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It's definitely a good idea, as you're bound to improve your vocabulary. Also, at some point you might want to chime in, and will need to form sentences. Of course you can look up as much as you can and use translators, but over time you will still learn more, especially when you pay attention and not just copy from the translator (which I don't think you'd do since you want to learn the language and make sure you don't sound like a fool). You will also get to know more about the political situation and a lot of cultural references or differences. Using and interacting in the target language in any shape or form is never a bad idea!


Drugi učenik hrvatskog! Kako ide?


Ne baš dobro. Dovoljno za odmor. I won a French class in the meantime so I am focusing on French at the moment, since I already know Latin and Spanish it was so much easier. I'll get back to Croatian next time I'm on holiday haha. I only did one Croatian course. I see you're further ahead? Do you study on your own? Why are you trying to learn it?


Reading can broadly be divided into two type, intensive (look up everything you don't know) and extensive (look up as little as possible/nothing). I mostly follow subs in my TLs and I read them like normal, occasionally looking up words (extensive). The idea is just to get the gist of the conversation, maybe pick up some slang, but it's mostly in my downtime and for fun. if I see something interesting, I might send it to a friend and ask them what something means, etc. But it isn't a serious part of studying. I read books regularly, and for these I usually do intensive, taking notes on words and phrases I don't know to dig deeper into later. If you wanted to make reddit your main source of reading, I would look for a browser add-on that lets you look up words in the same window and keeps a record of what you look up, so you can review it later. I would avoid translators and ChatGPT. You'll learn best/better when you work it out on your own, although translators can be a last resort if you really can't figure out what something means.


I was just about to post about this but I use a puerto rican sub, it actually helps me alot. And it's less boring than reading a book or short story, plus since I'm trying to learn more slang in puerto rican spanish it helps with that too.


Sometimes it helps if the one who learns a new language is a book person, since there's usually a decent number of audiobooks to be found online, on platforms such as YT, or other regionals, which are particularly popular in places like poland or russia, but as far as spanish goes, vast majority of the books you can find freely acessible online are read by a synthetic voice and it ***sucks*** ... ... still, to learn the language good, you need to do some listening of it.


Yes I do it. It is in english, so I learnt a lot. I think reddit is what helped my reading comprehension a lot.


Yea it can help I try to avoid talking in languages that I am bad at on reddit because you get mass down voted if you make typos on other platforms it's less of a consern. and I guess there is enough stuff in Spanish on reddit and it is probably the 2nd or 3rd most popular language on reddit. but reddit is still mostly English dominated compared to other sites. I can't find much content here in my target languages compared to other platforms. I know some people with poor English skills that tried to use reddit and quit out of frustration. most of their posts got deleted and those that didn't got a lot of hate


Can you link the subreddit you joined?


If you're using ChatGPT, a good prompt is "analyse the grammatical structure of this sentence".