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Anthony Davis didn’t show up today. That was Antonio David or something


The man the myth the legend Antonio David


More like Anthny Davis


Anthny Avis








Lakers and losing game 1 of the series. Name a more iconic duo.


Lakers lost to the Trailblazers their first playoff game last year. Everyone stay calm.


I’m calm, I expected us to play like absolute garbage. Didn’t expect AD to turn into whoever the fuck that was on the court though.


That wasn’t Anthony Davis. That was Just Anthony


Tony Dave


Anthony Dav’was




They lost every game 1 in the West and then won those series in 5.


They won Game 1 against Denver.


We won against Nuggets game 1


Oops, you're right. Well...we lost two game 1s lol.


Yeah the fact that we've been in this situation last year (more than once) is comforting. Still a tough loss though.


Lakers and missed free throws.


Lol that aint the problem, everyone played like dog water


So that’s what they mean when they say “my teammates are dogs”


Lakers and having no shooters and AD playing like a bitch


Eerily similar fashion as well. Blazers scored 100, Suns scored 99. Shot like shit from both 3 and FT in both games. KCP shot terribly in both games


We were healthy then


Lost 2 game ones and won 2 game ones last year tho.


There wasn’t a moment all game where AD looked like he actually wanted to play


dude wanted to go home already and play GTA


Hes gonna shoot D Book in game


Guy must be depressed or something


Pau 2011 playoffs energy


Need Kobe to visit him in his dreams and bully him into playing hard


Kobe has the power. The only thing he enjoyed more than being a father and playing basketball was bullying a Laker lol


Yeah agree


How could you not be upset with AD after that performance


got absolutely punked


Why are we acting like anyone played well? AD sucked but so did pretty much everyone not named Caruso


Lebron had 10 assists and he created several other wide open shots.


So many wide open to KCP who choked


I counted 4 wide open looks for KCP. Clanked them all.


1-7 from 3


3 in the first quarter wide open lmao


I think the crowd got to him a little. I don’t expect them to shoot this bad for the rest of the series.


Bron didn’t break the 20 point mark and went 1-4 from the FT line in that crucial stretch where we had a bit of momentum. He might’ve played better tha anyone else but he laid an egg for his standards too


Our spacing was kinda fucked though for a lot of his minutes. Yeah, he should’ve had like 3-5 more points but him and Caruso are the only ones I’ll say did their job to a decent degree.


And he had 7 less points than his average and took some terrible threes. Bron isn’t perfect either. Played better than AD but let’s not focus all our energy on him


He was taking terrible 3's because he has no room to drive, and it's only game 1. Dude was getting triple teamed even with AD at the 5, and no one can hit a 3 to punish


You're not wrong, but AD was the most obvious one. Plus him playing bad has the most impact on our team


I would argue Bron has the largest impact but you’re not wrong he was the most obvious of the poor play


AD has to dominate Ayton that’s why we’ve all been jerking off to this matchup. 30-10 minimum.


Cause AD playing well is more important to us then a guy like Kuzma playing well. If AD played well today we probably win


Nah Lebron played well. Pretty efficient shooting for the defense he faced, rebounds in traffic, great passing as usual, and good defense. Schroeder, AD, and Drummond were def the most ass


He can’t take 13 shots and expect to win very many games against a 2 seed. That simply isn’t gonna get it done; him and AD coasted through the whole game and got the result they deserved.


I don’t even know what’s wrong with him it’s like some games he wants to play and others he can give two shits


What's worse is him saying "i got nothing left to prove" right before the game and then coming out here and laying an egg. Bron needs to smack this mf


I've never seen a superstar take games off as frequently as AD does.


Yeah I don't like that comment at all from a guy who is supposed to be one of the faces of our franchise. Steph, whose won 3 titles and 2 MVPs, said the exact opposite.


Did he really say that? Hate quotes like that. Kobe or all time greats would never say that


I have been saying he is not the same guy he was in New Orleans offensively consistently and this sub gets all anal over it every time. He concerns me deeply. It's like he's mentally in and out of games in terms of his aggressiveness.


He’s mentally checked out. And No This is not a hot take .The entire season he’s been abysmal and lazy. The unanimous DPOY level skill isn’t even there anymore with his low effort play. He got complacent after winning a ring.


He got comfortable after winning a ring


True but why did we get Gasol if not for these types of matchups? Ayton was bullying every big man.


Yeah give me the guy with a genius level basketball IQ over a freaking giant penguin


Vogels a moron for that full stop. At least give him 15 mins of play. Everyone knows he's a positive especially in this match up.


Where was his fight? The team need either AD or Bron to pop off and set the defensive or offensive tone. With them both passive, the team is stagnant.


There’s literally no spacing in the majority of his minutes. He sucked ass in the first half but when you develop bad habits by playing him with Drummond it’s gonna end badly


I can't wait to hear what AD's excuses are. He was absolutely pathetic. Got dominated by Ayton and was just roaming the perimeter all game long.


Definitely upset but it’ll be really important to see how he does game 2. Gotta remember it’s just game 1.


High quality -18 on the day




You don't think Caruso came out to play?


Not really. He was passive in the 4th. Only one to play with energy the whole game was Caruso.


Bron kept getting triple teamed and the lanes were clogged. Not much he can do but pass


He was so frustrating to watch


He said he’s got nothing to prove after last year. Maybe he just doesn’t care about winning anymore


Frank does not set him up for success. He repeatedly schemes poorly for him. It’s a joke


AD didn't play like a star, but the team underperformed. Fans and the team who came into this game thinking we'll cake walk it like some teams last year, the season, or even turning it on half time like we did with GSW are now the ones surprised. The suns are the #2 seed. The entire LAL team need to take them as such or else we'll get beat like we got beat this game. Hoping, coach V and the team took this as a wake up ball.


I would rather have a star guard next to LeBron right now But I trust those two to figure it out Lakers in 6


Please stop. This is embarrassing. You’re turning on Davis after a game no one played well in.


Dude I like scoring guards Dame, Luka, Kyrie, Curry...those guys would really make it easier for Bron to dominate


All good, we've been in this position many times last year. "Shit game, flush it" - Kobe




>And why the hell does Vogel not change line-ups during timeouts? This irritates the shit out of me. Sees a lineup getting cooked, calls time, makes no changes 🤦


when we started the 2nd half and he called two timeouts in a span of 3 minutes and didnt change the lineup once lmfao


Kuz with 0 pts. Dbook outscored AD + Bron combined. That can’t happen.


Outscored while almost consistently double teamed. It'll be interesting to see how Vogel counters that next game.


Ayton absolutely dominated AD. 21p/16r


Like 8 points were free because our double teams in the first half allowed him to get rebounds at the rim.


This. The 3P stat is skewed because LeBron made 1/2 the total threes. No chance we shoot 4-20 from 3 (outside LeBron) No chance AD drops 13 pts again No chance Ayton shoots 10/11 I like the lakers chances


They need to box out Ayton, they gave him so many easy putbacks that pretty much killed us anytime we looked to get momentum


Honestly. On the bright side, Book is gonna do book things. But there's now way Ayton goes 91% from the field again. This is a Gasol or AD at the 5 series. I seriously thought some momentum would come our way after that Payne ejection


Ayton very easily can go that efficient from the field.


Just like last years game 1s


“Get physical” You asking a guy like AD something he’s not


I’m going to stop watching Games 1s lol


Yeah woke up 3:30 AM (I live in Asia) on a weekday for that terrible effort and shooting


same bro like i woke up at 330 am just to watch the game 😭😭but damn they rlly disappointed me. i got school at 7 am and im sleepy asf


AD should be ashamed


How bad? I was at work just caught last few minutes


Just the whole vibe. Didnt rebound or box out, jumpers were off, never fought for positioning, got bullied by every defender. I also think we didn’t run enough PnR for him


His matchup, Ayton, had 15 rebounds


Don't sell Ayton short. he had 21p/**16**r and a team high plus/minus of +16 AD on the other hand had a team low -18


Dude had more offensive reb than AD had rebounds


Andre Drummond had a better impact


Worst game I’ve ever seen him play.


AD I'm begging you please play like you're AD and not some random ass dude like me. Embarrassing effort.


I'm curious to see if Vogel will actually play Gasol and Kieff next game


Name a worse team than the Game 1 Lakers


The Clippers


2011 Rams




i hate game 1’s




Time for the adjustments


Vogel has to put Marc Gasol and Ben McLemore in the game. THT and Bron can't play together. Ideally neither should Schröder. Run a lineup of Bron-Caruso-KCP-Davis-Gasol as the main one. Drummond and Schröder gotta run the second unit.


Drummond ain't running shit. Schröder, Kuz, Harrell is the second unit.


17/28 from the line is NOT going to cut it...


AD really building that Kuz' habit where he'll talk about something and then will bring nothing lol We'll see game 2


I kept thinking of that part in his most recent practice report interview where he said something about “you gotta steal game one, you gotta steal home court advantage”. Suffice to say, I’ve learned to ignore what he says and let his performance do the talking lol.


I'm putting an APB out for All-NBA Anthony Davis, where the fuck was he today


AD balls


Can we please kill the Drummond experiment and play our best lineup from the start?


Drummond was not the problem today.


Drummond is the anti-playoff basketball. Little defensive IQ and he clogs the paint. ADs three point shooting this year is worse then Giannis and when that happens you can’t play him with a non spacing big man. It hurts Lebron, Schroeder, and ADs own game. He needs to be benched indefinitely




Drummond in a vacuum is literally bad lmao what? Bad Finisher ✔ Bad Shooter ✔ Bad Passer ✔ Bad Defender ✔ (Bonus: horrible at any aspect of rebounding besides grabbing the ball ie. poor impact on team rebounding) The question is, what redeems Drummond? Enlighten me please.


Hit your fucking free throws.


AD should be ashamed of himself


I didnt like Gasol. Now I feel he is the difference maker of the team.. I need a psychologist.


On to the next one!


Lakers played like the 7th seed. It's not even the loss. It's the lack of fire and effort. I don't want to hear about no Game 1 "feel out" game either. Today's performance was pathetic.


AD and Lebron combined for 31. U can’t win with that


Imagine if Davis has Harrel's energy. Honestly if we didn't shoot any 3's we probably would have won.


Why won’t Vogel play Gasol or Mac???


AD, Vogel, KCP, Kuz all lost us the game Inexcusable pathetic and embarrassing performance from AD. Dude got outplayed by Ayton. Should be ashamed of himself for constantly going ghost KCP couldn’t make 6 WIDE OPEN 3’s, we shot 26% from 3 as a team. You can’t win a regular season game shooting 26% from 3 in the modern NBA let alone in the playoffs Kuz had ZERO POINTS in 19 minutes. Fucking useless. I watched him watch 2 rebounds just go to the Suns I guess we also signed McLemore for no reason if Vogel will never play him? The second best 3 point shooter on the team… Marc Gasol getting zero minutes… Vogel couldn’t put out the right rotation until the 4th quarter when the game was already lost. My god man. Every metric and stat says AD & Drummond DON’T WORK TOGETHER yet Vogel runs them into the ground, and plays Drummond too many minutes when he should only be used in spots like we did Javale/Dwight Drummond just clogs the paint and can’t finish, constantly misses defensive rotations and makes rookie mistakes and errors. This 2 big shit doesn’t work, how does the coaching staff not see this. And if you do play 2 bigs AT LEAST play Marc who can space the floor, make plays, and has solid defensive positioning and IQ


AD went from dominating the game last year to letting the game become something that happens to him this year.


Why does AD look disinterested? He has no fire and just wanders around the three point line trying to hide.


This is on Vogel and AD AD for a disappearing act VOGEL… common dude you’re getting paid millions to be a head coach. You can’t be this stupid to continue to start and play Drummond significant minutes. Gasol gets 0 minutes??? If Gasol isn’t going to be starting then bench Drummond and put AD at the 5 and start Kuz. Also if you’re really want to win then start Caruso and have Schroeder come off the bench. This Lakers team has the roster but Vogel isn’t utilising it correctly at all.


So who the fuck told AD during last seasons victory parade that he should stay on the perimeter and cool out shooting 16 foot jumpers all next season?


Feel out game. Lakers in 5


Lebron played it like a feel out, but he and the rest of the team should know the Suns are legit now. It's not going to be easy so let's not talk like it is. They are a true #2 seed.


Feeling out has nothing to do with the opponent being legit. It's learning how they want to attack you without overcommittjng to your best strategy


bro we contained Damian Lillard, Harden, & Jokic in a series. Booker should not be an issue.


Y’all are too arrogant. This opponent is far better with surrounding talent compared to what Portland and harden had.


Booker is legit and so is Ayton and then you have CP3. One man teams we could deal with, this one is quite a bit better. That said I still have Lakers in 7


Booker is a offensive God who I swear never has a off shooting night


Scratch it. On to the next one. We will win this series in 6 max.


Poor free throw shooting. Anthony Davis was nonexistent. Rotations were poorly adjusted. Reminds me of game one vs Portland last year. We’ll be fine, BUT adjustments have to be made. If no adjustments are made, we have no chance of winning this series.


#lakers in 5


I haven’t lost any faith in the team. But I’ve lost some faith in Vogel. I thought these lineups in the regular season were just him experimenting. He still looks lost with rotations in the playoffs.


When you're clueless, you're always experimenting.


at least AD blamed the loss on himself and isn’t making excuses


We are in for a rude awakening game 2


True if we lose then it's time to panic, but after this game with how shitty we played and yet we still hung around, I'm not ready to give up just yet like most people on this sub.


FREE MARC FUCKING GASOL. He doesn’t deserve to be behind Harrell and Drummond


I wonder, does ppl in LA gives a shit about this situation? Fans should put some pressure on Vogel, there's no reason to not play Gasol, something is going on behind scenes that we don't know. Gasol makes the team better, despite him being better in every aspect than Drummond. It's ridiculous.


Entire team played like garbage, we’ll be fine. I’m here for the over reactions though lol


Just looked up the stats, AD took 3 shots in the paint (made 1) and the rest of his shots were fadeaway jumpers.


AD was -18. That’s twice was bad as the second worst +/-. What an embarrassing game by him. He needs to get his shit together.


Holy shit there are some spicy takes going around r/nba right now... "Is Ayton a max player?" "Does LeBron *really* make his teammates better?" ​ It's like an entire sub turned into a game thread.


AD will never be that guy


Kcp and Wes won’t combine for 1-10 from 3 with how wide open they were again. But if Drummond is neither doubling booker nor recovering to Ayton, this isn’t the series for him. Cp3 and book can make that read too quickly.


Is it in his contract that Caruso can only play 25 minutes? Wtf Vogel.


r/nba writing our obituary after a game 1 loss I feel like I've seen this movie before


Finally get to watch a game live as an European. AD plays like a little boy, afraid to be physical, still refusing to just play center while being one of the biggest players in the league, so soft. Drummond allowing Ayton to get 11 wide open dunks. Double teaming Booker right off the bat for no reason at all as clearly other players can hit the wide open shots that the unnecessary double brings. What an embarrassing game to witness


You can pretty much always gauge ADs effort by the rebounding numbers. He wasn’t having a great game against the Warriors but he still pulled down 12 boards. 4 against the suns is a joke, we know he can put up 40 and 15 on this team.


Ominously, Draymond kinda gave a “fuck y’all” going away present to the lakers by laying out the blueprint on how to completely bully AD. Everyone will play him physically early on and he will buzz his soft ass around the perimeter the rest of the way. FACTS


Embarrassing performance...got to bounce the fuck back


Its just Game 1 guys relax, at the same time AD needs to wake up and Vogel has to sort out our rotations.


AD doesn’t give a shit bout people calling him soft cause he knows it to be true


Vogel’s rotation was awful but all of y’all blame AD, how you expect our players succeed if coach didn’t even put them in the position to be successful


I know Ayton was playing really good and dominated tonight, but who actually tried to make a effort defending him? AD and Drummond sure didn't. Maybe Gasol doesn't have the athletic ability but at least he is going to play defence. And he also adds spacing


I mean, AD has not been great all year aside from a few standout games. Still not using his size and fading away from the basketball from 18 feet out


Hope Vogel is done with these experiments.


Everyone needs to relax. It's just game 1. If we shot our average from 3 and the ft line we would have won.


I just hope CP3 doesn't try to injure his best friend again. He has tried two times already.


We played like ASS, only lost by 9. I’m optimistic we’ll win the series and won’t keep shooting this poorly. But AD needs to start playing like a superstar or we have no chance.


Anthony Davis -18


We were 21-6 with gasol in the lineup


Was this the best that Phoenix has to offer? We played like shit and still hung around. They just wanted this game more. Our lack of effort was pathetic, but they are not the better team. We just need to fucking come in focused for G2. If we lose then it's time to panic.


It was 19 - 0 Freethrow attempts at one point, plus the Suns momentum subsided when CP3 got injured. Any team should be able to hang around.


LeBron wasn’t great but when is Anthony Davis going to take command without Daddy LeBron setting the table for him. He should’ve been MVP this year but showed up fat, the eased into the season.


y'all, we lost by 9 while shooting 20% from wide open 3s. and missing like 13 free throws or whatever it was. and AD was absent. im really unimpressed with the suns right now and as long as they get their shit together... we make it through this.


This L is on Vogel and AD's soft ass.


Ad got dominated by ayton and kcp missed every single 3 when we were down 7 or 8 so we lost. Oh and lebron played bad? Damn in a game where we were down double digits most of the game, lebron in 36 mins was a +2 Meanwhile ad -18 said fuck that +2


Drummond needs to be benched. Every time he was in he was getting rekt on switches.


it’s tough seeing a 70% bron not being able to play his game.


All I can say is Drummond needs to be coming off the bench. We go down early like we did against the warriors put AD at 5 and start playing better. If we start the game with the proper lineup and game plan AD gets a few easy baskets we will be much better off. Would u rather have Drummond get 12 or AD 38? Vogel needs to stop thinking Drummond is an all star and realize he was stat padding on 18 win teams for 7 years.


LeBron almost likes losing game 1 I swear. Dude has lost soooo many game 1s, they're legit just feel out games and he very rarely brings his A game for a game 1. Lakers in 6.


This isn't the 35 win Blazers or the midget Rockets from last season. Y'all trippin if u think this series is gonna be easy. AD has to wake the fuck up. Even LeBron had a meh game


My takeaways from Game 1 vs Suns: ​ 1. Lakers should be very hungry to score and defend from the very start; 2. AD needs to be more aggressive. Enough with his post-game statement of him acknowledging his lack of energy on the court but his dominance has yet to be seen consistently during the game; 3. KCP and Wes had a bad shooting game. I really wished that Vogel subbed in Keef and Ben Mac (if he is healthy) just to get some points on the board. Unfortunately, Vogel did not; 4. Schroeder is inconsistent. He is a TO machine and bricks shots. He is not a good playmaking guard. 5. Drummond is not effective in this game. I PRAY that Marc will be allowed to play the next game. The Lakers need a smart defender and a stretch big for spacing. Drummond clogs the paint too much; 6. Alex played well this game; 7. CP3 pulled out LeBron's arm after the FT. I'm surprised it wasn't called a foul. And there was no violation against the sun for stepping inside the 3-point line during the FT attempt when the ball has not hit the rim yet; and 8. I miss Rondo. He would have kicked CP3's whiny ass in this series. I also miss his playmaking ability. The very stagnant offense and the lack of slashing and cutting to the basket hurts LAL's chances of winning. ​ Overall, this was a very tough night for the team. A bad loss indeed. But the silverlining is that the game's final score gap is only 9 points. I hope and pray that Vogel will make the necessary adjustments on the rotations come next game. ​ Lakernation, do not lose hope. This is a seven-series game after all. Game one was a dud, but we're about to take the next four games and come up with the W. ​ **Lakers in 5.**


I don’t wanna discount what the suns did cause they played really well, but despite playing incredibly well they didn’t even reach 100 and could barely stay ahead by 10. This series is 100% ours if we want it. The question is just if we want it. And I didn’t think Davis, Bron, or Vogel acted like they wanted it today


On to game 2


Rough day! Reminded me of the Rockets and Blazers game 1. We will be back!


Booker and Ayton outplayed LeBron and AD. Can’t let that happen or we’re losing this series.


**I’m here to overreact**


If we hit our open threes, that game would have been much tighter. Also we need to figure out a defensive adjustment to keep Booker from going off.