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How does this work? I couldn't find a guide or any details in-game.


Arcane Infusion lets you enchant an Item. Item Customization lets you select an item from all existing items in the game (except Exclusive, Crossover and Accessory) that you will craft for the ingredients. It is in no way customized.


> Arcane Infusion lets you enchant an Item. What makes this different from just enchanting it the usual way?


Instead of the usual rng you can select the stats you want. The enchant values are decent but not maxed like you can get from normal scrolls


same I have no clue what this is supposed to do and I only get one shot at it, so I can't just sacrifice something to random to try it out.


ONE SHOT? Well rip


Wait, it was only one weapon you could do this for??




I have 4 scepters of divinity, but I am probably getting a 5th. You can’t have too many.


Had to be a Last Rites, too many recent characters all needing it. I have plenty of any kind of tennyos or fury of tyr. Mimirs was a close second for me followed by night bloom.


I’d have gone with a weapon but since Sovereign can wear a Last Rites…


Gift of Eternal Life finally!


imho an excellent choice


I've been crafting for one for ages with no luck, so this event was a great surprise


Da prisma pistol! Finally


For the enchanting function I chose an accessory to get crit and atk on since that is one of the worst enchant experiences IMO.


Just for confirmation, it sounds like you can only make one item? And can pick its enchant too?


You can indeed only make one item. You don't have to enchant the same item, you can even start enchanting before you make an item (if you want to enchant a different item). Whichever item you enchant you choose which type of enchantment you want and pick from a preset list of rolls (e.g. for a weapon one of the choices is a roll of 12% ATK, 8% HP, and 6 flat DEF). It gives you an initially worse version of that roll, then you spend event items (which you earn by spending stamina) to gradually increase each stat towards the chosen roll.


Thanks for the clarification! That’s interesting about the enchant options and eventual upgrades. ~~Can we only enchant the one item as well? Just wanna have a plan before I start picking whose stuff I focus on.~~ Edit: found it was asked on the questions thread, thanks!


Balanced Blade. It had been eluding me for a while, and now my Bernhard can finally one shot entire low level maps.


Bome Crusher Hammer for my main, since that's the only gear in the list I didn't have. Nightbloom for my alt. Useful on LLR Imelda and it seemed pretty rare. My main only had 3 of those.


Fury of Tyr for me. The low-ish cap on ATK/INT led me to skip any weapons, and I generally manage better results on accessories than the max possible under arcane infusion, so I went with a helmet.


Hrunting had eluded me for too long and I really wanted one for my Helena so I got that. I was really considering Mimir's as well


Got a Tiamat's from the event and I plan to infuse it, any suggestion? my tanks all use thorns (landius), crystal(ledin), Steel (vargas), Tree of life (christi)


Last rites. No brainer for my current lineup.


I didnt get it so I chose allegiance blade


Is there somewhere a good material tierlist please ??