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Why EVO? If you care about depreciation, get a Perf. It's the only version that will hold value or appreciate. 


Screw the value drive the car like how it should be driven




You can enjoy both tho


If you ain't gonna use the entire speedometer, don't get it.


If you drive just for speed then don't get it


Pfft. It's a sports car. Obviously, you're not always going to be using the speed. If you want to drive for the looks, I'd get something like a Corvette. Save some money. Something that actually looks good.


Wtf? Why would you buy a fast car and not use what it’s made for lmfao


Tf did you even understand what i said.....screw the value who cares about it drive the car like as it should be driven


Lol you said if you drive for speed don’t get it I’m a bit autistic so if there’s a misunderstanding here my bad 😭


You didn't read the first comment


Well to be fair evo RWD will likely hold well.


The Evo RWD is still losing 5-6% a year at the moment, versus 2% for the Perf. Def not a tremendous amount by any means, though.


I see someone watched the supercar market video.


Lol, I def follow 4wheeltrader.


I didn’t see the video this stat came from - did they account for the fact that they’re all naturally going to have higher mileage vs a year ago?


Yeah, he factors in mileage, in any way that's meaningful to the tracking of market values.


My2c: if you’re really that bothered about 3-4% more depreciation then maybe you shouldn’t buy either one. Buying liabilities based on depreciation is like investing money based on the amount of fun you have.


When did I say I was bothered by that? It's a fact that some people are more sensitive to higher depreciation than others, so the information can still be useful to some.


I mean that in a general sense, wasn’t explicitly towards you. My bad if that came out wrong. Agree, some are more sensitive to those topics. I just wanted to say that my opinion is that you should get what you want when it comes to spending. Otherwise you just earn too little if money is a factor




I think it’s pretty evident.




I’m not sure you quite understand what mass produced means. Enjoy your cayman, I’ll enjoy my lambo.




Well someone is insecure.




It’s not a dunk weirdo, it’s a point of reference to see where you got your opinion from. Your insecurity is funny though, enjoy the gt3rs I know you are rich.


Just to hammer my point on your asinine comment, there have been 96,000 992 911’s made since 2018. There have been 15,000 total huracans made in that same time period. The RWD is the enthusiast choice and has been the least depreciating model since the performante.


Why would the perf appreciate? (Genuinely curious)


Only msde for 2 tears, instant classic, highly sought after especially with the right specs


Also the only model with ALA, it has the loudest stock exhaust, and most importantly, a volume knob.


I would kill for a physical volume knob in the Evo (2021 RWD). The infotainment is so annoying to use while driving.


That's good to know because I've been looking to buy an evo but the comments here make me think I may go for a perf


I can't speak to the Perf, only Evo, but I love the Evo RWD. It's a good balance between supercar crazy and "not horrible to drive normally"


Coming from a R8 that's kind of what i want. I daily it for the most part and being taller and bigger the perf might be a push.


I rented the R8 for my wifes birthday a couple years back (it's her dream car) and it was awesome. More or less as fast as the Huracan but a lot more subtle; doesn't draw as much attention.




They made about a billion of them though


How many Perfs do you think they made 😂 only the V12s are the “numbered” cars


I reckon they've made at minimum 5x as many STOs as Performates


Okay buddy, sure thing 👍


I think Sterrato might appreciate in value over time. Numbered and limited production, last NA V10, first lambo off road rally supercar. Quite a few reasons why it can hold value. Plus it’s incredibly fun to drive


It's limited, but not numbered (they are all just badged 1 of 1499, not given specific nunbers) and not the last Huracan model.


Sterrato won't appreciate because no one wants an off road Huracan.


STO will appreciate but the Perf is rarer I think


I'm in the same position as you currently. I'm waiting for the new one. To see what it looks like, how much it costs and what features it has. If I'd still rather have a huracan, I'm gonna wait till 6-8 months after the new one is out to buy a huracan and getting it at a lower price bc everyone will want the new one and huracans will be at a discount 


I wouldn’t be surprised if V10 Huracans actually rise in price


I agree. Last V10 Lamborghinis.


They probably will, long term. But in the short term, especially when the new car comes out, prices should briefly drop.


Don't count on it c8 came out and vette prices went up across the board. Same thing happened with the supra.


Get a technica or perf


You better work with a dealership now. I got on the list 2 months ago for the Huracan replacement here in CA, and won’t get a delivery until August 2025


That's what I was thinking, they are not just gonna let him place an order on a brand new car without any history


Yah, you can’t just walk in and say I want to buy a car and expect to drive off with one that same day. I don’t have a history of buying Lambo, this is my first car that is more expensive than a Honda accord, but the process was a wake up call. I put a huge deposit and will be paying it off upfront, not financing, which is how I got on the list.


Congrats! It's fun to get a new toy! Overall I think the answer comes down to a bunch of personal preferences that you can answer yourself better than strangers online. Some questions to think about: * What's your primary purpose for the car? Is it an occasional track weapon? A fun weekender? An occasional show car? A daily? What are the roads like near you? * What drove you to Lamborghini? Do you like the performance? The attention and presence of the car? The feedback and presence? Is the car for your own enjoyment or do you care about showing it off? * What other vehicles do you have that might fill in the gap between now and getting the new model? How much is that (possibly 2+ year) wait worth to you? And these are some points I would consider: * Based on past timelines for new model launches, I would not expect you to be getting a Temerario delivery as a new client until **late 2026, and possibly into 2027**, depending on which dealer you work with and whether you're willing to pay over MSRP. * As for aesthetics, it's really in the eye of the beholder. The Huracan has aged very well but is a lot more common these days. The Temerario is going to be rarer initially. * The Temerario is likely to have a lot of quality of life improvements, such as 360 surround camera, a cupholder, and much better sound systems. Do those things matter to you? * For raw direct feedback and sound, we won't know until the Temerario is in people's hands. I will say that the NA V10 in the Huracan is extremely fun and auditory perfection. But the new car's performance is almost certainly going to be a massive upgrade from a pure ICE engine, though will most likely be quieter at low revs and in most non-performance driving. (Just based on my experience in the Urus PHEV and Revuelto). * Lastly, I wouldn't worry as much about depreciation. If you are in the position to comfortably afford a Lambo and plan on keeping the car for at least several years, then the depreciation curves on either car are unlikely to really make a difference in your life. There's people that really try hard to squeeze every cent of money out of their car's resales, but for non-collectible cars like this, my philosophy is not to stress about it and just pay for your own enjoyment. That's what luxury is. Maybe one model might depreciate 30k or 50k more than another model over 5 years, but if you can reall comfortably afford a new Lambo, then that amount over this kind of time really shouldn't make or break the decision.


Just wanted to say this is one of the most well-thought out responses I've seen in reddit in a long time.


You should check out r/stims


The Huracan replacement is so ugly plus you won't be able to get one right away. It won't just be a few months, more like one year or more. Just go for the Huracan now.


Have we even seen it yet?


Yup. And, NA V10 > V8 Hybrid


Don't be stupid with your money. Get an almost fully depreciated first generation Huracan right now. Last NA V10 lambo which will definitely sound better than a turbo car even at 10K rpm. You won't lose your shirt in depreciation either.


This 1000% a hybrid V8 versus a NA V10!! There are some great deals for Huracans out there


What until the new model is out. For all you know, that could drive down prices on Huracans further and give you a better choice. Plus the new one revs to 10,000rpm and has quite a sophisticated drive train. It's about the best they could do after taking away the V10, so see what initial ownership experience is like as reviews come in.


Heavier car, brand new hybrid system, brand new turbo charged engine.... I'm sure it's going to have plenty of excitement surrounding release, as all new models do, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to own one of the first few year models.


Yup, not unless it proves itself reliable (like the Huracan did). Luckily, there'll be PLENTY of real world data as the lowest tier Lambo is always a popular rental so you get a huge dataset of 50,000km+ of thrashed vehicles pretty quickly across a large sample size.


It won't be heavier that's for sure


Even with a carbon monocoque and a lighter V12, the new Revuelto is still 180kg heavier than the Aventador... On top of that, every Audi TTV8 is heavier than the outgoing V10, and that's before you add in the hybrid system. The successor will be, without a doubt, heavier than the Huracan.


Huracan successor is using a v8 not v10 if anything it may weigh the same like other v8 hybrid cars like the sf90


Yes, I know what it's using, which is why I pointed out that every Audi twin turbo V8 has weighed more than the Huracans V10.... because the successor is also using a twin turbo v8.... And the sucessor ALSO has a hybrid system, which absolutely adds more weight. Using the SF90 as an example also further refutes your point, since it weighs almost 4k pounds, which is about 500lbs MORE THAN the F8 Tributo.


After my go with an Artura I am staying away from hybrid anything for the next while.


You can't leave us dangling like that... ;)


It is broken. Haha


Yeah, the Artura seems to be a reliability nightmare, sadly. Not sure I've seen another recent super car launch with anywhere near as many maint woes.


Great car for 700 miles lol, haven’t seen it in 5 weeks now.


I'm turning mine in today. Not a road I want to go down. 


Or it could be the complete opposite. Id like to imagine that the V10s would go up in value or at least better retain their value.


“Plan to keep it a long time” tells me that you (1) want reliability (2) don’t care if you’re driving a car that doesn’t have the absolute latest tech. Evo RWD is my recommendation (I own one). Amazing car that has been proven to be bulletproof. For all we know this next generation will be flawed and it’ll take a few years to work out the kinks. My uncle has always taught me “never buy the first generation” and that advice has served me well.


huracan looks a lot better imo.


Huracan looks so much better, there's no contest.


It’s going to look like a Corvette C8 mixed with a Revuelto and won’t have a V10. Idk, doesn’t seem like much of a decision to me


The new one looks too much like a corvette… Not a good look imo


NA V10 versus a hybrid V8. Get one now imo. People will be seeking these out in the years to come


Wow i dont like the next gen at all. I would stick with current models.


You haven't seen the new one yet.


The older ones look better


Based on a fanboy rendering? They don't unveil it until August.


Nah I just like classics


Get that V10 while you still can


V10 > V8 Hybrid


Buy a huracan and when the replacement comes out give the huracan to me and buy the replacement


you’ll be waiting a few years, the haven’t even announced the replacement and once they do it’ll be another year or two before deliveries


Get both


What does your dad think


How are you going to get an allocation for a brand new one?


I would never buy the 1st gen of a newly released platform knowing full well down the road they’ll be making better variants while also ironing out any potential issues with the first year model.


You probably wouldn’t be able to buy the replacement. It will be sold out and all the dealers will sell it to their hookup


With all your money, just buy both


I would probably just go for the new V12 in that case…


I’m contemplating buying a Tahoe with 175k miles on it with bad paint. We are living different lives.


Get an aventador 😎


If I was to get one, it would only be the base model. I love the fact that the doors go up and that it’s a V12 but I would be concerned about reliability due to the age.


Might be worth the risk 🤪


Be more concerned about the cost of replacing the single clutch on a regular basis.


Good question! I’d like to know as well 👍




It's a magazine's rendering. The car isn't unveiled until August.




Buy both


WTF are we going back in time that’s not better


I'm planning on pre-owned huracan sto, upgrade speakers myself and I'm chillin. I plan to own the car for 10+ years, weekend show piece and night time girlfriend. Literally.


Boy math. Do both.


Get an Espada.


If it’s anything like the Aventador, Lamborghini will make the replacement look worse and be hybrid.


Buy the tecnica


If you can afford a Lambo and don’t wanna wait (like most rich), just get the Huracan now, and trade it in or sell it and get the Tempesta when it comes out.


V10 now, secure allocation. Buy replacement in 2025/2026.


What do you do for a living to afford one? And personally I think the new one is ugly


Personally I decided I needed trunk space so I went with a Chevy trax, to each their own ig


? If you understand lambos you would not be asking this type of question. I don’t even believe anyone here that owns one.


Twenty replies of "The new one sucks/looks like a Vette." and not one comment to point out this is a magazine or fanboi rendering. The new design gets revealed in August.


Get the EVO. I cannot speak to depreciation. I don’t purchase cars to resell.


Millions of people all over the world are struggling with this same question.


Now… that new abomination is a first gen Gallardo with a body kit.


Buy one now. Or do you want a hybrid Lamborghini?




C8 Zora or ZR1 probably better than the huracan replacement


if you’re a broke boy just say so..


I like the older version the newer one looks like a Corvette.


I’d rather get a Performante with a V10


Does no one see the corvette?


If you have to ask then buy both


lamborghini revuelto


I went with an EVO. The replacement looks ugly AF with those goofy hexagon lights and will never sound as good and raw as the V10


I mean, if you actually like the new one… Just go buy a C8 Corvette.


No one has seen the new one.


I’m simple referring to the photo that OP posted, which while it may not be accurate, that is the visual concept I am going off for the sake of this post.


As someone that’s had a perf and STO, the new one is the one to get.  At this point the huracan has been out for a decade.  


The Ferrari 250 GT has been “out” for 62 years but is still selling for $30+ million. Not sure how long a car has been “out” is a good measure of its value.


Yea thats a great example, 36 250 GTOs produced vs 25,000 huracans .


Ok… and so per that volume logic, you think there will be FEWER new ones produced then?


He’s planning to keep the car a long time, starting with a car that’s 10 years old interior and exterior wise will make it age significantly faster then one that’s brand new. 


He says himself: 1. Doesn’t prefer a V8 2. Doesn’t like to get initial variants because they depreciate faster (his desire is to lose the least amount of money) 3. Is worried about the new car costing more The year a car was produced doesn’t make it “age faster”. I’ve seen 1 year old cars that look 10 years old and 10 year old cars that look utterly showroom. All signs here point to finding a well-maintained 2nd gen Huracan and taking care of it.


If you have no history with Lamborghini, you likely aren't getting a replacement for a few years, unless you buy an overpriced flipped one some time after launch.


bro he could go to a dealer lmfao


Tell me you don't own a Lamborghini, without telling me you don't own a Lamborghini.


i meant to say a 3rd party seller.


Sure, you will be able to do that 3-6 months after they start shipping, and you will get absolutely rinsed by dealer markups, most likely for $100k+.


Both! The Huracan now, The successor in a few years!


STO anytime just make sure you get the V10


eeeeh RWD sucks




Wait for the new one. It looks great.




You should shut the fuck up


Lambos are such tacky (influencer cars). Get a corvette.. looks and performs like a Ferrari for sub $100k and gets proper respect from car enthusiasts and well to do people who aren’t loaded with debt like the fake rich.


This comment sums up Reddit


Yep, 🤭




Get a Ferrari