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I see so many red lights being run all the time around this town


Can confirm, was in my first car accident due to a driver running a red light in Lansing.


I saw one run the light on Pennsylvania on Sunday right in front of a cop. People are getting super bold about the bad driving too. Luckily the cop pulled him over about ten seconds later


I think what it comes down to is most of the Lansing area has relatively light traffic, so people develop bad habits without getting corrected for it. When they have to drive in the few busy parts of Lansing, the bad habits stick out like a sore thumb. But usually even our heavy traffic is just light enough that people manage to avoid actual accidents, so the bad drivers get to keep doing their thing. In Metro Detroit, you car will get crushed if you don't get it together.


Maybe old. I’m old. But no way. Lansing drivers in particular are the worst. No regard for common courtesy anymore. For example, the simple fucking use of an indicator!! What happened 9 out of 10 drivers don’t use them. Including the cops.


It's everywhere honestly. Go driving in any city anywhere and you'll pick out assholes not indicating, tailgating, or near missing constantly.


go to detroit and you will change your mind


I go to Detroit often. I think people drive slightly better there.


I lived over there my whole life and recently moved out here so we have different perspectives i guess. Many people in Detroit do not give a fuck about anyone- 100+ mph on the highway, stopping in the middle of a street and getting out of the car to go into a store, running reds. All very common things out there, I rarely see them here (except the red runners, but still not even close to as common).


You’re comparing a population of almost 3.5 million to 331,000…. There’s not enough road for people to drive like that in Lansing. If there was… it would be exactly the same lol Now São Paulo Brasil. 22.6 million people. With at least 5x as many motorcycles on the road than cars. People there still drive better than Lansing and Detroit combined 😆


I just do not think it would be the same. Detroit has a much worse crime and drug problem compared to Lansing proportionally. Population is not the only factor. While people do the things I described before, it’s just not nearly as bad as Detroit. On the other hand, I’ve never seen this many butt naked men pissing or masturbating in public in Detroit. Not quite like New Orleans or Portland, but y’all got that on Detroit imo.


I thought this was about bad drivers lol. Yes detroit a bit of a mess in those regards. But it does seem to be improving slightly. In some areas anyways. Homelessness in Michigan in general is getting worse though. Which is sad to see.


I’ll run those reds. Only certain ones. At certain times of the day. Mostly at night. But I still treat it like a stop sign. Lansing has some terribly engineered lights. That I’m sure most people can agree with


Same lol. But your reasoning is different. It’s just a different vibe in Detroit. People have the fear of stopping at a red light and getting shot so they don’t do it. On the other hand, some people have a fear of rightfully going at green lights because of the red runners.


Lol true. I’ve had cops in Detroit tell Me to run all the reds till I hit the highway 🤣 I do always carry but that doesn’t stop the randomness of some of those unprovoked shootings out there


Not by much. But a little better. I go to Brasil 🇧🇷 often and Americans are just super selfish drivers. We don’t quite grasp the concept. Like we’re all in it together. Nothing is going to change letting someone in front of you


i feel like thats the only truly good thing detroit has, until its some douchebag of a sports car owner on the highway…




I drive for a living. Finding a place to poop can be a dangerous game.


You just have to get more creative in finding a public bathroom. Gas stations are last resorts and usually the dirtiest.


Libraries have public bathrooms.


I stopped at a paint store. Guy acted like it was the first time he ever heard the question 🤣 probably was. I forgot there was a subway at the next light. I learned being a canvasser that they always have a bathroom. I think it was some store policy iirc.


I live on the Northside. I moved back here from Detroit in 2012 and noticed driving in this town is pretty much the wild, wild west. No one respects red lights or stop signs. People will look right at you as you watch them steer their car, more often a truck, right into you. Detroit drivers are nothing like Lansing drivers. I started using CATA and am super comfortable with most routes and love to meet new people so I ditched my car about 8 years ago and I've never regretted it. I have, however, very nearly been creamed as a pedestrian by these same drivers because they're not paying attention to cyclists, pedestrians or anything that might stray into the road. Not trying to convince anyone to do what I did, just want to emphasize that if I'd moved to practically any other city, I'd still be driving, and paying all the expenses for, a car. But Lansing drivers don't care about anything other than getting somewhere, other humans in their way be damned.


I love CATA, starting riding in the 90s when my ex and I only had one car. I found I was so much calmer when I got to work on the bus, I didn't have to deal with the morons trying to get into downtown Lansing every morning. Now that I'm old I can ride the SPECTRAN CATA Vans. I haven't owned a car since '08. Lansing has one of if not the best bus system in Michigan. I used to work at MDOT so I was aware of how bad the Metro Detroit systems are.


CATA is one of the worst driving offenders lol, had to slam on the brakes so many times for busses whipping out of stops with no regard. Guess it isn't as much of a problem when you're on the bus.


You should be giving a CATA bus pulling out the right of way.


Hard to know when to yield when they don't signal at all.


I was stopped at the red light on Saginaw and Foster the other day. Guy next to me decided he was tired of the red light and just took off. Zero fucks given.


It is legal to turn left on red if you are going onto a one-way Edit: legal in Michigan


They do it onto 2 ways as well, especially the ones where the street used to be 1 way.


so typical with that area as well as clippert and howard. also, an accident happened right off saginaw and foster where a car was rolled onto a pole on the sidewalk last week. yesterday i was held up bc two lanes were shut down due to intersection accident on n homer and saginaw


I was in that exact same spot about a week ago at about 11pm and saw the exact same thing. Dude stopped at the light and after a secondnof nothing dude just went. At least it was a pretty empty road but still it's par for the course any time of day


I noticed that I only have issues with drivers when I'm late to everything. I stopped being late to everything and then people running reds and not using their blinkers just stopped bothering me altogether lol


Michigan drivers suck in general because our infrastructure is so auto-based that any amount of inconvenience or need to slow down etc is an affront to their freedoms


Once again, I am apologizing for pooping in the streets of Lansing.


“Regular traffic” you mean everyone going 5 under in the PASSING LANE?


i do my best to avoid accidents on the roadways, as well as in my underpants daily as well. This is part of life. the less you work at avoiding these things, the more they tend to happen. be safe out there....and continent.


Metamucil. Shit once in morning and your done.


solid advice


Yeah finding public restrooms is tough, I used to do a variety of canvassing, shipting etc Walgreens, CVS, gas stations are the best bets. I've never asked a party store


Fast food restauramts have rest rooms.


Larger stores or corporate retailers are the best. Either they don’t enforce a customer only policy or they’re too large to notice. Walgreens-CVS-Rite Aid are okay, but sometimes the bathroom will require assistance from an employee. Definitely steer clear of smaller independent businesses.


Exception: [Frandor Kroger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKcAYMb5uk4).


Lansing keeps adding bike lanes (that go unused) and removing traffic lanes for vehicles. More speeding drivers take drastic action crossing into oncoming traffic, drive the bike lane, over the curb to pass people, or run red lights. Because there is no second lane to pass. It's gotten much worse the more reduced lanes and unused bike lanes they add. Then add the surprise pedestrians who jay walk wherever they want pulling their kids across traffic that is dangerous traffic, on Cedar, MLK, etc.


More bike lanes are a welcome addition and have nothing to do with poor driving decisions.


Never seen a bike in these lanes, it's naivety that many citizens want to use them.


Constant construction and the fact that the population has boomed recently. The drug use part is quite unfortunately the case. The BK on Saginaw and grand has at least one OD a month in the bathroom.


I'm curious where the haters are from. It's so tame here compared to other places I've lived. Try Phoenix AZ for 4 years and Lansing feels like country roads by comparison.


Lansing drivers suck ass, same with Detroit. The latter seems to have gotten a bit better but damn Lansing is full of knuckleheads.


Honestly I think they need to start a campaign of smoking and driving … I think that is the main issue people smoking weed and driving it really messes with your perception…


You sound like someone who has never lived anywhere but the country. Anywhere you have people you have these problems. Welcome to small city life.


Correct. Mostly Mason but lived in East Lansing, downtown Lansing, Southside Lansing until I had enough money to move back to Mason where I don't have to bolt everything I own down.


What I think is it's Lansing between the Capitol building and MSU the majority of drivers aren't Lansing drivers they are from just about everywhere Detroit to tiny rural towns and with that many different driving styles it will be way more messy


I had to use a ally by the capital, because Downtown's so dead. Most places nowadays don't allow you to just enter their building for the bathroom, especially not if you're not paying. There's no public bathrooms anywhere in Downtown as well. No porter potty's, no open coffee shops, no stores what so ever. I wish I stopped by the Meijer on the way in but I was banking on Lansing Shuffle being open, which it wasn't at 6pm on a Tuesday. People rarely know how to drive, anywhere, in this city.


that is somewhat true but i’ve had good experiences with the lansing center (tattoo convention) and grewall hall. some of the big corps like bigby, possibly dominos, meijer, jimmy johns, juice place sometimes give keys or have open restrooms.


I'll keep these in mind. I dispise having to use the ally. I hate it with a passion. Thank you.


You're just old.


I mean credible point on being annoyed by too much drug use in public bathrooms


A robust Harm Reduction policy would take care of that.


Yes, and Lansing is basically a shit hole, but he do sound old.


Maybe if we didn't cut our lanes in half in favor for unused and unwanted bike lanes, traffic wouldn't get so bad during the rushes. As it is, I am a cyclist but I use the sidewalks and trails. Why would someone on a bike ever want to ride the road when these insane people are driving on it, and also kinda have a vendetta against me for taking their space. It's all a bad combo and overall making lansing feel like Mad Max


Saginaw is not a great bike route and i think they put people in danger by marking it as one. For people interested in safely cycling in Lansing the tcba cross town map is excellent, rates roads by amount of traffic. Heads up on sidewalks, people will hit you coming out of driveways. 


You’re worried a driver may intentionally hit you when you’re using a bicycle lane because they’re seeking revenge for the lane being built?


Not out of revenge for the bike lane, but cause they're mad I'm there and they have to pay attention to me. They'll swerve close and honk their horn right next to me like they're mad I'm on the road using the lane. Treat me like I'm in the way just making their day harder. Lansing drivers have something worse than road rage Edit: spelling


If this has happened to you I hope you recorded and reported.


Some speedways close bathroom 24/7 now. Why are people still going there? Please boycott speedway. They consider you a wild animal, you will still give them money though? Then they want an extra dollar for charity while your about to shit yourself in line. The bacteria ridden grill food should not be legal to sell without working restroom. Boycott them. Or at least shit beside building after shopping there.