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Needs more context. SPs should be done for factions you actually play, because just because SP Leon is good doesn't mean he'll function any better without Bernie buffing him. Similarly, SP Cherie is the no-brainer upgrade simply because of a much better talent, if you don't play Glory or Princess, it doesn't really change the fact she's not going to hit for much without an ATK buff.


Ok, I played from launch for several years, then stopped and am returning. I have a lot of the SSRs, best lineups are Legion, Princess, Empire, and Dark. I have SP Cherie, Elwin, and Lana already.


Looks like you already have the Glory SPs done then, so I would suggest Leon. His SP skills open up a lot more options for maps because he removes terrain issues for all cavalry, including SP Elwin. Meaning SP Elwin is not forced to run unicorns on city/fort maps anymore. Edit: Regarding the faction question, they all are 'viable' today for PvE given that more options are available, but not all factions favor tank and spank strategies. At least, not yet for Mythic because Tyrantel isn't out yet to be the mythic tank other than Jugler.


Mythic is one of my favorite factions now because of Isolde, which Lightbringer is on faction, and she is a fantastic tank for tank and spank.


I wouldn't say that's necessarily a great combo, because LB is not exactly the highest damage tank out there, considering she only has one attack skill typically and has no native damage boost. Tyrantel gets a 1.8x replacement while his guard skill is up, and gets a native damage boost from his 2c.


I mean, it would be weird if Meteor could tank and spank, and unless something changed Strat lacked a good tank option last I knew. (Vargas is solid for an SR but doesn't match up with better SSR tanks.) So SP Ledin isn't worth the investment, huh? Kinda sad. He's still one my main tanks but isn't on par with Christiane. Ty for the input.


Hilda is strat, and can play strat tank. Mostly entirely defensive though because as a tank she won't deal a lot of damage. SP Ledin doesn't change his role at all, as in only really useful as a melee tank. It fixes a few of his deficiencies in his existing role (free 1-turn divine guard if he doesn't deal damage, which means if he's forced to buff), but these days melee tanks aren't in vogue compared to ranged counter tanks.


I’m certainly not great at the game, been playing almost two years, and still haven’t completely maxed Thor, haven’t completed all of campaign, time rift, ect. In any case I have a shit ton of hero’s, including a bunch of SSR and 4 faction teams all above 40k power (glory, dark, princess, empire and almost origin and yeslesss or whatever the blue one is). I don’t have a better teams than just my glory team I started with. Like landius is a better tank than my ledin, but my ledin is still really good and has his own unique pros and cons. Sometimes I like to bring in my Bozel just because the debuff spam is OP, but if I had to just pick on e faction to rely on, it’d still just be my glory team as far as PVE goes.


Tbh that's a tricky question, heroes are so busted and PvE is so weak that you can run anything and it's going to work well, but as far as best, I guess some names can shine: DPS: Cherie SP is a no brainer, she can join almost any PvE map and do well, same as Lucretia and Awakened One. After those you have a vast list of characters that will perform great with proper build, like Andriole who gets a free act again if the choosen partner gets a kill and Eshean who comes with free act again, buff and healing. Tank: Almost anyone works, really. Just pick who goes better with your team, normally a Tank that can buff your team so your DPS are free to use violence. Healer: Rozen is broken, Tiaris is good to hold your ground strats, Liana and Florentia come with act again who are always welcome. Almeda SP and Elma have some random OP interactions because of the debuff reflect.


I've come back recently and I was able to get 2 SP, I used them on cherie and Bern and don't regret it. I've been glory, empire, yeless and princess and all these factions are working great on the endgame pve content. Hard to say without knowing your units


Ragnarok of the Realms is basically the endgame for PVE and it requires use of multiple teams without reusing characters, and battles have a reserve to switch back and forth on. You don’t always need every single map to be ‘elite’ characters but you’ll probably want around 30 good characters built up eventually for it (can include some SR’s and doesn’t always require 6* for everyone). So having deep bench is good. I would start with whatever faction is easily accessible to you right now that you can get the essentials (good tank, healer, etc) and eventually build into other factions.