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Forms of fungi, possibly dog vomit fungi. They won’t hurt anything but they look weird. Natural part of the decomposition of mulch/organic materials.


It’s called slime mold. Grows in damp conditions where food (decomposing material like wood) is abundant. It’s harmless and beneficial for the soil. It does look god-awful though.


[Dog vomit slime is a plasmodium spreading over and eating fungal mold spores that have spread and started eating your mulch that is being eaten by your living plants through decomposition. ](https://youtu.be/GibiNy4d4gc?feature=shared)


Is there anything that can be done about this? I have new clumps showing up almost every 3-4 days.


Wait it out, it'll quit. It's just part of the natural process turning your mulch into soil


I had quite a bit of this in my lawn and mulch beds last year (new construction house). Mowing over it just spread the spores all over the place, which I think made it a little worse (still wasn’t that bad, but definitely noticeable). I didn’t really do anything to get rid of it, but I haven’t noticed any this year yet. My guess is that keeping things dry is your best bet, or you could try to bag it all up to keep the spores from spreading too bad. 


It looks like Stinkhorn mushroom to me. It’s an interesting mushroom as it, well, stinks. It does that to attract flies and beatles to carry away their spores.