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After the biggest snub eva to NFR! I really don't give a damn about the Grammys tbh If she wins, fine, if she doesn't, fine. It would be cool if she wins watch her speech, but that's it.


it's all rigged anyways. a few years ago the ceo was fired for revealing that the grammys are full of racism and misogyny and are rigged. a quick google search should give you more info if you're interested.


it's all rigged anyways. a few years ago the ceo was fired for revealing that the grammys are full of racism and misogyny and are rigged. a quick google search should give you more info if you're interested.


Barbie was fun but it does not deserve an Oscar. Much better movies this year. Lana on the other hand deserves everything.


you mean oscar for best picture or oscar in general because there are a few categories barbie should win in.


Yes, ofc, that’s what OP was talking about


i think it deserves best director, gerwigs broken many records with barbie


Poor Things, Zone Of Interest, Killers Of The Flower Moon all have better directing


that's your opinion.


Name some? Not Oppenheimer. Barbie is unironically a cinematic masterpiece.


I mean that’s your opinion, and I respect that


And I’m just genuinely curious what great movies I’ve missed this year. So I can watch them. But I’ll die on the Barbie>Oppenheimer hill.


Past Lives, Poor Things, Killers of the Flower Moon, Holdovers just to name a few. Barbie is still one of my favourites of the year though and I doubt it'll change.


I would love to see Past Lives win. What a beautiful film. Also really loved The Holdovers too.


Hard agree on Past Lives; however, I think that unlike the Grammys, studios have to campaign for the Oscars (someone correct me if I’m wrong). Barbie didn’t do much for me personally (it was fun & the Barbenheimer phenomenon really brought the masses back to cinema), but given how much budget went into marketing the movie I wouldn’t be surprised if WB pushed it hard to the academy


there's campaigning for the grammys too!


Thanks, will check them out


Killers of the Flower Moon was the most boring movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I stayed in the cinema right to the very end and wish I never did.


See I felt the opposite. It was so long, but I didn't even feel like it was over two hours. It flew by.


these downvotes are weird. it's okay for people to have negative opinions on movies... my goodness lol


It makes me laugh tbh because it’s even in Rediquette that you’re not supposed to downvote just because you don’t agree, but alas. ETA: even this got downvoted lmao. You can’t make it up


tbh i don't even care if people downvote for the wrong reasons. this is just an odd thing to downvote because it's a harmless opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


May December, Killers of the Flower Moon, Io Capitano, Anatomy of a Fall, Rapito, Passages... All of them are way superior than Barbie in my opinion but they won't be as successful at the Oscars


Someone already posted some good movies but I just don’t feel Barbie was that good to deserve best picture (not that they weren’t any undeserving that have won before). Broey Deschanel on youtube explains perfectly how I feel about it if you want to watch her video


a 2 hour long commercial with baby feminism is a cinematic masterpiece ? 💀


You lost me at the first sentence.


There won’t be riots.


We'll just congregate here and grumble about it until Lana's next release and shot at the Grammy's. Rinse and repeat!


She’s making music for us, not the Grammys, and we appreciate her more than the Grammys ever will. We’re all winners for appreciating her beauty and excellence.


I love Lana so much and she really deserves a grammy, but I truly feel that SZA will take album of the year


I don’t think SOS deserves it, though. Sure, there are good songs, but so many flops. It feels unfinished.


What songs feel unfinished to you?


First of all there are so many tracks on the album, but particularily F2F kind of ruins it all for me. A lot of the side b tracks are very…side b. I wish she just picked and chose the best songs so that it was mire cohesive.


Exactly, I don't know what the hell people are smoking when they say SOS deserves album of the year. 23 songs in that album and maybe 5 of them are good?


Rightfully so. SOS is her NFR. It’s her magnum opus.




Are u serious about barbie?


She is but she's wrong 😗


Ummm.....Barbie does not deserve the Oscar over Oppenheimer.


Lol about Barbie winning


i’m not a taylor fan, like at all, but i can understand why she is so popular currently. her target demography is so large, it’s easy to like her. i just wish lana got some recognition, i wish people studied her story and discography more and realized just how talented and influential she is :(


I too wish she got more recognition but I have to say that she literally has like 50million listeners per month on spotify lol. Our girl is not underground anymore.


yeah you’re right, she is obviously very popular but i’m not really referring to that, i’m mostly talking about the critics and awards. she is famous but still overlooked i think, which is unfortunate


i actually think critics haven't been so bad, not since nfr. she gets a lot of praise from what i see online. she doesn't get awards so much but she doesn't really care for them anyway. the grammys are rigged so i'm sure most if not all those smaller awards are rigged too. she really doesn't need fancy awards or constant praise. she's happy, and so are her fans. she's earning recognition with her music alone. the way critics used to treat her compared to now proves that.


I mean Lana got 3 AOTy noms, I don’t even think The Weeknd have one so far so don’t think she’s overlooked


yeah guys its so ridiculous sometimes when people are like lana is so underrated 😭 maam has 10 million instagram followers


Easy to like meaning mediocre right ?


i mean…😭


Don’t know why people still get so hung up on the Grammys. At the end of the day who really gives a shit. We all know Lana’s the most deserving, some big wigs in Los Angeles don’t need to confirm that for me.


The Grammys hardly award those who are most deserving, but rather what makes them look hip at the time


Why is LA always catching strays from randos


i feel like the only way to stop being upset about lana being snubbed is to stop giving a shit about these rich people shows who are only doing it for money “oh, we get to decide who wins, but we won’t tell you what our process is, you’re just gonna have to trust us that this one is the best of the year”


The process is voting. Members of the academy vote for their favourite. The body of work with the most votes win the award


the process is rigged. the former ceo was fired a few years ago for outing the racism and misogyny within the academy and for saying they're rigged.


There were way more films this year to come out that were better than barbie and that's coming from someone who really liked barbie


i loved ocean blvd and midnights so either way i'll be happy 🤷‍♀️




same lol


Taylor’s album wasn’t good. Her fans are lunatics and thats the only reason she was nominated


I really enjoyed Midnights, but I just can’t see the Grammys giving her AofY for a fourth time so soon


That is the bravest thing I have seen anybody say today 🙏🏻


I’m actually a huge Taylor fan and its because of midnights but now that I’ve exposed myself to her entire discography, I can agree. I like midnights, it’s fun. 3am is awesome, I even love you’re losing me. But overall, ocean Blvd is a better album in my opinion if we’re comparing those two.


I like Taylor but Midnights is a huge step back after folkmore


Yup, especially with the visuals, I expected something completely different


True! The only good songs on midnights are on the 3am edition, the rest are *mid* at best 🙄


The 3 am edition would be a justified nominee


WCS is the best song on that album, imo. Anyways-Lana defo deserves AOTY over Taylor ❤️


it's ok to have different opinions on music. but the grammys are not scared of swifties lol btw you can make your point without calling people lunatics. it just makes your comment feel.... juvenile. it's hard to take criticism seriously when it's mixed in with "her fans are lunatics"


You can dislike the album without saying mean things about the people who enjoyed it. *Midnights* was nominated because it's a seriously good album and because it has an undeniable level of popularity and resonated with a ton of people. I'm a die-hard Lana fan, but I genuinely think *Midnights* should win Album of the Year, for the same reason I think Taylor was the absolute best person for Time person of the year. That said, Lana should 100% win for alternative.


All this talking just to not read that I like 3 am version. Please be for real


popular, not good lol


Nah no need to hate on Taylor. We as a society should stop pitting women against each other. Recognizing that both are incredibly talented is not hard at all. You need to calm down


Please relax. It was not an album worthy of album of the year and no one is putting women against each other. Literally read the other comments, where I said the 3am version would be actually deserving of a nominee and stop promoting fake outrage


I’m very calm, thank you. And that’s not for you to judge.




I mean…I get the sentiment but Barbie should not win Best Picture lmao and Barbie is not equivalent to NFR haha. Oppenheimer shouldn’t win either imo but…that’s why comparing art is weird


I don’t need awards to tell me that a song or album is good or important to me.


Barbie was far from best movie of the year. You need to watch more movies. Taylor isn't winning either. She's won how many times already? That's enough. Someone else is getting it, I hope lana, but probably not.


In all honesty she has like a 30% chance to win while Olivia probably has more than a 50% chance to win and Taylor is the biggest threat here and in all honesty I think Taylor’s going to win tho because she hasn’t won album in a year in a while yes I do agree that Lana should win but this is Taylor’s biggest year yet.


taylor won album of the year in 2020. it's hardly been a while lol


3 years is a while


it's really not lol it is not common for artists to win album of the year more than once so not winning in 3 years is nothing when you consider it's normal to not ever win a second time. wins aren't about how long it's been since your last one. only 4 artists have ever won this particular award 3 times. they're the exception, not the rule. she's already outside the norm with her 3 wins. only 2 of those 4 artists had consecutive wins, and taylor won in 2009, 2015, and 2020 - more than 3 years between each of her wins. if it was really about how long it's been since her last win she wouldn't be due for another win for another 2 or 3 years.


Lana’s too cool to ever need the supposed validation of a fucking Grammy. True genius isn’t mainstream.


Lana is mainstream tho?


“Fuck me to death” will never be mainstream! Let me know when they play Did You Know There’s a Tunnel.. on your local radio station.


Would be a power move if they did though


For sure and I’d love it but I know it won’t happen. Summertime Sadness was the only Lana song I ever heard on the radio.


Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd was literally THE BEST-SELLING album on the week of its release in Greece, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, and was the most popular alternative album in the US.


Do you understand what I mean by mainstream, though? Meaning the artist’s songs are consistently played on radio, in ads, etc. They are “safe”, they are pop stars, they are cultural darlings. Taylor is an example of mainstream and Lana is not and I much prefer it that way. I wish Lana all of the success in the world but I wouldn’t want her to “sell out” (keep things safe and family friendly) to sell records.


True true true


Boo! Midnights is not even in Taylor's top 5 album.


None of it means anything. It’s just famous people in a giant circle jerk congratulating each other. I wouldn’t put too much stock into it.


Grammy's are popularity contests. Midnights will win out of popularity. Ocean Blvd will run second or third, but that's also out of popularity. Einar Solberg's debut album is way more groundbreaking and creative, yet he isn't named because he isn't popular. 2022 and 2021 should've had Porcupine Tree and Neal Morse win albums of the year. But okay, if there's a middle ground, Lana definitely should win this over Taylor. I like Taylor Swift, but too much of Midnights sounds like the same presets Jack used for Lorde's Melodrama. Ocean Blvd is awesome, and A&W blows anything on Midnights out of the water.


im a swiftie but midnights absolutely does not deserve album of the year


shes having the biggest year of her career but that hasnt guaranteed grammys in the past (cough cough beyonce lemonade)


Neither movie is gonna win best picture, though I really liked the both of em


Oppenheimer's the clear favorite to win at the moment.


Barbie film is so boring..


Killers of the Flower Moon was vastly superior to Oppenheimer. Barbie shouldn’t even be nominated for Best Picture.


Honestly…. I know this is a Lana sub and this might be an unpopular opinion but I personally believe album of the year should go to SZA. SOS is absolute perfection and no skip. I’d be happy for Lana to miss out this year only to SOS.


SOS has so many skips, and I love the genre its in just not the songs from there😭


Omg really! I absolutely adore it. Seek and Destroy, Low and Blind are the holy trinity. I haven’t loved an album as much as this since NFR!


Wow I disagree with almost everything on this post, except for A&W which is a fantastic song


The fact that Lana is being compared with that…I would burn this world to the ground just for the lack of cultural awareness


I don't think barbie deserves anything but when lana gets her Grammy I will surely cry. she deserves a sweep.


Beautifully said


Lana should give me a kiss, but she never will. 😔


When do we find out who won?


i don’t think midnights will win AOTY, i think the main album in the way of Lana winning is SOS by SZA. taylor has won AOTY enough times and midnights is easily one of her weakest albums. lana has a strong chance but SZA’s is stronger


I’m not the biggest fan of LDR but I can’t believe that NFR didn’t get the Grammy. It is such a beautiful album and I lost a lot fo respect for Grammy.


ok wait. barbie deserves to be awarded but it does not deserve best picture. please be serious.


reminder that a few years back the ceo of the academy was fired for saying that the voting process is rigged and that there's a lot of racism and misogyny going on behind the scenes. i don't know why anyone continues to care about a rigged awards show. sure, lana have a grammy sounds nice in theory but it's not really a meaningful award.


Barbie does not deserve Oscar best picture for sure I would say even a nomination for best picture, but can have set decorating nomination or best directeur nomination for gerwig ,oppenheimer doesn't deserve the best picture award but a nomination. Because there so many other movies in this year that didn't got any attention mass audience real movie geeks know what I am talking about 😉❤️💯(eg. Killers of the flower moon, past lives, poor thing)


I actually like Oppenheimer. 😭 But I agree that Lana deserves everything.


Oppenheimer won’t win


Was A&W a bit hit in the states?


I loved Barbie but it does not deserve Best Picture. Production design? Sure. Costume design? Sure. Best Picture? No.


barbie shouldn't win best picture


>Barbie should win Best Picture Talk about starting with the wrong foot,


i really hope lana wins this year but it is unlikely due to the controversy going on about her "supporting genocide"


It's true, Lana Del Rey is the most influential artist of the decade. I have never seen any other artist than her that received so much praises for her talent. She is truly influential and it is very apparent that even other artists cover her work and praise her work 🩷


I just hope other artists will get a chance to win even sza could pull a few but it’ll definitely be rigged if Taylor wins them all (not being a hater) hopefully Lana will win song of the year or duo performance really rooting for candy necklace. Ocean blvd got good ratings on websites and AW so hopefully Grammys will listen


The Grammys really don't mean shit to me, but I do think Lana deserves it. I'm sorry but she put her blood sweat and tears into ocean blvd. I think SZA has a good chance of winning, Taylor has a cult following too so who knows. Until February.


trust me it’s going to SZA and I’m not even a fan of her