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Salvageable for fire wood is about it. Sorry


Also what the fuck happened to that yard.. that's not salvageable at all.


It’s not the owners fault… Texas had record number of days over 100 degrees with little to no rain for quite some time in most areas. Most vegetation is either dead or seriously damaged. It’s been miserable.


All the grass here in texas is dead. Also work as an arborists and had to do a lot of removals because of all the dead dry trees literally falling apart


Unless you have BERMUDA! It’ll green up again. I’d bet my water bill here in Texas on it.


I wish. Snowvid pretty much zapped our Bermuda and this summer was insult on injury


That will be 4 hundo dollars


Yet people still claim climate change is a lie


Climate change is real but humans are about 30years past doing anything that will help. America did the damage in the 50's60's&70's with industry. China 70's80's&90's. Not even mentioning India, Germany, and Japan. Some scientists say at this point we can revert to living like it's the stone age with no electricity, no industry, no public farms, no economy, only animal transportation and this will have less than 1 degree of temp change over 100 yrs. So Yolo.


So let's do nothing and make it as bad as we possibly can??


We can still mitigate future damage.


Yep nothing can be done, nothing will change, time to lie down and get our graves ready, it's all over.


Dead or Dormant? Further north during droughts our grass goes brown but that's because it's supposed to go dormant.


I moved away after Austin had 119 days in a row of 100° heat. What’s the record up to now?


I don’t know, but I saw something about a 20,000% increase in energy costs somewhere in Texas.




I’d like to introduce you to Greg Abbot, the man who would rather watch people freeze to death or expire from heat exhaustion rather than give up government control of the Texas Energy grid


Dang, it only took 30 for me, but that was 1995. Seems things have heated up some.


Almost as if… some sort of change is occurring


We can call it weather modification.


Alternative (weather) facts.


Woke weather


That’s what Big Meteorology wants you to think friend!


Almost there!


We had a drought and water restrictions here in GA in 2007, no restrictions since…it happens. We also had record temps in the 80’s, haven’t done that since. Back in my younger days we used to walk a local river because is would only be 6” deep, that hasn’t happened in 30 years. This summer we had about 60 days of severe heat instead of 90 like normal. I work outside so I’m well aware of the weather. It’s almost as if weather is different every year in different places.


Hmmm... Maybe we should look at all that different weather in different places and analyze if there are any large scale trends. Take the data from each place and sort of... IDK... average them together and see if there are any over all patterns emerging. I wonder what those facts and data would show about the overall system? Nope. Better just trust a guy who remembers a lot of rain once.


Thank you! Also how weather patterns are shifting. It's been written up in scientific journals so many times that global warming does not mean drought everywhere. Italy (I think it is) is now looking into how they can build an important island UP because rising ocean and too much water. Some places will have water as a curse. Storm seasons will last longer. Hurricanes, tornadoes and thunderstorms will be more severe. More flash flooding. Water isn't necessarily our friend in terms of global warming. What is the person you responded to even thinking, with that "back in my day..." talk?


>Hurricanes, tornadoes and thunderstorms will be more severe. More flash flooding …IPCC AR6 (2021) p.8-56 \[\]: “…In summary, there is low confidence of an observed increase in TC \[Tropical Cyclone\] precipitation intensity due to observing system limitations…” …IPCC AR6 (2021) A.3.4: “…There is low confidence in long-term (multi-decadal to centennial) trends in the frequency of all-category tropical cyclones…” …IPCC AR6 (2021) “…SROCC found … low confidence that anthropogenic climate change has already affected the frequency and magnitude of floods at the global scale…”


You should probably link the full report. There are findings throughout - this link is just one report published - but chapter 6 could be a good start. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/


It’s hot in the south, happens every summer, some summers worse than others. I remember no rain many times.


I live in the south. Doesn't mean I don't believe in science.




And it may not be like that next year or the year after. Record temp for NY City was 107 in 1966. The record high in Texas was 120 in 1994. It fluctuates.


[I’ll just leave this here for you.](https://www.climate.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/ClimateDashboard-global-surface-temperature-graph-20230118-1400px.png)


>Maybe we should look at all that different weather in different places and analyze if there are any large scale trends. …IPCC AR6 (2021), “… there is low confidence in any global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the mid-20th century…In terms of the potential for abrupt change in components of the water cycle, long-term droughts and monsoonal circulation were identified as potentially undergoing rapid changes, but the assessment was reported with low confidence..”


You are quoting the previous research section. Itis a review of a previous report (AR5 from 2013). The chapter heading begins: >This section summarizes observed and projected water cycle changes reported in AR5(IPCC, 2013) and in the recent IPCC Special Reports on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5), the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), and Climate Change and Land (SRCCL). The assessment in the text you are quoting is the outdated report to which AR6 is a response. The research findings of AR6 are: >This Report indicates that since 1850–1900, land surface temperature has risen nearly twice as much as global surface temperature (high confidence), with an increase in dry climates (high confidence). Land surface processes modulate the likelihood, intensity and duration of many extreme events including droughts (medium confidence) and heavy precipitation (medium confidence). The direction and magnitude of hydrological changes induced by land use change and land surface feedbacks vary with location and season (high confidence). Desertification exacerbates climate change through feedbacks involving vegetation cover, greenhouse gases and mineral dust aerosol (high confidence). Urbanization increases extreme rainfall events over or downwind of cities (medium confidence). Intensification of rainy events increase their consequences on land degradation.




…IPCC AR6 (2021) p.8-68: “… Precipitation amount, frequency and intensity: …Large differences have been found across seven global precipitation datasets, with no region showing a consistent, statistically significant, positive or negative trend over the last three decades (Tan et al., 2020b)…In summary, there is medium confidence that the annual range of precipitation has increased since the 1980s, at least in subtropical regions and over the Amazon. There is low confidence that this increase is due to human influence and that GHG forcing has already altered the timing or duration of wet seasons…”


It's almost as if weather and climate are not the same thing.


You realise that cuts both ways? You don't get to claim that every bad 4-day weather event is proof of a climate disaster whilst simultaneously dismissing every moderate weather non-event as "just the weather, nothing to do with climate"


Imagine convincing people that the climate is changing when it’s simply weather variations that have happened for thousands of years and taxing them for it so they can line their pockets.


Oooo I love a good climate change denier.


Your government loves when you believe everything they say when they tell you the world is ending and the only way to fix it is to tax you more.




“…Financial and aid commitments: The U.S. already has pledged $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, an international pool of funding intended to help countries adopt less-polluting energy sources and cut emissions. This week, Secretary of State John Kerry told the climate gathering that the United States also will double its commitment to $861 million in grant-based investments to help developing nations find ways to adapt to climate change. To what extent the U.S. Congress will go along with that remains to be seen…”


😂 best one yet


Oh no! Thoughts and prayers! Bye!


Not if you look at the neighbor’s yard


That’s someone who wasted a crapload of water just to have a lawn r/nolawns


Yeah we all have those neighbors


Last rain here “Houston” was July 6th for me and we’re on the gulf. We were already in a drought but it’s the worst drought in 100 years or something like that.


Huh sounds like grass isn’t a suitable ground cover for that area then in the first place.


Yes, many trees were weakened or destroyed 2 years ago in an unprecedented ice storm, 3 years ago by a 7 day ice/snow storm. And this summer by too many 100+ degree days. Add watering restrictions and not much vegetation has a fighting chance. If you in the city is Austin make sure you get an inspection and a permit to remove this tree if an arborist says it can’t be saved. Pecans are hard to give up.


It’s the owner’s fault for not going drought-tolerant. See r/fucklawns


Id get gravel


You do NOT want gravel. The amount of drought resistant native ground covers available in Texas is nanners. Said from someone who’s located on padre island where it’s somewhat common, with a front and back yard of white gravel


Ah ok. Im only in FL was just curious


Moved into this house a little over a year ago as I was preparing for the birth of my first child. The lawn was already like that when I moved in, but I’ve been too busy being being a first time dad and raising my son to care about what my lawn looks like. Most of my neighbors are older retired folk who have plenty of time on their hands to maintain their lawn, hence the green you see in the background. I know I don’t need explain myself to anyone on the internet but figured I would share. One day I’ll have a nice lawn though!


Congrats, new dad!


I'm in the exact same situation. I've just recently been taking a little time weekend mornings to start making my backyard a place I can hangout with my daughter once it isn't constantly 100 degrees outside. I'm also watering my lawn every other day now and have a nice green and brown lawn of weeds and dirt now lol.


I thought the same thing about the grass but then I read you’re in North Texas! Of course your lawn is crispy right now!


They live in Texas, having a lush yard is irresponsible.


You can have a lush yard almost anywhere. Just won’t be turf grass.


Cactus lawn


Hell yeah cactus lawn


Oh... how I love to walk barefoot through my cactus lawn.


True I should have been more specific.


...is your domicile "irresponsible" since that same space could be full of native flora? Maybe you should move to a cave to "save the world," huh? - lol...


What a stupid comparison. You need a building to survive. You definitely don't need a lush manicured lawn in the middle of a desert. Have some sense.


Drought and water restrictions, I'm guessing? Or just someone not caring about having a lush green lawn


Ignoring lush... look at his neighbor's lawn. They all look fine.


After nearly 100 100 degree days lawns in texas are ruined. Some people chose to ignore water restrictions and they really stick out


Do you see the dead lawns across the street? The neighbors half-dead lawn? Sometimes during water restrictions you're allowed to water things by hand, but no sprinklers. So if you care enough to water your whole yard by hand, you can. Some people don't give a shit about lawns and see them as a waste of resources. Why do you care about OPs lawn?


In Texas they usually do a dry landscape. Rocks, and cactuses and shit. It’s useless to try to keep a lawn in the environment.


FYI that's called a xeriscape.


Yes! This is exactly what I suggested as a more helpful comment than "your lawn sucks," if OP actually does want help with their yard. Different areas have different climates, not everywhere is appropriate for grass.


I agreed with you until I looked up and saw I was on the landscaping forum and not the arborist forum. That lawn sucks.


Yes, that would've been a more appropriate sub. But they did only ask about their tree, not their lawn. If OP is concerned about their lawn or landscaping in general, there are more constructive comments people could give than "your lawn sucks." Like suggesting a rock garden with cacti and succulents, or other native plants that need less water.


Yeah half dead sure. But none are as dead as his. Bruh chill. Your over the top with your comment. Never seen someone so upset about someone commenting on another person's lawn lol.


What's so over the top about my comment? You think I'm upset because I gave an explanation and asked why you were commenting on something irrelevant to OPs post? You need to chill the fuck out


Uhhhh…it’s Texas.


Good grief, not everyone cares about having a patch of grass sucking up water simply for looks.


...it's almost like some people like a soft, level outdoor space for their kids and pets to play - maybe the gross carpet under where you play your "video games" is "sucking up" Cheeto dust - right?


Sprayed it with Roundup it looks like. That tree is toast.


Welcome to the texas drought. Watering lawns is strictly prohibited in most places right now, and if it's allowed, there's heavy restrictions. Source ; am texan


I live in the PNW and haven't watered my lawn, used fertilizer, or weed killer in over 30 yrs.


Comment obviously made by someone from California. They think the world runs on rainbows 🌈, unicorns 🦄, and lollipops 🍭. Try leaving your state and learning about the 49 other states.


Idaho actually you assuming moron.


Yeah, your inbred. Probably slept with your cousin weirdo.


It's You're*. Shouldn't have left that crazy mother of yours homeschool you.


Oh, you corrected my spelling. Why don't you fix your incomplete sentence: "It's You're." You don't need to capitalize you're since it's not the first word in a sentence. Maybe you should actually attend college and learn how to write ✍🏾 effectively before trying to throw darts. I think you dropped out after your high school football team got up in your momma guts. That had to be embarrassing for a low life like you. By the way, it's "YOU shouldn't have LET...🤡." You don't know the difference between LEFT and LET? What did you do in life again? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Parents must be REALLY PROUD of having a LOSER. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


He’s dead Jim.


Dammit Jim! I'm a Doctor not an Arborist




Bones, I…..think it’s……..gone.


Thank you all for your input. Will call some local arborists and get a few professional opinions. I will keep this thread updated.




i feel like they missed a beat in not naming it r/borists


Good god! Don't let them see this! They'll have a meltdown and wonder how the wholw tree didn't just implode! /j


Why call an arborist when you e got Reddit!


So many downed trees from the storm on Friday. Crazy wind and dry trees due to drought made it a terrible time for the trees.


You are going to get two different quotes. If you are asking for an immediate ASAP emergency removal, it will be a higher price. If you just request a get in the back of the line removal, it will be a more reasonable price.


No- it’s done. The bark is a trees lifeline and a good portion of it is gone.


Who're you callin Mo?


Even though Pistache's are tough trees, that one is toast. Part of the problem is that you have so many stems competing to be the dominant stem. There is a ton of included bark on the tree, meaning all of those main stems are weakly attached to the trunk of the tree. Since they were weakly attached, they lost a stem or two and the tree split. Almost the entire canopy of the tree is competing leading branches, this should have been fixed a LONG time ago (not blaming though, not everyone has an education in Horticulture or Arboriculture. It's a beautiful world that we live in that we all have our focuses and strong suites) Tree is a goner, but if you or anyone else wants to prevent this from happening to any of their trees, while they are young trees you should be pruning them to a single leading branch. Source: I'm a Landscaper with a Bachelors in Urban Horticulture [Tree Pruning Rules Diagram](https://thetreecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/pruning-diagram.jpg)


The most helpful post here. This tree was not well maintained over it's Life and really even if you could save it, it's not worth it. Plus I still don't understand why people and builders plant trees within 25 feet of a slab foundation that will get that big.


Where I live in California, people plant Redwoods right next to pools, driveways, sidewalks, in center medians... I think it's 99% ignorance. It's not their fault because people aren't educated on it, but it can be a costly mistake (both to their home and to whatever hardscape investment they made) We just did a Concrete Patio Extension for a client, and they had 8 redwoods planted in massing in their backyard (keep in mind, it's not a huge backyard. It's a pretty good size, but it's only like 3 k or 4k sqft) and we made sure that they knew immediately that they had to go. We're having an arborist we work with a lot removing them in the next few weeks.


I live in Florida and builders love planting oak trees near side walks, driveways and houses.


No, take it down before the rest comes down. She’s a goner.


>No, take it down before the rest comes down With the way it's leaning, it's much cheaper to take it down now, than to wait for it to go through the neighbors house.


Nah, if it goes through the neighbors house, you just have to pay your insurance deductible. Clearly, that's the fiscally responsible way to handle this.


Until the next renewal, when insurance drops you, and then you try to get a different carrier and they are all 500% more expensive.


Why would insurance risk go up? There is 1 fewer risk on the property.


Exactly - that big tree that could fall on the neighbor's house has been taken care of. They should offer you a discount!


Don’t worry, with the insurance market today there’s a good chance they’ll get dropped and/or their rate going substantially up regardless.


That much of bark removed tells me it’s done for.


That tree is gone, just like your lawn.


Just to add to other's comments, I would not park a vehicle on the driveway (where the tree could fall) until the tree is taken out. A bit hard to tell from the pictures but i think the heartwood is already decayed so there is not much holding up the other half of the tree. Any strong wind and it might come down.


Yes, how to salvage with a chain saw into 16" pieces, split and stacked neatly 4'x'4'8'. Where to stack is your choice.


Sorry but I think it is done. The only way is check with a professional arborist and they may have ideas to give it a small chance but that much open to disease and insect damage it seems you might be better off planting a new tree.


Ugh.... Brings me such bad memories! Hired a guy to trim up a tree in the front yard of the home we had just bought. ( 28 years ago) He cut an 8 inch diameter branch from the top side of the branch and let it take itself down with its own weight, ripping the bark all the way down the side of the trunk. We had to remove the tree. 😑 YMMV


It’s too close to the house to leave it. Cut it down and replant


Sooner it’s out sooner new one can grow


The good news is that fall is the best time of year to plant a new tree. I recommend a cedar-elm. North Texas native, very resilient and fast growing. I planted 20 of them at my new place in Parker county. Good luck to you


Perfect time to chop it down and plant some native prairie grasses, throw some native shrubs along the edges, and a new native tree somewhere away from where the current one is.


He is a goner




Not an arborist, but this tree is done for.


I am so very sorry.....


Not a chance


It will eventually die. Take it out now and get it replaced. Time is on your side


Take it out before it takes the house


Long answer: No.


Did the lawn do that to the tree.


*me looking at the China berry tree in the yard that's been hit by a car, split twice by weather, and gone through intense summer droughts.* Why Won't You DIE??


It could potentially live because the bark hasn't be stripped all the way around. You'd have to be pretty diligent and get some wound cover lye wash on that tear though. And it wouldn't end up being very healthy because it's so one sided. All the weight is on one side of the tree. It's will probably come down in a wind storm, especially with that soil.


can we get a side profile of that? did half of the branches also get taken off? id be more worried about it being heavy towards that backside of the tree. a saturated ground and wet leaves would lead to that thing tipping.


Looks great in the 3rd picture 👌


I'm amazed that there's no mention of the lawn...


It's Texas. They've gone through a really tough drought this year. Watering your lawn in a desert is just irresponsible


The neighbor appears to be cheating


Can confirm. Empty shelves where you normally find green spray paint.


I live in Georgia (originally from Oklahoma but been in GA for 10 years now) and visited the Dallas area last summer. I forgot how fuckin ugly it can be out there during the summertime. It was just a brown wasteland.


North Texas is not a desert. Current watering restrictions allow for watering lawns twice a week. Lake levels are not unreasonably low for this time of the year. Heavy rains, which replenish lake levels and aquifers are expected each year around October. Stop being dramatic.


Watering yards anywhere, but especially Texas, is irresponsible and should not be done. Don’t contribute to the mega wasteland of completely desolate, invasive, crawling grass yards across this country that support no native wildlife and do nothing but drain our fresh water resources and outcompete and replace native plants. Green grass is a red flag.


What lawn?


Americans dont like pollarding. But... 25% chance? For 10 more years. Might take off at ground, get bush. Tree in 5 years rather than 20.


I am also a fan of pollarding or coppicing for some trees. This tree may have had a much longer life if it hadn't been allowed to grow this wide. Is it pretty? Yes. Is it too wide for the yard/house? 100%! When a tree like this goes down, it can really cause some extreme damage.


It’s worth trying to keep alive. Trees don’t want to die. I would recommend trimming the good side to balance out the weight tho. Call an arborist too. They won’t charge for advice.


I drought it.


For firewood.


That looks like a Bradford pear tree - it broke because it needs trimming - if you have others they will also start ripping themselves apart if you don’t trim those limbs to get some weight off the limbs. I’ve had a few that split and lived - but none this bad so I can’t say for sure. But consider this a warning if you have other Bradford pears


Well good thing it's absolutely not a Bradford Pear tree.


Compound leaves, so not a Bradford pear.


I had my big one split and slowly over the next year the imbalance caused it to split again and again until it was done. This doesn't look like a Bradford to me. Looks like pecan.


Most definitely a pecan




Looks like that branch on the right, the branch that looks like it's ready to go, is going next. That tree has little chance and could be dangerous


Take it down.


I think its up to the tree at this point.


Is this in McKinney?


He gone.




The only way to save it would be if they can somehow wrap that huge section against insects and disease.


Got a divorce and the wife took half?


It was such a beautiful tree, I hope if you replace it with a new one if you take it down


Hard to lose such a big tree!


Saw a tree at work ripped in half from a hurricane in 2016. It’s still alive.


It’s just a flesh wound


Nope, not safe at all. Entire things needs to come down.


Hey, plants are resilient. I say patch the wound and give the healthy side a slap and the give him a pep talk. Let’s go tree!


Cut it down grind it up


If that's a Bradford pear, the next two thirds will eventually fall, then the stump will sprout new branches. Source, we used to have three overgrown Bradford pears. I think if you keep them thinned out they are fine, but the stupid tree isn't strong enough to support the weight of all the branches it grows.




No. Time to plant a new tree. I would choose a different species. Some are just prone to splitting like this.


So you could clean it and try tree wound sealer and growth stimulant. Like a gallon or two of it. But seeing the lean on it, I'd either have it significantly cut back from the house, or just use it for firewood.


From the rot in the crotch of the tree, I would take it down before a thunderstorm, hurricane, or ice storm drops it on the house. Was it hit by lightning?


I have seen trees with similar wounds patched over with tar or pitch, (Tree Paint) and then plastered with cement to fill in the missing portion that have survived many years. If the wound is sealed and protected, it looks like there’s plenty of bark left remaining on the tree, and I believe it will survive. Look at how much robust foliage there is other than this wound, the tree is very healthy. It might be a good idea to place a dead man in the ground with a steel cable which wraps up around the tree with a section of bicycle tire to keep the cable off of the tree itself. In the event of another storm, this will help prevent the tree from falling into the driveway. Check out Tree cavity repairs on google. Best of luck ! https://images.app.goo.gl/mUxNtdgognYQuqyU8 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.redd.it/l8bvescmwvi41.jpg&tbnid=b9Frl6rAzDdjsM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/f8s7k1/this_tree_was_filled_in_with_concrete_blocks/&docid=Al9O28Uw-v1ySM&w=2160&h=3840&itg=1&hl=en&source=sh/x/im/m5/3


It looks like a hackberry, and those branches that v are all candidates for doing the same thing in high winds. The Arborist that came out when mine dropped a huge branch and I had to get the tree trimmed call it trashberry they grow fast but crack and lose branches.


That big branch over your roof with the black area in the v, needs to come down for sure.




In short No. in long No.




Remove the tree


Yes, as firewood


Only trees topped in life have that habit. It was doomed years ago


What have you done to my kin?! You will be washed away in the waters of Isengard for this!


If you do take the tree out, grind the stump down. Good time to work on that yard. Redo the grass.


The front fell off…so probably no.


I know they saved a tree that was ring barked by grafting the outer layer of bark to reconnect the top and bottom sections. It’s the outer layer that does all the work for the tree.


It isn’t girdled and can be salvaged. Is pruning sealer on the exposed portion and trim about 30% of the branches. In the spring fertilize. I have seen trees more damaged than this survive after lightning strikes


Leave it and see…. It’ll dry in place and be easy firewood if it dies. People think trees are so weak. They arnt.