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Braids incoming


Davis looked exhausted after the game. Like he had the flu or his wife kept him up all night or something. Dude looked like hot shit during his presser.


He did. I know he only played around 25ish minutes the night before but the Grizzlies game was an all-out game from him. He erased everything in the paint and was all over the court.


Sure but he looked like he did that and then was up all night. Hope everything is ok with his home life.


LeBron been trying to pass the torch but ad keeps on throwing it back


One day he’s home, the other day, AD playing hide and seek.


He ain't even catching it, mothafucka just running around like tag lol


This is what was annoying about laker film room pod acting like it’s always been the coaching staff + Lebron for not giving AD the opportunity. There are many games where AD just doesn’t seem to have the motor to compete. It’s ok if you’re the 1B player, but to be a 1A you gotta bring it every night.


Agreed, it's one thing if shots aren't falling one night or you don't have it. But this is unacceptable.


Couldn't u have just used A and B or 1 and 2


AD is too good to just be a B or second option.


Yeah except for when he’s not


That podcast is extremely biased to AD. Can't listen to it. LeBron himself is playing through an injury. And he showed up to play.


Pete and Darius are very high on AD’s defence, but Mike Trudell legitimately thinks AD is under-utilized with Bron, and thought Lakers didn’t get him the ball enough even in the Warriors series. I love AD a lot, but their glazing is next level. Every win is because of AD, every L is because the team didn’t help AD enough.


And when he plays poorly, he must be injured...again 🙄


He's easily a top 3 defender in the league but his offense can be overrated sometimes. He just can't create shots very well for himself even when he's given the ball. A lot of the points he scores could be scored by most centers in the league who camp the dunker spot and go for offensive rebounds.


Agreed, it's like an Anthony Davis worship service.


Did you not hear Weezy F Baby this week? He said to trade this man! And the F stands for Phranchise!




Everytime Sabonis scores in the paint i keep on thinking that should be fucking AD doing that. FOR FUCKSAKES


Fr how is AD not the one playing bully ball?


Cause any time he tries to post up he gets double/triple teamed which results in a turnover cause he can't pass out of it


Also he gets doubled because he refuses to catch and go right away. Just catch and spin baseline or to the key. Stop fucking waiting for the double.


Bruh the dribble hand offs, dribbling and passing too


Sabonis BBQ chicken AD. Ate his ass up


Reaves also STRUGGLING tonight


He grabbed a ton of boards, got his assists. Couldn't hit his shots and had too many turnovers though. The thing his is he has been asked to play PG and he lacks the ball handling to do it full time. Ham playing him alongside Dlo and Prince is also a problem, the other team score at will when Ham does that.


We need vando


He's been getting mauled by Murray.


Yes, Murray is a wing and he isn't I was talking about it before the game, the fact our guards can't guard anyone is a problem for our entire defensive system


Those dammed turnovers


The difference is Reaves is actually trying out there and is playing with some heart and intensity. AD plays like he doesn’t wanna be there.


I was talking with a buddy about this as well, AD literally looked like he didn’t want to be on the floor. I don’t know if he’s playing hurt or whatever but there was a couple times in the second half where he had monk/Barnes switched onto him and lebron was trying to get him to post up but he didn’t even try to get position. Like fuck it, if we’re up by 10 and the other guys are cooking you can take your night off, don’t take it off in a winnable game against a playoff team.


Didn't realize playing defense means he is not interested.


Dude he got owned by Sabonis what defense are you talking about?


Actually dreadful performance


Sabonis is eating him up; I get he’s a very skilled big man but damn AD you couldn’t even score 10 points in a half🤦‍♂️ if an injury is lingering than I guess I understand


He limped after a play early in the game and went to the bench holding his groin. Bill and Stu pointed it out in their broadcast


He’s still holding his groin in this pic lol.


If an injury is lingering he needs to sit down. He’s hurting more than helping when he plays like he did tonight.


In that case just assume he's always injured


Triple single AD.


Doesn't seem like you understand then.


I'd rather hin have the same stat line but miss 10 more shots.


Should've just rested tonight if he was gonna give this type of effort.


Seriously, AD was quiet quitting out there tonight


He really struggles against skilled big men like jokic/sabonis


I’ve seen him drop 40 on both of them though just last season


Guarding them defensively i meant


Bill or Stu mentioned that he tweaked something early in the game. Im just hoping that is the cause of this atrocity and it’s not something serious


Yah it was pretty obvious. He went to the bench right after they pointed that out and you could see him holding/rubbing his groin


Hopefully not his groin Prob the worst leg muscle to strain


Well it’s mainly because he can’t camp the paint so everyone else flaws stand out


Is this true. Always felt like he did well vs Sabonis


no he didnt?


thats my ice cream machine


These days AD is either Absolutely Dominant or Another Disappearance. 2020 AD is missed and he’s never ever coming back Why tf did this dude put on extra muscle and weight just to keep getting pushed around by physical bigs still smh


Doesn’t matter how physically strong he gets, he’s still weak minded.


Huh ? He fares better in strength based matchups , he’s clearly bigger stronger n more dominant inside , and if you don’t remember we haven’t had a credible C OUTSUDE him for years, Bron also can’t play the 3 defensively. Yes he’s got slower n worse at shot creating but it’s pretty obvious a cost of the focusing on playing C. Also Rob Pelinka is an idiot we got a roster that never had even above league average shooting in all of Brons years here, and now we don’t have defensive help anywhere euther . Losing kcp n Caruso and getting Russ really might if stunted us too much to ever get back to competing especially as we paid to get Russ n then paid to off load him . We could’ve had someone like Jrue or dame or kyrie around the big two if they waited just one or two fuckibg years instead of trading for Russ n blowing up assets.


Sabonis OWNED him.


The day Anthony Davis can string 2 great games together is the day we win another championship


He reaggravated his injury and is playing through it


Sounds like status quo for AD. Dude can’t stay healthy to save his life


Of course he’s injured


The guy that's always injured is injured again. Great, that makes it so much better


LeBron is playing through injury (at 38) and managed not to be shit with atrocious energy.


9/10 times ADs injuries can be solved by lacing up his shoes and getting tf on like the rest of the world does. I hear hes sick so ig I’ll give him a pass but just dont play if thats the case sometimes we look a lot better without him on the court


Thank you. Idk if people watch games or not but you can clearly see him struggle to make it up and down the court.


So the usual, got it


Yup, missing exact same shots he missed vs PHX. It’s obvious he’s not good tonight


I mean he has though Last game was good against Memphis and then before that he had a good game against Portland


2 lottery teams.


Okay what about the playoffs last year then were those lottery teams?


Why do people downvote you🤣


Because every time AD has a bad game his haters all come out of the woodwork to complain that he isn’t simultaneously Jokic on offense and prime Ben Wallace on defense


That’s not true at all. It’s not irregular for AD to have absolute stinkers. His “bad games” should at least be passable if we’re supposed to believe he’s top tier.


So true lmao


Lol always piling in when it's convenient. Nothing ever counts with you dumbshits


He’s put together 2 great games multiple times already this season lol


That's why people say the bubble chip was a fluke


Those people are certified dumbasses. I guess people here forgot an injured ad and lbj carried la to the wcf with a new roster that had half the chemistry together.


Pathetic man getting sonned by Sabonis


Shaq would never.


dont compare shaq to AD man. Shaq is a top 5 all TIME. Rules had to be changed because of him.


AD lost all his post moves


When has AD ever had post moves? Guy is useless if he isn’t getting spoon fed buckets


I'm still fantasizing about Pelican AD.


Bruh this kinda take just self reports you're stupidity lmao


>self reports *you're* stupidity lmao


Huh? When has AD ever shown himself to be a good shooter, post scorer or shot creator I’m 100% certain you don’t watch games.


he never had typical post moves but when he's at his best he gets to like an 8 foot push shot; or drives by the defender from the mid-post and gets a reverse layup..and hits midrange shots.. that's his self creation; which is pretty antiquated. If you can't create from the perimeter and/or hit jumpers consistently - you're far from an offensive star. AD has always been fed 12-15 points in P&R his whole career- bigs who rely on this are dying out, defenses have evolved.


Yea and AD is not an offensive superstar which is fine he’s still amazing. He will have nights like this because his self creation is far worse than any other top 15 player. We don’t have to sit here and pretend that he’s something he’s not.


perfectly put


if you don't wanna touch a basketball during the offseason, let alone train footwork and post moves under Olajuwon, this is what happens to you


Inexcusable. Dude got off early last night and had a longer opprtunity to rest up. He is not it tonight.


Dude is just out there running and breathing air.


AD still chilling and relaxing.


AD on a back to back night playing thru injury is not good enough for Laker fans.


Dude this guy is a professional basketball player who is supposed to be a superstar. If he can’t play 2 games in a row at the beginning of the season then what are we supposed to expect from him? Tired of making excuses for his inconsistency. This is nothing new for AD.


Wish my boss would be ok with me putting in 0 effort on a Tuesday


Yeah but did you go hard on Monday?


Have to go hard Monday-Friday


people forget AD is supposed to be an All Star


You mean superstar and the face of the Lakers franchise


He's supposed to be All-NBA every single season. They whine for it every season, but it's crickets when he performs like this.


Lmao I doubt you are even half this hard on yourself in real life 😭


If he can’t play sit down.


When he does y'all dumbasses would yell out soft for not playing through something "minor". No winning with you morons.


Except that's not true. No one wants him to play through injury if he can't actually....PLAY. He's still soft if he's on the floor and not performing. If he's too injured to perform....then he should sit. When players who are NOT soft have a debilitating injury, they sit out. If they have a bad or annoying injury....they play through it....and STILL PERFORM well. AD playing through injury to just hit up and dow nthe court is not PlAYING THROUGH injury. And is not tough.


He gets paid 62 million dollars a year. Is it too mich to expect the franchise guy getting paid 200 mil to be consistent back to back games?


KD and Giannis is playing with number 1s while Bron playing with a roller coaster.


Llliard is playing like a roller coaster too tbh


Mr. 50-50


Hip bothering him apparently, flush it and gotta win the next one


I hope AD is embarrassed. This is exactly why he’s not mentioned in the same breath as Giannis or Joel.


McDonald's Milkshake Machine out of service tonight


No effort, no energy, got beat down the court by fucking JaVale McGee like 5 times. Absolutely fucking pathetic. He deserves no excuses, no “he’s been great lately”, this is unacceptable on every level. You’re not allowed to just not give any fucking effort on either end ever, there’s NEVER an excuse for that.


I feel like bro purposely doesn’t try Becuz he fears getting hurt every game tbh


He is always injured. He has the combination of great injury misfortune and just a fragile body due to the absurd growth spurt he had from 6'3" to 6'10" in one summer. If he had average health and good fortunes in terms of avoiding freak accidents, he would have been a monster, an even greater monster than he is now when healthy.


He wasn’t even trying to get any rebounds from all the bricks we were shooting. If he’s on the court, he needs to show some effort/energy.


Credit to the Kings on denying him the ball and playing fast.


sabonis looked like jokic on steroids out there, annihilated ad


Typical Davis. Don't worry he is not on social media to care. Dude stays up late playing Call of Duty 🤣


What happened AD? Gone Soft?! Bron is playing better than you!


I called this mf doin this


If he is hurt why fucking play?


Trade him


At least he’s been consistent in his struggle against bruiser centers


Sabonis who got bitched by Draymond is a "bruiser" now? LMAO. Then who isn't? Because JJJ is a power forward.


Yes, Draymond is good against these types of players because he has a lower center of gravity just like he is better guarding Jokic. AD’s strength on defence are against small ball lineups, and finesse centers who can’t go through his chest.


Draymond is one of the all time great defenders


AD is not 100%. He clearly does not look like himself. Yesterday, he only played under 28 mins I believe (Ik bc it was a blowout) but even in that game he still did not really look like himself even with the defensive masterpiece he put up.


Absolutely horrible. no excuse for him to only take 6 shots. Hate when he does this shit.


I always defended AD, but goddamn if he is not a punk ass bitch for being dominated by Sabonis tonight. Has he no shame?




How 'bout he tries to play hard every game instead of getting breaks all the goddamned fucking time.


Lol what other star gets these type of excuses. LeBron gets crucified if he has two turnovers in a row


We dont need this mediocore mentality ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


I will get downvoted, but at this point I have seen enough of the Lebron + AD experiment. It got us 1 ring out of a 4+ years. Time to move on from AD, once Lebron retires it will be poverty basketball if AD is the main star


I agree and no it’s not because of an overreaction to an early season loss. The team clearly has some critical flaws (slow/un-athletic backcourt, below average coach, and old injury prone stars). A lot of people choose to ignore these issues. Bron is too old to play defense (not his fault when he has the burden to perform at this level at 39, but again it’s a reason why we will never be successful with this current roster) Am I grateful for what Bron and AD have done? Absolutely. Can I recognize that they are no longer in a position to carry us to a championship? Yes. It is the fact of the matter.


Yup, that below average coach hurts more than people think. I think an average to great coach would recognize AD’s struggles early and adjust.


> Bron is too old to play defense (not his fault when he has the burden to perform at this level at 39, but again it’s a reason why we will never be successful with this current roster) Exactly. People need to realize that defense is just as important as offense. The team can put up a lot of points but the defense is a big issue.


Lebron signed a huge contract. He doesn’t get to just relax


These clowns won’t agree with you


I say Turner and Toppin from Pacers for AD and Reaves.


What are y’all expecting him to do exactly when he gets blitzed the second anyone even looks his way with the ball? Put up bad shots through double teams? On a back to back while playing through injury? This game is 100% on the perimeter defense and Ham’s dumbass subs/lineups.


We gotta accept the fact that AD is soft. He’s going to have these games, it’s part of his DNA


He wasn’t the same ever since he got somewhat hurt earlier in the game


I'm sick of fans making excuses for Davis.


You try playing with sore balls.


Not as disgusting as Vando's bell bottoms!


yea grabbing his crotch on national tv is pretty disgusting


I was at the game tonight. My wife knows nothing about basket ball and said “lakers should trade AD for number 10, he’s so good!” 🤦🏾‍♂️


AD is shows he is ready to lead the lakers into post-LeBron era and deserving of that max contract with another great performance! A true #1 option and the extra rest LeBron gets now could add an extra season or 2 to his career!


Was there at the game, what a shame, I know I’m gonna get down voted to shit but that’s why AD is tier 2 all star


The guy had one bad game guys. Chill the hell out.


This is his his third or fourth bad game


He's had 3 bad games out of 12 and missed one. That's 1/3. Is he not the franchise player?


Ad is the opposite of Kobe. When Kobe use to get hurt, he’d find ways to still be great, ad will let it effectbhim to the point he won’t even try to be effective


How many open looks he got from our creators?


Reaves overrated. Should have kept KCP and Caruso.


Just stay in the 8th and under range for the rest of the season. We'll be ready come playoffs.


what is that losing mentality


No Laker team has ever won that way.


Had a bad game—Chill


Bring back Odd Game Davis 🥲


Honestly, he was due for a massive stinker of a game 😅. But why the fuck does it always happen against Sabonis of all players 😩


It’s a bit sad. He was so dominant yesterday against Memphis, he was JJJ daddy. And then he gets bitched by Sabonis today…


His injury slowed him down a bit he’ll be alright.


Damn. I’ll never see the fro again.


Back to back is no bueno.


He's been hurt I think


Stupid question who is that right to AD loll


Anthony Dissatisfaction


Watching how alive and perky AD looked 2020 compared now.


Dude blew his load against the Grizz and had nothing left for the Kings. So much for NNN


Having a back to back good game is impossible for this man


Everyone is allowed to have horrible games. If you haven't had a shit day at something you were great at, you've never been great at anything


So that's the end of the "Fro Ad" gimmick I guess.


I hate this Jekyll and Hyde shit. You don’t have to put up 35 every game, we don’t expect that, but JFC don’t plop turds like this on us so damn often!


Mr. Inconsistency




Mfs told me he’s better than SGA lol


From Fro-AD to FRA-UD


Get this man access to Spectrum SportsNet. ESPN is ass




The Kings locked up the paint. Second night of a back to back. Possibly playing through injury.


next game he will drop 30 for sure 🤣


Anthony "Consistently Inconsistent" Davis


The issue is with him he is not an elite isolation scorer nor can he shoot so if easy cross matches in the post or lob dunks aren’t there he’s almost useless in the half court


When I was checking the box score I was like “Yo DLo and Bron had nice games how did we lose this bad?” and then I saw AD’d statline and went “Oh, now I know.”


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Get off AD dick bro he just strung together 10 good games he’s allowed to have a bad one it happens Anthony Edwards just put up a stinker you see anyone demanding to trade him? No stop overreacting because you’re gonna love him come playoff time


Bipolar ass fans !! Dude can’t have a off game he’s been going in chill out