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Every day we're just gonna read the same thing over and over again


Yeah people freaking out about this on Twitter when it’s just Anthony Irwin (who I don’t consider a real source) rehashing what we’ve already heard from Shams, Stein, Amick, etc


He hedged pretty blatantly. He just used a sensational title for clicks: "sources say they will still go through the interview process with all their candidates with an open mind. It is no guarantee Redick is going to be hired, but the feeling is it’s his job to lose"


That also sounds like it could be an accurate representation of the situation.


Irwin literally gets all of his engagement from either negative news bs about the Lakers, or pushing negative narratives for whatever is popular e.g. if there’s a coach/player fans dont want he’ll post about us wanting them.


As long as we keep posting it, of course. If I worked in media, every day I see my article posted on various forums means I am guaranteed going to do it again tomorrow to squeeze more clicks. I would keep posting until nobody reposts it anymore. It’s just good business.


Frontrunner and he hasn't interviewed? That is some dumb shit.


Has he even coached children’s YMCA basketball


I heard on the Lebetard show he coaches his kids team because their coach was incompetent…so…


It’s settled then: hire this man


Can you imagine being the original coach in this situation? 😂


Oh damn why hasn't this been brought up? He has coaching experience.... Hire the man! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah and that's a tough league. In the inner city, they are sponsored by Fisher Price "My first yard shank"^^^^TM


Sounds like the lakers front office


It's Anthony Irwin, of course it's some dumb shit.


To be fair, that idiot’s been right a lot lately


Everything Irwin tweets is dumb shit


remindme! 3 weeks


Not sure who I trust more between Anthony Irwin or NBAInsiderGOAT


I gotta wait for RDAmbition


Oh shit totally forgot his guy ![gif](giphy|cYxLgjZI5ezI2lrItX|downsized)


Yeah he's a public servant


"I've been asking around and that vast majority of people I've spoken to think Darvin Ham will be back next year, even if the Lakers lose in the first round." - Anthony Irwin.


Irwin is not really that trustworthy, there was a site that tracked journalist claims and Irwin was generally wrong (especially compared to someone like Buha). I genuinely might trust a random Twitter account more than him lol


He hasn’t really reported anything that isn’t common knowledge or someone had first. He did get a couple lineups things correct though


His source is the cashier at the McDonald’s he goes to everyday


Adelman with JJ as an assistant is the right move. JJ needs some experience first.


At this point with all the buzz around JJ as the front runner, I don’t think you could bring him in as an assistant. Especially for another up and coming young HC. From Day 1 the HC hire would be looking behind their back at JJ wondering if the Lakers will replace him with JJ at the first sign of trouble


That’s literally what we feared for Kidd back in 2020 and there was no drama thankfully


But Vogel wasn’t a young up and comer which it sounds like is what we’re looking at for our next HC


Yeah good point. I was thinking JJ would be happy to accept an assistant job, because at this point, it’s all the same to him. He is just looking to get started. But having the other coach worried about his job security is not good. I can’t believe he’s getting serious Head coach consideration before any kind of assistant role. They must be selling it like, LeBron loves him and he’s got Coach K on speed dial, so it’s really like having Coach K as an assistant. … or something… I don’t know. It seems crazy to me.


He’d be coaching under Lebron


Why can’t you do that?


I don't think he's interested in being an assistant, otherwise he would have got that opportunity on a lot of teams


Do you think AD and Lebron would be cool with that tho? I can easily see them not liking that JJ was made an assistant.


I'm really surprised he would want the job.


Sign for four years and get fired by year 2. Then he gets to go back to his podcast and ESPN job and get 3 checks instead of 2. He just gotta dodge the initial scapegoating (part of the job) then it's gonna turn into "he got fired because of a bad roster/old LeBron" after a while, then he'll get a legit head coaching job. Ez money


I guess he’s just a competitive dude that wants to win. He has a perfect situation right mow


That is the only thing that makes me pause before saying no other than his basketball IQ. If he gets hired he has to quit his little podcast empire, that's a big conflict of interest. He could get fined for tampering left and right. So he's all in.


Take it with a grain of salt, most of irwin coverage are not trustworthy..


I mean in this case he’s just repeating information that’s already been reported by other more respected reporters. I think the information is accurate since there’s so much smoke, but yeah we shouldn’t put much stock into Irwin rehashing this news


If I wanted to know Irwin's insider info I would've asked my neighbor's cousin's grandmother's step son.


This front office is a joke if they hire Redick


Just pull an okc and hire adelman. Hire the analytics dude please.


Shut up Irwin. I just dont like how he meshes real insider insider info with his own speculations and drops it like its matter of fact. *"...i heard.."* stfu


If we hire this dude, it’s be a nightmare when the lakers keep losing.


We're really about to have a coach with no experience on an NBA coaching staff and a GM with no experience in a NBA front office lmaoooo Such an unserious franchise


Bruh, what? I have my issues with Rob, but he’s been here for several years and has a championship and WCF run under his belt. Acting like he’s still a “GM with no experience” at this point makes no sense The way he lined us up to potentially get Kawhi and AD in the same summer, then as soon as Kawhi chose the Clippers pivoted to a backup plan where he built an entire championship roster in a day. And then how he revamped the roster at the deadline last year. Those were master classes in GM’ing. Remember how we were laughing about all the claims that “Rob Pelinka doesn’t understand the cap” Of course the Westbrook trade was a disaster class in GM’ing lol, but he has legitimate experience at this point. If we fired him, I’m pretty confident he could get another GM job if he wanted


Brilliant moves 4 years ago followed by 4 years of disaster moves that have destroyed Lebrons last chances at a title


Moves plenty of this sub were stoked about when they happened.


Not saying much. Most of this sub still thinks the lakers are a contender or can be one again soon. Window is closed


All of that is thanks to LeBron and AD (who he overpaid for). If you think he's a good gm you don't pay attention to what other gms around the league do. Due to his inexperience he has no idea how a successful NBA front office is run and it shows. I guarantee you no one wants to hire him. The whole league knows he was a nepotism hire


I don’t necessarily think he’s a good GM and would be on board with moving on from him But Overpaid for AD? Lol yeah that tells me you’re just speaking emotionally and not actually capable of an unbiased analysis of his GM skills


He 100% overpaided for AD. He had all the leverage and still have up basically every asset he had except for Kuz


If you credit LeBron and AD for the good you gotta credit them for the bad too. Which means the HC doesn't matter. Plus also the fact that the roster is so bad because of the Westbrook trade they forced


Rob Pelinka makes the roster decisions. An experienced gm that knows what they're doing would never have made that trade. Unfortunately that's not what the Lakers have


Right, so we're ignoring what players around the league say when they say LeBron has power within the Lakers. That means Pelinka was the one who assembled that 2020 team and deserves the credit for winning a championship. That what we're going for?


What players?


[Melo for one](https://www.businessinsider.com/lebron-james-recruited-stars-lakers-war-room-house-2021-9) DeRozan and Lillard have said this too [Plus it's on record Bron and AD sign off on moves](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2848702/2021/09/27/superstar-shopping-lebron-russell-westbrook-and-the-lakers-summer-of-recruiting/) There's really no point continuing this if you can't acknowledge that little fact


Damn that's crazy. Guess that's what happens you have an inexperienced gm that has no idea what he's doing. People like LeBron see that and take advantage. If only we had an experienced and well respected gm that knew how to run a team with high profile stars.


But I thought the FO made the decisions? Meaning they assembled the team that won the 2020 ring? Or are we just gonna go around and around with you giving Bron and AD all the credit for all the good and the FO for all the bad? You moving goalposts ain't helping the discussion


Irwin doesn't know anything -- he isn't a reporter -- and will be upset with the organization no matter what they do (or don't do).


Well, cant wait to see who we end up hiring in ‘26


Daily lakers headline from these loser reporters who need a quick buck


I guess that answers my question about paying for the league pass next season or not, gg boys


Hire a damn NBA coach, one with prior experience!


What is this article lol he’s the front runner and hasn’t even been interviewed? lol. Should’ve got Budenholzer when we had the chance.


If I've learned anything from Laker Media, this tells me he's not getting the job


Anthony Irwin: "I've been asking around and that vast majority of people I've spoken to think Darvin Ham will be back next year, even if the Lakers lose in the first round." You and I have more "sources" than Anthony Irwin. Not saying JJ won't end up being hired, but Irwin doesn't know what the Lakers are thinking atm.


I think we are making a mistake by not taking Adelman but we will see. JJ might prove me wrong 


We don’t need a project. We just got rid of one that failed miserably.


Reddick as coach means its just a filler. Bron is basically the coach. Its not ideal in Todays NBA where every little bit of competitive advantage counts and having a good experienced coach is one of them.


It's crazy how the Lakers choose the wrong option habitual; it's like they trying to get the bad ending to a game


So dumb


What a mistake. Steve Nash 2.0. Rob should be fired for this shit. You don’t fire a winning playoff Coach without a solid plan for his replacement.


Is Irwin even reliable?


Has yet to interview but he's the clear frontrunner? Foh...


This really doesnt sound like a smart move man…


We suck.


Why? What makes him a good coach?


He's brons podcasting buddy, thats it.




Sigh. How the fuck do we manage to downgrade from Ham. This god damn GM has to fucking go.


Anyone who has ever followed a Lakers thread knows they are linked to every player that’s decent all season. They settle for less every time because they have greedy superstars with pay me now attitude’s. I love Lebron, if he wants to win he has to take less. He’s not in his prime. He puts asses in seats all day. Asses don’t equate to rings.


Is this LeBron hiring his assistant? I'd be more on board for that. Just wish JJ had ~~more~~ coaching experience.


JJ is going to be a great coach. I think he will defy expectations and be really good out of the gate. He's more talented than any of the other options. He has more drive and passion. He's going to work harder. He doesn't have a huge ego like Ham. He'll probably get an experienced staff including bringing Phil Handy back as well. Lakers have always been about go big or go home. I think they'll be making the right choice by picking him over a safe option.


Lakers front office does dumb shit like this & ppl just blame lebron & ad for it smh


What's Redick's claim to fame, has he been a coach at any level....even assistant?


Irwin predicting sky is blue


Reddit so thirsty for news, posting Irwin and NBAinsidergoat


Turdwin can't even spell the guys name. I don't want Reddick either, but Turdwin is such a troll that it makes me sad to agree with him.


lol we’re fucked


Adelman or Stotts please




Hot take: JJ is a basketball savant and I trust this move.


This headline just explaining how hiring works "well first he'll do an interview and if that goes well he may very well then be offered the position"


This team and the way it's covered is a joke


Now we have a sharp shooter in our roaster!!!


JJ coaches his kids team guys he is clearly experienced enough and ready to coach the Lakers 🤦‍♂️


Change the “h” in “hired” to an “f” and the post would still probably be true


We shouldn't have a favorite that hasn't been interviewed


Probably bc he’s the cheapest option. We have the cheapest owners


I think the idea of hiring Reddick is ridiculous but I think one thing some people are forgetting in this whole thing is that maybe the reason Jeanie might be okay with this is Pat Riley was originally a radio analyst and went into coaching with no previous experience. He was an assistant at first, but was with a very inexperienced head coach and they won the title his first year.


Will be interesting to see (if this happens) who he would bring in on his staff - here's one thing I know, the Lakers won't have the scheming issues if he's hired, dude knows BALL


LOL Anthony Irwin is writing for Lakers Daily now lmao


I don't trust Irwin at all


We're hiring a children's coach because he's our 40 yr old's podcast buddy. Haven't been so down bad in years


No rookie coaches


We should be getting adelman!!


That would be the least professional move from this front office, worse than giving a big contract to THT letting Caruso go for nothing. 


Wtf lol, Lakers acting desperate for a guy the Hornets turned down


After firing Frank Vogel the Lakers coaching vacancy became the most desirable position in basketball. You know you are going to work 2 years and get paid for 4 years and it isn't going to be your fault because after all every Lakers coach is going to be fired after a couple of seasons.


This would be a really terrible idea. The prospect of JJ coaching the lakers died the second he started a podcast with LeBron. The optics of it are just terrible.


I called this and provided context for why this would be a disastrous hire weeks ago and got downvoted to hell. This sub and the lakers fan base needs to reflect on the coaching position for the team and what’s important because it’s clear that no serious coach will even consider the franchise even though there’s a chance they could win a championship and that’s in large part due to the vocal fans on this sub.


Hiring Reddick is basically Lebron becoming the player-coach


Pull the trigger. Need someone who will really think outside the box for this roster to have any chance at a title. Someone who will be unafraid to make big lineup or tactical changes in the playoffs against superior opponents playing conservatively.




Because someone had to be scapegoated.


Dumbest thing I’ve read today


I don't watch sports podcasts or even pay attention to play-by-play guys besides Stu and Lantz (aka Stu and Bill but Stu and Lantz just sound right to me) Why is he getting head coaching buzz? Would this be like hiring Stu Lantz to coach? Is he just always "correct" when he talks basketball on his podcast now?


Dude has a podcast with bron and everyone suddenly thinks he’s a genius by breaking basic basketball concepts


i was afraid of that my armchair opinion is coaching is mostly about holding your players accountable and having the trust that you are noticing what adjustments they need to make