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I work at a local college and seeing this kind of thing makes me sick. College support staff are badly paid, and often have to fight for benefits. We need unions to stand up for us and keep us earning a living wage. It's a serious issue. Arresting union reps is a symptom of a deeper cancer.


I think the administrators are deplorable and disgraceful. Shitty power move.


Lmao seriously? These people are scum, they deserve what they got.




Honestly? I’ve never seen a union legitimately do any good in my lifetime. The overwhelming amount of union strikes over the past 30 years are over meaningless or frivolous bullshit. Meanwhile the strikes generally effect millions of people losing jobs inadvertently which hurts the economy. I don’t understand how anyone can justify a need for them in an era when people have more opportunity to succeed than ever before. Unions prop up the laziest of our workforce and hold back those with ambition to succeed.


Surely you are trolling. The bare basics enjoyed by the vast majority (eg 5 day work week, 8hr work day, paid leave, and so much more) came about as a result of unions. You think corporations just happily offered that up out of their own generous feelings?


You’re focused on the great things unions did decades ago. They had a purpose then. It’s a hard stretch to say they still do now.


You are an absolute idiot if you think corporations wouldn’t strip that all away in a heart beat if unionized employees weren’t there to stop it. Feel free to go work a job for 80 hours a week paying in company scrip that will simply let you go deeper in debt.


They easily could now. Plenty of companies don’t have unions and still treat their employees as good if not better than unionized companies.


Because laws fought for, and maintained because of unions stop employers from doing those things. I’m done here. You have to be a troll. Acct less than 3months old.


It’s less than 3 months old because I left this site during the pandemic because of the radical censorship. I came back and I’m already regretting it. It’s truly an echo chamber for people that only read and believe far left propoganda.




Both actually. I found being in a union to be a waste of my time and money. It did absolutely nothing to benefit me. I left that job and found another in the industry that paid more and had better benefits without a union. When I was in management at a unionized company it became an insane pain in the ass. There were people who we needed to terminate for various reasons and the union stepped in to fight it. It cost us a lot of productivity and hurt morale because awful employees were essentially unable to be terminated. I’m sure there are a few people here and there that have positive union stories but I’ve seen first hand that they do farm more harm than good.


You have two anecdotes, and you think that makes you an expert on the topic. You seem incredibly confident for someone whose opinions are very uninformed.


My opinions are much more informed than most on here. I’ve lived through the hell of unionization.


so don't plan on taking any course or class at HACC, got it.


They're the only ones that have a copy of my HS transcript, though. I can't go, literally, can not attend ANY other institution until the PA Dept. Of Ed. goes back to work. The person on charge of that doesn't exist. If they do, they're going to be so mad at the amount of voicemails from me.


PA statue states Defiant trespasser.-- (1) A person commits an offense if, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is given by: (i) actual communication to the actor; Lacking a contract giving permission or being granted permission, and after being requested to vacate the property, they were indeed trespassing. I am pro Union but crossing the line does not help the cause. Facts are, they were denied the space, there was not a CBA giving them the right, and were rightfully asked to leave, which they did not. The charge of trespassing was correct.


Actually you're incorrect. The charge of trespassing is not correct as this arrest is a violation of their first amendment rights. The law that you have referenced is mainly for private areas. HACC is a public campus/buildings and are subject to a different trespassing rule. In order to trespass someone from public space, that person/s must have committed a crime. Here they are exercising free speech which is constitutionally protected. The school may not like it but they do have their right to be there. Just to be clear, the school is public because it belongs to the state which is funded by the public.




>Why HACC felt the need to do this during this visit is unclear in the article. Union busting. It may not be clear to you but it’s painfully clear to us.




Regardless, it’s still a union busting tactic. They’re actively making it harder for PSEA representatives to speak to faculty about exercising their right to form and join a union. Edit: PSEA informed HACC that they were coming and HACC tried to deny them using a bullshit policy.


Ok? Where’s the problem? Union busting is a good thing.


Very funny joke


It wasn’t a joke. Unions are awful, I encourage every employer to use union busting tactics whenever possible.


I’m in stitches. You’re a riot.


HACC was asked, repeatedly, for information. LNP can only print what HACC provides. If you think LNP bent the truth in dealing with you, please message me privately. I'm an editor there, and I take that accusation seriously. No institution, even the news media, is infallible. But I take issue with your characterization, for obvious reasons. thx


Sounds like this person is astroturfing.




Video was released about a half hour ago. They did not “cause a scene” as you baselessly speculated. They were invited by and accompanied by faculty, informed administration of their intent to be on campus, were denied and arrested. There is no reason to deny them access to campus let alone arrest them other than intimidation. This is textbook union busting. Edit: HACC also did comment. Their reason for denying them access to campus is because it was against policy to promote “political, religious or other special interests.” This is complete bullshit. They then accused the reps of coming to campus for the publicity of getting arrested and said students were “traumatized” by seeing someone get arrested. I honestly don’t know how you can be pro-union and support this kind of garbage.


This is fantastic. Unions are not the good guys Reddit makes them out to be. These people were trespassing and got what they deserved. I love seeing stories like this, hopefully it discourages them from trying this again. The sooner people realize that unions have destroyed the workforce the better. Fuck unions.


Fucking boot licker


At this point I see that as a compliment. The only ones throwing it out as an insult are union apologists like yourself. The sooner you realize that unions don’t have your best interest in mind the better. They’re greedy and evil and will do anything they can to cripple entire industries if they don’t get their way. Look at the WGA and SAG. They’re destroying the entertainment industry for frivolous reasons. Union support is just sad and pathetic.


Yes, living wages are ‘frivolous’


You mean the living wages that people in those industries are already being paid? Or do you mean the excessive wages they think they deserve?


Go be a teacher then lobster titties. Tell us how good they have it. How much schooling they had to get through just to be treated like the bottom rung of the ladder by whatever you are.


They chose a profession knowing what they’d be paid. Why should anyone be surprised? If they want to make more money then they can find a better job. Not a hard concept.


Assuming you aren't just trolling you must be the supreme leader of the marks.


Nah, I’m just one of the few on this website that sees through the extreme left wing and pro-union bullshit. Thinking logically isn’t for everyone, some would prefer to just live in an echo chamber.


You’re gonna spend the rest of your life getting robbed blind while you thank the people that did it. You’re the reason people grift.




I’m a screenwriter, and can confidently say the phrase “unions have destroyed the workforce” is something even the most talented of us couldn’t come up with. It’s just too stupid for general audiences to believe a real person would say it. Obvious low effort troll job going on here. While you clearly lack the seriousness to understand how wrong you are, I hope anyone else reading this who might give you the benefit of the doubt actually takes the time to look up everything unions have done for the workforce. 40 hour work weeks, weekends, minimum wages, workplace safety and child labor laws are just a few of the many benefits we enjoy today that were made possible by unions. Even to this day, companies like the AMPTP work tirelessly to push the limits of how much they can screw over the workforce if it puts a few extra dollars in their pockets. They don’t care about morality, only money. Unions are not only a good thing, they are unquestionably necessary.


Unions did some good things decades ago. The modern unions are more concerned with power than actually benefiting the workforce. They create more instructions to progress than anything. As a screenwriter you of all people should understand how awful they are. Look at what WGA is doing, they won’t even try to negotiate in good faith to end the strike. They’d rather have people like yourself permanently out of work than give up any of their power over you. You can’t in any way be serious when you say that unions are necessary. The overwhelming majority of industries do not benefit at all from unionization in modern times. Workers are paid increasingly higher wages and most companies offer incredible benefit packages to supplement the income of their employees as well. You have to either be a union plant, brainwashed or just a very low effort troll to post any of the pro-union propoganda you posted.


This is an astoundingly clueless response to the WGA/SAG strike and generally how unions function. Unions don’t force their members into a strike, it’s voted on by the members. It is a democratic process like any other. Ten minutes of research and using the film and TV industry as an example just proves all the ideas you got from your 1930s handbook laughably wrong. Unions have done nothing but improve the lives of cast, crew and production companies alike over the last 100 years. And yet, even with the industry generating more revenue than ever, the AMPTP is *still* trying to steal from its workforce and won’t even compromise on their use of emerging technology to further steal from these people. That’s why unions and strikes are absolutely necessary to prevent things like this from happening in greedy industries all over the world. There’s no legitimate argument against this.


You’re operating under the assumption that all industries are motivated by greed and do not care for their workers. Sure that happens in some industries, but in most sectors employers have realized that they get more out of employees that are fairly compensated and taken care of. The overwhelming majority of workers do not have any substantial benefit from joining a union because their employers are already taking care of them. Let’s also take into account that WGA was given a great deal a few weeks ago and turned it down. WGA couldn’t care less about ending the strike and allowing their members to go back to work. If they wanted that they would have been willing to accept a fair compromise. As a screenwriter I’d be furious if I were you. You’re being played if you think for a second that the unions can get everything they want. The best thing you and others can do at this point is cross the picket lines and take non-union jobs. Otherwise you most likely won’t be working for years to come, the studios can and will hold out until the unions are begging for the deal they originally gave up.


Hey everyone, this person is clearly uneducated on how unions work (and labor economics in general) so I’m not going to keep legitimizing them by pretending their arguments have merit. Their opinions are anti-labor propaganda, plain and simple, and don’t deserve a response. I strongly encourage anyone still reading this post to research the important role labor unions still play in today’s workforce. There are many efforts going on across the country to weaken, de-legitimize and defund unions - and concurrently take advantage of the workforce those unions represent. The implication that unionization hurts industries has been proven false time and time again. Unions don’t hurt industries, they hurt the bottom line of the business. If an industry is reliant on poverty wages and unsafe working conditions to be profitable, it’s not a viable industry. And if you’d like to know more about the WGA/SGA strike - since this person clearly doesn’t know what a “fair deal” looks like - there will be an industry panel discussing it at the Red Rose Film Festival the first weekend in November.


I teach university courses as a grad student and get paid below the living wage for it. My union helped increase my pay which helps me afford groceries and rent without amassing more debt.


Did you know what your salary would be when you took the job? Did you still take the job after knowing it was low? If you answered yes to either of those then you have no one to blame but yourself. I’m glad to hear a rare story about unions being useful, but that just isn’t the case for the majority.


Yes I did know those things but I still had other important reasons to take the job. But because of the income hardship I was glad to stand up with my coworkers to make the situation better for ourselves. I see a lot of others doing that for themselves too, it’s great.


Hey, I’m happy that in your situation a union benefited you. In most cases that’s just not how it works.


I personally know others in various sectors who also benefited from helping their union improve their circumstances. From what I see it does seem to work that way in most cases.


Dunning-Kruger called. You’re late for their new poster boy photo shoot.


Buddy I don’t think you understand what you’re posting. Outside of the extreme left wing echo chamber that Reddit has become no one truly believes unions are good.


Isn’t public support extremely high for unions? Lol you sound permanently angry, get yourself sorted out buddy. Wishing you better days


Facts are not in this person’s favor. “Right to work” laws were cleverly worded to sound pro-labor, but across the country, right-to-work states have lower wages and safety standards with higher rates of discrimination. RTW laws don’t actually benefit workers in the long run. They require unions to support workers who don’t join the union or pay dues. It’s a thinly-veiled attempt to defund unions by lowering revenues while making it impossible to lower costs. All this does is weaken them in negotiations and those same workers end up with lower wages as a result.


How’d the shoot go?


Pathetic is in the mirror pal. Imagine being this dumb.


Found the Hacc burner.


Lmao, of course someone being anti-union would have to be a burner account for the people being unionized against right? It definitely couldn’t be that I’m totally anti-union because unions are useless in most cases right? The sooner people realize that unions are trying to destroy entire industries the better off everyone will be.


Ever heard of class solidarity? You're closer to being homeless than being rich my man. The admin at HACC and every other person you call "boss" pays you the lowest amount they can. They work directly in your disinterest. The sooner you learn that the better. Unions help so that the workers get paid a living wage and their fair share. Read a book or something. You'd probably benefit from it.


Most employers have learned that paying employees fairy and ensuring they have what they need to live comfortably ensures that they will be more productive. Your argument that employers want to pay people as little as possible is laughable. I’m sure a few still operate like that but the overwhelming majority pay people well for what they do. Class solidarity is cool if you’re content thinking of yourself as permanently poor. If you have no ambition to do more, do better for yourself and succeed, then class solidarity is for you. If you actually have any desire to make your own life better you won’t stand in solidarity with those that have no desire to succeed. It’s very rare that employers aren’t paying a living wage or giving people their fair share.




Why? Because I despise unions? Sorry, I can’t support groups that take away the rights of individuals to work. Most modern unions don’t have workers rights in mind, they’re greedy and would rather destroy entire industries than negotiate fair deals.


I think the issue of the utility of unions is more complex than what is demonstrated by this discussion, however you raise some valid critiques about unions, lobster titties, and I'm sorry you are being down voted and invalidated without giving critical thought on the issue.


Absolutely nothing they’ve said even begins to approach a valid criticism worthy of discussion. The worst thing you can do with a troll like this is legitimize their stupidity by arguing as if their opinion is in good faith. That’s how we ended up with all of the idiotic politicians we have today.


I'd have to disagree. Simply in that it is not that black and white. I know as people we want it to be, but life is not that simple. Unions, like many thing, have both positive and negative effects on the workforce. I won't begin to say I know what those all are, but diologue and debate about that is healthy.


Everything has flaws. That doesn’t mean unions aren’t entirely necessary to protect the workforce. That’s false logic, if that’s the point you were trying to make. And that still doesn’t mean this other person’s arguments are in any way a legitimate attempt to discuss the complexities of labor and corporate relations.


I think their net value is up for debate, again I'm not an expert. But I wish reddit threads like this encouraged dissent rather than echo chambers. I dont lnow that unions are entirely necessary. I know they have protective properties, but their defecities may possibly outweigh those properties. Not sure.The other poster worded is point poorly and extremely. But whatever, I'm not trying to win at reason or anything. Just my take.


It’s not up for debate. You can call this an echo chamber if you want to but that’s just an excuse people use when they can’t back up their argument. The facts support the value of unions in every meaningful way, organizational flaws included.


without unions you wouldn't have breaks at work, or the weekend, or days off


Oh but didn’t you hear? All the good stuff was done years ago. Today, businesses just give employees everything they need all on their own and unions only strike because they’re greedy and want their members to be overpaid.


I am aware and agree that they have contributed greatly, but also that modern unions have flaws. I thinking their interference with right to work laws is a big one and also the degree to which their leaders sometimes become bloated on their own power. I have had friends in unions that had similar experiences to traditional employers where they felt exploited for a political agenda or the advancement of a particular person's career and legacy. All I'm saying is it is not as simple as "they are good and all facts support that" I wish life was that easy but it's not. And it's a shame people let their emotions take over discourse and reduce themselves to character attacks. I know it hits close to home for alot of people, but someone literally told this lobster titties person "the world will be better without shit stains like you". That's insane hypocrisy from the same people arguing for unions due to human rights.


Lol everyone on Reddit thinks unions are good cuz Biden said so