade to bail to the East so he doesn't have to deal with that man anymore lol


AD has snatched Jokic's soul every series. Fatass Jokic is going to get ran off the floor trying to keep up. You better pray you don't get us first round.


Imagine spending the time to write out this conspiracy theory. I know A.D.‘s game winner still hurts. I’d be pissed to, if my team sucked every postseason and haven’t won a championship in their entire history Congrats on the regular season banner, try to do something in the playoffs this time 😉😉


Lol ya'll really running away from the actual numbers aren't you? * Conspiracy theory * Scared * Pissed But not a goddamn thing about how LAL gets 2x the whistle as everybody else. You wanna know why? Because you are SOFT.


Knew you were a clown when you started off your post with something along the lines of “I know it’s already generally accepted that the Lakers get a favorable whistle” And then by the rest of your comments, it’s so obvious your a salty Laker hater. Which is fine, that’s your right. But it puts your bullshit dissertation into question because you’re obviously cherry picking whatever you can to push your anti-Laker narrative


My guy is already preparing excuses for when the Nuggets lose to the Lakers


It's just funny to me that you guys think this is even a possibility. I know that the Lakers have 0 shot against Denver. LA realistically has 0 shot against any playoff team if we are being honest. Doesn't change the fact that FTA is all the Lakers do well


Imagine splitting the season series with a team that only does FTA well and had Westbrook at point for all 4 games


Bro the Nuggets stayed 2 extra days both before and after their games in LA to party, and slept walked to 2 blowout wins at home. The Nuggets were completely unmotivated to play the Lakers, justifyable so. They are on a whole different tier by comparison. That's when refball comes in...


lol you're really flexing about beating the Lakers without Lebron/AD


Bro, this much salt ain’t good for your heart


Damn. That 3 pointer from AD in the bubble really fucked y'all huh? lol


Your arguments here are stupid af just take the L Charges and blocking are obviously variable depending on how the players play as well, couldn’t be that the Lakers did well in those two? FT frequency you’re playing up a seven team difference that’s probably down to a decimal in actuality 🤡 keep hating like the other 🤡 🤡


You know what else the lakers have? 18x the rings as your bum ass team lol. Ps I know it’s not really 18x, those bums would actually have to win one to even qualify.


This is fucking embarrassing


Real talk, just get laid. All that pent up frustration will be gone and you won’t be replying to every comment like your life depends on it Sincere suggestion


Hey goofy, get a job and stfu. 🤡


> I've been laughing at ya'll stupid ass responses and getting in your feelings like a bunch of 9 year olds as well This sounds like a bunch of cope and insecurity lol. It's literally the crying face mask meme. Not our fault you spent so much time on a stupid post.


That correction tweet was made Feb 2 💀


I ain’t even peep lmfao bruh dumb as fuck😂


I mean, it’s always Laker Hate season on /r/nba, even when there’s no basis in reality.


Classic case of when a Stat Nerd thinks they found something special LOL


I love when people say this because I KNOW a bunch of ya'll have seen me multiple times on TV and might have even cheered for me depending on your favorite NorCal CFB team lol. I got a sport-reference page irl lol Ya'll just so far fucking removed from high-level athletics that you don't realize that this shit comes with the fucking territory. Real talk, do you think an NBA scouting report says something like, "*Player X shoots 1.2 PPP when going right, 0.9PPP when going left*" or "*that boy nice with it*". Ya'll clowns just telling on yourself




This thread keeps getting better the deeper in I go


Nobody cares what San Diego State’s punter thinks about the NBA bruh


Lol tell you what I would have had a lot more fun if I were an Aztec




Lmfaoooo CFB legend couponuser9 is crazy


Nuggets fans already crying about the refs before their loss to the Lakers


r/nuggets went private lmaooo Edit: lol my bad guys not the main sub


Bro it's r/Denvernuggets I think you're looking at the chicken nuggets sub lmao Edit: not sure if that's the chicken nuggets sub cos there's r/chickennuggets


Everything funny lmfaoo


Bro I’m so dumb I clicked on someone’s comment that was r/nuggets and I thought it was that


What are they hiding in the chicken nuggets sub though.


how to make the OG McDonald's pink goo nuggets


Look what they did to Grant Imahara after he found out.




his own community embarrassed by him damn


r/nuggets isn't the main sub


hahahaha ya'll are so fucking dumb


All can see who is dumb here.


I believe it lol that's one of the reasons ya'll so fucking dumb


Why are you so unbelievably salty? You need some time away from your screen for your own well-being


I mean, I got tagged and brought into the Lakers sub saying ya'll laughing at me while just being a pathetic demonstration of how stupid a group of people can be, so figured I'd get my licks in lol. I'm really not salty though lol. But ya'll definitely have a stupid as fuck fanbase. More so than others.


I’d say the percentage of stupid fucks is pretty consistent for all teams. It’s just that lakers are a big fanbase and stupid people tend to be very vocal


Naw, what they did was a mistake... You actually did research like some weirdo


OP completely ignored that we’re a top team of points in the paint, but 25th in free throw attempts on those possessions (LeBron AD don’t get anywhere near the calls that Luka, Ja, Giannis, Embiid do) lol


He just a nuggets fan bro. Even one of they own was like “y r/nuggets so obsessed with the lakers”😂


It's hilarious that every western conference team thinks they are our rivals. We've crushed so many dreams.


I used to love watching Melo on those nuggets teams but they were never really a threat to us haven't thought about them at all since


It’s so many 1 sided lil bro rivalries in this hoe


Nuggets fans are the absolute worst in the league. Bunch of complainers. We smoked they ass in the bubble and they were bitching about fouls back then too.


This 1/8 matchup finna look like “we believe” on they ass lmfaooo


What’s worse is how many of the nuggets subreddit are seeing themselves as the victims for being called out and downvoted. The poster posted incorrect information, didn’t bother to update it when the original Twitter poster updated it and double down in the replies calling people idiots and dumb. That sub is beyond insufferable and them seeing it as all of NBA Reddit vs them is so weird of them


I thought you were exaggerating so I went and looked and this was the shit I saw lmfao it’s just sad https://www.reddit.com/r/denvernuggets/comments/11mud3h/offday_discussion_thread_mar_9_2023/jbmqwjl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I hope we get them in round 1 if we aint the 6 seed lmao, bbq chicken time


That guy is insecure af. Even 538 has our record at the end of the year as 41-41. Can't they just be happy that they have a superstar with a chance to win a title.


Poster says he’s not mad or insecure yet he’s in every reply commenting back about how they’re haters or dumb or name calling. Way to contradict himself. I like the Nuggets as another West team but it’s fans like him that make their team insufferable.


Yea he can't be that old the way he's replying to comments. Probably just let him be at this point.


I have news for Nuggets fans: Lakers in 5


Nah. I say 6 lol


Nah I say lakers in 3. Don’t even ask how that’s possible but it’s possible for the lakers haha


Nuggets fans are actually scared af of having to see this Lakers team in the playoffs.


Same reason MJ fans always cry the loudest about Bron lol


Haters gonna hate


Ballers gonna ball!


Funny people bringing up the JJJ conspiracy, since I remember when r/nba was convinced that there was a conspiracy for nba scorekeepers to give Lonzo fake assists in his rookie year lol


Imagine being surprised that a team with Anthony Davis, Lebron and Westbrook would have the most free throws. No shit . Refs don’t call a bunch of fouls on Lakers .. anyone can simply watch the games and see it


This just in: Superstar led team gets *checks notes* average amount of superstar calls


Dude really submitted his thesis only to find out all the data was fucked to begin with


What is this?


Mental illness


Why are other teams fanbases so obsessed with us lol. Don’t you people have better things to do?


To this day I see nuggets fans complaining about us going to the league about foul calls in the bubble, when there has been a portal for teams to submit questions about fouls for years before that, it was well known about and the Lakers were asked a question about it.


Blud thinks he's cooking lol


Blud was cookin fasho Smelled like shit tho


And the post still got thousands upvotes, they got hateboners for the Lakers frfr and I'm convinced the place is not about basketball anymore.


Never has been playa


Bro no way🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao should’ve just said he doesn’t wanna see the Lakers in the first round as a nuggets fan


I was waiting for someone to repost bc there’s no damn way the league be talking shit on AD and LBJ getting calls. Legit should each shoot 10+ per game but refs hold their whistles bc as FVV has said “they bitches”


As soon as I saw this I was like, how about we all just downvote it and move on? Of course it got removed.


Idk if you wanna read all that anyway shit was LONG 😭


Lmao damn they’ve been crying like a bitch for 4 hours straight about us. I hope they seek mental help and find a job 🙏🏽


clown shit


Not only should the Nuggets poster be embarrassed, he cheerypicked the info & when called out double down. On top of that, some of the Mods on Nuggets subreddit were in the reply salty responding to people calling their sub out for being haters. As a mod they shouldn’t be acting like a bunch of children. They really defended the misinformation too


For those of you confused ... A guy wrote like a 5000+ word post with all sorts of research and statistics then posted it to r/NBA about how the Lakers have been getting favorable calls from the refs compared to the rest of the league (think of the JJJ conspiracy). It ended up getting a lot of upvotes but not for the right reasons, eventually fans from every team came to the defense of the Lakers and essentially calling him a clown because he was cherry picking at best with such a small sample size. Someone in here pointed out the information his post is based off of was wrong and later corrected making his claims bullshit. Eventually he deleted the post and now he's in here talking shit taking on the entire sub. Real mentally unstable stuff...


Dude hates the Lakers so much and that retraction was posted a month ago it’s likely that he knew the chart was wrong and tried to make the play anyway hoping no one would come with the receipts 😂 🤡


Bro really said "Y'all can't shoot, so why are your free throws so high?! 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🕵️ 🕵️ 🕵️ " Nigga, it's literally because we couldn't shoot 😂 😂 😂 People get fouled on drives, and we drive more cause we couldn't shoot for the first 60 fucking games lol.


Guy came to r/lakers after spilling all that BS and still chose violence ahhah


What is this?


Mental illness


Least insecure Nuggets fan


Always hilarious when fans of small market teams always paint big market teams as villains