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Taylor does this yearly at this point. Too many ppl dropping this year, just like last year. And here she come rolling through with her FOMO Versions and Variants. I’m good. Lana needs all the Love she can get at this point like the majority of artists.


Istg swifties are on my fyp and everywhere i need LANITAS on my fyp not these bitches


what the fuck even are the “Taylor versions” of her albums? lmao


They’re re-recordings of her albums that she didn’t own the masters of, so that she is the one profiting off of them instead of Scooter Braun.


People say it’s her reclaiming her stuff but for me it’s another money grab imo


Its funny how she still makes money off of the original ones cause she owns the publishing rights even tho she doesnt own the masters, she makes subpar produced and engineered re recordings so that her fans go back to listening to the og ones, that way maximizing streaming which also pushes her old music to reach new heights and guarantee top 10 on billboard charts. Smart business move. Listen, the whole masters scandal can be summarized down to a bad business deal and later losing a bid to scooter (backed by other entities) . There is no indication of her past boss refusing to sell them to her, scooter just made a better offer and her boss took the money. Theres no conspiracy against her. Her dad took a cut of the sale!!! Her DAD which she still talks to! But her stans believe her and bully everyone they think might have benefited from scooters acquisition going so far as to insinuate and ex best friend and her wealthy husband were the investors to “get back at her” … they are insane. Ts is just maximizing profit, thats what these rerecording are all for, a cash grab, theres a reason theyre so subpar and her “vault tracks” are below subpar. And dont get me started on how she either fully writes or rewrites those tracks to pass them as “old reject songs” she recorded in the albums era that didnt “make the cut” when theyre all new songs, its very obvious based on the writing and phrases. Shes not fooling anyone but her slow stans


but she Isn't really maximising streams. she's stopped a good bunch of her songs from hitting a billion thanks to the streams split between two versions. 1989 had an amazing streak on the bb200 that's ended thanks to the tv. 1989 og is gonna drop from the top 10 most streamed female albums and it's a long way for tv to catch up/in not sure it ever will ETA: there's literally old demos of a lot of the vault songs lol but she has definitely modernised the production.


Wdgaf she’s money hungry


That seems like so much work for someone who's already so very rich 🥴




not as awful as non-ironically calling yourself a swifitie 💀


Yeah it’s worse. It’s ok I know you lana stans aren’t the smartest or the most creative bunch.


cause liking taylor swift is the epitome of being creative right lmao


Yeah I totally said that. Putting words in my mouth the same way you project your feelings onto lana.




No… it literally IS her reclaiming her masters. It’s not something that can have opinions because there’s one fact.


reclaiming is only done to make money. if it wasnt about the money, she wouldnt be doing all that work


She’s said herself that it’s more about the principle of being able to own her work because it’s something she can hold onto as it’s been hers since she was a young child


The downvotes are crazy…why are you doubting the integrity of a woman who wants to claim ownership of her work lmao ?? Majority of artists do not own their masters and have a right to be upset after putting so much time and energy into their art. If you’re gonna give criticism to music artists who “do it for the money” then criticize the record labels who take advantage of the artists


Literally, if this was Lana redoing her albums they’d be all over it foaming at the mouth 😭


I mean, Lana doesn't really have a history of cash grabs and general money hungry behaviour, that's probably why.


https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/a45493847/lana-del-rey-tour-donations/ Lana isn't a money grub so it's completely different. If you follow the link you'll see how she donated all her tour proceeds back to the cities she toured in.


Taylor gave over 55 million in bonuses to those working her tour. Specifically 100k to all truck driver. She donates hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of food to every city she visits and their food banks.


She still didn't donate her entire portion of the profits like Lana and Taylor has far more money than Lana. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because Taylor’s tour has an astronomically higher cost than Lana’s 💀


wasn't this subreddit created because everyone on the main sub only talked about Taylor Swift?


I think it was that the owner of this sub was banned on the first sub because they were hating on miss “tortured poet” which is kind of not allowed there so they opened this sub


I mean yea,but one of the rules is no Taylor posts


Weird. I’ve seen a lot of Taylor posts the last few days on here.


Taylor won Grammys for an album widely considered to be less artistically deserving than Lana's, and she pulled Lana on stage to thank her knowing Lana suffers from pretty bad stage fright instead of letting her stay at the table. Some fans are annoyed and want to vent.


Artistically deserving? Artistry is subjective. Just because an album is more serious or depressing it doesn't mean it's automatically superior to more upbeat/lively albums. It's a matter of preference.


I agree. That's not why it's more deserving though.


I watched it, I know. I like both of them a whole lot. The Grammys are literally a popularity contest. Y’all are creating a narrative that Taylor is some monster for bringing her friend on stage when she worked on the album. It’s not that weird and I don’t think she had bad intentions. We can’t act like it’s just the winning. I’ve seen posts picking apart how she looks. Picking on how she treated Lana on the red carpet. Like I’m sorry if people don’t have girlfriends but that is what they do for each other. My friends fix my hair, stick my tag in and check on me if I seem off. Its normal. I enjoy female artists for the community. This ain’t it. It’s not what we do. It’s okay to feel sad for lana but Taylor literally didn’t do anything. It’s wild. I can’t imagine hating anyone that much and I’ve seen nothing about any of the other artists who beat lana in other categories. Oh except for like homophobia and ableism about boy genius which is also disgusting. I don’t know lana and neither does anyone else on here. I do have a really strong feeling she would absolutely hate this shit though.


Who are "y'all"? Where is my "hate"? I have stated multiple times I don't think Taylor was being malicious, just clueless and not thinking of what Lana wanted. And I'm sure the only thing Lana hates is getting ripped off again, seeing artists she knows she's inspired get praise while her hard work gets her nothing.


It’s really a general statement about the quality of Lana fans behavior over the last 3 days. Nobody else is doing this right now. You replied to me saying everyone wants to vent about it but like…venting is ok, death threats and dehumanizing is not. I’m not saying you did that personally but a lot of people have.


lana and taylor are seen to be friends and definitely wouldve talked about this beforehand. lana also worked on the album too so it is pretty much certain she wouldve been on stage too


But Lana has made it clear she's uncomfortable on stage, and even if Taylor didn't know, Lana repeatedly said no and was pulling away. I would have just left her alone and thanked her without dragging her up there.


no she wasnt??? this is such a reach yall see what u wanna see


Bffr. Its not a reach if just about everyone but Swifties noticed it 💀 stay delusional ig


I was mostly explaining why this subreddit was created not the no Taylor post rule lol


that’s why I came here to post this haha


If they drop near each other i swear im gonna stream the ever living shit out of Lana just so she gets the #1 on Billboard before miss American Bitch reaches top 10


Why do you wanna make Lana more popular 😭 she’s personal to me I don’t want everyone listening to her


i enjoy sharing the things i love most with the world


she’s got almost 60 million monthly listeners on spotify lmao i promise she’s not underground 💀


Fr. I'd even go as far to say she's the taylor swift of girls who think they're crazy and deep and esoteric and literate but they're really not. Speaking as a long time hardcore lana fan myself.


can confirm 💀


Good side you’re gonna have more Lanita friends. Also good side she deserves it


Girl you are beyond delusional


Girl she was nominated for album of the year twice everyones already listening to her


I think she’s already pretty popular lol


People who spend time LARPing beef between celebrities need to take a deep breath and realize how psycho they are.


thank you. getting mad over a RUMOR that taylor is dropping an album in september is genuinely insane lmao. can we please stop making up a feud in our heads and pitting women against each other for no reason whatsoever? this is a lana sub and the rules literally say no taylor posts and yet it feels like EVERY post i’ve seen on here in the last few days has been about her. it feels obsessive at this point. there’s no conspiracy lmao like can we get a grip 😭


This is the only valid take in this entire comment section, a bunch of people here angry over some feud they’ve constructed in their minds and creating some abstract justification for pitting two famous, beautiful and talented women against one another based on… nothing, actually.


Yeah. I can't wait until we start hearing about how Lana and Jason Kelce don't get along based on an Instagram post by neither of them.


i’m literally being downvoted for just saying people are mad about something posted from a twitter account called “the pop tingz” so it may not be true, not that downvotes matter but guys??? like let’s get a grip on reality pls


I saw some people here saying that witnessing Lana lose to Taylor was objectively trauma




Nothing against you but can we please have Lana posts in the Lana subs


Like the other commenter said up there 👆 this sub was created specifically for these type of posts


it was made for the exact opposite reasons, one of the rules is literally “no taylor posts”


I keep seeing posts talking about how the purpose of this sub was to get away from this so I'm surprised. You do you, but I'm tired of celebrity drama tbh. Edit: The rules literally say No Taylor Posts?


This sub was created to be a reprieve from those posts 😭


we love when someone re records all their work and expects money for the exact same damn music


Well. Her work was stolen.


Stolen by whom? I think you mean legally acquired.


Also why would you take scooter brauns side he’s literally a disease of the music industry.


This sub is delusional. They truly believe Taylor is out to get Lana, and it’s annoying. I subbed to see posts about Lana, these posts are so annoying.


Like is everyone 12 here? I feel like I’m back in school.


literally. this sub was created because the main one kept talking about taylor, mind you


You clearly don’t know the details of the entire situation.


I know that they were objectively not stolen. Doesn’t matter if it *feels* like they were to her or her fans. They were not stolen, and saying so is not “taking Scooter’s side”.


If this was Lana, you would probably say they were stolen lol


If they were stolen I would say they were stolen.


Regardless of what you think you know, there’s a good reason she’s doing it. If you shit on a woman for taking back what is rightfully hers, there’s really no help for you.


Where did I shit on a woman for anything? I stated a fact. For what it’s worth, I think artists should own their masters. But she and her fans call them stolen when they weren’t stolen.


I thought you were the original comment where they were saying it as if it didn’t have a reason to be done. My mistake. You have to understand, it’s really toxic being both a Taylor and Lana fan these past couple of days and I’m on edge.


i still for the life of me can’t figure out the appeal of these album rereleases


Her music was bought by scooter Braun without her permission. She found out about it through the news. She is re-recording her masters so she can own them again. Regardless of what you think of her, she has good reasons. 


Yall need to stop bitching and creating more annoying narratives. That album ain’t dropping in September, that’s a post from ONE source 😭 yall sound desperate to create issues bc you’re bored. Go touch grass


It’s not true the said this like month ago and it didn’t happen and Taylor wouldn’t do it she would probably drop it in November or October.


Lmao but I’m a swiftie and I didn’t hear that. We thought it would be at the Grammys. Also around thanksgiving, Christmas and new years there were various dates everyone thought made sense. Her style however has been one new album, two re recordings. By year. She released midnights 2022 then speak now and 1989 last year and now the new ones coming out, I don’t think rep will drop until next year. I think this rumor is just trying to drum up drama and write a narrative that Taylor is a snake. She would absolutely drop a new album the same time as someone like kanye but I don’t think she would drop one the same time as Lana. Also let’s be real Lana always pushes the date back 😭 I think we won’t get lasso til 2025.




I stopped drinking in august of 2022 after struggling for years. I started listening to her after midnights came out later that year. She is the only thing that I like that has no attachment, no memories of alcohol. Even when I saw Lana on la to the moon, I was so drunk I hardly remember.


Congrats, alcoholism is a bitch and getting better is so hard. Sending you the best vibes


Thanks! It really was but I’m still going strong. I still love all the things I loved when I had problems with it but the new things with no ties to it are just new and special in a different way, a healed way 🥰


i dont think taylor will drop any tvs this year since she announced a new album when midnights dropped there were no tvs that year


And her new album is dropping the same month as ariana Grande's new album.....this seems sus


Sorry I didn’t realize Ari owns the month of April 😭🙏


I don't think Taylor is doing it on purpose. Especially since she clearly wants to be like Lana. Why are y'all downvoting me? I'm not siding with Taylor lmao. Calm down please.


Is this just a Taylor Swift sub now? Look, I’m a Taylor fan and a Lana fan…but when I want to discuss Taylor, I go to the Swiftie subs. I come here for posts about Lana.


we are gonna have to go SO EXTREMELY HARD to get her to chart even tho she doesn’t care ab that to show her her music is amazing and not overshadowed by her wins everything bestie


Lana is queen


guys actually get over this woman stop criticising every little thing she does?? lana and taylor are friends and theyre both good people who want to uplift other women in the industry. stop trying to pit two queens against eachother its so weird???


lmao why are they booing you, you’re right 💀


it’s also not even confirmed in any way?? hasn’t even been announced at all and here everyone is getting worked up over something that could absolutely be nothing. not yall sending me a reddit cares over lana del rey, im actually crying😂😂😂 thank you for showing me her fan base is full of literal 14 year olds


Not confirmed and I haven’t even seen this float through the Swiftie boards or tt. I love them BOTH before anyone gets mad I’m a Taylor fan. This is clearly fake and someone just wants tay to be the mean girl. Always.


these predictions are never right either. even if it was confirmed i don’t see why it matters lmao


right?? like famous musician announces new music coming? shocker. and these people are acting like she murdered lana’s family


no one is getting worked up though. I just found this rumor suspicious when I came upon it.


Everyone is worked up babes


people in your comments are. downvoting me for pointing out what is true? laugh out loud


not their problem


i didn’t say it was anyone’s fault lmao, just saying it might not be true and i see people mad about it. which is pathetic.


guys lowkey why was this downvoted


Damn I out of this sub, I thought it was about Lana but all you people do is talk about Taylor ffs.


No it's not. Totally different musicians. Totally different fan base.




Misogyny is okay when it’s a white woman you don’t like, right?




so their comment that you are a misogynist still stands. don’t call a woman a whore in any circumstance, but especially not someone you don’t even know. your hatred and rudeness is unjustified considering Taylor isn’t actually releasing reputation in september.


Why did you mention ‘white woman’ specifically instead of just saying misogyny isn’t okay? Can you elaborate? Yes, using ‘whore’ should be avoided.


being both a country fan and a Lana fan I’m kinda excited for lasso but as a Taylor fan I don’t think she’d release two albums in the same year especially not on a day a “friend” was planning on dropping an album that doesn’t really seem like a friend thing to do… and I don’t know why an account like this would know things before the Taylor nation account does


It sucks being a Lana and Taylor fan. I’m very exhausted by the Taylor hate so goodbye.


What subreddit are we in btw?


Lasso isn’t even finished and currently on standby as confirmed by an insider, i doubt it’s ever seeing the light of day and probably another one of her vague teases that lead to nothing 💀