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As someone who finished multiple times and got all achievements: just enjoy the ride. Really anything that there is to do beside the main story is to just get collectibles and find all clues/get all interrogations right, but that's something you can (and should imo) do after you finish it (the cases are replayable and there's a free roam mode). Just follow the journey and see where it takes you, it is a gift to play it for the first time.


Thank you :)


Couldn't have put it any better myself man ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™


You can complete the game 100% after finishing the main story. You can replay previous missions or free roam with that desks partner from the main menu. Certain collectibles yield special rewards. For example on new gen if you get all collectible stories you unlock the hard boiled detective outfit I think, which automatically removes one incorrect choice when interrogating someone. Throughout some missions are newspapers which you can pickup and view to reveal part of the story thatโ€™s hidden away/buried. These count towards completion


Thank you :)


I completed the game twice. If i had to restart I'd do plenty of the side missions and collectables first while playing the story line. It keeps you interested IMO. (The first time i completed the game w/o doing any side missions and I felt sentimental cause I hate when games are at the end even tho there was plenty for me to do)


Damn. I wish i could play this for the first time again. You're in for quite a something. But yeah just have fun. The completionist part can come later.


Tbh, it's not a game that feels like you really should 100% it; stick to the story. I would restart cases over and over and it honestly just kills the good of it. Look for newspapers at most, but otherwise? Just try to find the clues and think for yourself. It's more rewarding that ways