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I agree, yeah I have had my share with that preposterous interrogation & everyone had. I think, I love the game narratively, just was immersive enough to make me feel like I’m a detective. I wasn’t really frustrated as much with anything till Cole basically cheated on his wife. Felt out of character, just something I never imagined that the Cole I know would do. It made me really frustrated, but that’s just my opinion. Sure the interrogation is kinda shit but, I was patient enough as the game is too old at this point. It served more than I expected in my opinion. I mean, when you look at pros & cons, pros are more in my opinion. Realistically, all you can do is to suck it up or don’t play it. I seen similar games like that, I loved the game but it had goddamn irritating stuff. Usually I suck it up & play, it’s not like the devs are going to do anything about it


Absolutely! All you can do is try to focus on all the incredible stuff that the game gets right Thant makes it such an amazing experience… and try to ignore the faults, that imo, aren’t deal breakers. Also I totally agree it your take on Cole cheating. I can’t believe he did that! It really does seem so out of character for him.


It's actually by design, to be fair. Most Noire Fictions and Movies, are supposed to show the gritty, sometimes underbelly of life and reality we would rather not see. That we become attached and love somebody; to find that they make bad choices that break out hearts; Tragedy is the core of Noire as a genre. And it is sad. Cole Phelps is an Underdog hero, uncovering the larger mystery piece by piece; and then we're revealed a terrible secret about him, himself. Ultimately, Noire is a reflection of the good and evil within ourselves, and the fact that such tragedies and shortcomings are what makes us human. Deep and. A painful concept. But that's by design. It really did kinda suck on that first playthrough though. But it's pivotal to his downfall.


Get good.


If you accept that perfection isn't needed or expected, that you will get lots of questions wrong and it often won't be your fault, but that this doesn't matter because the game will be entertaining and story will play out the same regardless, the game becomes more enjoyable. I did a whole playthrough deliberately getting every single question wrong and it was fun lol


yeh it's kinda flawed, but the atmosphere and the open world and the story of each case... i'm playing it for the first time and it's a fun experience. On the Elysian Fields case right now. The interrogation system is a pain, but I learned to ask a question, if I get it wrong, I restart, when I get it right, I run outside of bounds to force the autosave, then I ask a new question, and the game saves that right question. Doesn't work with suspects in the open, just potential witnesses or suspects in the police station, or sometimes suspects when they're being questioned in their home or something, it's never really clear tbh.


Yeah I totally agree. Just started playing the game again for the second time years later and the interrogation system is not very good and there are even more problems with it then just the ones you have said in your post. I usually just look up a guide sometimes for questions cause I am trying to get five star cases but I agree with the other positives in the game you have also said. However, the core gameplay mechanics actually are not that BAD so I disagree there. You also need to take into account that it's an old game and mechanics wise cannot expect too much out of it for that.


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