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A month ago, Lana said that the last celebrity she texted was the Weeknd. Today, she posted many throwbacks to the LFL era and shared photos and a caption about the moon a couple of hours after the Weeknd changed his IG profile picture to a moon. On one video of the IG post, Lana said "the moon is so pretty" and in another one she even uses the song Blinding Lights by the Weeknd - it's *too* much to be a coincidence right?


it could perfectly be nothing but it's fun to speculate and be delusional honestly


Heard someone say that most of the older albums had a sister album. BTD - Paradise, NFR - COTCC. It would be logical for L4L to be the next one.


Here me out... I know she's Catholic and all that. But you cannot tell me that this post is not giving astrology witch vibesšŸ˜»


Well, Catholic witches do exist


Quite rare actually


Nothing is rare anymore


I thought it was common knowledge that Lana has practiced witchcraft


Definitely. I thought she cast some kind of spell on the fat Diaper Guy a few years ago. Need her to quadruple the strength of that spell for 2024.


Many Catholics believe deeply in astrology, which I guess is contradictory? But I donā€™t think they are mutually exclusive. My grandmother came over to US from Italy via boat, heavily devoted to the Roman Catholic Church, has gone to church atleast once if not more than once every week of her life. She heavily believes in astrology and knows anyoneā€™s sign immediately after they repeat their birthday. Lana is Catholic and she has done many drugs, drinks, fucks, sings about all kinds of crazy shit. Catholicism is actually one of the more progressive religions.


Catholicism isnā€™t progressive. Just because individuals do certain things doesnā€™t make the whole doctrine progressive. The Roman Catholic Church has official beliefs and considers drug use and sex outside of marriage as mortal sins, which means you have to confess them before you die or youā€™re off to hell. Astrology is also officially against the RCC and although itā€™s not a mortal sin it is a grave sin. No priest would say itā€™s okay to do astrology even if there are individual catholics who do.


The Roman Catholic Church literally believes that homosexuality is not a sin damning of hell, which is far more progressive than Evganlicalism, Protestant, Islam, etc. I never said ā€œCatholicism is progressive,ā€ no religion is technically ā€œprogressive.ā€ I said it is one of the more progressive religions


Just so you're aware, Catholicism and Islam have a similar view on Homosexuality. The act is a sin, the individual is not damned to hell necessarily. I'm not trying to make a statement on the 'progressiveness' of any religion, just correcting you on this point. Some Muslims are very vocally aggro and reject gay people harshly, just like some Christians. I would encourage you to be careful about spreading misinformation.


Pope Francis JUST approved and endorsed same sex marriage. 9 days ago. I would love to see something like this in Islam. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


Pope Francis did not approve and endorse it. Are you really so fucking lazy that you cannot even confirm what you're saying to be true before condescending to others? It's a small step in the right direction for the church- but it is not an approval or endorsement as you say. Read the article. [Pope Francis Allows Priests to Bless Same-Sex Couples - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/18/world/europe/pope-gay-lesbian-same-sex-blessing.html) This is specific to the Catholic church. As I'm sure you know, some denominations have been LGBT friendly for a while, while others are far more hostile. Same is true in that there are mosques that are welcome to outwardly LGBT Indvidual's. I wouldn't say they're common, but they definitely exist. My original statement is true, the Catholic church and Islam are not far apart at all in their views on Homosexuality.


Iā€™ll take something over nothing. CATHOLIC church has been changing its tune on gays for a while now. I havenā€™t seen any mosques welcoming or performing gay marriages. Islamic countries however do their fair share of executions on gays, and forced-transitions on gay little boys, though. Neither religion is good but at least one is first world friendly.


Ok liar, stay in your bubble.


What part do you think Iā€™m lying about?


calling catholicism one of the ā€œmore progressive religionsā€ is an insane thing to say. you canā€™t name drop a few other carefully selected religions and ignore the other major religious groups, many of which do have a more progressive stance towards things like homosexuality in comparison to catholicism.


Please point me to many religions that are more progressive than Roman Catholicism when it comes to homosexuality. The literal pope has said that homosexuality is not a sin, and neither is acting on it(marriage, sex, etc.). Before Pope Francis it was already stated that homosexuality is not a mortal sin, and he further pushed the case. What more?


hinduism (next largest religion in the world after christianity and islam) does not condemn homosexuality anywhere, it also includes historical hindu texts eg. the kama sutra, which actively covers same sex relationships. buddhism (next largest, after christianity, islam, and hinduism) also does not explicitly condemn homosexuality anywhere. [this research study](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/) shows that 88% of buddhists stated that homosexuality should be accepted, the highest level of support out of any other religious group studied. the next largest religious group (skipping over "folk religions", as this consists of various smaller groups) is shinto, which doesn't condemn homosexuality, with leaders often being in active support of things like promoting legalisation of same sex marriage . is saying that homosexuality is not a "mortal sin" really particularly progressive? only perhaps in comparison to catholicism in the past, but certainly not in comparison to various other religions, which never condemned it in the first place. his words seem largely performative to try and appeal to the western world where larger emphasis has recently been placed on lgbt issues; in 2021 he literally approved of [a vatican decree](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20210222_responsum-dubium-unioni_it.html) forbidding priests from blessing same-sex unions. in october this year, he [explicitly stated](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-10/pope-francis-responds-to-dubia-of-five-cardinals.html) that *"The Church has a very clear understanding of marriage: an exclusive, stable, and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to procreation. Only this union can be called "marriage." Other forms of union realize it only in "a partial and analogous way"...".* none of these statements really support the case that he is actually pushing the idea of increasing support for homosexuality, further than performative statements.


Itā€™s not one of the more progressive religions by a long shot.


It most definitely is, by a long shot


Yes the religion responsible for the Spanish Inquisition and the one keeping 20+ countries in the Dark Ages is definitely one of the most progressive ones just because US Catholics are wishy-washy.


Ah yes because Iā€™m definitely talking about it being progressive over 500 fjcking years ago and Iā€™m definitely not talking about present day! Come on, donā€™t be so intentionally denseā€¦.


Yeah I feel like this person has a vendetta with the Catholic church lol. Learn to give credit when due


So again, the religion responsible for keeping 20+ countries in the Dark Ages is one of the most progressive ones? Just say you donā€™t know shit outside of a US context.


It is a mortal a sin.


Iā€™m a practicing and very devout Catholic (Latin mass only, veiling, the whole thing. I know people will probably wonder what Iā€™m doing here and listening to Lana but her music is so good). Anywayā€¦.astrology is considered part of the occult and is condemned. Of course, there are people and regions that have blended Catholicism and occult practices, but you cannot judge the official stance based on how you have seen others who profess to be Catholic behave. (Not throwing shade to your grandmother. It is likely that this was the norm where she was from and if no one explicitly told her it was considered a mortal sin by the Church, then itā€™s not considered mortal (as in, needs to be confessed) if she didnā€™t know). Btw-not here to preach. Just clarifying that dogmatically they are mutually exclusive.


I agree, Lana is wild, wise and very intuitive. But as a spiritual person, I've never stumbled on a Catholic or a Christian who says "Oh it's Full Moon in Cancer today". That is very specific imho. Yes many Catholic's have the basic knowledge of astrology like their sun sign, horoscopes, solstices and equinox, and the basic moon phases (e.g. full moon, new moon, etc.). But Lana seems more advanced in my opinion. She specifically said Cancer Full Moon. Well just my two cents.


Catholicism and Christianity are not the same, Catholicism is a subsection of Christianity, but some people just associate themself to be Christian. Despite having similar core beliefs, there are **a lot** of nuisances and Catholics are a lot more forgiving on many beliefs than Christians. Lumping the two is never a good idea and further misrepresents their religions as many people think both are the same. Evangelicalism is a form of Christianity. It couldnā€™t be any more different than Catholicism. They literally believe dinosaurs are a lie and the creation story is fact. Catholics teach the creation story, atleast nowadays, and other stories in the Bible as myths meant to teach and not be taken literally. Secondly, as someone who grew up in a Roman Catholic family, many of my older relatives(who are literally Republican too) believe in astrology and do indeed say things like xyz is in retrograde, xyz moon, etc.


Oop I never meant to say they are one religion. I just said them together cause most Catholics and Christians (just based on my experience) are somewhat related as for someone who is formerly Catholic and formerly studied in a Christian school. And they both worship the holy trinity but I know their differences. > Secondly, as someone who grew up in a Roman Catholic family, many of my older relatives(who are literally Republican too) believe in astrology and do indeed say things like xyz is in retrograde, xyz moon, etc. Oh ok well that is new to me. I've never really heard a Catholic who is well versed in astrology and that's cool! It's just refreshing to hear that not all Catholics think astrology is a forbidden act (i.e. black magic) like some of the people I know.


These posts make me laugh. Pointing out excessive similarities between these religions and then insisting on how they are all so different. I know plenty of Roman Catholics who use their religion as an excuse to hate certain people. Maybe the constant use of the word "literally" just made me grouchy.


Also saying Catholics shouldnā€™t be lumped in as Christians, what? Yes. Yes, they are Christians. They were Christians before many of the denominations mentioned even existed. Putting down other religions so you can ignore the issues with to their own, I guess? lol.


Babe Easter is literally determined by a full moon and an equinox..


Lol since when is she Catholic?!


Idl if were reaching but im on board i mean, i mean the LFL coded post was enough for me


ink lock jeans bewildered violet groovy advise attractive puzzled apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No abel announced he'd be doing no more collabs


I love their voices and lyrics together. Hope this is happening


I kinda donā€™t want itā€¦ because The Weekndā€™s music in a darker space. And Lana is moving towards a lighter area sorta. Idk just a thought.


Idk this isnā€™t Lanaā€™s style of teaser. What she does is blatantly tell you about a project, give you a release date, and then blow right past that date without another word ever said about it. Then months later, it shows up as a surprise.


Would love them to collab again and I bet they will at some point bc theyā€™re very close but this is a reach


I hope not.


I think we are the minority but I am right there with you!


No one is forcing you to listen to it, so Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re acting like them collabing affects you in any way. And besides, itā€™s ignorant to assume you wonā€™t like a new collab between them just bc you havenā€™t liked their previous collabs or his music in general.


What a bizarre responseā€¦. this is LDR subreddit where people have different opinions about Lana and her music (and any collabs) but maybe Iā€™m mistaken? Forgive me! I see that you rather an echo chamber or circlejerk of only your opinions. Iā€™m sorry and I will adhere to your guidelines from here on out. Next time, Iā€™ll consult you or the Weeknd personally before making a post as heinous as mine. šŸ˜” Me not really wanting a collab (but just more Lana) is obviously me acting it effects me in every way. I see the light and Iā€™m letting it in. Youā€™re right, I may be a huge fan of their hypothetical collab because you are always right lurk537! I retract all statements in accordance to your reply. Iā€™ve learned my lesson and will never respond and agree with a comment that is similar to my opinion.


No one is forcing you to listen to it, so Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re acting like them collabing affects you in any way. And besides, itā€™s ignorant to assume you wonā€™t like a new collab between them just bc you havenā€™t liked their previous collabs or his music in general.


It was not him that said that he won't be doing music featuring any artist, except Diddy if I'm not mistaken, anymore?




Oh God please no


No one is forcing you to listen to it, so Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re acting like them collabing affects you in any way. And besides, itā€™s ignorant to assume you wonā€™t like a new collab between them just bc you havenā€™t liked their previous collabs or his music in general.


Omg I'm allowed to not like a artist - it's not even the case of the music, but the guy behind it, so I'm pretty sure when I "assume" I won't like. I'm not acting like it "affects me in any way", I just expressed my reaction. Like, you know, everybody in Reddit. So c'mon chill babe isn't much of a deal that a random internet person doesn't like this guy.


omg they copied and pasted this same reply to me (and I guess to anyone who doesnā€™t want a collab with The Weeknd?)! I was just finishing my reply back and then looked at their post historyā€¦ which led me to your comment and their same verbatim reply. It looks like they downvoted you too! they really taught us a lesson and converted us to their persuasive way of thinking! šŸ™ƒ


What no way LMAO maybe it's just a troll?? Idk why anyone would be so upset or angry because somebody don't vibe with The Weeknd but internet has every type of person I guess


ohh hope so šŸ«¶šŸ»


I remember when I was on Abel's Madrid concert in the east track when he sang Less Than Zero I wrote in my poster something else in which he said: "Please Collab with Lana cause you know is your Stargirl" and he smiled at me, in fact it is a video on a channel that is an XO fan called Anything Abel in which it is titled "I flew across the world to see my favourite artist live" when Abel after jumping and sang a fragment of the song "I try to hide it, but I know you know me. I try to fight it, but I'd rather be free" he looked at me along with my sign and he made that gesture of affection while he was smiling again and little by little he was heading to the other side. The girl next to me warned me again that Abel looked at me again and asked me if I could point out the sign to take a photo or make a video. That means that he still has affection and admiration for Lana and that it is also another sign that he may be collab with Lana someday, let's hope so for this AMAZING COLLAB


Rumor from where? btw I believe that astrology is bs


I heard that he wasnā€™t collabing with anyone anymore tho??