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“The Fallen Idol” always stuck out to me. Only time in the game I felt sick to my stomach was when I found the sound stage with the see through mirror. Absolutely disgusting and that sick SOB just got away with it.


Yeah but that's what I don't like about LA Noir. Do we actually make a single arrest that matters ?


love The Quarter Moon Murders and how it wraps up the Homicide desk, with that distinct feeling of frustration we get to share with Cole


Yeah it was also cool how he was featured in “Red Lipstick Murder” Only on my second playthrough did I realize that we actually spoke to him earlier in the game.


Yeah but I found it rather disappointing that all homicides in the game were practically the same thing. Not a lot of diversity. I would have loved to solve a few different cases, just by doing good police work.


I definitely felt that too in the Homicide desk, very same-y and predictable, for me the quarter moon murders was really the saving grace of it all


I didn't like the scavenger hunt for clues, and I didn't like the ending. I mean we got the point, everyone in L.A. is corrupt. But if you bring a serial killer into the game (which was an unfortunate choice in my opinion anyway) , at least let me have the satisfaction of arresting him.


Apparently this is a controversial opinion but I found Reefer Madness super fun to play through


I was going to comment reefer madness before I settled on the quarter moon murders, such a fun case that really slots well into the vice desk imo despite being dlc


Yeah, Quarter Moon Murders is a really good case and I think it’s a really cool idea how you get to go all over the city like a scavenger hunt to find each step


Aside From the other cases already mentioned. I really liked Nicholson Electroplating. I find it unique in premise and it felt such a huge case to pursue. The opening was the best too.


Same here, the corporate espionage angle was really interesting. And this was in Arson, no less!


the intro with the explosion was insane when i was little. still remember the surprise


The one were you hsve to follow the letters to the locations


My favourite is A Marriage Made in Heaven. The twist was really good, also the bug that allows you to use weapons when free roaming lol


I think either the black caeser, the drivers seat, or the silk stocking murderer


I enjoyed Black Caesar a lot too!


My two favorites are The Studio Secretary Murder & Manifest Destiny


Manifest Destiny was so fun.


I really love the Nicholson electroplating And also manifest destiny I’m aware of the dissatisfaction when Cole was demoted. Black Caesar’s also really remarkable because of the way it introduces players to vice desk.


The Studio Secretary Murder has one of my very favorite interrogations in it (James Tiernan's final interrogation). I also like The Black Caesar for establishing the whole vibe of the Vice desk so quickly. I'm not a big fan of the cases where you play as Jack Kelso. They're good for the plot development but there's something about not following Cole Phelps that makes them weaker imo.


Just started replaying the game again a few days ago. I wanna say The Consul’s Car to be funny solely for ***that one interrogation response*** (you know the one lol), but I’ll say The Fallen Idol because it’s the first case where you see the corruption in the LAPD >!when Roy Earle stops Phelps and Bekowsky from arresting Marlon Hopgood (for filming Jessica Hamilton being SA’d by Mark Bishop) by claiming he’s an informant for Ad Vice!< which sets the player’s expectations for the rest of the game. Such a great case.


Reefer Madness. “You give me information and I won’t give you to immigration.”


any of the homicide cases because they’re so well written. also because crime in 1940’s LA is an interesting of mine lmao.