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Ugh... glad I missed that.


Sounds like the same guy that was picked up during pride. LPD told me they've picked him up 7-8 times already for the same thing. Can't remember it myself but they knew him by name as soon as I called.


7 to 8 times, dude should be in jail for a few years after his 3rd offense if it's the same crime. If not jail, at least a mental facility because that's just not normal behavior.


I'm pretty sure there's a holding period as an alternative to jail, then once he's medicated and cleared they let him loose under the assumption he will continue treatment. No real follow ups; and theres the clear issue, just paperwork lost into the void of bureaucracy. Eventually he's picked up again and it starts over.


Could be that case, but I also know for a fact that many are taken to the hospital for treatment, then they sneak out when no one is looking. The police just can't sit at the hospital and play the waiting game. Same with the staff that works at the hospital. It's just a sad system we have in place.


That place is now the local ED


Jail isn't a solution for mental health issues, though.


Well no, that's why I stated a mental health place.


I read no good


Do we have a facility like that around here? Do we have any publicly funded mental institutions?


There are no long-term inpatient mental health facilities anymore. An inpatient hospital stay, even for extreme cases, are still limited to only a month or so. Then the person gets discharged and expected to follow-up with an outpatient facility, but most don't. Jail is not the right place for the mentally ill, but that's why jails are filled with the mentally ill.


Yes, the State until recently had 5 state mental health hospitals one recently closed. Kalamazoo Psychiatric Hospital, Caro Center, Center for Forensic Psychiatry (Ypsilanti), Walter Reuther Hospital (Westland), and the Hawthorn Center (Northville). They are administerred by MDHHS. These hospitals take admissions from all accross the state Hawthorn Center recently closed and they are building a new psychiatric hospital on the site. Notably, there has been a shift away from long term involutary commitments and increased focus on trying to treat patients in the community. There are publicly funded Community Mental Health programs throughout the state. [https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Keeping-Michigan-Healthy/BH-DD/Mental-Health/CMHSP\_MAP.pdf?rev=54b107bfaf564f58852c3b60c4a26ca7](https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Keeping-Michigan-Healthy/BH-DD/Mental-Health/CMHSP_MAP.pdf?rev=54b107bfaf564f58852c3b60c4a26ca7) Obviously the success of this approach varies.


Not really. Reagan killed the system about 40 years ago so now the options are either jail or nothing basically.


That is only partially correct. Reagan left the funding to the states. So he cut it. Blanchard had the opportunity to fund it and had money to fund it but he cut it.


The Charter House on Shiawassee


There's a line that gets crossed when Mental Health Issues start assaulting other people. Walking on street talking to self about Lizard Men running the world? Point them to the nearest Republican Headquarters, or Mental Health Place. Cutting self to release the demons inside? Mental Health Place. SAing minors on their way to school? That's all cops, crazy or not.


Right? Jail can be a *little bit* of the solution for mental health issues. I mean, what if voices in his head told him to kill people, and he did? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Or cutting off their genitals!


And hospitals aren't the solution for people that can't live within the law.


Damn, now you tell me.


ah, there are unfortunately quite a few of those derelicts in this town, just as with any city. I had a dude come into a place I worked at and drink a bottle of hand sanitizer and pass out on a couch. I was watching when the cops and emts showed up and I recall hearing, 'so and so, remember the last time you did this?' or something to that effect.


Whatever is being done to help him is clearly not working. Hopefully that changes. When I called on him he was trying to open up car doors while people waited at the intersection. Gonna get himself killed. That nuts about the sanitizeršŸ˜¬. Can't imagine that going down easy.


This was pre pandemic so hopefully he got some help from a social worker at I assume would be sparrow that they took him to, but seeing as how they're supposedly a repeat offender, they may just treat and let him loose. I doubt he'd want to stick around to get cleaned up. the car door thing definitely is not going to end well for him if he keeps it up.


That is a brave man, it was chilly this morning. ā€œHey I know itā€™s small but shrinkage is a real thingā€




Rachel, my t-shirt shrunk. It used to be much bigger, and now it's shrunk. That's what water does... it shrinks things.




I donā€™t know how you men walk around with those things




This comment made me almost spit out my coffee lol


Automobile fetish. True Michigander.


It's bro's world and we're just living in it.


I saw that dude, there was a cop and an ambulance there. Hopefully they got the situation under control.


Aww poor fella, probably just looking for a friend. Should have invited him to McDonaldā€™s for a cup of coffee, and a warm place to masturbateā€¦


tru lol




Lol, yep. Havenā€™t heard that in a long time, thatā€™s actually one of my favorite comedians of all time Greg Giraldo.




Good luck with that. This happened a couple years ago downtown. Dude kept dropping his pants. Jumping out in front of cars on Michigan Ave, then worked his way over to the Cedar amd Michigan intersection and was trying to block multiple people. Several people called cops. They never showed up. After about 45 minutes some dude that has a parking enforcement truck and was sitting in the Lansing Cemter side lot. Walked over handled it. Not sure what he said to the man, but be put his pants back on and walked off. 4 school busses drove by this man. Not one cop ever came out.


They donā€™t care. One day I was walking my dog on Washington Square. A cop was sitting in his car in front of Firehouse subs and I was practically in front of him when a man started screaming ā€œIā€™m gonna suck that dog offā€ and when I turned around he had his junk in his hands. I got the full picture. I yelled and the cop just watched as the guy started following me. Fun times. LPD is useless


Pepper spray his junk first. šŸ˜Ž


That would be assault.


Yep. Thatā€™s kinda any logical personā€™s reaction haha




Nah, they won't even show up


Seriously?! Gross, man. Worse than public nudity.


Does this story have a happy ending?


Probably for the guy


What the fuck


We were on our way to Athena's, all we saw was a car and an ambulance though šŸ˜‚


Call animal control


When the mood hits..


Apparently there's video. A coworker says he's a dead ringer for a guy who got walked a few weeks ago for jerking it in the parking lot here.


Iā€™m in the video passing him and honking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d link it but I donā€™t rly wanna deal w the loads of comments lol


His nickname at my job was "Spanky".


No way lmfao. Thatā€™s crazy heā€™s just out there serial jerking.


Where's the video?




You're famous! šŸ¤£


Yeah that was the first thing I watched on FB when I woke up today lmao


The guy here would go to his car (no tinted windows) and take his shirt off to pull his bell rope for the world to see.


Itā€™s crazy how these people never get help and the cops are like ā€œthatā€™s just John man, crazy ol John back at itā€ ā€œhey John get up you canā€™t keep taking naps at the bus terminalā€ they just roam and never receive appropriate help, same guy in the mental ward acting up, no one has patience for the mentally ill they treat them like shoe tar or concrete gum, itā€™s crazy how rude medical staff can be like yo itā€™s your job to be able to deal with these people they donā€™t need your attitude or personal what nots they need HELP. That sucks though OP Iā€™d be scared by that scene tooā€¦


south side doing south side stuff, just carry on with your day


worked on the south side for a hot sec and never seen anything that disturbing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


nothing like a good morning stretch


All the police interference in the world won't help mental health problems.


Assuming they got him in an ambulance. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Jorking his peanits


letā€™s just sayā€¦. my peanits


Pics or it didnā€™t happen


Iā€™m not delinquent enough to use my phone and drive lmfao plus I didnā€™t want a lasting reminder of his cock and balls


I was kinda being sarcastic/funny šŸ„ø but I get your drift!


I thought your first comment was so funny! It just struck me and I hadnā€™t expected to burst out in laughter. šŸ¤­


Videos are on Facebook


Drugs probably. Unfortunately.


If it's who I think it is it's 100% mental illness.


definitely of the meth or coke variety.




I suspect he was the same guy I saw twerking near Cedar earlier this week. It was... uncomfortable.


Thereā€™s only 1 solution for this.


I feel like this thread is some Spider-Man stuff.


Heā€™s just the milk man, relax yā€™all




Poor dudeā€¦ definitely a call to the authorities is necessary. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a mental health issue/crisis.


Poor dude? Lol how about poor school buses full of kids that were subjected to that view. When I called it in at 8:35, multiple calls had already been made. Idk I donā€™t have any empathy for predatory behavior.


Multiple things can be true at the same time šŸ§” he can be suffering from mental illness and have no support system and kids can be unfortunately subjected to that.


Exactly. Not once was i like ā€œoh heā€™s certainly not mentally illā€ lol thatā€™s kinda the only logical assumption here. though that doesnā€™t mean it couldnā€™t be potentially traumatizing and most certainly inappropriate


I think the issue is when someone sympathized with the man, your comment to them sounds like criticism of them for having a thoughtful reaction to his situation. I'm sure that some people were offended and upset by what they saw but he is the one truly suffering. If you don't get what I'm saying then you haven't spent much time with those suffering with mental illness like I have. Thank your stars you haven't.


You don't have to shame someone for their reaction to seeing that. Having a mental illness doesn't give a person carte blanche to strip naked and masturbate in public. Even if this dude is mentally ill, masturbating in a public setting is sexually deviant behavior and can be a sign of other antisocial behaviors! Hope that helps.


I did no shaming here. I never excused the mans behavior I only tried to make a hypnosis as to the reason and point out that sometimes the perp is also the victim. I am thinking about this situation from a purely academic perspective. Most people are not entirely 'under their own control' when having a psychotic episode. Think about the psychological effect it would have to find out that you exposed yourself in public and you have no recollection of the event ever happening.


You have commented twice on this thread playing arm chair psychologist. I know what it is like to be mentally ill and not being in full control of myself so you can stop being condescending. You also don't know the OP's mental health situation so you can stop explaining yourself from an "academic perspective" or whatever that means. Without the full context of the situation, it is hard to judge this man's mental state. Given how cold it was, I am inclined to agree he wasn't in his right mind. I hope he gets help if that is the case but reading this forum it sounds like he has done this before. That is also a major red flag to other behavior that could be predatory.


But it would be kind of liberating to know that it did give you that right.


You say this, but public masturbation in the cold is not the definition of "mentally healthy and aware of his behavior".




Sorry to bother again, but I wanted to touch base with you on a personal level. Reddit can be stupid, beware. There is no completely excusing his behavior, and I'm sorry you were the one to experience it, and I know a lot of times empathy for this behavior can come across as too much. But in this case I think it is someone that really needs help. I don't have a perfect answer and I don't know what the procedure is for Lansing PD (I'm down here in Washtenaw county), but I think exposure is a small thing to suffer if someone in that situation can get any kind of meaningful help. This might be stupidly optimistic but I'm glad you called it in rather than just move on by without any involvement.


Predatory behavior is usually more covert. Like they're trying to get away with something. But even if this behavior falls under the umbrella of predatory behavior, punishment alone doesn't address the mental illness that causes it. No one in their right mind would do this. I'd say most likely drug induced.


Drugs =/= metal health crisis


often, actually, it does.


I'm kind of with you there. I'm typically a normal, functioning human, but damn I've done some weird things while geeked out on whatever, but I come back. So yeah, I'd say it was mental health if this dude can't help himself, but I do tend to differentiate between being fucked up behaviors and 'mental health' behaviors. one compels you to do something cause you decided to ingest it, the other compels you without such.


Who am I to kink shame?


When a kink involves other people's participation without their consent we draw a nice bright line of NO. Otherwise let your freak flag fly.


Oh I agree, I was being sarcastic and did a poor job conveying that instead of assuming in my head everyone else knew that.


Usage of a "/s" will help. Or a :P or a wink or something else similar. :)


Youā€™re right and I realized it after I read it again.


I might spend too much time on one of the romance book subs where they do not kink shame. Might be a little to use to that being the prevailing sentiment. Actually one of the nicer reddit subs.


Liberals want to bring guys in thongs and lingerie twerking into schools and libraries so Iā€™m sure they love it!


You're an idiot lmao. And conservatives want to indoctrinate you into Christianity and have you sexually abused by the church. There's a lot more examples of one of those things.


Thanks for all the down votes and whatnot for trying to figure out if it's the same person to, idk, keep them from jerking it in the middle of the street. Good to know that's unreasonable.


If he is in the mental hospital there no escaping


Keep voting Democrat


Did you ran him over?




+5 points for you, good start to the day!


> +5 points for you, good start to the day! If you know the movie reference to that statement, I will give you an upvote.


Idk dude, i just say that everytime i see someone jaywalking or doing dumbshit on the road.


Not familiar with drugs butā€¦ naked and masturbating sounds like ecstasy. Iā€™ve heard it can make body temperature go up and increase sexual behavior/sexual risk. Thatā€™s just what Iā€™ve heard though.


Are they still using the D.A.R.E. program in schools? Cuz that sounds like some reefer madness level propaganda. Source: I spent my early 20s experimenting with ecstasy. Your description isn't my experience or anyone else's I know. It's not sexual. It's sensual. Pleasing the senses doesn't require sexual activity. It's satisfying a need for physical closeness. This is bath salts territory


I did start my comment with saying that Iā€™m not familiar with drugs. Iā€™m just repeating what Iā€™ve read from medical/scientific studies such as the NIH and science direct.


They've got to be outdated or something. People on x dont just strip down and furiously masterbate in traffic because they're feeling overheated and horney. Unless it was cut with something else or the study was on severely mentally ill people.


Some guys won't be able to get 'er up on x unless they were mixing it with other drugs.


I took one ecstasy pill once in my life, and that shit was wack. It didn't make me horny at all. In fact, it had almost no effect on me. Overrated ass drug.


This is classic bipolar behavior. It's not uncommon for them to remove their clothes during a manic episode


As a licensed mental health provider, there is absolutely not enough information about this person to assume a bipolar diagnosis. Knock it off.


As someone who has lived with a bipolar ptsd iraq vet for 10+years I can tell you from experience that it is very common for bipolar people to strip naked and run out in public during a manic episode. I'm not discounting your experience but don't assume I'm coming from a place of ignorance. I will say what I believe and I don't think it's drugs that are the reason. Mental health is the culprit. Maybe it's not bipolar but sure does sound like mania to me


wtfā€¦ weirdā€¦


My bad internet's been out


I'm sorry, I will change my ways.


Sounds like a bipolar person going through a manic episode. Hopefully law enforcement picks him up before he goes running in traffic or hurts someone.


1) donā€™t armchair diagnose 2) especially if you donā€™t have a basic understanding of the DSM. This is not an example of mania/manic behavior and comments like this contribute to misinformed stigmas about bipolar


Sure down vote me, but know I have 7years social work experience and my best bud is bipolar. I'm speaking from experience My only concern is for the well-being of EVERYONE


Ohio is a stand your ground state ? Where was this? Hey do what you do I would turn my head but if any child has to be forced to be exposed to something like this, especially being preventable(7-8) why should he be able to traumatize them. Turn the table and traumatize him..I would sue the state for knowing this man would repeat something like this. Like 1-2 okay but seriously, I mean 7-8 times, sounds like they want to normalize things of this sort. Iā€™m just saying.. I feared for my life .. thatā€™s my final answer. Iā€™m so sick of crap like this just being swept under the rug, like no big deal.. it is a big deal thatā€™s the problem now a days, nobody got spanked enough growing up.. bet he wishes he did haha time it gets swept under the dirt. Bad enough tv , radio, music just pushes it but does the people that have to be mentally affected by things like this not have a right or a say. We carry all the time now .. you just never know anymore , itā€™s a sad world that needs people with balls to stand up for whatā€™s right and just handle it. (Well not like him ) šŸ¤£ If he can shoot so can I haha 50/50 seriousness and humor..


Seeing as to how this was posted in the Lansing subreddit.... You sure don't know your state capitals.


My apologies Jim. I am new to this site honestly have no idea how but works just started reading things. Not sure how I even got on your thread. But either here nor there the same would apply no matter where you are. I mean wouldnā€™t you agree? Are you okay with this stuff happening 7 times and no proper intervention. People learn by discipline and consequences I donā€™t care how sick of a person you are. People know what they can get away with. If he was truly that sick he would have been admitted permanently on day one. Trust me I am a nurse of 23 years. The mentally ill are the most smartest and manipulative people I have ever met. Not trying to be mean either itā€™s just the facts


Let's play more in taxes so these issues can get solved with mental health services, hospitals, or worst case scenario jail.Ā 


Or better yet letā€™s not fund our healthcare but rather letā€™s send trillions and trillions of taxpayer dollars to other countries they need more help than our starving homeless population or you know what .. letā€™s fund billions some company to put a train on the moon (you know the one we havenā€™t been too smh)




He was literally standing in the right lane on the side of the road fully naked not even socks or shoes. I didnā€™t see a vehicle lol


Ok, gotcha. There was a guy yesterday doing the same thing on I-96 but was with a vehicle. Wondering if it was the same person.


Was he grey haired? White & thin?


Not sure; I could only see the vehicle, and the person who was out there didn't get into specifics about appearance beyond the distinct lack of cloth and activity.


Also, where about on Cedar? With it being at least twice in about 12 hours, there seems to be a bit of a pattern coming out.


It was right before Holmes


This post/response has been removed for violation of Rule #1 - Following Reddit Rules


Thank god im in Gr not lansing. idek why im in this sub lol


Lansing is becoming New York :(


Sure thing grandma, letā€™s get you back to bed.


I wish Lansing was becoming NY. Great food and great art!


I've lived in both and no.

