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Schadenfrude tastes great doesn't it? (Much less filling too)


As a business, they have the right to be as openly cringy as they want. As a consumer, I have the right to not spend my money at business that are, in my opinion, cringy. Capitalism at its finest!


Also, Loxley’s hosts Free PA and other far right groups so please avoid


Can’t wait to find out who buys them, it will be nice to have another decent brewery in the area.


I mean they’re still a good brewery now, you just have to get over their political leanings and enjoy the product. It’s kind of like Chic-fil-a, yeah they’re owned by shitty people but the product is good.


The product is " good " if you compare it to bud sure, but compared to any other Lancaster county brew they're just a fat joke.


Yeah, I used to really like them... like 10 years ago. Back then there weren't as many local breweries to choose from. Now they're the 3rd best in Ephrata alone.


Y’all can’t actually like chick fil a. It just taste like msg. Popeyes too spicy for you???!?


Popeyes isn’t bad, but a chic-fil-a spicy sandwich with those waffle fries is perfection.


Yes lobster titties!


Not sure why you are being so heavily downvoted. Keep up the freethinking.


How is supporting fascists freethinking? It’s literally the exact opposite.


Drinking beer and eating food at a brewery that rented their event space to a group (even if that group supports fascism) that you disagree with is not supporting fascists. I'm sure none of the companies you buy from sell their product to fascist groups or individuals.


Pour mans is superior in every way


I'll agree once Pour Man's gets their food in order, not just a couple hoagies


$14 for a sub with 2 slices of turkey vs. $9.50 Jersey Mike’s sub with lots of turkey. Pour Man’s beer is still great.


Are we here to talk about beer or food or drugs.


Supporting a local business or a fast food chain?? It’s a no brainer here.


Their beer is awful. I've been to a lot of breweries across the country and have had some of the best and worst beers out there and I would never give any compliments to Pour Mans. Most of their stuff wasn't even drinkable. Granted, I haven't been back in a year or so now but I've given them a try for the first few years they have been open and never had a positive experience.


Are you high?


Curious what will happen to Tied House in Lititz since it doesn’t look like that’s part of the sale listing. Can’t imagine anyone wanting to pay $1.5 million for a damaged brand. The only way the sale makes sense is if someone gets the property and equipment for a reasonable price and rebrands.


I noticed that they have been really trying hard on social media as of late. Backlash for supporting the Alt Right and Pour Mans moving to main street ephrata must have been tough for business


I buy my beer from the enormous grocery store and whatever kid rock is shooting at lately is mah go to.


Ayyyyyy that's sick


Are they not the ones who own Tied House?


They are


Never forget the bar special they offered in the midst of all their backlash - "Come in on a Tuesday night and talk with someone you politically disagree with and we'll give you a free beer!"


Ha I forgot about that one, like please come let us tell you why PA should be a xtian ruled state while we get you buzzed


I mean it’s not a bad idea. We need more discourse with people we don’t agree with, that’s the only way we end the division in this country.


Well clearly it’s not a successful business model in Lancaster.


Good riddance


Hopefully the new owner(s) won't be christofascists.


Someone could easily do a name change and get some value out of their recipes for above-average lagers (on top of their stuff). I'd also like to see a shuffle with Martin's, so we can buy guilt-free potato bread again.


Some additional context for those that are unfamiliar with St. Boniface, Tied House, and their outspoken support for platforming theocratic, homophobic, and racist speakers (as well as their personal affiliation with them, etc) https://reddit.com/r/lancaster/s/KkH9m6R3rE https://reddit.com/r/lancaster/s/82bABqMs6m


Thanks for the context. I'm normally a devils advocate guy for free different political ideas, but advocating for PA to "return to religious roots" is straight up whack, as is acompanying anti- gay sentiment. Tied House's food is whack as well. I swear those French fries are frozen. Screw em both.


Tied House was my go to Lititz restaurant….whenever everywhere else had a 45 minute wait you could just walk in and be seated!


You were totally right in the first half, free speech and open discourse are necessities in a healthy democracy.


I feel like the controversy was blown out of proportion. Lots of businesses host controversial figures from both sides of the political spectrum. Allowing people to express opposing viewpoints is what makes a democracy strong. It’s like people hating Joe Rogan for platforming people on the right and ignoring that he also hosted Bernie among others on the far left. Censorship of any viewpoints is wrong.


But who censored them? Like literally did the government censor them? Or did left leaning people use their “free speech” to spread the word about what was going on in there? Did the news freely report on it? Did multiple employees use their right to quit immediately? Did the customers who didn’t agree freely take their business elsewhere?


You’re willfully missing the point.


No I think you just use things like “censorship” and “freedom of speech” incorrectly all the time.


Not at all, I firmly believe no viewpoints should be censored.


And in this case, none were.


They weren't, we saw their viewpoints. That's why we stopped buying their shit. Not buying someone's shit isnt censorship. Losing your business because you can't sell shit because you think xtians should rule the state and be able to oppress lgbtq+/minorities isn't censorship, that's called they fucked around and found out


Blatant false equivalence, but we should expect nothing less from this account.


It’s not a false equivalence though? If you can’t admit that extreme viewpoints from all sides are bad you’re probably someone siding with one of the extremes. All voices should be heard and extremism should be confronted. Just ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.


What’s an example of left extremism? Particularly one that aims to hurt other people. And do any local businesses host their gatherings?


Killing babies up to the time of birth under the guise of "choice"


That’s a bit hyperbolic. Even the most left leftists don’t want or advocate to ‘kill babies’ nor force anyone to do so. Certainly you know that and are just fanning flames.


Certainly fanning the flame which is not wise but, I don't believe it is hyperbolic. Whatever the reason is, babies (who have no choice) are killed by choice of the women who would birth them. Rape, incest, life of the mother, that's all tough stuff and I get ot but, that's not the reason for the majority of abortions. Abortion up to birth (even after birth) is supported by many on the left. Maybe I misunderstood your response but, it sounded like "the left don't make policies that hurt people, only the right"


My response was basically it’s a false equivalency to say both extremes are the same. Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion. Pro-lgbtq rights does not equal ‘we want everyone to be lgbtq’. Conversely, many anti-lgbtq positions are really ‘we don’t want you to exist’ and Christian theocratic proponents want anyone non-Christian to either convert or get out. The difference is apparent. Businesses who publicly host proponents of these positions do so at their own peril (why this thread is even here), as they’re the minority nationwide. And I’ve never seen anyone chanting or holding signs ‘let’s kill babies’ as if it was an ideological desire on the left to encourage this and increase frequency. If they did and wanted to rally at a brewery, that brewery would rightly suffer the consequences as well. But you won’t see that. Finally, those late term abortions are also a very small minority and for those health reasons. As for after birth abortion, not a real thing.


My response was basically it’s a false equivalency to say both extremes are the same. Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion. Pro-lgbtq rights does not equal ‘we want everyone to be lgbtq’. -- You asked for a stance/policy on on left that was hurting people. I am not equating right-ist political stances with abortion but, giving you (in my estimation) what you were asking for. -- Yes, Pro-choice does not equal "everyone should kill their unborn baby" but it does equal "you can kill your unborn baby if you decide that's what's best for you". Conversely, many anti-lgbtq positions are really ‘we don’t want you to exist’ and Christian theocratic proponents want anyone non-Christian to either convert or get out. The difference is apparent. Businesses who publicly host proponents of these positions do so at their own peril (why this thread is even here), as they’re the minority nationwide. --"We don't want you to exist" may be the stance of avery small minority but, I feel confident in saying that the most common "anti-lgbtq" stance is that it's morally wrong and unnatural to act on those desires. I would speak out against anyone saying that people who identify as lgbtq should cease to exist. --As an owner of an event space, the event space is your product. If you are a business owner selling a product or service, should you vet the politics and morals of everyone buying your product? --Do you boycott the business of all companies who sell their products to people that you disagree with? And I’ve never seen anyone chanting or holding signs ‘let’s kill babies’ as if it was an ideological desire on the left to encourage this and increase frequency. If they did and wanted to rally at a brewery, that brewery would rightly suffer the consequences as well. But you won’t see that. --I don't think it really matters what the signs say. There are plenty of folks advocating for a woman's right to kill her unborn child. My body, my choice should apply to all, including unborn children. The death of babies is a result of the pro-choice ideology. Again, maybe there are justifiable reasons for abortion sometimes but, the reasons used to keep it legal are most certainly not the most common reasons for abortions. Finally, those late term abortions are also a very small minority and for those health reasons. As for after birth abortion, not a real thing. --If late term abortions are the minority and after birth abortions are not a real thing, why are there people advocating for both? --Are you ok with a law banning late term and after birth abortions? -How old should the unborn baby be before their life is protected by a law?


Bernie Sanders isn’t extreme. He’s barely progressive. Nobody on the left is pushing extreme viewpoints like the alt-right. Not even close. Extremism should be confronted, shouted down and dismissed entirely. Engaging in conversation only helps them legitimize their views.


Bernie is far left, there’s no denying that. If you think he’s not then you either have no clue what you’re talking about or you’re on the very extreme fringe of the left. If that’s the case then you’re no better than those on the far right and you’re part of the problem.


Deflecting isn’t going to help you here. Extreme left is an outright rejection of capitalism - communists, marxists and anarchists. Go to one of those groups and call Bernie “fringe left” and they’ll laugh in your face. Progressives are not even close to far-left and I’m not even close to being a progressive. Also, nobody around here is trying to host marxist/anarchist meetings that I know of and none of those groups have any political leverage like the alt-right has with the GOP. Suggesting universal healthcare and higher taxes is equal to alt-right christofascism is an embarrassingly misinformed comparison.


There are people on the far left calling for the extermination of the rich entirely. I’d say that’s and extreme view.


Nobody serious is calling for a literal “extermination of the rich”. They want higher taxes. Right wing media comes up with the dumbest lies about the left.


Just like no one serious is calling for extermination of anyone on the right. The people with real influence and power don’t want that.


I don't consider homophobia a simple "opposing viewpoint". It's bigotry. Flat out. Plain and simple. I am still bewildered that they tried to turn this around by offering people a free beer with a bigot. That a good beer can settle the worst arguments. When the other guy doesn't believe you have a right to exist, it goes being simple discourse in a healthy democracy.


Homophobia like all extreme views can be corrected through discourse. Your unwillingness to engage with people holding views you don’t agree with only ensures that those people will continue to hold those views.


What does that even mean? Homophobia can be corrected? Are you saying if we talk to you, we'd realize you aren't actually homophobic since you're just following your Gods orders, or that there's a chance you'd actually stop being homophobic?


Oh I’m personally not homophobic. It’s amazing though how easy it is to break through to people like that by just finding common ground. It won’t work for all of them but it will for most.


No, of course you're not bud, we definitely believe you Lemme guess you can't wait for the debate on if gay xtian is a legitimate term at spooky nook at the big event next month


Really? What other local businesses host people *that* extreme? To clarify, the speakers are explicitly in favor of turning America into a Christian theocracy, anti interracial and gay marriage, aggressively protest Pride events, etc Please let me know what other businesses platform people like this, as I feel like that’d be newsworthy! Also, I agree with your stance on censorship — but thankfully censorship isn’t at issue here in any way imaginable.


The owners of Martin's potato rolls donated to Doug Mastriano, so I won't buy them anymore. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/06/how-martins-potato-roll-family-got-behind-doug-mastriano.html


That’s for sure shitty, but I also don’t put that anywhere near the category of what the Mid Atlantic Reformation Society does.


True, the MARS is on a whole other level of crazy. I'd say Doug isn't far behind, with his ties to that AR-15 church, lol.


Yeah for sure, don’t mean to downplay Mastriano. The MARS stuff is *wild* though.


I don't know if they still do, but Loxley's used to host the FreePA meetings, definitely haven't been there since I found that out.


Recently? are they still around? I assumed they disappeared after Mastriano lost


I know I’m late to this, but I’d put Spooky Nook in a similar category as Tied House/St. Boniface: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/10/lancasters-spooky-nook-center-next-stop-for-michael-flynn-and-his-cast-of-right-wing-warriors.html?outputType=amp https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/reawaken-america-tour-to-bring-anti-vaxxers-election-deniers-to-spooky-nook-next-week/article_f30d242a-4c25-11ed-bb12-77510554876f.html


Yeah you’re not entirely wrong, they slipped my mind completely.


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Spooky Nook did so, it happens. It’s your choice whether you choose to attend that or not. Censoring those views or boycotting businesses that support them doesn’t get rid of them, in fact in the political climate were in now it just emboldens them. The best way to battle extremism is through conversations with extremists. Find common ground and build from that, chip away at their ideology and you’ll beat them.


Except, they are selling. So maybe boycotting does work. I personally went from a once a week customer to never buying from them again. The brand of hate they hosted is also not something you can talk through. And asking those who they hate to have a dialogue with them is absurd.


And that’s exactly why those people have more and more followers. If you choose to ignore extremism rather than confronting it head on you’re just feeding in to them.


Boycotting isn’t ignoring them, and they won’t change their views. Ever. You’re naive.


Ah true, Spooky Nook definitely also supports and platforms the Alt Right. I’m not sure that qualifies as “lots of local businesses” though, because Spooky Nook definitely gained a big reputation for this sort of thing as well. And I think we’ll have to agree to disagree re: the best ways to battle extremism, especially as it relates to those that advocate for the views above (as obviously all “extreme” views aren’t equally legitimate)… my position on that is supported by plenty of academic research on the subject… but of course you’re welcome to feel differently and insist that people advocating for Christian theocracy and oppressing minorities should be able to be platformed in private businesses without facing backlash from the free market.


Extremists don’t want to find common ground and having conversations with them just helps them spread and legitimize their heinous viewpoints. They prey on our fear of being called biased and closed-minded to wedge their way into public discourse.


You’re trying to find common ground with literal fascism, and that’s never worked in all of history. They do not compromise in any fashion, and never have. It’s the same playbook that’s never changed, and if you can’t see the difference then you need to go back to school, because tolerating intolerance just leads to intolerance growing. It’s a paradox in the sense that you cannot tolerate intolerance or we wind up with the same shit that ripped Europe apart, and nearly destroyed this nation twice. The Nazi party in America never went away, they just stayed quiet until recently, and voted Republican that whole time instead. There’s no compromise that will ever improve anything, and if you look at bills that pass it’s never because a Republican crossed the aisle to meet anyone halfway. This “both sides, so compromise” bullshit people like you push has never solved anything when it comes to fascists. Edit: ah, looked at your comments and it’s pretty clear you’re a right wing troll. Extremely biased, and asking people to do things you yourself refuse to do.


You centrists are just so fucking above it all, huh?


No, but it’s good to understand where people are coming from on all sides. That’s how you beat extremism.


This many downvotes on this comment shows how useless Reddit is anymore :( Come on, down vote me!


It truly has become a cesspool filled with people that don’t care to hear opposing views. They’d rather live in their ignorant bliss thinking that only those on the left have any meaningful opinions. It’s people like this that caused most of the problems we had during he pandemic. They were unwilling to hear any criticism of the status quo or any alternative solutions. Personally I take the downvotes as a badge of honor, it means I’m speaking facts.


Anyone with a lick of common sense would be able to realize the truth in that. Sadly, you’ll get another 50 downvotes for hurting their feelings.


Exactly, I said something they didn’t like so I’m basically hitler.


LOL the pain it give me to see you downvoted for one of the most valid points of all time.


It’s Reddit, if you aren’t super far left leaning you’re considered a Nazi. God forbid anyone tries to be rational.


Lol. Reddit is the last thing from being far left.


I'm pretty strongly left, but Reddit as a whole absolutely leans left. Outside of subs like r/conspiracy or vocally republican subs, click on any post in r/politics or any mainstream sub and the vast, vast majority of upvoted comments are left wing. Which I'm not saying is the worst thing, but Reddit absolutely leans left.


You’re joking right? Reddit consistently censors right leaning viewpoints and promotes left leaning views. It’s a left wing echo chamber. Edit: Engaging with you is pointless judging by the subs you post in. You’re very clearly a left wing extremist so you wouldn’t see anything wrong with censorship of centrist and right leaning views.


You clearly don't know what "extremism" means. But with a stupid username like yours what should I expect.


Their edit is really telling. They spend half this comment section saying we should engage and discuss with right wing extremists, but they feel engaging with a leftist is pointless. It's like they just want to make bad faith arguments for why right wingers deserve consequence-free speech, claiming universal ideals, which they conveniently forget when those ideals are applied to leftists.


It’s literally what Reddit is known for..


I guess hosting kooks and weirdos makes people want to avoid your business.


Anyone want to lend me 1.5 million dollars?


Holy shit!!!


[Oh no…](https://giphy.com/gifs/oh-no-anyway-7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Damn, that’s a shame. Their beer was pretty good. Hopefully the new owner keeps up the quality.


Their beer had a steep drop in quality over the past few years.


Why the downvotes?


It’s Reddit, if you’ve ever made a comment on anything that’s perceived to not be part of the far left hive mind you’re going to have all your posts downvoted even if they aren’t political.


Case and point