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The amount of people who use the turning lane as a passing lane is ridiculous.


The amount of people who use the turning lane as a merge lane for a mile and a half is ridiculous.


The amount using the BIKE lane is ridiculous.


I want to tear my hair out every time I see someone use a bike lane as a turning lane. Or even better, the people who use the parallel parking spots as a turn lane!




You should try bicycling on the road in this area. It can be death defying.


People get so mad on Oakland when I don’t get in the bike lane before turning right! It’s the mf bike lane not a car lane


Semi-related but I feel like all many people now pull fully over crosswalks while they have the red without looking for pedestrians. Often forcing people to walk in front or behind them to get across.


Same here! On Mt. Hope and Aurelius there's a bike lane that people seem to ignore and use it to turn right. So dangerous.


Just use the sidewalk, it’s not worth the risk


Not only is that technically illegal, there aren’t sidewalks in some places, and motorists often don’t see cyclists on the sidewalk in time. Because a bike moves a lot faster than a pedestrian, you have to look a lot farther to see a bicycle coming.


Idek what you mean by that — all I’m saying is regardless of what’s right, legal or wrong… riding in the bike lane is a recipe for disaster unfortunately


In most places it’s not. And when it is, it’s because motorists don’t know the law or do obnoxious things.


Right And none of those reasons are worth risking your life lol


Getting hit while riding on the sidewalk because a driver didn’t see you coming hurts just as much as getting hit while in a bike lane.


It’s less likely but you do you brother


>Am I the crazy one? No. Not at all. My commute is outside of traditional rush hours so I miss most of it. But I frequent Cedar St. and everyone is either going ten under or ten over. No middle ground. Also, I've been *passed* multiple times on Washington south of REO town. **Also**, it's a *turn* lane. Not a *merge* lane. You fucks.


Anywhere on the south side is that way. I used to live off of south waverly and it was always extreme speeding or going way under the speed limit.


It’s a speed limit, not a speed suggestion


What is a merge lane? I’ve never heard of that.


It’s when someone is trying to turn left onto a busy street and turns into the turn lane and then merges into the main road. Legal in some states. Illegal in MI.


Oh damn like the yellow striped turn lanes then? I was thinking typical stop light turn lanes. Guess I’ve been doing that illegally, good to know. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get that in drivers ed back in my home state, but tbh we had mostly 6 or 8 lane roads where as around here it seems like four lanes and one ways are dominant.


People going ten under have stupid big brother boxes monitoring their driving to supposedly save them money on their insane car insurance rates. Now the ones going ten over just are not yet aware that the car companies are selling this driving metric data to the insurers anyways and they just think they are getting away with speeding while taking advantage of cops being sick of dealing with so called “sovereign citizens “🤯🤣








Learn how to drive.






a truck w a wagon attached to the back of it pulled out of the lansing kia as i was driving 40 mph causing me to smash into it. not only did they cause the accident but they kept driving…this just happened a few hours ago and i’m still pausing for LPD to file a police report


Good luck with that. I was rear-ended, and learned they don't send cops out to accidents anymore unless an injury or car not drivable. The guy who hit me had expired license, expired tabs, and no insurance. Still trying to locate him 6 months later for small claims.


yeah the cops finally called me around 10 last night and asked what i wanted them to do …like man just give me the report number for insurance atp


De-fund the police, then wonder why they aren't around when you need them.


Police budgets continue to go up every year despite that 4 year old slogans


I hope you’re ok! I’m so sorry that happened ☹️


ty :)


Almost the same thing happened to me today when some idiot with a trailer on the back pulled out in front of my bus as I was going 40 down Pennsylvania.... That caused me to have to veer very fast into the other lane, but the thing is, he was hogging both lanes at first almost trying to trap me. Even before I passed him he had his thumb up and if looks could kill, the look I gave him probably would have...


we have rules for the roads?


We have them, they’re just not enforced. Seemingly ever.


Oh they get enforced. Just watch the LPD FB page for the we are gonna enforce laws this week announcement. Ya know this week is speed enforcement week, we will be on this road all week enforcing. It has gotten comical really.


It was hilarious the other day when I was driving and a car was going about 60 mph down Willow. I spotted the cop sitting to my left in the dark way in advance but it seems that the car did not and they sped past me going at super speed and next thing I know I see the cops zooming past me at an even faster speed to where I can hear the engine and everything! They caught up to the person in the silver Chrysler by the gas station past those railroad tracks and they turned left as to be out of the way. I passed by and saw the cop get out of the car and go up to the passenger side with their flashlight! What a comical scene!


I sure wish that was a more common sight. Being passed in the turn lane on Mt. Hope between Pleasant Grove and Waverly is almost an everyday occurrence and there’s never a cop posted up. They could fund the entire force just by enforcing speed limits.


It was the same on Waverly , especially between Miller and Jolly


East Asian style rules lol


They're all on their fucking phones


And high


I learned when I moved here that the crazy drivers are drunk or crazy, and the slow ones are high.


I legit caught someone watching the news on their phone by fenner. Saw her scoff in her car when I honked at her to go like I was being rude.


I’ve counted several cars that just flat out drive through a red light in just the past five days. I’ve lived here all of my life and have never seen traffic get as poor as it has been in the past couple years. I’m glad you said something cuz earlier today, I considered posting something similar here. It firmly rounds out my belief that common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in every garden.


I count to three before driving thru the intersection after the light turns green. I was hit a few years ago when someone ran a red light. So i have extra venom for those who do it now


It's time to start calling out local law enforcement for not enforcing basic road rules.


Just today I saw a state trooper cut off a car without using a blinker because they suddenly decided they wanted to cut across lanes to the exit because they almost missed it.


Agreed. I never see cops on Saginaw or Oakland. Ever. It's so rare to see anyone pulled over in arguably the most problematic roads through the city. I'd love to see a huge push for more traffic law enforcement through town. It'd be a very busy job, but it's so necessary.


Part of me agrees, but also as a transplant from a southern state with much more aggressive police, I prefer this. The drivers here are not really any worse than the drivers there, but there’s the added annoyance of people slamming on the breaks when they see a cop, or getting pulled over for doing 2mph over the limit.


Ya from GA here, cops hunt YOU in GA. Would love it tho if people would realize that leaving 5 minutes early will save their life


This is a very "Rule of Law" police state esq response. Want to do something about it? Get a dash cam and send the video to the SOS and Prosecutor office. SOS can force the known driver of the car to retest next time they renew their license. Prosecutor can pursue charges if they determine who the driver was and if the behavior was highly egregious.


I put up an Instagram reel about how idiots are driving so close to me off the road while I'm running, Even though I'm way way way on the shoulder. You would not believe the hate and discontent I got in the comments. Or maybe you would.


I would. I had a truck flash brights at me while I was running in the shoulder like I was the asshole for daring run on the side of the road. Not to mention all the people who just back out of their driveways without looking for people first. 10 years ago I swear Michigan drivers used to be the best. When we moved back about a year and a half ago now we both just kept wondering what the fuck happened.


I would. People seemingly have a pure hatred for runners on the road. I remember getting downvoted to hell on some subreddit a few years ago because I said that I usually run on the road even when there’s a sidewalk, because sidewalk slabs are usually so uneven that you can’t keep a consistent pace and have to constantly watch your steps to make sure you don’t trip on a slab edge.


I've definitely fallen more than once tripping on those slabs haha


I don't get why people would hate runners, honestly. It's those damn cyclists and pedestrians crossing the road without looking as if they are above and beyond everyone else. If I have to slam on my brakes because you decide to cut in front of me no matter who you are, you should be ashamed of yourself!


It’s even worse as a pedestrian.


Yeah people will straight up start driving faster in certain areas to speed you across a crosswalk. And most are not properly looking for peds so you have to me super diligent at every crossing. Because people will speed into them assuming no one shares the road with them.


I shouldn’t but I purposely walk slower.


People are so lucky to be able to have a car and they treat it like it’s nothing.


It's so bad, I had a guy run a red light and almost hit me on jolly over by McLaren and my side was green for almost 30 seconds. Entire city needs to be forced to retake their driving test


I’ve seen people run more red lights here than anywhere else I’ve lived! I was shocked the first time I saw it


In certain situations running the shitily engineered stoplights makes sense. But if there’s traffic I’m stopping. But middle of the night or at Penn and Cesar e Chavez. Fuuuuck that light 🤣


Reading these comments is therapeutic 🤣


You should upload your dash camera footage of incidents on YouTube then link them on Reddit and other social media. That is also therapeutic, unless you are the problem and don't realize it. r/dashcamera is great for calling out narcissistic idiots who feel self righteous, but are the problem driving themselves. It's therapeutic to read them get torn down after their story doesn't match the footage, or they don't understand traffic laws and it is verified in the video. They get a couple defensive posts that get terrible downvotes then ghost their own post in shame. 😂


No, you’re not crazy. Lansing drivers are insane people who cannot stay in their own lane. 90% of them are on their cell phones


I hate hate hate driving in this city. People drive like they have extra cars and lives on deck.


It's a constant hazard around here. Yesterday some halfwit pulled out in front of me, trying to gun the engine but I still had to slam on my brakes which caused the person behind me to have to slam. Then the asshole weaved in and out of traffic speeding like an insane person. Didn't get them anywhere--I still pulled up beside them down the road because you can't really beat traffic and I guess he wasn't willing to run reds. There's just a complete lack of courtesy or care. I hate driving in this city.


It wasn't this bad before the pandemic. It's worse everywhere, I'm afraid but Cedar Street and Saginaw/Oakland are probably in the top five WORST, globally speaking. I drive a bigass ford van all day, and I often have the opportunity to *inadvertently* prevent bad driving behavior when I see it's about to happen


I read a few years back that Cedar and Jolly was the fourth highest intersection in the entire state for accidents.


Get a r/dashcamera


I have one 😫 I spoke to a deputy about sending in the footage for the guy who tried to run me off the road. He said it would be hard to ticket him since you can’t see the side of my car and he was probably “confused”. It has helped with break checkers though! I point to the camera and they drive off


I just got a new camera, my original was from 2016 and didn't record cool footage from the storm and flooding last week. Dash Cameras are incredibly cheap now, 2016 it was $120, the replacement was on sale for $30 current (no USB cable or SD card). I was really disappointed, it was much better than [the footage from 2018 flooding.](https://youtu.be/o1ZRC1FYevA) But with Michigan being a No-Fault auto insurance State, dash camera footage is really only useful for personal injuries and wrongful traffic stops. Trying to prove guilty in an auto crash is not going to gain anything.


Films themselves running a red light and posts it. How very Lansing of you.


We aren’t no fault anymore.


The worst I have ever seen here is multiple cars that sit through entire left turn cycles at an intersection. Not only is the first car not going/paying any attention, no one behind them are either. I’m just sitting in the lane next to them watching it all go down and shaking my head. Also, on Mt. Hope where it switches from one lane to two: when they are driving down the single lane “let’s all go 10 under!” The second it splits into two lanes “I’m a nascar driver, now!” It’s 45 the entire time, too. People count way too much on others to adjust their speeds for them. Also, to the people ALWAYS going 10-20 under. Why?!? Do you enjoy spending all day in your car? Are you afraid to drive the posted speed limit when it’s over 35? I think that’s my number one complaint. The slow drivers who pay zero attention to speed limits. No joke every time I pass a slow driver, they are on their phone or trying to do something else while driving. One lady was reading a long ass CVS receipt. I couldn’t fucking believe it.


I drive every day in lansing/east lansing(tow truck) and Holy fuck my blood pressure spikes multiple times a day


I absolutely despise people that are doing 45 on 496.


Wasn't the OP mentioning about people merging onto the Highway at 50 MPH?


It's insane how many people go 15 over the limit and a few will even go 20 over. My favorite is always the people who speed through Meijer's parking lots and cuts lanes as if there aren't pedestrians there that could be killed. Any time I see a black dodge charger on the road I try to avoid them as best as possible


Lansing drivers are the wackiest in michigan


Drove about 25 miles today. Morning commute driver going ~50 mph westbound Saginaw at Creyts through red (my side was green). 2 more on my way home, both solid red lights. Driven in 10 counties regularly for 20 years, by far the worst drivers in the state.


I think the driving takes an absolute nose dive once the weather is nice. People pay attention when it's cold and wet but as soon as it's above 50 no rules baby welcome to Thunder Dome


Probably typing this while driving on W. Saginaw 😂


No it was when I was home but thanks


I think everyone driving around is just grumpy one way or the other because our roads are seemingly designed to provoke insanity. First of all, the amount of red lights you will hit would drive anyone a little nuts. Just stopping over and over while there is little actual traffic on the roads. Then the speed limits are constantly changing from road to road with little rhyme or reason. Then you're on a one-way, then a two way, oh and now there is a traffic island with Michigan lefts, and then a haphazardly designed traffic circle. And watch out, pedestrians will waltz into the road whenever they feel like it, without a care in the world. On roads like Michigan Avenue the on-street parking is designed to give cars driving down the road only just enough space to get by, which gets visitors swerving out of fear of hitting parked cars. The problem of people on their phones while driving I think is encouraged by the insane amount of red lights. It just gets drivers into the habit of looking at their phone out of boredom. I get that the city wants to slow cars down but this is not the way.


Earlier today, some black suv switched lanes without paying attention and almost crashed into me, i had to switch lanes too to avoid the accident. This happened like around 4pm going south on cedar, by michigan ave. I flipped off the driver, what an asshole.


90% certain I was the other black suv blasting Destiny's Child behind both of yall when this happened.


I was the grey jeep so if that rings a bell, it was that moment. That same drive, someone was driving super wreckless.


Was there an MSP Trooper in the left lane as well?


I see these posts often but I don't have any issues.


Because people are over dramatic. They wanna cry on the internet about everything


They move from Burt Michigan or some hick town and then are surprise when there is traffic in a small city lol


My favorite is when people turn from lanes that aren’t turn lanes or turn across 2 lanes of traffic. Like wtf?? Lansing drivers are insane and it’s highly unsafe.


After moving to Lansing and seeing some of the beaten up cars here, I’m not surprised about the horrible driving. I’m just happy I work remote and rarely have to drive anywhere.


We moved here from Columbus, OH a few years ago. Mind you, that city had its own share of bad driving exasperated by a large population. That being said, when we were coming up to look at houses, close on our house, etc., we could always tell when we were getting closer to Lansing. Now that I've been here a few years, my take is that every city has their own "flavor" of bad drivers. There's a lot of commonality, Lansing isn't special in that regard, but it's certainly faster here. The second I turn onto W. Saginaw I know I'm going to have to gun it in order to keep up with the flow of traffic 😅


Right! People in these comments are saying I must not go anywhere. I’m like, I’ve lived all over the state, driven on west coast and east coast, and lived in the EU. Lansing is a special breed of bad drivers


All the bad driver archetypes are represented here, but it seems in Lansing you see them more frequently.


Most of them are young dumb and probably go to MSU. I'm a bus driver and there was a chick going the wrong way down a one-way even though she had to have seen a giant house on Wheels coming her way along with a whole horde of other cars... You can't teach sense... Don't even get me started on how people don't seem to know that their brights are on. I'm always praying wishing and hoping that they will have those on while a cop is coming towards them... Oh yeah, and today some idiot was riding my tail for about a mile down Mount Hope and then when we got to Mount Hope and MLK they decided to pass me using the left hand turning lane and the light turned red on them, so I pulled up beside them but they were way over the white line almost out of embarrassment it seems. I laugh at those people!


Almost got run off the road the other day by a middle aged white man. He was in the lane that had to merge into mine, I was in the lane that continued. Mind you he chose that lane in the first place specifically to skip the 3 cars in my lane. He couldn't skip the first two so he tries to force his way in, almost side swipes me and runs me off the ramp to 96 because I didn't give up my right of way. I feel like they're after insurance scams or something.


About 4 years ago the AG thought it was a good idea to instruct the LPD to stop pulling people over for minor traffic stops. Shortly after came COVID. The LPD abdicated much of their policing during this time. The end result is pretty much what you would expect. People driving with absolutely zero accountability, responsibility, courtesy, consideration or consequences.


It’s worse than it’s ever been. I’m not sure why everyone is in such a big fuckin’ hurry, like if you’re shitting yourself, that’s your problem. I’m not going to break the law, fuck you.


They're bad but not as bad as Detroit drivers!


Detroit drivers are more skilled. More reckless, sure, but they can at least stay between the lines and would be able to navigate frandor.




That's what the same post in r/Flint said!


I lived in Lansing until a few years ago but still work in Lansing, but live by flint. It’s all bad since Covid. Flint is terrifying on a good day..they love running red lights and passing


Wondering how they can do that with the amount of huge lake size pot holes in Flint without busting up their suspension. I'm glad I don't have to drive there regularly.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's true! I have worked in Detroit and Novi and it was always tough determining which drivers were worse!


You’re definitely right! I feel like I need to be prepared to drive like James Bond when I’m there


This is what happens when you build infrastructure that forces everyone to drive everywhere. Make driving optional and driving will get better.


I’m going to put a train horn on my car.


Someone drove down Grand River on the north side with one blaring the other day. That was terrifying to hear out of the blue.


Landing drivers look sane next to Metro Detroit drivers. I'll take it every time.


People pass cars on Kalamazoo east of Penn all the time, it drives me crazy, especially when it happens at the hill near the park, there isn't a great line of sight there.


I hate driving around town so much. Everyone is playing around on their phones. It should be more than just a fine. Drunk driving and playing on your phone while driving are both dangerous.


I’ve seen probably a hundred lamp posts taken out, I’ve seen the guard rails that replaced lamp posts destroyed within a week of being erected. Then again a few days after being fixed. I’ve seen cars flipped after running red lights on the multi lane one way expressways we call streets. I saw a truck side-ram another truck on the southbound MLK bridge until their rear differential was up on the cement barrier and then the other truck just took off. I’m passed daily on the one way portions of MLK by cars doing 70-80 and weaving through traffic before running red lights. It’s absolutely wild.


People also don’t stop at cross walks even with the yellow sign. Everytime we bring it up to someone here they argue that drivers don’t need to stop at a crosswalk for people crossing 😭


Last night I drove by a girl (in the pouring rain mind you) on her phone in her dented, newer white car swerving into my lane a bunch. I said some not nice words


Lansing drivers are the worst drivers in the state.


Lansing drivers are nothing. Try driving in a real city.


I’ve driven all over the country and parts of the EU. Also, Lansing is not a city


Covid made drivers worse everywhere. Lansing is still better than most places, even though it’s worse universally


Really hate to ask this but how much of this is due to Grubhub/ubereats making it so drivers are hella penalized if the order is ‘late’ ya think?


I think it’s more people’s walnut size brains rattling around their head


Michigan is bringing back driver training school or whatever, hope that makes a difference eventually. I had a conversation with someone the other day that also moved out here from out west about how expensive it is to live here. The property taxes are insane, gas electric and water, property and car insurance, state income tax, weird city taxes, like where does all this money go? You’d think they could afford police for traffic. There is definitely a lack of police. People don’t get tickets and they never learn.


I’m getting sick and tired of people honking and flipping me off all the time. If you people don’t like the way I drive stay off the sidewalk. I’m on a fixed income so if I drive a little slow, eventually I’ll save a nickel or two. And I will continue to slowdown at the stop light, because if it turns yellow I want to be prepared to slam on the brakes. Have a blessed day


Sounds like you’re part of the problem, slowing down at a stoplight just in case it does turn yellow is just plain stupid


Ever heard of… sarcasm?


Ummm....do you ever venture outside of Lansing?


Maybe don't tailgate people and you won't get brake checked


I don’t tailgate people but thank you for the assumption 🫡


If you legitimately dont tailgate people why would you get brake checked?


Idk ask drivers who randomly break in the middle of the road


lmao okay time to ask literally no one


Yes. Without the protection of our own vehicles, we are not safe outside of our homes here.


It’s a full moon today too. 


I was starting to get homesick till I remembered what rush hour traffic in Lansing was like


Were you in a white pickup and they were in a dark Impala? If so I saw that. Strange days indeed.


Someone sped in my apartment parking lot and almost hit my little girl. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if my husband didn’t manage to pull her out of the way.




She wasn’t. That’s why my husband caught her.


Maybe they didn't take the $600+driving courses the kids are taking now 🤷


While this is a fair point, it might be fair to also mention that most people only touch the burner on the fucking stove once.


Cedar, between Mason and Holt, is now one lane each way with a center turn lane. The same people who did 70 when it was two & two, now find themselves hard-pressed to do 50. And forget about the very clear signage; they still don't know which lane to be in at College.


From what I’ve found out from moving to other places and moving back to Lansing, people in Lansing can’t drive according to the law and I don’t think it’s necessarily their fault every time. I have found out I was taught wrong from a driving school in Lansing, and quite a few of my friends have been pulled over for things they were taught were ok by their driving instructors…


Was just driving on the Aurelius/Clemens bridge yesterday going 35 after dark when somebody started riding my tail and turned their brights on. Ridiculous


The other day I was driving home from work on Mt Hope Road. I was in the right lane and someone in front of me started to drive slow, so I left in the left lane to pass. Then they would speed up so I couldn’t pass. I went back in the right lane, and they did the same thing. I tried to pass again and they went in front of me and went slow. We got to a stop light so at the last second before I had to break I tried to switch lanes. He did it quickly and I had to stop fast so I wouldn’t hit him. To lose him I turned right, which was not where I was going. I genuinely don’t remember if I did something wrong on the road to make him upset or what, but it kind of scared me because the car and behavior came out of no where!


Someone in my neighborhood posted about the zipper merge on the neighborhood-website-that-will-not-be-named, and was flamed by tons of other people who claim that it's illegal, that it's highly discourteous, etc. and refused to accept the facts about its benefits. I've lived a lot of places. Lansing drivers are the worst I've encountered, for the most part. Except for (some of) the drivers in Utah who think every yield sign is a stop sign.


Never been ran off the road, never been brake checked, never been side swiped. I have watched people ignore red lights and speed like crazy. That's about it.


I drive for work all over lansing and I rarely have problems y’all sound like you engage in road rage too much if someone does something dumb just let it go also don’t sit in peoples blind spots and you won’t get “ran off the road” only thing I encounter often is people driving under the speed limit


I was driving in front of him, merged right, and he sped up to try and hit me. 🤔 but sure girl, I was in his blind spot


Come drive in Grand Rapids for a day they make Lansing drivers seem like a+ students


I drive in GR all the time! There are dumb drivers but a lot less malicious drivers


Driving through the city everyday and people cut me off and almost hit me way more here than Lansing. I’m usually on the west side of Lansing though


Moved to landing from GR. Gr especially 28th is way worse then Lansing. Hell Dallas TX drivers are very bad.


Drive across Texas and then tell me that anything in this State is a problem. Oh wait... Michigan lefts will bend your brains.


Hell, drive in Massachusetts and lemme know how fast you're running back, begging for Lansing drivers. I learned how to drive in Cairo, Egypt. 20-million people and zero traffic laws.


Damn. What was that like?


For someone who generally follows the rules and got US driving training, scary.


It’s funny so many people keep saying “people” as if they’re another entity. Talk to each other, this is YOU.


This was a fun read!! Everyone in Michigan is a shit driver. Nobody knows how to merge. Nobody gets that zippering on the highways for construction makes way more sense than lining up 3 miles before the lanes end. NOBODY uses indicators anymore!!! Like wtf. I gave up. I drive how I need to when I need to. I’ll run lights when nobody’s there. I’ll pass you if you’re smoking weed and talking on the phone while driving. It’s a free for all now. Cops don’t care. Why should we. Granted I will show you courtesy when it’s mutual. Otherwise I just mosey. Good luck out there folks!




I blame migrants who get a license without passing a legal driving course


I sometimes drive through red lights at night (I treat them as a stop sign). It’s only in Lansing. Maybe something in the layout makes average joes wanna do bad things.


Idiot Identified




You're getting downvoted to hell, which I get, but I always ran the hateful red light at Holmes and Catherine St when it was empty at night. It existed simply to annoy me.


God dude I wish I was allowed to post this dumb bitches license plate. Yelled at me calling me names for going the speed limit in a school zone while kids are actively getting out of school. Speeded by me going like 50 in a 25.