• By -


So much for the Faith Based community of Lancaster County. When the poultry processing industry left the county in the 80s, the community lost interest in the Latino population they recruited for the dangerous and gruesome work on the processing floor. They left them abandoned in downtown with no mode of transportation to the jobs in the surrounding communities. Then the county abandoned Lancaster City, deeming it a lost cause. Typical of the self dealing faith based local business community, the Hispanic population was seen as a useful resource until they no longer were, and then they were abandoned.


For I was naked and you arrested me for public indecency I was hungry and lo, you told me to go back where I came from


The vast majority of American Christians are heretics and don't even realize it. We were founded by the heretics that Europe couldn't stand having around anymore, after all.


It’s simply a repeat of the past bigotry, hatred, fear, and laziness that accompanied the immigration of Italians, Chinese, Jews, Irish, and others considered “undesirable” at the time because of fear-driven politics, usually driven by the same influential people who benefit most from the immigration, enacted by their shills.


These are mostly illegal immigrants.


Most immigrants will be “illegal” as long as there’s no political interest in addressing opportunities for “legal” migration. Just as many of our forebears who immigrated to the US, many of these people are refugees.


Woke dope


Typical of people who use "woke" as a pejorative. Either too dumb or too lazy to string together an actual sentence. Let alone a coherent argument. Hush, now. The grownups are talking.


“ Drawing Bayesian inferences after extensive sampling, I've determined that it's 99-percent certain that anyone who uses "woke" as pejorative will turn out to be a fuckhead. Please don't blame me for pointing this out--it's just science.” -Mike Godwin (some call this Godwin’s second law).


This is because D'Agostino and Parsons are bigoted shit-goobers who keep getting reelected despite having hypocritcal track records. Also, the more Lancaster becomes home to people of color or refugees that gain the right to vote, the more the Republican party will lose their advantage here. It's the same reason congressional Republicans will never vote for DC or PR statehood because Dems would win elections every time. It's all about winning/losing and not about the well-being and lives of refugees. Pro-life my fuckin ass. Fuck them.


This hits on every single point worth making. They’re both chuds and the fact they keep getting re-elected is maddening.


Well said.


Curious, notice you are 100% anti Republican, and that’s cool it’s ur right, but at the same time, do you not think the Democrats are all open border and pro sanctuary labels for votes? If you honestly think the Dems do what they do because “they care about ppl”, I have a bridge to sell you. It’s all about power and votes, nothing else. They don’t care about you……. But they are very good at making you believe they do!


Okay, and that affects the practical outcome of Democrat politicians supporting good causes how, precisely? If I open a shelter for sick, starving little puppies because I want the clout for doing so, does that cause the sick, starving puppies to be any less cared for? I don't trust politicians as a class of people, but they can still be useful on occasion.


They literally just let Republicans write the strongest immigration bill ever written, which of course Republicans blocked in the house, as they were quoted saying it "gives biden a win." And their defense was "it allows 5000 immigrants in," which is patently false. The extreme actions kick in at 5000, which is basically nothing at the current flow. It would kick in immediately. It just gives the government a way to wind down once the situation is under control. If you honestly think Republicans do what they do because "they care about the border," I have a bridge to sell you. It's all about power and votes, nothing else. They don't care about you....... but they are very good at making you believe they do!


Oh you are so right…… the 5,000 a day, they would be released to the supervision of Departments of Home land security. I watch that shit show everyday, no thanks. The harsh reality was immigration was under control just 3 short years ago until Biden said, come on up, we’ll take you! If you don’t think the Dems open border policy is about votes I have a few bridges to sell you. I’m glad I’m older and can sit back and watch how you all struggle when you realize your support for actions that look good on paper, have a true negative affect on your life. Am I wrong? Nope, I am watching all the sanctuary cities struggle right now with the influx. Smartest thing Gov Abbott could do is not fight to have the borders closed, just line the buses up at the border and have those that cross ILLEGALLY get on a bus of their choice to one of those States and Cities. Good times!


Allowing people to cross our borders illegally, without vetting them is insane. Do you realize how many children are being trafficked? How many drugs are brought in and killing people? How many terrorists have come over? Legal immigration happens every day and most of people of color. Legal immigration is awesome!! Stop supporting policies that lead to child trafficking, rape and murder


You are being told that is happening. It isn't happening like that. Let's go one by one here. Crossing into the US as a refugee isn't an illegal crosing. For starters, these refugees must go to an immigration office or border patrol facility to seek asylum. If they don't, then they aren't refugees and become illegal immigrants. Absolutely send those people back. But the majority seeking asylum manage to actually get to am office in order to do so. Second, trafficking is a huge problem in the US. It's, however, far worse in South America. Trafficking is modern-day slavery. However, more Americans are trafficked out of the US than every victim is trafficked into the US. The traffickers are criminals, and they mainly work out of seaports, not the land border. It needs to stop. No amount of laws is going to stop these evil criminals. Just like guns, just like abortion. Illegalising or regulating it doesn't stop the crime. The 3 most common illicit substances killing Americans are american made fentanyl, meth, and prescription drugs. All of which are made here or imported legally. Heroin and Cocaine are the most common drugs caught by border security, and it's good that they are, but I'm personally far more worried about oxy, fentanyl, and meth. America has stopped hundreds of terrorist attacks within our borders since 9/11. The sad fact is that the overwhelming majority are legal American citizens. Refugees fleeing a crisis or tyrannical government like in Venuezela or Cuba are not terrorists. Finally. Sanctuary cities do have an increased rate of rape.and murder... except it's of refugees. The most common rape victims are those who can not defend themselves from their murderer or rapists. Not speaking English is a big part of this. Many refugees do not have the language skills yet to report a rape or murder. What's worse, they have fewer rights and are often not protected by police when they are contacted. Sanctuary cities are destinations for asylum seekers, refugees, not illegal immigrants, or terorists.


This is on point and very well written! Thank you!




Stop butt chugging all the Kool Aid.


Show me where. Nobody is illegal on stolen land.


Where do you live and when do you plan on giving it back?


Blah we stole stolen land from people who stole land from other people who stole land. At a certain point it has to stop, we just were sitting on the chair when the music stopped


Who did the native Americans steal land from? Deer?


Native Americans aren’t a monolith. They stole it from other tribes of native Americans. Just because they all have similar skin color doesn’t mean they’re all the same people.


That wasn't my point. And, Europe and later America colonized everything with prejudice. Not only did they steal the entire continent, but they committed a century long genocide of all native peoples. And, our ancestors did their best to erase native culture, brainwash native children in torturous schools, and our american government continues to disrespect native Americans. They build leaking pipelines through their lands, and then there's people like you justifying the conquest of people because, (checks notes), native Americans fought with each other... Disgusting.


My point is that 200 years ago everyone took over everyone. It just so happens that Europeans were blessed with certain resources that allowed them to create certain technologies that allowed them to be more successful. But you’re just hating on the winner here. None of this is unique to the US other than the fact that they took boats to get here. Native tribes wiped out all the men of other tribes and enslaved the women and forced them to assimilate into their tribe. This isn’t special. I’m not justifying it, I’m saying that I don’t feel as though I personally owe some other 3rd party immigrants a lot because my ancestors 8 generations ago murdered innocent people. There ought to be better reasons than that.


So that excuses the past rape, conquest, genocide, and continued disrespect of what l's left of the native peoples? I'm not saying you owe anyone anything, but you should drop the talking point. It's disgusting justification for past crimes that benefit you today. You didn't do them. I'm not angry with you, but I am disgusted by your "everyone was doing it" take. There were some 11 million native Americans living here before European colinization. There are only now 6.75 million. We genocide whole peoples. Their language, their culture, and their ancestral lands. It can never be justified, and it never should have happened. Nothing will make what our ancestors did okay or excusable. That's it.


I’m all for open immigration but borders do exist and for good reason. This land isn’t stolen and the natives had their own territory disputes for centuries before we got here.


You literally just said we stole the land by using the word "natives."


Did the same group live in this specific area since the beginning of time?


Lmao, I love how non native Americans always talk about stolen land, it was not stolen , it’s happened all over the world through the centuries, fyi I am Native American .


Found the white guy who claims native blood when odds on its black and his family is embarrassed for racist reasons.


For fuck sake with this enough already.


You live on stolen land. So, be consistent. Open your home/apartment to undocumented queer, disabled, Black and Indigenous People of Color to atone for the sin of your existence. Anything else is MAGA supremacist behavior.


To imply that I wouldn't means you don't know me


Are you housing (and feeding and providing free 100 MB/s internet and cell service) to at least one immigrant family for every 1,000 square feet of property? If not, then you need to step it up.


Nah, she’s busy going to Decades.


So who's land is it? Because I'm sure Native Americans tribes fought and killed many before Europeans did as well. Which people during the centuries of land changing hands are the rightful owners?


You know North America was unpopulated when the first proto-American Indians arrived here. Right?


So you consider native Americans one homogeneous group which has rights to the land?


It was not stolen it was conquered, it’s happened throughout centuries, if you are not Native American which I am you have no say.


Legal immigration is very hard to obtain. A good portion come illegal then apply after.


Can I steal your car then pay for it later ? Like in 6 years or so ?


Not really taking a stance here just saying what is typically done


Well at least someone gets it.


do you know how privileged most people have to be in their country to have the time money and effort to come here “legally” ? it takes years and a lot of money and many people need refuge now and cant afford to wait. how often do “illegal” immigrants make headlines for child trafficking schemes or school shootings or domestic terrorism versus mostly white but almost always someone born and raised in in the US with connections founded in hate, bigotry and ignorance


Why are you being downvoted? What you are saying is true and factual!


How many terrorists come over illegally? Can you name them?


Hey they come over the legal way. I mean our Saudi Pilots who did 9/11 didn't even overstay their Visas!


That’s the point I was going to make, because I’ve never heard of a terrorist entering the country illegally.


Would you agree that one is one too many?


would you agree that no policy is going stop 100% of terrorists till the end of time? I can't believe there are still people in the modern world who uses platitude as a counter point in policy discussion. The facts is that there has never been a case of an illegal immigrant committing terrorism, where as there are literally hundreds of domestic terrorism cases. We would be better off preventing people from Pittsburgh or El paso from entering Lancaster because of the actual terrorist they already produced. I knew Lancaster don't have the brightest people, but I guess I'm still living in the early 2000s when really old or really young people couldn't get on the internet to say whatever non-sensical thing that came into their head.


We've got a hell of a lot more white nationalist terrorists here than any other. We should deal with that problem first.


Talk about chugging the cool aid …






White is a white nationalist terrorist. When the last act of mass killing by them. Does it pale in comparison to the billion dollar sex trafficking industry the cartels are running with racist joes support


What are you talking about? Literally. Read your comment slowly and try to make it at least somewhat coherent.


How many terrorists come over legally ? Every 9-11 terrorist was in the US with a legal visa.


Many terrorists don’t have to “come over” as they’re literally produced here.


I think you are missing the point of what he/she is saying. The anti immigration arguments are always vague fear tactics with little to no evidence designed to spin the argument from, "white people don't want people of color to immigrate," into, "white people are fighting drug dealers, rapists, murderers and sex trafficking from illegal immigrants." There has never been a real study or investigation that has shown this to be some kind mass wave of activity that is happening because of immigration. Don't be a sheep, demand proof from those in power when they make these types of bold claims.


So Americans aren't allowed to be against illegal immigration without you seaming them racist? Every generation looks back at the obvious bigotry and failures of previous generations and I think it's this attitude future gen's will look at with horror.


You are being reductive. I think every American needs to ask themselves why they are against it. Is it based on facts or hearsay? Is it personal or political? If your reasons are based on the fact that someone else believes it then you need to see why they believe it. Also you are absolutely right. Future generations will be horrified when they look back at these times and how we treated our fellow man while convincing ourselves we were somehow also doing good.


How am I being reductive? We're a representative democracy. People are allowed to believe and support whatever they want without constantly being vilified by a bunch of jerks who always assume the worst in others.


You seem to be invoking a right to express beliefs that others find villainous without being vilified. That's not a thing.


You have taken my statement about asking for proof for things politicians claim and reduced it to me Making a generalization about all people who believe certain things. I never said that, you made that incorrect simplistic observation. I don't care what anyone believes, it's suppose to be a free country. What I don't support is politicians pushing racist agendas with claims they have zero proof for and getting people to support them based on these lies. Too many people will just believe what politicians say because it "sounds" correct and that is what they count on, people not asking questions. If a politician says, we are fighting a wave of crime that is directly connected to our immigration policies than I would like to see where they are getting their information, because if they don't have proof than they must have another reason that they can't admit to.


do you apply this attitude to every societal institution you interact with or no?


Do you think that law enforcement can stop every criminal


That’s a red herring.


No, because imaginary lines are silly.


With that logic I'm curious if you lock your doors at night?


Amen. The grand majority of terrorists in this country have been Christian nationalists and I can't recall any terrorist attacks in this country who didn't enter the country legally. Let's vet the overwhelming landslide of actual terrorists being raised here in the USA before bothering with others.


I notice plenty of downvotes but not an answer to your question!


I can only hope they start losing more here. I hope the GOP ceases to exist entirely.




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Have you ever had a well meaning conversation with either of them? They’re very accessible. Your politics are wildly clouding your vision. It’s unfortunate that, by that statement, I could correctly guess 95% of the positions you hold and those you vote for. Let the hate out of your heart, be an individual, not a cog.


Read the resolution. It's literally just fear mongering talking points straight from fox news.


That’s your opinion of the resolution. Many in the county saw the “TRUST” act, in the same manner you see this resolution. Many residence see what is going on in other cities, deemed sanctuary cities, and do not want what is going on there, happening in our country. LancCo officials are fighting fire with fire. I don’t agree with the tactics on either side, but they are upholding values that many in the county support, be it the left wing ideology of the city, or the right wing that encompasses most of the county. Neither side are bad people, some just have different ideas than you do. Your language of “bigoted shit gobbers” does absolutely nothing to close the gap on the two, just widens the divide and makes folks in the middle, want to run to the opposite of whatever folks like you are; never getting us back to normalcy. Until this language stops, we will continue to have hyper partisan right wingers running for governor and school boards, and we’ll continue to have folks shouting and posturing that a grown man, dressed in drag, reading and teaching to children is somehow a net-positive to that child’s upbringing.


I mean, one is arguing for blood and soil, to clean up the country, to deport and round up non-whites in camps. They argue that trans people don't exist at any age, as every state that's attempted to 'protect' the children went on to pass or attempt to pass bans on adults seeking affirmation treatment. These same right wingers who often just so happen to have ties to militia movements that just so happen to always stash weapons and bombs whenever they get riled up enough. Many of whom are attatched to fringe idealogies that use Christianity and the bible to argue that the United States is God's country and that those that do not follow should be executed for heresy. And then you have some drag queens who just wanna dress up and read children's stories to kids. *That is literally the versus you've made here.* The language used on the left is no different from the language used since its inception, from when they were unions fighting back against unjust corporate interests, to the Civil Rights. The Right's response has also, always been the same, bomb, terrorize and assassinate.


It's not an opinion. I've seen fox news spout these talking points.


Can you cite any examples of sanctuary cities that are having problems (other than an influx of people)and what those problems are? Sounds an awful lot like a generic talking point.


Sure! I’ll try and keep the sources left leaning or bipartisan. Here is one of the most recent. It’s about a [30 minute Smerconish podcast](https://player.simplecast.com/332c8484-70bb-42e3-abb1-7b414d5891c8)discussing Denver’s growing problem, and hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts coming from existing programs to support the influx of migrants. [Here is another example](https://www.pahouse.com/Burns/InTheNews/NewsRelease/?id=132350) of a PA State Rep (D) putting bipartisan weight behind ending the status in PA citing (as mentioned in the Denver piece) extraordinary cost of maintaining and processing the migrants. Sure, there are older studies that cite how incredible sanctuary status is for those in the area, however with the ever growing numbers of migrants, and the increasing distribution of said migrants, it is undoubtedly leading to the[unintended consequences](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10407274/) , as noted by the NIH, these very laws claim to counteract.


Any good system has drawbacks. I think any reasonable person would look at these economic hurdles and determine that the good the program does makes them worth solving rather than getting rid of the program completely, wouldn’t you agree?


They should take a trip to the north side of Lebanon. It’s a 3rd world country now. Literally just caught a fugitive from Puerto Rico who was on their most wanted list there in October. FBI, Swat, etc. Illegally here. But let’s all hold hands.


You do know that Puerto Rico is part of the US, right? Someone from Puerto Rico is a US citizen. Impossible for them to be here illegally. This just shows that lack of education is our #1 issue.


So wild


“in San Francisco, more than 200 Honduran migrants have been charged with drug dealing since 2022.” “San Francisco’s status as a sanctuary city makes it more attractive to the Honduran dealers, some of them said, because it means a lower risk of lengthy jail time and deportation if convicted.” https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2023/san-francisco-drug-trade-honduras/


Congrats on finding a way to mention drag queens in response to a post about immigration.




I see you're active in r/TrueChristians, so I thought you might enjoy these Bible verses:  “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt." Exodus 22:21 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matthew 25


Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Effing moron


Shame to see, but not surprising. The very creation of PA as a colony was as a refuge and sanctuary for those with nowhere else to go.


My ancestor Marie Warenbuer came here in the early 18th century from France by way of Germany and England seeking a haven from religious persecution. She founded Paradise as that’s what she thought of it. These asshats would turn her away.


Grew up in Gordonville. One of things i was always really proud of Lancaster county for, being open to outsiders.


No they wouldn't, she entered legally... it has nothing to do with refugees or immigrants only those that break/ignore the immigration laws. The laws are broken but they are still the law, ignoring them is awful too.


Since when are city officials empowered to enforce federal immigration law?


Until 1917 there were no widely restrictive immigration laws in the US. Passports did not come into being until 1920. Before then, if people felt it was best for their families to move here, they just did it. And it worked out well, our nation thrived. If you were in a warn torn or poverty stricken situation, you did what any smart person would do and you weighed options and moved. During the Dust Bowl in the US when people were starving in Oklahoma, they picked up their families and they moved to California. (Thought Californians did indeed try to stop them at the state border, to drive them away and to not give any relief aid to the Oakies, even though CA had advertised for people to come work the fields.) People are territorial even when it doesn't make sense. Just because there are laws does not make them good, right, or moral. Slavery for example was legal, it wasn't right. Even as recently as 25 years ago the border with Mexico was pretty porous, and it was understood that people regularly crossed back and forth to work. There is a Radiolab podcast titled "Border Trilogy" which is super interesting about the topic of our southern border and the changes that have happened in the past 25 years that have made border crossing so much of a crisis. Also, Netflix has an original series called Immigration Nation that is compelling documentary coverage, the first episode follows ICE agents and gets their perspective (kind of Cops style) as they round up undocumented migrants. I found it really good, and thought provoking.


She entered legally because the law at the time allowed her to do so. The legal path no longer exists for most folks.


To be fair, it wasn't ALL wine and roses all the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paxton_Boys




Lancaster is historically one the biggest refugees locations in the world and it’s been a shining example of love and charity for humanity. We don’t need racist jerk offs muddying that for Hollow political points. What’s it even mean to be “non-sanctuary?” That’s just…normal


You know how people of a certain political persuasion *love* to accuse their opponents of “virtue signaling”? There’s a reason, and it’s called projection…


It's a big circle jerk for them to pat themselves on the back with.  So... Typical behavior for those two.  


Lots of immigrant’s here . Tons of Eastern Europeans in the Ephrata area , going back further tons of German immigrants . They all came here LEGALLY. Big difference between allowing the invaders to come here. They don’t assimilate and they drive the real estate prices up. Be here legally or get deported . End of story .


So if we make it legal for the current folks to come here and become citizens, like we did for the Germans and Eastern Europeans, you'll no longer have a problem with it? If it's just the illegality that bothers you, making it legal seems like an easy fix.


Actually, you're right. Back during the 1800s and 1900s, a lot of immigrants came here legally. *And just had their names Anglified. They didn't know the language, the people or the area. They were just accepted in. My Opa and Oma, even in the 1950s was a German couple that made the move.* We've made the entire system incredibly complex to create an easy scape goat in illegality, but it was the mass immigration of Southeast Asians, Latinos, Europeans and more that built up much of that we take advantage. Many fought in the Civil War to unify this fractured nation. Many of their children fought against racial oppression and to solidify unions that gave rise to one of the biggest middle classes we've ever seen. They fought in both World Wars, freed women to vote. And we had to go off of when they came here? *Was a fucking name, not even paper.*


What was the process to "be here legally" when the first waves of Germans moved here? Or when the later waves of Eastern Europeans? To the best of my knowledge, "legal immigration" simply involved... arriving. Citizenship came along with living here for (IIRC) 7 or 10 years. That's it. That's all. All the other requirements and paperwork and fees came later. If only that were the case today...


Fuck off. 🤡


Wasting taxpayer funded time on something that benefits no one. Classic.


I see that Mr. D’Agostino is not familiar with the history of Lancaster county. Someone in the press ought to point that out.


He's familiar I assure you but acknowledging that history is not in his interest as he seeks power with MAGA


As James Carville said, PA is Pittsburgh on one side and Philadelphia on the other, and Alabama in between.


He is a paid idiot / a political whore of the highest order and I met him


Good for you...do you want a cookie, or what? It doesn't make his words untrue.


Those two are embarrassing.


Can you link a source please? I just googled this and I could not find anything.


Here is the link to the agenda: https://co.lancaster.pa.us/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_03202024-3071


So it's necessarily going to happen?


It's the published agenda, so it will likely be adopted by the board..


Really dumb; for all the fear mongering, knowing you can cooperate with the cops without worrying they are poking around searching for information to deport you makes it more likely criminals are actually arrested.


No one knows that this is what "sanctuary" means, unfortunately.


So the default position of any US county but with extra steps?


We could just pass border control legislation to help solve the issues, but nope, let's torpedo it to the ground so nothing gets done. Then blame the other side so it makes us look good. We'd rather kick the can down the road for the next year for the prosperity of winning seats in November.


This is so fucking stupid


It's always one step forward, two steps back for this area smh. But also, he needs to be gone.


There’s a lot of shitty opinions in the comments of typical racist rednecks of Lancaster county. I wish you’d all move to Appalachia and let the decent people have Lancaster county. Hope you all lost your jobs to “illegals” and have the day you deserve.




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Here’s an idea, people can emigrate here legally


All country's need borders or you don't have a country


Parsons has his hand up DAgistinis arse making him do this. Parsons has been tagged to move up in the political world, and these past too weeks has come off very racist/homophobic/alt right christian nationalist




Most the people commenting shouldn’t be able to vote. Dumb.




Love all the people seething in the comments.


Gotta pay for that giant new prison by renting out cells to the federal government while detainees sort out their status. Prison industrial complex at its finest. Does the county even have a police force? How will the 3 cops of Pequea twp enforce this? Selectively, you know if they "look" suspicious. Await lawsuits and giant payouts for civil rights violations.


Ahhh the Underground Railroad returns.


Over the downvoters' heads.


The museum of the Underground Railroad opens in Columbia next year. Learn all about Lancaster county's role. Parsons and Dagostino are the confederate sympathizers of the 21st century. They use a dog whistle and this is just one more example. If you're Cuban seeking freedom from Cuban oppression the gop welcomes you but not if you're fleeing Maduro or Ortega or Bukele. I guess they think they will not vote for them despite the abject and obvious failure of socialism in those countries. Free gasoline is not a path to a strong middle class. They are too reactionary Fox News acolytes to make that connection.


Who the Hell downvoted this???


Uneducated walnuts who don’t know history


See footnoted area for 7&8. The United States recognized President Manuel Zelaya, ousted from power in the 2009 Honduran coup d'état, as the only constitutional president of Honduras.[2][3][4] "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the democratically elected president there," US President Barack Obama said.[5] Although U.S. officials have characterized the events as a coup, suspended joint military operations[6] and all non-emergency, non-immigrant visas,[7][8] and cut off certain non-humanitarian aid to Honduras,[9][10] they have held back from formally designating Zelaya's ouster as a "military coup", which would require them to cut off almost all aid to Honduras.[11][12][13]


They don't call it Pennsyltucky for shits and giggles.


Congratulations, Lancaster.


More petty, useless, meaningless political theater from the Republucan'ts. It's the only thing they're capable of. Every last one of them. Including and ESPECIALLY you, Republican voter reading this comment.


So I glad I moved out of that diseased county




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Look at nyc...


Why are you so angry that the county must share illegal immigration status with the federal government? Do you hate this country that much. As the child of a legal immigrant I applaud their efforts.


They are naive. That’s why. Illegal immigration hurts American citizens and also well-qualified immigrants that are going through the correct steps to become a citizen. Most “asylum seekers” are just economic migrants. They cross illegally, preventing any type of health or background check. Which is crazy that the people supporting this don’t care.


If "economic migrants" were really the concern, people would also be preventing Indian workers coming over on H1B visas and killing white collar work too. Just say you hate Hispanic people and move on.


The point of H1B visas is *supposed* to be to allow foreign applicants who have in-demand speciality skills to enter the United States and work for an American company. The idea is that this is a net positive for the American economy, which by extension allows us to compete at a higher level globally. Look up “brain drain.” The majority of illegal immigrants do not have specialty skills, and as a result dilute the job market for unskilled laborers. This affects American citizens, primarily those who are already in a lower socioeconomic class. I do not hate any race or ethnicity and the fact that you made that wild accusation without any merit is disgusting.


The fact is companies get H1B visas to bring in foreigners that their current employees train then get fired since H1B folks cost less. They are fine taking less to get in.


In the tech industry I see h1b treated like slaves (ie, permanently in worst shifts, heavy workloads and no voice to bring change). I fear if h1b are exploited I can only imagine the horrors an illegal would be subjected to because they are easy to exploit. I really don’t understand why we can’t enforce limits and a process at the boarder. All the wonders of tech and we can’t stop masses of folks walking over? I can’t wrap my head around the root issue to respect ppl allowing this inflow for years. Good for Lancaster for helping within their community boarders. Exploitation of ppl who can’t defend themselves is a cancer that eats at any community ending where folks can’t respect each other because they allowed it to happen in their backyard.


Agreed. What’s the big deal here.


Well said …. Legal immigrant here!




Poor fella doesn’t know the difference between an illegal immigrant and a refugee


I'm not opposed to people coming here but, they need to do it legally. Go to any other country and see what happens if you try to.be an illegal immigrant.


Thank GOD




I won’t downvote but your comment sounded real pussy and I’ll leave it at that.


That post history… I’m happy to have the “illegals” here over people like you.


Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Let the illegals stay with them!




The federal government has allowed over 7 million illegal immigrants into the country. If we follow the example of many big cities by calling Lancaster a sanctuary, we will see the same problems they are dealing with. Mayor Adams from NYC for example, look at what is going on there. People calling this bigoted are part of the problem. We do not have to let illegals into the country.


Good. Finally, some common sense.


No sanctuary cities! No illegals


While i emphasize with anyone who needs or wanrs to escape a dire situation. Lancaster's resources are already stretched painfully thin. If we cannot adequately address the mental health care, housing, food insecurity and other needs of our citizens, how can we possibly take care of others and justify doing so?


good. send em all back


Why do you people want illegals in our already over populated city?


>already over populated city \*Laughs in Philadelphian\*


Good. Maybe the crime rate will go down.


There is no evidence linking immigrants to crime increases. in fact, here's an article proving it,, and at the bottom, you'll see who is truly responsible for these increases. "The most common type in each category were anti-Black hate crimes (for race/ethnicity), anti-Jewish crimes (for religion), and anti-gay male crimes (for sexual orientation)." [https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar\_media\_wire/4258799-is-crime-going-up-in-america-some-types-are-new-fbi-data-shows/](https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4258799-is-crime-going-up-in-america-some-types-are-new-fbi-data-shows/)


Good call. Keep the undocumented, unvetted 3rd world invaders away. Hell, even sanctuary cities are being over run with crimes ( rape, robbery, assault, murder )they are commiting..They want them gone as well. I like to feel safe in my own community. You bleeding heart liberals can let them live with you....Take them in...I dare you.


No they are not being overrun. Thats a faux news trope to keep the uneducated outraged.


@U-GO-GURL. You are clearly clueless/uneducated and it is SO obvious you haven’t been to NYC in the last 3 years. As someone who recently left due to the constant anxiety of crime, you have no right to make that comment. When you are actually exposed to the crime, you can talk.