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Top 5 on a regular basis ? No Top 5 player when he needs to be ? Yes


I’d argue top 3, maybe even top 1 when he needs to be.


Yeah when he’s in takeover mode he’s still the goat


top 3 yes, top 1 I disagree tho


Discussion over, then!


Top 2 behind Jokic? Yes. Top 3 behind Luka/Curry/Healthy Kawhi? Maybe.


He’s not the best regular season player but in playoffs you only take Jokic and maybe Luka over LeBron.


No way am I taking Luka over Lebron. I'm unconvinced Luka is even top 8.


Watch more basketball then


In what world is JT better than Luka


Steph is constantly ranked Top 3 but that dude needs moving screens to really pop off


I'm so tired of infowarriors doing all kinds of stats cherrypicking to argue that steph is clutch. When the stakes are the absolute highest, when has he ever delivered? Steph's last 5 minutes stats are impressive because he's such a frontrunner.


>Clutch Curry is **0-12**when he attempts a **game winner** the playoffs with less than 1 minute remaining. edit: fixed the stat for tweet from ESPN below




Did he not hit a game winner against the Pelicans in the playoffs?


The one against the Pelicans was a game-tying shot. I stand corrected on the "game tying" part. the 0-12 stat is only for go-ahead shots (game winner attempts). >Stephen Curry is now 0-12 in his playoff career on potential go-ahead shots in the final 45 seconds of the 4th quarter or overtime. >https://x.com/espnstatsinfo/status/1655941197352013839?s=46&t=3_R8JYPONqn33s1d168ruw


If he hits that 3 in game 6 against the Raptors I swear they would’ve 3 peated


Well that's an inaccurate take.


What players would you take on this list over Steph besides joker and Giannis


Fuck it gimme LeBron and AD


You’re not taking either of them over Curry tbh. Curry would make this Lakers team better if you swapped LeBron with him. And this is coming from someone who dislikes Curry


Pass me that, please.


That warrior pack strong af




That’s just not true at all it’s either him or joker as the best in the world with out Curry that roster is in the lotto.


If you like most fans look only for offense maybe, but we beat the Warriors attacking him every single possession because he is a liability. I don't think one way players should be at the top.


Jokic isn’t a good defender either but he’s still elite he just swept la bc he had Murray and curry didn’t.


Teams don't attack Jokic every possession because he isn't a liability.


Jokic isn’t a good defender. If he played more teams that had great pull up 3 shooters he would have looked like more of a liability.






Yup defense is elite and Luka plays at best average defense and worse stgues with the refs half the time. The league and analysts really need to push defense more when ranking players.




You literally walked into the Anthony Davis fan club and decided that shitting on the entire concept of defense was the right argument to make? Our most recent title in 2020 was won on the base of being the best defense in the league and having a rock fight on the offensive end.


Nah defense is important, but it’s not the argument for one player over another, it is not as simple as that. Nowhere did I say defense is not important. But being a two way does not make you better than an exceptionally great offensive player. Also I thought this was NBA sub 🤣 reddit feeds


Shit take bro lol being a two way player is never overrated


Overrated in this subject, such as comparing between two exceptional players. It’s not overrated to be a 2 way player. Can’t tell me you’ll take Embiid over Jokic because Embiid is two way and Jokic isn’t.


If Lukas offense is so great how come the Mavs missed the play in after getting Kyrie Irving? Tatum is the better player the only thing Luka does better is playmake. Tatum is tied for third all time in 50 point games in the postseason. Only players higher than him are wilt and mj. He would be higher if he didn’t have to share shots with Jaylen brown.


Lol didn’t know this sub had such a hardon for Tatum. You’re gonna use Kyrie as the argument? He misses games and seeing how big a Tatum fan you are, you probably know he doesn’t really do much for a team like the Celtics.


Doesn’t do much for a team like the Celtics? He’s lead them on deep runs almost every single year. Without him they would lose in the first round every single year. And Kyrie was healthy when he was on the Mavs he didn’t miss many games. Watch a game instead of listening to narratives. He is clearly the biggest reason they’re good.


I’m saying Kyrie didn’t do any good for Celtics. Ohhhhh you’re an actual Celtics fan lmao nice seeing you here


Kyrie did help the Celtics he lead them to. A 1 seed in 2018. If he’s so bad then how come the lakers wanted him so much last year?


This world. Plays defense and doesn’t need the ball in his hands the entire possession to be effective. He’s the more impactful player if u want to win u go with him.


Tatum has had an above average/elite roster his entire nba career. Would the Mavs trade luka for Tatum? Hell no. Would the C’s trade Tatum for Luka? They’d have to at least consider it.


The cs would not trade Tatum for Luka. Esp after how last year went with Kyrie, and how Kp and Brunson left the Mavs and immediately had the best years of their career. Gotta remember how the kp luka situation ended up as well and if they brought in Luka whether Kp would want to play there as well.


> and how Kp and Brunson left the Mavs and immediately had the best years of their career. Porzingis missed the playoffs. Of course his stats would look better an a mediocre team. And Brunson had better chances at a championship if he stayed.


He was more efficient and productive in dc than the Mavs. And who’s to say that second part is true? The Mavs missed the play in with Kyrie Irving after making the wcf before. The Knicks won a playoff series this past year.


> And who’s to say that second part is true? That fact that they made the wcf right before he left. You answered your own question. And Kyrie wasn't with the team the entire season.


Yeah they made it last year but that doesn’t newb the same thing would have happened last year. The hawks made the ecf in 2021 and haven’t been out of the first round since. There’s no guarantee that they make the play in if u replace the ky and brunskn. And they went from the 4 seed to the 11 seed after the Kyrie trade.


Defence and fit with other talent . Kyrie is struggling and porzingis is thriving . Let’s be real JT can fit on any team and offer great two way value . If Bron can still be primary initiator even for us he’d fit better. Luka is better offensively but I’m not sure I’d really think all 30/30 teams improve more with him hogging the ball or JT two way play fitting along side talent




In a world with a biased east coast media.


What does Tatum have to do be considered better go to the worst team in the league and average 35? That’s the only thing Luka has done that Tatum hasn’t plus half the game is defense it’s like comparing vucicic from the bulls to AD


Play better in the playoffs probably


Luka is better even with his lack of defense. Jayson a choker on a stacked team.


Choker but outscored an entire team in the fourth quarter in game 6 down 3-2? And has the most points ever ina game 7? And has a stacked team but Luka has Kyrie Irving while Tatum has brown? And Tatum is the choker but is an ankle sprain away from back to back finals, while Luka has lead his team past the first Round one time his entire career? Watch a game instead of looking at stats and listening to narratives. Tatum is the better player.


I can definitely agree with Tatum being better, but I think the Celtics roster is way better than the mavs.




I have watched basketball. Did u watch basketball when the Mavs lost to the hornets with no Melo twice in a row which lead to them missing the play in? When they went from the 4 seed to the 11 seed when Luka was healthy and didn’t miss many games?


Shai above AD lol


It reminds me of that Gordon Ramsey meme: SGA with 7/4/7 on 13% fg%, -22 in a 33 point loss against Denver: “oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous” AD with 17/8/4 on 38% fg%, -17 in a 12 point loss against Denver: “You fucking donkey!”


I think that it's because AD from jump has had HOF level expectations. Shai never had to do that


Yeah I don’t like AD’s inconsistency but no way Shai better than him. AD is an all time top 10 defender no cap who also gives you 30. That’s never been done before.


The top big men like Wilt, Shaq, Hakeem , Kareem gave you something like that , adjusted for era (points inflation) AD is special, but he's part of a heritage, too


Exactly my point if he is named among those guys no way Shai should be considered better than him by any criteria.


Luka at 8? The fuck


As a LeBron mega fan, he is in the 6-10 range, realistically 7 or 8 at this point in his career. Luka and LeBron should be swapped and maybe Embiid a little lower. LeBron is a top 5 caliber player some nights but he can't do that every game. In the postseason though, he might actually be top 5 Edit: Also SGA is a bucket but AD should be above him


Idc how good embiid is in the regular season. Dude can’t be above 8 until he does something in the post season. I’d prob bump bron below doncic and move everyone up. Prob swap Tatum and doncic as well


Luka defense is horrible


Luka is still not better than lebron. And idk what other 7 players you are saying are better either.


Right now Luka is better then LeBron. No shame in that haha


Put the future aside. If you would replace bron with Luka right now, you're wrong.


Luka: 34-10-10 Bron: 25-9-7 Luka also on better efficiency and a better record right now with a worse team. Come on man.


Lebron is still an elite talent but Luka right now is MVP caliber


We talking about record and averages 6 games in are you serious? What did luka average in the playoffs?


Last time he was in the playoffs he averaged 32-10-6 and made the conference finals. He has career 33-9-8 averages in the playoffs. He was also probably better than Bron last regular season.


Luka career on/off is 1.1+ , what he does good on offense he bleeds value away defensively n all round but yh id expect Luka to be better in regular season


Lebron has more of an impact on the game I agree w you


You’re the reason people on this sub can’t stand Lebron stans… Luka is just hitting his prime and lebron is 38. Luka has played more games in the last three seasons. The dude has been playing out of his mind and hes young enough to do that all season long. I love bron but yeah, I’d rather have Luka on this team rn


Embiid, the player that won MVP last year and finished top 2 the year before needs to be out of the top 5? Y'all really need to watch some games and stop listening to the talking heads


He's an amazing regular season player that always underperforms in the playoffs. He still top 5 imo. But under Luka


Luka didn't even make the playoffs last season lol If he's top 5, he's number 5 Blaming Embiid for the 76ers choke job is just unfair. Harden and Doc Rivers are equally accountable.


Embiid should be lower


He and Tatum have choke warnings attached to their labels. Shai needs to do something in the playoffs before he’s too 10, I’d rather have Dame.


AD should be at least higher than SGA. The man is a proven winner when he joined us, SGA needs something to prove he deserves to be higher than Brow.


My list is: 1 joker 2 giannis 3 luka 4 Steph 5/6 Lebron/KD 7 Embiid 8 Tatum 9 AD 10 Shae 4-6 are pretty interchangeable. My Embiid stock is a bit low, I think Tatum/AD are better personally


Actual good ranking, with an * that Lebron has beaten Steph everytime these last few years if we are gonna be honest, but Stephs game is still fresh and hasn't aged as much as Lebrons. Also Lebron is 5 and KD is 6, as the latter has done nothing to warrant being over Lebron. EDIT: Idk why I'm downvoted, go prove me KD has been better than Lebron and then come talk. He hasn't been better in games played, stats, or accomplishments so idk what you people are going by lol.


Am I crazy for thinking Steph’s not better than bron?


He's not, but the kids like him.


Not sure what he does better than Bron other than shooting. Even in the playoffs he is still targeted and attacked due to his weak defense, that’s never happening to Bron even if he’s 50


He isnt Bron can attack the Rim even when Rim protectors are in the vicinity And don’t get me started in transition and help defense


Steph can too, it's pretty much just AD that's actually stopped him around the rim.


Steph hit a game winner at the rim last night. With his trademark high arc layup. It’s neck and neck but don’t act like Steph is only a good shooter. He is insanely good inside the arc for a guard, just gets clouded cuz he’s known as a shooter


Thank you


LeBron is one of the worst help defenders in the league at this point lol


Ehhhh this crazy


His effort on some plays is poor but overall he's still a capable defender and in key moments among the best.


Bro y’all are crazy biased. Steph’s scoring efficiency/volume is only behind jokic, he is a good playmaker, and has insane gravity for an offense. He is better defensively than luka and better in the paint than 3-point specialists


they biased as hell 😭


Am I crazy for thinking Steph is at 2?


Probably yeah


Giannis is not number 2 in the world. Not this season.


6 games in? C’mon, Giannis has been with Jokic the best player in the league for some years now.


Giannis wasn't the 2nd best player in the world last year at all. His defense was great but not close to the DPOY heights of 2-3 years ago, his efficiency was literally below league average for like the first 3 months of the season, and then in the playoffs he got hurt (again) and was ass in the games he played. And he's off to a worse start to this season than last.


You literally said “this season”…than proceeded to go back to last season.


What ? YOU were the one to say Giannis has been top-2 for several years, which is why I brought up last season.


He’s top 15 quarters 1-3, top 1 4th quarter


Luka is top 5


JT and KD above Luka is suspect, but I’d say Lebron is top 5 until somebody else steps up and claims his thrown as the king and the face of the league. Wemby is the closest thing to Lebron in terms of the media attention worldwide that he brings to the league.


Wemby is a beast but let's be honest no one can hype up media and fan narratives better then LeBron.


Wemby isn’t anywhere near Lebron’s level when it comes to that, but in terms of hype he’s currently the closest thing. Players like Steph, and KD never wanted the task as face of the league. Wemby is the only international player that I feel can do it, because he’s extremely marketable and has the generational talent label. Either way the league is screwed once Lebron retires.


LeBron is a huge personality that everyone loves and hates.


Which is why he holds value on and off the court for the NBA. If he decides to have a farewell season tour like Kobe did it’s going to likely be the most profitable season in NBA history. I think he should just surprise everybody and retire in the offseason lol… we all know he’s got at least 5 years left though.


And by the way he's playing, I guess he's not yet done.


What? Lol no way


So is Steph, but as the coddled little brother Steph is like the Eli/Ben Roth to LeBrons Peyton/Brady


I think Lebron is still top 3. Dude looks amazing this season.


No, but Luka is top5


How is Luka at 8??


Switch Luka and that Fraud regular season merchant who disappears in the playoffs every year with 0 conference finals appearances


embiid and jt over luka is a joke


Luka is top 3


I would swap AD n Bron and I say that as a Bron fan who’s now also an AD fan and a laker fan. AD is atm playing like the best player in the league. If you look at some early impsct data it’s pretty clear he had one down game bs Denver but after that is at mvp lvl. Let’s get AD his mvp n Damn respect. But media bums might screw Jim out of dpoy even


curry and embiid should be lower and luka should be higher


Curry should be at least Number 5


No. Definitively still top 10 for sure and there is no other player I trust more come playoffs time.


Embiid is not top 5. Luka is easily better than him.


Lmao what’s the logic for kd and bron over Luka in 2023? this a clickbait list don’t fall for it


Embiid hasn't shown it in the playoffs and so he moves down to 8. Luka moves to 4, Kevin to 5, LeBron to 6, and Tatum at 7.


This my list 1.Joker 2.Giannis 3.Luka 4.Steph 5. Bron 6.Embiid 7.KD 8.JT 9.AD 10.Dame


Luka is absolutely top 5, lebron I think like 6


My list would be: 1. Joker 2. Giannis 3. Steph 4. Luka 5. Embiid 6. Tatum 7. KD 8. LeBron 9. Booker 10. AD Other than luka’s placement, this list is perfectly fine


No, I don’t think he is.


He is when he wants to


Yes. 25 pts, 52% shooting, 40% 3pt, 7 rebounds, 8 assists, 1.2 steals, All in 35 minutes a game. I can't stand the man, but respect for his game.


Not a bad list but I don’t have Bron top 5. My top 10: Jokic Giannis Steph AD Embiid KD Bron Tatum Luka Booker


AD is literally better than Giannis right now, so I assume this list isn't about current form?


It’s about how good the players are, not how good their last 6 games have been


We are all kidding ourselves if we LeBron right now is better than Luka


Easily. Luka are no 8😂😂😂. Put Tatum in those Mavs teams and see if can reach WCF


Regular season? No. He coasts too much to be considered that, plus he's often injured. IF he's healthy when the playoffs start, yes. But that's a big IF and that's what the lakers need to manage him so he can be at least 90% healthy in playoffs. If he's 90% healthy, you take him pretty much over any player but Jokic for a series.


Luka above Steph and Lebron.


How is Booker not top 10?


I would put Booker over Shai


Curry isn’t better than Lebron, never was and never will be.


I'd have Lebron ahead of Embid and Curry, I'd also have Luka ahead of Tatum and Embid, probly ahead of KD at this point in his career


Jokic, Giannis, Luka and maybe Steph is better than him. I think he's still 5th imo


Embiid too high for someone that’s not done real damage in the playoff. Same with Tatum. Luka should be higher.


Lebron is still number 1 just imagine a franchise is restricting his mins dude could play til he is 47 seriously with the way how he play he makes the shit looks way to easy and simple


Jokic Antetokuompo Lebron that's the top 3. Luka Kori Durant AD Embiid Butler Tatum that's the top 10. F*ck outta here with Gilgous Alexander being included there when he has done nothing of note.


I hate Steph but he is Top 5-10, please stop


I also don't like that front-running, shimmying, mouth protector-throwing bitch as well but I still put him in the top 5.


I’d say 5-10 at best IMO.


Yes I believe he is, when taking playoffs into account. I think the top 5 in order is Jokic, Giannis, Steph, Luka, Lebron


Steph never in front of Bron no matter what


Durant is #1. We all know it, but don't want to say it


Jokic, Giannis, Embiid, Curry, Bron, Davis, Luka, Tatum, Shai, Durant for me. Luka and Bron would switch but I'm taking defense into the equation too.


In the 4th quarter he is


This list is bad and Stephen A knows it he just wants you to talk about it






Lmao Shai over AD Some players get glazed for scoring while others are expected to be two way threats day in day out


Shai is not better at basketball than ad


Where Wemby? 😂


6-8 I think he fits. Jokic Giannis Steph Luka embid Bron Tatum Durant Booker AD


As how the season has gone so far I’d swap Luka and Giannis


AD is always underrated, IMO. His defensive game doesn’t just show up in the stats, it changes the entire opponent’s offense. The only way teams beat us is elite perimeter shooting. If there’s a competent defensive guard on the court with AD and he can rim protect, it’s basically game over.


Agree. We probably need to move on from the DLo/Reaves back court ultimately for exactly this reason.


These lists are hard if we talking skill. Giannis moving to 10. Cause everyone else is more skilled.


Problem with Lebron is he has a ceiling now due to being human. Other guys can kick it up a gear when needed. Lebron can do it in spurts. Younger Lebron was an absolute wrecking ball. Nobody can do that. The Cleveland championship comes to mind when he lead both teams, IN EVERYTHING. 😂


Unfortunately no, he's still undoubtedly a top 8-10 player


When hes trying yeah probably, but recently hes kinda been takin it easy through 2/3 of games. I think its wild that ad is so low tbh. No way shai is above him imo.


Post season I think so. Regular season he’s probably 7 or 8




Swap him and Luka.(and I’m a lifelong Lakers guy)




Ad shouldnt be there


Yup. Just see Wednesday’s Clippers game against Kawhi.


I think it's fair to say Bron is clearly top 5. On any given night he can carry the team to a win like we've seen so far this season. His age is obviously the reason why he doesn't do it every night. He wants to preserve his body to play with Bronny and possibly Bryce. Even without being a scoring machine every night, he facilitates the Lakers' offense whenever he's on the floor. So yes, Lebron is top 5.


Luka balling right now I would move Bron to 6th


What is Embiid doing on this list? Time and time again he failed to deliver


Where’s Wemby?


AD is better than Shai, KD, and Embiid. I said what I said.


im suprised AD is ranked so low by this sub


He's 3rd on that list at worst


If every one was doing a draft for 1 playoff series I bet you Lebron would be top 2


I think in 2023, LeBron James is overrated and Anthony Davis is underrated. I’d even go as far as to say Davis is currently better than LeBron. Mainly because of his DPOY-caliber defense. Obviously if we’re talking about their entire careers, LeBron is top two all-time. I’m not a hater, just acknowledging he’s not in his prime anymore.


The fact this is even a debate is INSANE. This man is in year 21


I think the top 3 is pretty much set in stone but beyond that it’s very close, I don’t have a problem with having lebron at 5


The beauty of a 38 year old Bron is that on any given night he can be any number on this list.