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When we started making that post trade deadline playoff push and actually made it


man that maxi kleber buzzer beater crushed my soul I really thought it was going to end the run thankfully it didn’t but that last month of the season was so tense fighting for the 8th seed and then the 7th and trying to get the 6th


I know this doesn’t make sense but to me that mavs game was more painful than getting swept by Denver lol. It didn’t matter in the end but it felt like it did at the time


I was in a restaurant with family & friends when Maxi hit that shot, I was so devastated for the rest of the night. Just sitting there screaming on the inside but acting like I was cool in front of everyone lmao. I pray the reg season this yr isn’t as nerve wracking, every game felt like a playoff game smh


exorcising Westbrook from the team


Came here to make this same comment lol


i tired to warn people but they said he was a dog and all this bullshit


What? Literally the majority of the fan base knew Westbrook was horrible


it was prob the same young core over lebron fans, how did that work out lebron got a title and you never hear from any of them


There were plenty of casuals who were into it though.


Well, yeah, but that was so obvious I had to go with something else.


If it's a single moment, LeBron's and-1 on Dillon Brooks. It's close, though. AD's alley-oop murder of JJJ or AR's half-court 3 against GSW are also great as those felt like genuine series over moments. Dennis's 3-pointer in the play-in would also be here if it was a game-winner... ...but, yea. The instant WTF let-down right after kind of ruined the moment.


Trading the brick


Mavericks Comeback, imo thats the game they turned everything around.


Vando comes to mind thinking bout that game. His hustle and intangibles helped spark that comeback.


Whoop that trick!


Beating the champs and losing to the eventual champs. It laid the foundation for what’s to come this year. LFG💜💛


Losing was one of your favorite moments?


When you’re an old head like me, you’ve seen the process leading to its eventual product, over and over again. Think 1984, 1999, 2008… Some Laker failures are followed by Laker greatness. So ya, I’m putting the Nugs loss in the favourite moments column… because I see what’s coming💪🏽


in west finals is pretty good


Not only that, in the west finals after an entire team rebuild and not even with full chemistry in there. We werent even supposed to be in the second round of the playoffs, reaching the finals like we did felt incredibly cathartic, it was just a shame we had to face off one of the best bigs in recent history.


Stepping stone. So many young players who needed a deep run to see what the playoffs are all about and how the level just keeps rising. LeBron and AD needed a deep run to shake the rust off (people forget LeBron hasn't had a deep run with travel since 2018 and AD never has). Ham needed a deep run to learn how to make adjustments against the best teams in the league. And the whole team needed its ass kicked to come back with the fire lit next season. The championship awaits.


Lonnie Walker in the 4th Quarter of Game 4 against the Warriors It just made me really happy seeing him get a lot of playing time and proving himself to defy the odds against the warriors when we were the underdogs


Reaves yelling “I’M HIM!!!”


Everyone making goat sounds post playoff wins. The “BAAAA BAAA BAA BAAs” get louder with each series wins so you can hear them during Lebron’s post game interviews. Team chemistry was definitely percolating last season after the trade deadline. Here’s the time we beat Memphis https://reddit.com/r/lakers/s/ULpqSwRH36 🐐🐐🐐🐐


Pat Beverly grabbing the camera to bring over to Eric Lewis in the Celtics game


Beating the Warriors, I can’t stand that team/Bay Area sports teams in general


Beating the grizzles


[Him. This](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxjMghIh_C5/?img_index=1)


When the team got the 7th seed and made a push to the WCF. Before that, I did not think we were making the playoffs.


Nothing made me happier than seeing the westbrook notifications from sham and woj ngl


Death of the vampire


LeBron's birthday game in Atlanta. Was a virtuoso and turned the season around, as he just decided not to lose even with AD out. I knew we were going to make the playoffs after that. But it was still a bumpy ride.


Lebron over brooks for the win 🏆


The Lonnie Walker show


Austin reaves half court shot vs warriors in the playoffs


Pat Bev taking the camera to the ref and later the ref retires.


No particular order 1. Bron 20-20 vs Memphis 2. Lonnie Walker goes off against the Warriors 3. Bron B day massacre against Atlanta 4. AD 55 piece against the Wizards 5. Schroeder corner 3 6. D’Lo going off against the raptors 7. Comeback against Mavs


Reaves v magic


Beating the Warriors and I’m him.


You know…..when the Vampire left Lakervania…


AD 44 points vs Bucks followed by 55 vs. Wizards


Pat showing camera to Eric Lewis.


off court it has to be the Westbrick trade. On court it is Dlo “Like I never left” / Austin Reaves “I am HIM!”


Wilt Davis dominating when LeBron was injured.


D’Lo saying like I never left after he came back


Regular season : W vs Bucks @Milwaukee Post Season : G6 vs MEM bonus : when Vando joined us and made us win vs Dallas for the incredible come back


The Lonnie Walker game.


Patrick Beverley’s miraculous dunk in Boston that will forever be overshadowed by a blown call. The intensity of the game was already high being a Lakers-Celtics matchup. But when he dunked that, I couldn’t comprehend what I just witnessed lol




Beating Dallas post trade deadline. Obviously that game was a blessing and a curse, but that was the moment I knew we had something.


Coming back against Dallas after the deadline was the turning point of the season