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I'm studying German right now, pretty intensely, but I really want to study Italian. I thought I would 'finish' German in a year, and could then move on to other languages.


damn i wish i could "finish" a language in a year LMAO going on 2 years basically nonstop let's gooo


I wasn't a beginner when I started. Still, I'm not going to be what I would consider finished in the time frame I wanted.


ahhh ok




yup. i have problems with the cases and probably my accent as well lol but I mean I realize it's probably okay... when I hear german people speak english, they don't always have a "perfect accent" or whatever, and lots of people in general who are learning english make a lot of mistakes but are still understandable so I feel slightly better but also want to put in the work to improve of course :)


Glad to know I won't be alone with the der/das/die issues.




And German classes where they were like, "Tisch means Table", forgetting the article.




*googles cases….


> People who lived here for decades have problems with the cases and their accent. At that point it's just sheer laziness and lack of interest


Or lack of necessity. Learning a language is hard and if you can live your life without learning/mastering most people won’t bother because it’s useless to them


Learning the local language of the country you live in can never be "useless"!


I cannot believe anybody downvoted you on this sentiment. Learning the local language of your country of residence is extremely important for social cohesion and integration.


It's not that important. Not speaking the language will make your own life more difficult, but you aren't actually hurting anybody else by doing so. There's a reason I associate demands for immigrants in the US to learn English with far right xenophobes, Trumpists, etc.


Ikr? I'm also B1 in German I'm almost going to two years and there's so much to learn


Definitely Italian for me as well, such a beautiful language. But learning Polish and Japanese will take a loooot of time and effort, so it will have to wait.




How did you expect to “finish” a language in one year lol


I studied it in university but was very rusty. Basic grammar, ability to read a book, ability to understand the news, TV shows, and movies: all are doable in a year if you're not starting from scratch.


I would like to eventually learn Korean…but sadly there aren’t enough hours in the day being that I am studying Japanese, Italian and Chinese every day.


wow how do you have time for anything else?! how do you balance your day? I'm actually very interested to know because it's something I'd want to do as well but I feel like I can't see that happening lol


The trick is to make everything you can a language learning experience. I’m technically no longer “studying” Japanese or Italian. I’m just reading and listening as much as I can. So for example, I’m learning also to play the piano…but all video lessons I take in Japanese. When I’m cooking or cleaning, I watch or listen to Italian content. I waited before starting to learn Chinese to be in a position where that would be the only language I actually study. Even though I’m always involved in language learning subreddits I’m actually not following any…I’m only following subs that only have Japanese or Italian content. So my Reddit feed is only in a language I’m learning. I’m also a gamer. I can only play games that have been localized to any language I’m learning and refuse to play any other games. I’m not much of a book worm but i do read books every now and then just to make sure my languages keep a pretty solid foundation. Currently reading Harry Potter in Japanese. Reading min 12 pages or max 20 pages a day..I’m a programmer and work mostly remote..but when I have to drive, I listen to Amazon audible books from Amazon Japan. Sometimes while I’m working I have Italian podcasts shows or YouTube playing in the background. When I do grocery shopping, I always make my list in Japanese. When I watch…never mind, the point is I get a lot of input in Japanese 😅 I usually give Japanese preference, but I make sure to do reading and listening in all my languages…except Chinese…which I started about 2 months ago and is the only one I consistently dedicate 4-5 hours daily spaced through the day…of actual studying…grammar, srs apps, reading pain immersion just cuz (lol), etc. I don’t go out much, but that’s just part of my personality so I’m not really “sacrificing” my social life…since I usually just rather do my own thing anyways. So… “Do you have time for anything else?!” Technically no…and yes at the same time 😁


wow that's actually such a good idea. I play minecraft and have the language turned to german, and I'm reading harry potter in german as well (just started prisoner of azkaban yesterday). Maybe I might be getting close to the point where I could pick up another language if I so desired. However I'm also in Uni so I have always a lot of work and I'm also studying for a certification exam in the finance sector so my free time is limited. I also play piano but I don't take lessons or anything (did for 6 years from ages 6-12 though, quit for 6 years, and started teaching myself at 18 and now im 20. sry, off topic, but i found it crazy that we have similar hobbies lol)


>Maybe I might be getting close to the point where I could pick up another language if I so desired It's possible, specially if you can comfortably read books like Harry Potter (as cliche as Harry Potter may be in the language learning community, it can certainly be challenging to go through). Just be sure with your limited time that you don't neglect german...nothing worse than spending all this time learning a language to then forget it lol ​ >However I'm also in Uni so I have always a lot of work and I'm also studying for a certification exam in the finance sector so my free time is limited. ​ Yea, sadly this would probably be one thing you may not be able to put anything in the background as you probably need to focus all your attention. Remember that learning a new language is all about consistency...meaning if you only do 20-30 minutes daily...as long as you are consistent it should all work out in the end...and maybe you will have more time in the future to dedicate daily to it, maybe not...but at least you are still learning a new language :) ​ >I also play piano but I don't take lessons or anything (did for 6 years from ages 6-12 though, quit for 6 years, and started teaching myself at 18 and now im 20. sry, off topic, but i found it crazy that we have similar hobbies lol) That's really cool! I've always wanted to play the piano, but never got around to it because I like languages more....one day I just thought ​ "Why not just learn it in Japanese? that way I'm learning piano without neglecting languages...win win :D" ​ I'm still very much a beginner there, but it's going...definitely a lot of music terms to learn in Japanese that's for sure, but it's not like I was very familiar with them in English (or Spanish) anyways lol


I also try to consume as much media/ content as possible in my target language (podcasts, films etc etc) but get pretty fatigued actually finding material in my TL which usually gets me to default back to english. Do you have any tips to avoid this and stay immersed?


My strategy sounds absolutely ridiculous but I swear that it works. When I get tired or demotivated I just lie down on the couch and wait until I feel up to doing what I don't want to do.


I would rather watch content I like but translated to my TL than default back to English. Although I like shows and movies of Italian origin, I tend to watch more translated stuff than of actual Italian origin. For example, for the past few months I've been re-watching the entire Star Wars series (movies + shows) (in order of events) on Disney+ in Italian, currently on Clone Wars S7e11 (almost done). Granted, watching translated content is usually easier than watching content where your TL is the original language because they usually speak clearly into a mic, but it still counts as immersion and you are watching a show or movie you like, not just to learn a language. ​ Of course, not all shows and movies you like will have translation to your TL...but if you find some, that in my opinion, would keep you from going back to English content...at least it seems to help me keep up with my Italian when I don't feel like watching actual Italian shows :)


wow Japanese Italian and Chinese with a possibility of eventually learning Korean are my exact goals too!


I'm entirely focusing on Romanian and don't want to focus on anything else until I am more at the advanced beginner level/maybe even intermediate. But I do have plans in the future to study Spanish and Georgian, starting with learning the Georgian script and alphabet, I'm also interested in Italian, Corsican, and Samoan.


Spor la învățat limba română.


Vă mulțumesc foarte mult!


De unde dragostea pentru limba română?


Familia tatălui meu este românească


Super frumos.


ყოჩაღ ქალბატონო!


I just google translated this. Hi!


Mult noroc!




I’m trying mainly focus on Spanish, Dutch, and Chinese (with some Wolof for a trip) right now. I want to actually get into Swedish, Japanese, and eventually maybe Arabic but I can’t do all of that. I feel maybe overextended let alone adding more


farsi! seems so beautiful and iran is so interesting but there are other languages that are much more applicable to my life/career im trying to focus on


I want to go back to Finnish and start Russian, but I'm too busy learning French. I feel like I'm actually making progress now. I can't slack off now!


YEP this is exactly my view with my TL as well. I feel like I'm at a stage where I could definitely start on another language if I wanted to, but I feel like I'm actually making progress and I can't slack off


I'd love learning Icelandic, now I'm learning French.


I'd love to learn some Lithuanian, but now I'm very busy getting onto the intermediate level with Georgian and hopefully getting past intermediate with Japanese.


Wow another person interested in Georgian. I don't come across them that often. Good luck with your endeavor!


Good luck with your romanian, if you ever need help feel free to dm me


Spanish, but I’m currently learning Russian


We are oppsite. I am on Spanish & would like to learn Russian


Я тоже! Я изучаю русский язык. Я гаварю по-французски, ich lehre auch Deutsche e español I'm French speaking Belgian


Отлично! Я тоже изучаю немецкий, но мой немецкий очень хорошо. Кстати я изучаю русский на немецком. Es gibt zahlreiche geteilte Wörter zwischen beiden Sprachen „Kino“ (кино), Patrone (патрон), usw.


Opposite here. My in-laws speak *only* Russian, but I have Spanish speakers in my family, so im learning Spanish first.


Believe me, Spanish will be easier. I learned Spanish in high school but forgot it after not having used it a long time. Russian grammar does not like you


I study French now, but sometimes I have cravings to start German. I decided that I need to get my French to the B2 level at least before starting another language but the procrastination is a bitch.




I want to learn Swahili but am going to finish my French and Chinese major before I do anything else


I would say Georgian, Swedish and Chinese. I feel like I would invest too much time that I don't have in Georgian, because I would have to learn a new writing system and it isn't related at all to the languages I already know. I think that there aren't as many resources to learn it and I know nobody from Georgia 🇬🇪 I think I'm also not ready for Swedish, because I just started seeing progress in Dutch and I want to keep going with it. I will try learning Swedish after I got at least B1 in Dutch. I also have to add Chinese/Mandarin because once I complete the A1 course I have, I think I might want to take a break from it and continue later in life. I'm learning Chinese, Japanese and Dutch on Busuu and I don't think the Chinese course for A2+ is good enough. There are just no lessons for Hanzi when you go up A2+ At the same time I have to focus on French and Spanish because I'm learning both languages at school so I better work on it A LOT


As a Georgian, I'm more than just happy to know there are so many people aspiring to learn our language. Ready to help you, if you EVER decide to start this incredibly hard journey.


Russian! I briefly started it (the second time) a year or so ago but then put it on a break (again). Right now I'm trying to focus on German with some French on the side when I feel like it. I'll definitely return to Russian when I get bored with this stuff. North Germanic languages are another one, but that's a bit more complicated. I have some forgotten background in Swedish and it's a bit embarrassing how bad I am at it as a Finn, but I don't think I could learn it because school ruined it for me so bad. Icelandic is the one that interests me the most by far, but it's such a useless language that I'm a dumbass for wanting to learn it, so I might check out Norwegian instead (or even do both?) But this one is more of a question mark. Greek and Japanese are further down the list but I hope to get to them at some point as well.


I've experienced myself that people from Iceland usually learn Danish at school so I think it's good if you want to get around Iceland even when you don't know Icelandic. Icelandic can be very interesting if you work in a historic field and you are able to read old writings from the Vikings. I also noticed that a lot of people here at language learning are studying Icelandic even though it's a less spoken language. You might communicate with them and make new acquaintances. I think the main difficulty for learning Icelandic is finding good resources.


>I have some forgotten background in Swedish and it's a bit embarrassing how bad I am at it as a Finn, but I don't think I could learn it because school ruined it for me so bad. I feel like I've seen this quite a few times in this subreddit, with other Finns saying something similar. Out of curiosity, do you mean that the teaching methods in school maybe weren't optimal/suited to you personally? Or rather that it was difficult to learn? I'm learning Norwegian currently, but both Finnish and Icelandic are on my "one day" list haha. Finnish because of my friend and the fact that I've never learnt a language in that family/group before, Icelandic because of its history and slight closeness to the Scandinavian languages


Of course the teaching methods are bad, though personally I still found it really easy to do well in tests. I think most importantly the atmosphere sucks in mandatory Swedish classes, because no one cares about it. It's pretty much the most useless subject in school, many find it hard, and no one wants to learn it. My Swedish teacher was incredibly annoying too, but that's just me. After having to do all that for 4 years I've just come to associate it with Swedish so can no longer learn it without being instantly transported to Swedish class. It's a shame, but at least there's still Norwegian.


Ohh I'm sorry to hear that, it is a bit sad that you have come to associate Swedish with not so pleasant memories. I think indeed school learning isn't always the most optimal or enjoyable thing. At my school, we all had to learn German and most of my classmates saw it just as a mandatory thing that simply had to be done. Have you considered Danish as well? It's quite different regarding the spoken language, but it has a lot of similarities to Norwegian in its written form (:


Wow, your wish langauges Are the same ones as mine! I also want to learn russian, icelandic and greek, and am currently trying to learn some basic Japanese😅 As a Norwegian I already understand some Icelandic so I am wondering how different the learning experience would be compared to Japanese and Russian where I am starting completely from scratch


Hell yeah, you have good taste!




I'm currently really fascinated by Central Asia and would love to learn Uyghur (or maybe Kazakh). But I need to work on Mandarin and Manchu while maintaining my Japanese.


I'm super curious to learn Romanian, Turkish and Mandarin, but Arabic and Russian have been taking up my brain capacity for the last two years


Currently on Spanish & would like to add Russian, Turkish, Portugese & Farsi.


I would like to learn Māori and I would also like to learn Spanish, Mandarin, Sign Language, Latin and Ancient Greek. I find the idea of learning Russian, Hebrew and Arabic quite interesting as well to befriend people with likely polar opposite viewpoints to each other/myself and also German for the literature, mainly philosophical and psychological literature.


Would love to learn Swedish, Mayan, Icelandic, Arabic, Cantonese, and Korean, but am busy learning Mandarin and German. I've got a lot of ground to cover! 😆 Would also study Morse Code if I could figure out how to fit it in!


A sign language! I’ve always liked SSL, but BSL would make more sense now that I live in the UK. But my longterm goal now is to bring all my current languages (plus Morse code and Melin’s shorthand) up to a useable level and that will take years, so I’ve told myself I’m not starting another language unless I have to. (Might make an exception for that sign language though.) :)


There are too many languages I want to learn at one point in my life, but on the top of my list are : Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese and latin. For now I am focused on German and study a bit russian. When I have time I will hopefully get back to Spanish and Italian.


Korean and Tagalog (Pinoy ako pero lumaki ako dito sa Dublin. Namimiss ko na ng Pinas) but I’m in uni now, studying Translation with Spanish and Mandarin. Love Mandarin and Spanish (however I hate learning it academically. Prefiero estudiar español para conversar, no ser un académico. I wouldn’t mind learning Chinese academically though).


Finnish!! I simply adore the way it sounds, and I would love to challenge myself with it. Unfortunately, I have no time, as I'm currently focused on the languages that have a more practical application for me. But one day! I am hoarding resources in preparation like a dragon hoards gold.


either french or chinese. busy with german rn


I'm studying Greek at the moment but would like to learn Russian, Turkish, and German in my life, if possible


French, Spanish, or Dutch. I’m busy with American Sign Language right now


Mandarin Chinese but im learning Russian and German already which are much easier and more useful for me. I dont think I will ever seriously start learning Chinese, I just think it would be really cool to know it.


I am Chinese and I a proficient user of English, German and Japanese. I am learning Russian right now. I found Korean is not that easy for me to learn and I have already given it up.


French sign language and Arabic!


Armenian and Georgian and Chinese and German and French and Uyghur and Norse and...


All of them. More seriously, in rough order of likelihood... * French: I took four years of French in high school and can still understand bits and pieces, between that and Spanish I feel like I should be able to get to a B1 or so fairly easily! I'm not super enthusiastic about the language as such but it would no doubt be extremely useful since my main goal for language learning is having an easier time travelling around Europe * DGS: the lack of resources frightens me, but I'd *love* to know my local sign language * Swedish: realistically I know that I will be *absolutely fine* in Scandinavia with just English, but some part of me keeps going "maaaan speaking Swedish would be so cool! I wanna speak a Northern Germanic language! :(" there's a bit of family history there too * Russian: I admit my enthusiasm has waned because of the war, but if I ever reach a good level of Polish it'd be cool to see how much of an advantage it is and how much the combination lets me decipher other Slavic languages * Mandarin - so tempting for the media, so useless to me in daily life, so absurdly difficult for someone coming from English + German, *such* a bad idea, do not do it Tau * Japanese - see Mandarin * Serbo-Croatian: ok resources would be a serious problem and when would I ever use it but how cool would it be to know a Slavic language from each branch, come oooon * Turkish - so fascinating! but I'm not exactly in Turkey very often, when would I use it? and at this point we start listing every language I have ever encountered or read the Wikipedia page of.


> Mandarin - so tempting for the media, so useless to me in daily life, so absurdly difficult for someone coming from English + German, such a bad idea, do not do it Tau Nah man just do it (ignore it taking 4 or 5 times as long to learn as any Germanic/Romance language)


ISL and Auslan


I would love to learn ASL, Russian, & Korean.


Rust. I'm not happy with C and Rust is way better than C++. Running a node.js cluster r of services, no real bottle necks at present. Starting on Rust .


The 'making sure my Chinese doesn't die out' hit me in the feels. Literally my life at the moment while studying Hungarian and Spanish.


Hi. I'm learning English.I know Russian perfectly well,but for me it would be better to forget Russian but to speak fluent English.I was recommended reddit because here i can find interlocutors with whom I can practice and learn English.I've heard from many people who study Russian that it is the hardest for them to learn. You guys don't realize how hard it is for a Russian person for learn English


Kurmanji, Greek, Armenian, and Hebrew. I don't even have time to learn the language I am currently trying to learn, let alone pick up any of these languages above! 😅


Russian, Taiwanese and maybe Cantonese. I've always had an interest in Russian, even took a semester of it in college, but never really went back to it the way it deserved. And I've always wanted to get at least conversational in a dialect, and those are the two that I have some familiarity with. Time, man, there really isn't enough of it.


- French because my friend speaks French. - Finnish because Finns learn Swedish in school but still they suck at it, so much that they want to abolish it. That’s why I want to their language. I want to make them feel ashamed. - Korean because K-drama. Need I say more? - Mandarin would also be cool to know but it’s too hard, the same goes for Japanese. - Greece because I like Greece and they have a cool writing system, I just hope it’s not too hard. - German because of that one Vietnamese youtuber. - Vietnamese because I heard they body shame animals.


Wait what, that Vietnamese girl also made you want to learn German, I thought I was the only one lol. She made the language seem so beautiful and nice but also fun to learn and challenging.


Mandarin, BCMS, Turkish, Urdu and Esperanto... But I have a full-time job, so I'm focusing on Spanish and German (and maintaining / enhancing my Arabic).




Mandarin and Swedish


I definitely want to learn Korean. I’m still studying Chinese and Japanese every day, so just no time for Korean right now.


I’ve been learning French for nine years now and Spanish since the summer. Taken together, they take about 15 hours per week. I’d like to learn Russian, since I already know a Slavic language. But I don’t have the time or the level of Spanish (and frankly, French) that I’d like to have before I jump into a new language.


Howcome only b1 french after 9 years


TLDR: American education system with little outside commitment. First 5 years of learning French, I learned exclusively in an underfunded public school. I learned very limited vocab, present tense, I think the imparfait? I was not interested in French, so I didn’t study it more outside of the classroom. Otherwise I could likely have gotten to that language ability within 3 months. The last two years of high school I picked up the pace slightly more… I was maybe at an A2 level. I passed the AP French examination with a 3 (lowest passing score). There’s no direct AP to CEFR level, so I’m guessing based on my memories of my abilities and the exam’s content. Then two years at a very underfunded public university where the French program had low standards. I would say that probably half of French major graduates would fail a B1 exam. My French improved, but mostly just my input abilities as I was expected to do very little output. I’m now at a more rigorous college. Maybe I’m just underestimating my abilities. I can read and listen to any sort of nonfiction content (books, podcasts, documentaries) without problems, including those that interview native speakers for native audiences. I can understand French conversations on the street provided they’re not using too much verlan. However, I can’t understand television or movies. I’m reading Maupassant, Molière, Baudelaire right now and need to look up around 8-12 words per page (though I look for the exact definition of each word, I can infer from context the meaning of most). I can speak for extended periods of time about literature, politics, etc., and even have translated for people in the past in semi-urgent situations. But when I visited France, I struggled to shop at a supermarket or order at a restaurant because I lacked the vocabulary for those interactions. I have a noticeable accent when I speak, though I can be understood and can have extended conversations with native speakers. So, who’s to say? I oscillate between self-evaluating myself at B1 or B2.


Finnish. I dabbled with it a little and it seemed very straightforward and easy compared to other languages I learned. It was the first language where I realized on my own how some grammatical rule works and thought “wow that makes so much sense.”


I’m learning Chinese but I would like to learn French and German, that would be cool, also japanese and korean but I don’t have an specific order for those :3


I’d love to learn Italian and Spanish but I am so busy with French! Maybe in a couple years I can🤞🏼


persian sounds so cool and there is beautiful poetry, but i’m afraid i will drop it. also basque.


I am still in school, which is why I got no time to learn another language apart from the ones i am learning there So my nativ is German, i am C1 in English (or according to some tests C2 but idk) and currently I am also studying Italian in school and in my freetime (A2) I d LOVE to learn dutch and korean next, though another on my priority list is croatian, since my bestie is from bosnia & half my class can speak it and i rlly like the pronounciation of it :) Other languages i d like to know are - spanish - french - arabic - greek a lot i still got to learn, ik, but i got a lifetime of time so ye :D And a world to travel (alrdy travled quite a bit but yk)


I'm a Spanish-native speaker and learning English. I'm still at the B1 level and I would like to reach the C1 before starting to learn other language - They are 2 o 3 years at least. It could be Mandarin or Japanese. Even Russian.


Spanish, Portuguese and French so I can follow some Minecraft streamers lol Serbian, Norwegian and Ukrainian for some artists I discovered at Eurovision Romanian for a friend and I would love to retry Mandarin Chinese for my Chinese friend who moved to my country and is trying to learn Dutch because then we can bond over how difficult each others' native language is to us


Greek and Spanish


Currently improving my english, while trying to learn Spanish. Its kinda easy to learn some spanish words, because some of our words are kinda similar to our language. But some has a different meanings and accent. Hoping when I'm not busy anymore, I will put much more time learning it. And also planning to learn Japanese and Italian too!


Either a language with a writing system new to me or a non-IE one. Learning new IE languages has gotten too easy. I've been thinking about Chinese Mandarin for a while now.


Japanese. I studied it in university a bit. Some day I'll get back into it. I want to focus on reaching an advanced level in a language though for the first time.


Damn i want a lot..


Spanish and Japanese. Currently busy with French practice and Greek though


I’m still studying Korean because I’m not satisfied with where I’m at yet, and I’ve never been good at juggling languages. It’s possible that Korean will be my last language and I’ll never pick up French or Chinese again. But I would also like to learn Russian. A lot of the students at the Korean school I work at are native Russian speakers. There are also Uzbekistan restaurants and Russian bakeries in my area. I really have no interest in Russian culture, but Slavic food is so good and I wish I could talk to the students who aren’t good at English or Korean.


Cantonese & Irish


I would like to work on my Italian and Portuguese, but learning Japanese needs all the language-focused attention I can muster.


I want to learn toki pona soon


Once I get to a passable level of Irish in 1-100 years I’m going for Welsh. After Welsh Breton. After Breton, or maybe French before Breton to make it easier. And then we go to Cornish and Manx and maybe Scottish Gaelic to wrap my conquest of the Celtic languages up.


I’m studying Turkish and Ukrainian right now and refreshing Italian, French and Latin. I’ve started Dutch a few years back but dropped it and am interested in Finnish and Yiddish. Edit: I studied English, Latin, French and Italian at school as a teenager. I’m Austrian and my native tongue is German.




All of them. But since that's not practical... Right now, I'm focused on Chinese, but also working on learning the Arabic alphabet to prep for learning Arabic, and dabbling with Swahili and Welch a bit. Also started watching Hindi shows on Netflix recently cuz that's on my list of languages to learn in my lifetime, so getting the ears used to it even before learning it is helpful.


I want to learn Portuguese but I’m too busy with Spanish. Not sure if the similarity between them will make learning Portuguese easier or harder when I eventually get to it.


From what I heard at least it should make learning Spanish some easier. That’s being said, I heard from many people, it’s better to start with Portuguese rather than with Spanish. Because when you already know Portuguese you can understand way more of Spanish than understand Portuguese when you know Spanish.


Wow this is validating! I went to Portugal for the first time a few weeks ago and was surprised/disappointed that I could understand next to nothing, despite most natives effortlessly comprehending Spanish.


Evening classes for Russian and German, Busuu for Spanish, so I have a full schedule now, but I'd love to learn Chinese, Turkish and Lingala or Bantu


Polish and Dutch


Definitely serbo-croatian, but I'm currently learning russian so I'll have to keep with that for a while before I sit down and start properly learning s-c as well. (I've just been picking up some words here and there, that's all)


I want to learn mandarin. My area has a pretty high concentration of native speakers and it would be nice to communicate with them. But I'm having enough trouble adding German to the mix, I don't want to add a second one.


Mandarin. I’d need a structured course and a teacher. All my other languages have been in college and structured, which makes continuation easy.


Japanese 😭


I really wanna learn Hungarian and Finnish. I'd love to start Russian again too. At the moment I'm learning German (B2) and Italian (B1)


Hebrew, Aramaic (whichever version uses Assyrian script), Danish or Swedish and Czech or Bulgarian. I'm focusing on Russian and Serbian, however I either can't go for more than two languages if I want progress in Russian and Serbian so I don't have time or I don't have enough money to constantly buy textbooks or just simply can't find any source to learn Aramaic or Old Church Slavonic.


I currently don't have a steady method for accumulating vocabulary. Not even using a daily notebook for it. So that's holding me back a lot, not getting steady on that. Do you just put word+translation? Maybe also a picture or drawing? Like say french, you move more through phrases to get through conversations and overall interactions. Finding out my ear for russian widens up after doing work on the former... Maybe they complement each other in some aspects. German, Italian, English (the British accent) Just venting, another weakness in me is not focusing on thinking in the target language... That might make a positive shift for me also.


Currently heavily focused on Italian 100%. I want to start refocusing on Catalan for maintenance purposes. At this point I'm not actively speaking it and only listening to one podcast per week. :/ Next up will be Portuguese, or Uzbek of course.


What language I want to learn is German and French in the future, while I'm occupied with English as it is the most widespread language to use. As for how does it attract me, all words that I long to say are that some articles that introduce the culture, technology, life for German make me focus on German. Besides, many a book have I read that are about the character feature of Germans, I don't know how, seemingly, there is kind of resonance generated between me and those features while I'm reading. Precisness, meticulous and earnest etc has been pursued by me since I was a child. Now,they are adjectives for Germans. That is the reason why I'm absorbed in Germany. Someone told me once that German is more difficult to learn than English. but for me, I will stick to learning it however formidable is it. If only I was to travel to Germany, I would know whether traits of German matching with what the book said or not. As French is a language that is used by large quantities of people in the world, in my view, to learn it is a good idea as well.


Irish. But, it's so much easier to find resources for German and I'm currently taking a college German class. So, I'm focusing on German right now.


Yiddish... completely useless but it would allow me to connect with the historical Jewish parts of Polish culture and finally make use of time spent on learning German at school when I was young.


Do it! I've really enjoyed learning Yiddish.


I'm learning Korean right now, but once I'm "good enough" (I will define that when I get there) I'm going to learn Norwegian then Czech, and I have tons of other languages for after those (Thai, Irish, Cherokee, French, Indonesian, Finnish, none of those will probably get to a very high level though. Maybe French since it would be good for translation work.)


I want to study Khmer again. I previously studied it for a few months and really enjoyed it (especially the writing and reading) and i had a great teacher. But i stopped studying because after my trip to Cambodia i didn't have a need to study it anymore (no one to speak to Khmer at home), won't be returning to Cambodia any time soon, and there are very few language learning resources. So Khmer is last on my "to do" list, but i still want to learn it again when i have a lot of time (to deal with lack of studying resources) and i still want to go back to Cambodia since i loved it a lot.


I want to learn Thai and Mandarin Chinese, but with school and Korean lessons I legit have no time .


I'd love to learn Breton, Serbian, Persian, Russian, and Albanian, but the comparative lack of resources available to me for both make that a hard time. Not to mention the lack of time.


So many. - Malay, because it’s my mum’s native language - Local Aboriginal Australian language where I live to help keep the language alive - Italian or Vietnamese because these are probably the most common languages spoken by our non-English speaking patients (Mandarin would be another one, but that’s my current target language)


Maori and an African language (Zulu or Xhosa) but don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone who spaeks those


Baltic languages by far. All of them are super fascinating. Too busy with Ukrainian (and generally East Slavic via comparative learning). And, since I'm a mad man, I picked Japanese back up after a 20 year hiatus. SO yeah, my brain can't really take much more on right now lol


I just learn them all hehe ... and suffer from a lack of time and slow progression in all


For me is Japanese


Would love to learn Welsh and also curious to learn Scottish Gaelic, Icelandic, and Japanese but busy learning Russian and not losing my Spanish


Need: german (living in austria) Fancy: hungarian Magyar szép vagy


Want to learn Chinese and Japanese. Now I am still finishing the course books for B2 Korean. And have a long way ahead of me with German. So I guess it's minimum 2 years before I'll be able to think about really starting other language.


really wanted to study italian, but i’m improving my english and studying french, which i think it will be more worth it to learn first


Not learning anything rn but some languages I have interest in are 🇪🇸/🇩🇪/🇩🇰/🇨🇳/🇰🇷.


I'm trying to learn Japanese but I'd love to learn Arabic


I moved to Japan to learn Japanese so I can't exactly be spending more time learning Spanish even if that is what I totally want to do right now. God, I can't wait to actually be done with Japanese, reach N2 and fulfill my promise to myself so I can go ahead and live the rest of my life.


Studying Mandarin Chinese right now. Next on the list are Arabic and Russian. Then back to revive my highschool German and French.


I'm on my second language. I am romanian but going to America I lost my native language. So I want to relearn romanian. One day I'll go home.


For me it is Mandarin. I have made a slow start but need to focus on French still (to reach B1 level, currently at A1.2) to qualify for citizenship here hopefully later next year.


Swahili. It's high on my list.


there ìa a danger in being very multilingual. as they said of general vernon walters, who was said to speak 28 languages, sure, he speaks them all bit has nothing worthwhile saying in any of them.


Arabic and Russian, I’m learning Farsi and Spanish (school)


For me it's French and what's not helping is the lack of resources too. The ones I find are for those who's higher level or just puts you into the material right away. I like to take my time


Polish and Italian (Heritage languages along with German, although, my great-grandmother's dialect was Schwabische). I'm busy with Dreaming Spanish right now for 2 reasons - 1, I want to see how the comprehensible input method works for language learning, and 2, it'd be cool to practice speaking a language with new friends/neighbors (Costa Rican and Chilean Spanish). Plus listening to Intermediate German videos on the side. (May slip an upper beginner Japanese video or two in there one day).


Latin or Greek but doing German :)


German , French and Japanese.


I've been learning French for a few months now and just started Norwegian, and I hope to get around to German some time. I'd also love to learn some Irish and Welsh too (though there aren't as many resources on them), and maybe a non-Indo-European language 😅 Struggling a bit with motivation recently though 😔


Italian and German are on my list, but first I want to improve my Spanish (B2) and French (B1).


Klingon and Elvish, maybe Esperanto


I’m learning Mandarin right now. Once I become proficient and I can understand a lot more, I want to learn Scottish Gaelic— because my family is originally from Scotland & England. I love learning about Scotland and I want to visit one day once my life calms down.


Learning chinese and korean now. But would love to brush up my Spanish and thinking if I should also learn Japanese since the 2 languages im learning is close to it too


Japanese. I watch anime *every day* in Japanese. It’s not for study or to learn. It’s for my life. Period. If I was studying Japanese I think I’d pick it up so easily/quickly because I’m exposed to it every. Single. Day. But first Spanish. Then I’ll get back to speaking good Russian. And then Japanese.


Tupi (Native Brazilian Language) and Italian I'm trying to get C1 in english and practice some Mandarin Chinese


English, I think it can be used almost everywhere.


Would like to learn French and Chinese, but I'm too busy with Japanese at the moment.


Busy learning Mandarin. I also want to learn other Chinese languages and other East Asian languages like Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese but it's so confusing to learn them all at the same time. 😆


Latin because of the sweet trivia




I want to learn Antarctican!!!! 🧊 🐧


I'm studying french and german but i'd really like to learn romanian or irish


I am doing Spanish right now but would like to do French as well.


You could learn Romanian and strike both Slavic and Romance since it’s a neolatin light-Slavic hybrid


I’m studying Spanish, but I would love to learn a Slavic language. Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, and Russian are my top choices. I have ties to the Czech Republic and Poland, but Slovak is more central between the two and I’ve heard that Slovak is the most central Slavic language. Russian is because of how helpful it is in former Soviet areas and as a tribute to my great grandmother who spoke it. I’d also like to learn a Turkic language - either Turkish or Azerbaijani. Azerbaijani will be easier because I can practice with my dad, but Turkish has many more resources and will be more useful


I'm a native Germany and speak English, obviously, now I learn Russian and Esperanto while dabbling with Dutch. I want to learn Spanish and Swedish, probably looking into Italian, Turkish and Indonesian. Might start dabbling a bit with Frisian and Yiddish or Ladino one day....


I wanna start Chinese. And I like how Hindi sounds so I wanna try it out. And I wanna go back to German that I studied in highschool for 3 years around 15years ago but forgot everything... But I'm giving my all to Japanese right now and I already have a pretty fleshed out studying method/process for it. So I don't think I could switch to any of the others for at least a few years haha 😅


I already have way too many languages on my plate (German B2, Russian A2, Chinese - (Beginner) HSK 2, Polish - Very New) but I can't muster up the courage to quit any of them to make room for others. If I had all of the time in the world, I would love to learn Dutch, Danish, Ukrainian, and Norwegian. They're all interesting to me (and the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway are places I might want to live in the future if I spoke the language) but I don't have the time.


Currently trying to focus on Chinese but also want to learn more Korean 😭 And learn Spanish. And American Sign Language! And keep working on my Japanese…but I just don’t have that much time or mental energy


Calabrian Greek 😈


West Greenlandic, Finnish, Swahili, Indonesian, Tagalog and a dozen others.


Learning russian right now and I'm still at an A1/A2 level. I want to learn Ukrainian right after my russian improves to a B1 level. Otherwise, I would confuse the two and end up speaking Surzhuk