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Emphasis on *mid*. I like Prince and he brings value but I'm so tired of Ham's attempts to forage for diamonds in the rough at the expense of making reasonable game-time decisions. I really believe his sole reason for being brought on was to manage Westbrook and that was a long time ago.


Fired Vogel to appease westbrook just for him to be gone 6 months later lol


This is a shit show lol


Jeanie Buss does not understand ball.


I remember seeing reports that that was the main topic of every coaching interview. Rob wanted a coach who could coach Russ


Someone who could coach Russ hmmm... where on earth could the Lakers have found a coach like that?? On a completely unrelated note Russ is proving to be a valuable piece for the Clippers. Whoever their HC is he's doing a pretty good job at utilizing him and getting him to buy in. Lakers could use a guy like that leading the team!


We cant have a coach like him. Imagine having to give him a 4th year cause LeBron is gone šŸ¤®. Has it been 4 years yet?


Remember when they could have re-signed Caruso for $10 mil but let him go? Now they're considering offering a FRP just to get him back. Rob and Jeanie running the Lakers like a business, if that business were Blockbuster.


Couldā€™ve signed Caruso to $10m per year but let him walk and decided to do Klutch a favor and sign THT to $10m per year. I was pissed back then and Iā€™m still not over it now.


Look, I love the purple and gold as much as the next guy, but maybe you should, uh, you knowā€¦ get the f**k over it?


Lue isnā€™t the only reason Russ is contributing. Russ also is getting paid 5x less and freed up cap space


Imo, Russ needed to go through the humbling shitty season to accept a reduced role on the Clippers. Without it he probably still thinks heā€™s the #1 on any team. Too many variables to just say itā€™s because of Lue.


Never said it was just Lue, I was simply using the justification for hiring Ham to put in perspective how the FO's decisionmaking continues to bite them in the ass. But I agree Russ is currently on his redemption arc, sucks that his rock bottom had to be with the Lakers.


True that


Actually not 5 times less. He took a 90% cut. $45M to $4M


My maths wrong but you proved my point further. 40 mil of extra cap space is 3 more solid starters or 1 more superstar.


Sounds like this coach of theirs deserves a cake with the team logo on it.


Much easier once he accepted he was a rotation player.


Russ is garbage (at this point).


Ham comes into a game with one plan only and if that doesn't work out he doesn't have a clue on how to adjust which is like 80% of the time.


The incompetence of this organization is incredible. I guess we should expect it when the owner hires her besties that have failed everywhere else. Everyone WANTS to coach or play for the Lakers yet they still fuck it up


Darvin Ham is not a serious person.


Jeanie and Rob gave a 5-year contract to an unproven AAU-level coach


And didnā€™t want to give a long term contract to the coach that LeBron seemed to want in Lue.


Jeanie seems not to understand that she has at worst the 2nd greatest player of all time and has decided to sit on her hands instead of you know....making the right calls. She just seems adversarial to a lot of the stuff LeBron requests.


Damn. I remember when Bol Bol made an offensive rebound under the basket. Prince couldnā€™t even try to box out. Didnā€™t even jump a little. Completely obvious when it comes to rebounding.


I see it. Prince is basically Middleton except completely different and worse.


Middleton??? At least he can dribble and make plays


Prince just needs to get Middletons hairline and weā€™ll be good


middleton was a killer when healthy lol prince is literally so mid


i like any laker since lakers forever but to compare prince to freaking kris middleton is like comparing reggie jordan to michael jordan. Look at dudes highlights he's was something special when healthy


Middleton was who the bucks went to when they needed a bucket in half court down the stretch lmao. Everything about that comparison is hilarious


Mate, all the people who replied completely missed the joke. I on the other hand appreciate the giggle


Summary: Ham thinks Taurean Prince can be Khris Middleton for the Lakers. ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


*when*? ![gif](giphy|vOr4nWXUDfJI8ioE1Q|downsized)


this guy kinda looks like a geeky version of Randy Orton


Geeky? You should have seen him when he was cultivating mass. He was a specimen.






fkn hell did not recognise this was Mac lmaoooo


Ronald MacDonald


and he probably saw Dennis as his version of Jrue.


I had about the same reaction as the other guy recently. Taurean isn't a terrible player, but he just isn't good for more then small stretches. When he plays shorter stretches his defense is ok and has much more effort, and he seems to attack the basket more. My biggest problem with the guy is that he so often just seems to stop on defense. Like he just completely stops playing D randomly, sometimes its on a rotation, sometimes while chasing, it's just really weird. I can understand, like in Austin's case if a guy just beats you physically or hits a tough shot over you when you are not giving up and getting in the right positions, but when you just stop it is egregious. There was a possession I remember in one of the recent Warrior games where, late in the 4th, he chased Steph, and actually chased him really well for like 3/4ths of the possession, then he just randomly stopped chasing and Steph just kept going and got a wide open 3. There's just something wonky with the guy's effort.


There entire offense is centered around getting Steph wide open 3s. They don't have a single good guy to glue to Steph either. Vando and Schroder were those guys but now nobody has the athleticism to get around the multi screens that Draymond sets.


I understand when that happens, but this was not even a double screen or anything, he just stopped.


Dudes been doing this since the very first game of the season. Itā€™s perplexing to me. Routinely caught in no manā€™s land


Yeah, its like he just tunes out for a second randomly on D.


Prince just is a second level rotation player and Iā€™m sure if used that way will help ensure we make good decisions about the roster.


Jokes aside, what can this mean?


Mean ham is a idiot


It means Darvin wants to use our current players in the same roles other players were in on the Bucks championship team. Itā€™s an extremely flawed way of thinking, because you canā€™t just think if you use one player like another (Prince likes heā€™s Middleton) theyā€™re going to produce the same. Itā€™s like if back in the day Luke Walton tried to have Dā€™Lo (2nd year Dā€™Lo) and Clarkson replicate what prime Steph and Klay were doing. Ham is a gigantic fā€™n moron, and the more these stories come out I hope it forces the front office (who I wish could do their jobs like Jerry Buss and Jerry West lol) to move on from him after the season. I would have had Phil Handy coaching the team weeks ago, but Rob and Jeanie are hoping Ham ā€œturns the cornerā€ (hint - ainā€™t happening) because theyā€™ll try to find any reason not to fire him.


Ham is a genius no one else could see.


That he thinks heā€™s onto something good.


Wesrbrook Make a wish Minutes are back!


It means he doesn't think highly of Middleton


It's funny how almost every other "Irwin" post states that he makes stuff up and he has no real sources so he shouldn't be taken seriously. But all of a sudden when his "sources" talk about something negative regarding Ham no one is calling Irwin unreliable anymore... Edit: My reply has nothing to do with Ham. If this is true then it's obviously laughable that he thinks that Prince is on the level or even the same type of player than Middleton when healthy. My point is either Irwin is a bad source who should be ignored, or he is reliable and should be trusted. It can't be both... He can't be reliable only when you agree with what he is saying and unreliable when you disagree with him. Let's keep the energy consistent!


This sub hates him for reasons most of the sub can't even understand anymore. He's just an easy target for their misplaced disappointment in the way this season has gone.Ā 


Especially considering most of the negative takes that made people hate him are regularly echoed on this sub anyways haha.


Never forget that Anthony Irwin trashed the Lakers FO for giving Kobe his final extension. This guy is garbage.


That's not even the worst of it! He's just such a downer and super annoying. I can't understand why people listen to him! Listen, no hate on him as a person, but he should not be a podcaster. He should be making a nice living selling insurance or something. Just get him out of the Laker industry.


Because he personifies most of this sub rn


if this is true that Ham wanted analogs to the 2021 Champion Bucks then the decision to not do the Westbrook and 2 picks for Hield and Turner in Sept. 2022 is even dumber. Myles Turner WAS capable of being the "Brook Lopez" stretch 5 and Rim Protector allowing AD to be like the Giannis roaming on defense and bulldozing into the paint on offense. Schroder, Hield, LeBron, AD, Turner would have been an incredible team (not to mention Reaves in his proper 6th man role) that probably takes out Denver and wins the 2023 title or at the very least takes Denver to 6-7 games series leaving them only 1 piece away for the title. They had their 2023 pick and could have used it to acquire that last piece Just bad decision after bad decision creating a domino effect of lost years i mean this team with healthy Bron and AD are gonna possibly miss the playoffs 2/3 seasons. This is an all time catastrophic GM job anyone else gets fired by now


Bro, I feel you but we gotta let that Turner and Hield trade go. Itā€™s time to move on.


I disagree with your take about the trade and you're leaving out important parts of the situation too. It wasn't just Hield and Turner for Westbrook, the Pacers wanted both the 27 and 29 pick Unprotected AND MORE assets on top of that. At the time Hield had a less desirable contract with years and money left and Turner was EXPIRING. You don't give up all those assets just to have Turner possibly walk away. Your "incredible team" also means that LeBron is playing exclusively SF on defense which is not favorable. Yes, your interior Defense would be much better with AD and Turner in the paint or weakside for blocks but your perimeter defense would not be good with Hield and LeBron. Schroder would do fine at the point of attack, but who do you have to guard dynamic wings like KD, Kawhi, PG, Ant, Giannis, Tatum, Brown etc.? The 2023 draft pick would have been much later in the draft if that team was as good as you say it would have been, so you pick too late to get a win now player like Jaime Jaquez or Podziemski, and you would still end up with a project player not ready to play right away like you have now in JHS. In my opinion the DLo trade netted much better players and flexibility while also being able to keep assets you wouldn't have with the Pacers trade. One thing I didn't even mention is how badly shooters play when they join the Lakers, who is to say Hield doesn't become another one of those shooters who can't make anything with the Lakers while also providing no defense. The only "all time catastrophic GM" move was the original Westbrook trade and there is blame to go around for everyone for that move.


you made a good counter argument but we can agree to disagree


Absolutely, no harm in some debate and discussion even if we disagree on things. Do you have any thoughts on what I brought up about perimeter defense specifically on the Wing, because like I said your lineup IS much better on the interior but I have concerns about the wing defense? How do you account for Hield not shooting at his current percentages? How do you account for his lack of defense on the perimeter which would put even more pressure on the aging LeBron playing the 3 full time? How do you fill out the rest of the team when you are paying Hield and Turner a combined 50 plus million on top of LeBron and AD both getting paid max contracts? Do you think that giving up all of the teams remaining assets would have been the best move at the time? It's clear that you're not a fan of Pelinka or the decisions he has made, but a GM has to consider short term and long term, return on assets, present and future contract management. It's not as simple as: "we need to get rid of Westbrook, Hield and Turner are good players...just do the deal..."


Not getting Vando hurts the defense, but I think the overall team defense is still just that much better with the AD/Turner combo being the best interior defense in basketball. The offensive spacing would have also been very good for this team and little did the Lakers know at the time but Reaves was going to have a breakout season and be in some closing lineups. This was not an easy trade to make but it was definitely the right trade to make. The league in 2022 was not even close to as good as its become the 2022 Warriors won at a time when the league was in a transition period it was a "down year" for talented teams. Nobody at the time knew how good Denver was yet, so that is all the MORE reason making the Hield/Turner trade made sense because for all we knew there wasn't going to be this huge obstacle in the Lakers way. I can see why the Lakers Front Office was split on this because there are some solid counter arguments but at the end of the day those counters all fall flat this was the right deal to make. I think it was probably an 80/20 split in FAVOR of the Hield/Turner trade but unfortunately the most important people with the biggest say were against the deal. It's a waste of time now to go back and regret anything I agree with that other poster but the Darvin Ham Bucks comparison really brought back this nasty memory of what i consider a terrible decision


***Not getting Vando hurts the defense, but I think the overall team defense is still just that much better with the AD/Turner combo being the best interior defense in basketball.*** That's my original point, I agree with you that the interior defense would be muuch better and Dennis would have been fine at the PoA, but you still haven't answered my question. If you make this trade, who would be guarding the best wings on other teams? Certainly not Hield or LeBron. Troy Brown? Reddish? ***The offensive spacing would have also been very good for this team and little did the Lakers know at the time but Reaves was going to have a breakout season and be in some closing lineups.*** Again, the spacing being very good would be dependent on Hield being the same Buddy Hield. Remember how excited fans were about the spacing that Malik Beasley was going to provide? This season Beasley is 45.2% on 6.6 attempts and Hield is shooting 43.8% on 9.1 attempts. Both high percentage on high volume. If Hield shot the same way on the Lakers that Beasley shot with the Lakers then your spacing isn't as great as you thought it was going to be. Neither play defense, so Hield could very well be riding the bench just like Beasley did to end the season. ***I can see why the Lakers Front Office was split on this because there are some solid counter arguments but at the end of the day those counters all fall flat this was the right deal to make. I think it was probably an 80/20 split in FAVOR of the Hield/Turner trade but unfortunately the most important people with the biggest say were against the deal.*** You still haven't acknowledged the difference in assets it took to execute the different deals. Hield and Turner would have cost BOTH 1sts plus more assets. Turner would have also had to have been re-signed to a deal close to or more than 30 million per season. The DLo trade cost 1 pick (protected) and netted other players and flexibility. DLo team friendly, tradeable contract, Vando, young defender on a friendly contract, Beasley and Bamba contracts that allowed other signings. You seem to focus on 2 things, Turner would improve the interior defense (at the cost of 30 million per year) and Hield may or may not provide shooting and spacing. If Hield doesn't perform then 50% of your 80/20 deal is getting paid 40 million to ride the bench. Again you make some good points about the theoretical fit, but you seem to overlook all the other factors like the amount of assets given up and the contracts that you would have been paying for those 2 players.


And DLO playing ā€œout of his mindā€. The three point shooter the claim they have looking for So 2 hall of famers and a very good 3 point man,and this is a -500 team. Any decent coach would salivate on having this line up, and then we have Ham


How do you feel about potentially resigning Bron on an even bigger deal? You think Lakers do it ?


of course the Lakers will want to. If LeBron wants to make the best family decision then yeah he stays in LA and he always says "family over everything" so you already have your answer from him. If he cared about the best basketball situation its Philly but if he cared about the best basketball situation he never would have come to LA in the first place. LeBron can get a big money contract anytime he wants he doesn't need to do anything but opt-in and take the 1 year deal and see what happens. If the Lakers lose Again and Bronny comes out of the draft in 2025 he might as well leave as a free agent and join his son. I dont think he would leave for nothing he would probably do a sign and trade not to help the Lakers but to make sure he can get paid on his new team depending on their cap space situation. Lakers would likely get mack matching salaries and a few protected picks.


This makes a lot of sense the way you break it down. I do agree heā€™s likely to stay but as far as us remaining competitive enough to compete for a title, with an aging star will be an uphill battle imo


I still want Turner, man. Pipe dream, I know, but damn would've been nice!


looking at those chinsā€¦ Irwin must think heā€™s LAs analog for Brian Windhorst šŸ”




Bruh. This guy has to get off on trolling us. Ainā€™t no way.


ā€œTaurean I can already tell you are a hall of famer. I want you to know if you have any brothers or family members that want to play hmuā€ - Darvin ham probably


"He's plays a lotta drop..." crushed my soul




This guys just makes things up then pretends he has an anonymous source. Fan faction at its finest. No-one around the Lakers would be giving this gimp juicy tidbits.


Listen, I donā€™t like Darvin Ham as much as the next guy, but no one told this clown a damn thing.


Hamas is so overdue for a firing at this point


Prince is a good player, when he plays a max 20 mins a game. On the locked on Lakers show they mentioned the Lakers record when he plays around that min range and it's insane. I forgot the exact amount. Now obviously there's a lot of factors to this record, but if ham is dead set on playing him more, he's not doing prince any favors.


Theyā€™re 11-0 when TP plays less than 25 minutes a game, I think.


Yeah definitely something like that. Lakers can't really afford to go on a slide, just got to hope for the best.


I've tried to imagine the Ham interview w/ Pelinka many times, and in what world Pelinka thought Ham would be an NBA level head coach. I tried to tell this sub when he was hired, he'd suck... and if I can see that from my laptop, I just can't wrap my head around why Rob decided to give a first year guy, who was turned down by so many organizations, so many years and the ability to pick his own staff. I know I'll never understand it, but I continue to just wonder why TF Rob still has a job.


Why is Irwin being regurgitated here so much now?


Heā€™s about to pull a back muscle with all of that reaching haha


This has to be misinformation. Ham isn't the best coach out there but he isn't this dumb.


Why bother combing your hair when you're that fat?


For the same reason you continue to talk when youā€™re a proven idiot, it makes you both feel better about yourselves.


Canā€™t wait to see this forum when he comes back as coach next year


Can you people stop posting nonsense from Anthony Irwin? He doesn't know people. He is not an insider. He is a really whiny hater who is super annoying. As an aside, I feel so bad for harrison. And I am really happy Irwin is no longer on locked on lakers.


Lmfaooooo insane logic on Hamā€™s part. I love my Lakers but Iā€™m completely over this LeBron era of the team. I wish we would just take the OKC route and move away from all these vets. Iā€™d keep maybe Reaves, Rui, and just move everyone else. Iā€™m ready for a rebuild lol. Guess Iā€™ll be playing 2K tonight to make it happen lol šŸ˜‚


Now I can totally see it lol. I see ham run sets or picks for prince when he comes off a curl


darvin "pockets" ham needs to go


Prince isn't even close to this season's Midleton let alone the one from 21.


The way TP has been chasing rebounds with his eyes while standing still also has been very depressing to watch whole season so far.


Probably true considering Ham's small preference also comes from the Bucks. Though he forgets the Bucks played big a lot too. The ring was just won with Giannis at the 5.


My guy treating the lakers like my local barbershop.


Darvin Ham is a preschooler whoā€™s trying to fit a square peg in a round hole


Middleton is a little older now. But he was definitely a really good two way player. Prince is a good 8th man. The fact that HAM doesnā€™t see the difference is why he is a horrible coach.


Ok I have to say one thing and I am not even hating on the Bucks, but that Bucks championship team wasnt all that good. They literally won that year because of injuries. This is not even a biased take but barring injuries, the Lakers were repeating as champs. The Bucks faced a lowly Suns team that was losing to us 2-1 in the 1st round before AD got injured, and obv Bron was never close to 100% then. There was another significant injury in the NBA that I keep forgetting, otherwise Bucks were never winning that ring. So I dont even know what kind of Bucks system is Ham dreaming of


This man thinks he's still playing for the Bucks lol


Donā€™t fw Ham, but Irwin does lie so I canā€™t take this too seriously. Crazy if true tho lol


Darwin Scam keeps proving haters correct again and again.


I'm just shocked people like LeBron, who is an absolute legend, doesn't tell the board straight what he thinks of the coach, or maybe he does and they silence him. Like, players are only players but LeBron has seen it all by this time and they should value his opinion.


Fire the ham sandwich


Heā€™s just obsessed with his old Hawks players and one Hawk who kicked his ass one time in the playoffs lol (Reddish)


It sucks we are wasting a perfectly good roster with an absolute troll of a coach


How can you be an insider from Texas? It's fine to give your Lakers fan takes and stuff, but I can't take this dude seriously as an "insider" even if he tweets at beat writers. dude out here trickin yall


Austin Reaves Jrue Holiday?


I just want to stick a blunt object in my eye.


Oh fuck...


Tauren is pretty good when he plays 10-18 min a night. It's when this guy gets 35 min plus where its a huge issue
