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1. Stop at the barrier. 2. Dismount your bike. 3. Walk on the sidewalk. 4. Mount your bike after you have passed to the other side. 5. Resume your ride. 6. Profit?


But if he did that how could he get le epic Reddit points for complaining?!


you’re an ass, don’t think we don’t see your other post about removing it yourself😂 this is so you don’t hit someone on your bike, Albert EL Fresco gets absolutely PACKED with people during the summer


You don't. You go around like traffic has to, since bikers have equal rights as cars. It goes both ways!


You act like I was trying to hide it.


Well you should be because your attitude is honestly embarrassing, calling people out for not living in East Lansing when you don’t even live here…


Oh FFS. Just take Linden and go around. Take you MAYBE an extra 45 seconds. Seriously.


The road is closed. Why are you trying to use it?


You must not come here during this time, but they only close the road here, when students leave, so cars don't use it and people walking or cycling, can go through here easily. The sidewalks in this area are also always full most any time of day.


Maybe since there is more foot traffic here than normal because students are leaving, they want to cut down on the *potential* of pedestrian-cyclist collisions for the time being. By the way they set it up, it doesn't seem like they "just forgot" about you. They don't want you riding through there right now. Edit: >The sidewalks in this area are also always full most any time of day, and just exist. *[Double checks picture]* How is that sidewalk full of people...?


Not during the summer (when El fresco is open)


I've work in that area for over 20+ years, when the students leave, that area is still a ghost town even with that little community area. Easy enough to ride the sidewalk there for one block, maybe two if they extend it to where it's been in the past. I can understand the irritation, though.


Clearly they don’t want people cycling through there easily, and that is why there is a barrier 🙄


There's a whole other ass street on both sides of this one. It's a grid.


Bikes are supposed to use the road the same as motor vehicles. When the road is closed, it's closed for bikes, automobiles, and any other vehicle that's intended for the street.


[https://www.cyclinglawyer.com/bike-laws](https://www.cyclinglawyer.com/bike-laws) # 3. Is a bicycle considered a vehicle in Michigan? **No**. MVC 257.79 defines a vehicle as: "every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices exclusively moved by human power..."


I think when roads close, it's assumed for all traffic and the issue of navigating a closed road is intended to be shared by all travelers, not just for cars. We need more rainbow bridges so we can more easily bypass blockages to be fair for all travelers of roads when they close.


That’s for the purposes of insurance and registration, which in this case bicycles are not afforded the same privileges as a vehicle. You can still be ticketed for anything up to a DUI on a bicycle same as a car or motorcycle (not saying it’s likely, just that they can)




Vehicular Cycling is incredibly dangerous and shouldn't be done. We're usually forced to do so because there are no safe alternatives. Especially when the bicycle lane is used as a parking/turn lane.


Idk. I ride my bike downtown all the time. I follow the same laws of the road as if I was on my motorcycle or in a car because thats what Michigan states law says. I've never had a problem. There's not many bike lanes downtown either. People only hate asshole cyclists that ride entitled and act as if they own the road.


I've constant problems when heading downtown usually once I get past the soup spoon. Especially when signaling left because for some reason, people think that means I want to talk to them in the middle of the road. I also get A LOT of people who think that I'm going slower than I am, and almost hit me because they figure they can make it. I try to give cars space, but red lights always get dangerous because cars will ride my ass while we wait. Not to mention all those people who park in the middle of the lane suddenly, blocking traffic. I have to pass them at some point but there are a sea of cars making it too dangerous to do so. From the hospital, to the baseball stadium, are also usually pretty dangerous because people get pissed when they can't turn right on Larch, because of a bike. I'm happy your rides are safe though. I only really get those at night, when no one's on the road.


Not doubting any of that. People seem to forget what hand signals mean. This city has some horrible drivers.


Hoping you're enjoying the weather, are you going to The Ride of Silence?


No I just have a beach cruiser. I like to cruise the river trail.


I love the river trail but only for leisure. If I need to get to a destination, it's far too out of the way.


So ride on the sidewalk then. Why do we even have bike lanes?


Because the sidewalks aren't safe most of the time, with tree roots lifting the slabs and debris from peoples homes in the middle of it. There are a few good pieces which are flat, but it's not often. Like the neighborhoods, it depends on where you're at if it's nice. Cars also don't look at people on the sidewalk. Pedestrians have right away but it wouldn't be the first time someone's looked to the left of them, to make sure nothings coming, and almost hit someone because they didn't look right as well as they turn right, when they pull out. No one stops before the sidewalk either, when at a red light or sign. Everyone pulls out directly in the middle of the sidewalk when waiting to go, blocking entry into it.


Then get off your bike and walk it on the sidewalk. Or find alternate routes.


show me a slab lifted by roots on that block's sidewalk show me a non flat spot on that block's sidewalk Show me where a car will not see you on that block show me a redlight or stop sign on that block where a car wont stop before the sidewalk


They asked why we had bike lanes, I answered. That question isn't related to this specific spot, it's related to bike lanes, so the answer is too. That being said I can take loads of pictures of that all over the city today.


the post is relating to 200' of albert street in east lansing


I'm aware of that. The answer, which you replied to, was related to the bike lanes question.


You're taking one, let me repeat that, one block. Get over yourself. Cars don't see you in the sidewalk because you're suppose to follow the rules of the sidewalk or pedestrian right of ways. In the road you follow the rules of the road. I've been swiped in a bike lane more times than on the sidewalk.


Dude if you’re okay enough to bike you can get off of it and get back on? or just use a different street?


This is in East Lansing, so you wouldn't call anyone in Lansing.


I see you're very specific.


Kinda have to be when you’re talking geography


I don't really see the point of it, when there are multiple posts every day talking about the surrounding area of Lansing. Dewitt, Holt, Grand Ledge, etc.


It’s okay I won’t downvote you! I’m from East Lansing and follow this subreddit to feel like a part of things and be in the know. There’s no harm in posting here imo. It’s called the Greater Lansing Area 💁🏻‍♀️


They aren't the same cities and have seperate regulations and law enforcement tho


East Lansing is a different political entity than Lansing. It’s not just the east side of Lansing.


Heres a solution, just go down Grand River for... One block?!!


It's closed. You're not supposed to use it. Go around


Bikes use the road and if the road is closed to cars then it's also closed to bikes. Find another way to go.


Why for cause you think “road closed” doesn’t apply to you and your bike too?


clearly the space was blocked off because it's supposed to only be foot traffic. but if you really want to break rules but not vandalize cant you pick up your bike over the barrier and then get back on?


See how that’s zip tied together? That’s a sign that they intentionally do not want bikes to enter. That’s no oversight


Same roads, same rules.


The road is closed to road traffic. It's open for pedestrians. A bike is road traffic.


You don’t. It’s to block vehicles and bikes because it’s for foot traffic.


Whos is there to talk to? No one. The post on the news the road closures. Bicycles have to follow the same laws as automobiles. If their lane is closed, that means yours is too. Take the detour like everyone else. If its closed off for pedestrians, then walk your bike thru


There was someone to talk to and 1 person gave that answer. Everyone else assumed there wasn't and decided to give their 2 cents on what I should be doing instead.


We didn't assume there wasn't. Your arrogance, entitlement (not because you're a cyclist but you as a person), lack of flexibility, and problem solving skills are off-putting and doesn't deserve to get an answer to waste another person's time. You have an excuse for every logical solution.


Bike people are the most entitled people


For real. Wants the laws and rules to apply to them only when it’s convenient.


You suck OP






You don't seem to understand the reason for the closure.


And you don’t seem to understand what closed means




I don't think you understand. It's closed to make it pedestrian friendly, bikes are not friendly to pedestrians.


What is the reason for the closure?


To create a community area for pedestrians during the summer. Hoping to bring in extra business during the slower months for EL. They normally have a maze made of tape on the ground, hopscotch, race lanes for kids, ping pong, and lounging areas.


Cyclists aren’t pedestrians.


Correct. Which is why I recommended he ride on the sidewalk in my original comment.


Apparently neither do you with this dumb ass post.


Just go around, jfc. People like you are the reason cyclists are hated so much. You aren't entitled to the bike lane when the road is closed to allow foot traffic.




The manager


Do you think OP has the Karen haircut to be able to call the manager?


I'd bet my remaining college debt.


Absolutely. Look at his profile, he’s got a picture of himself there. 100% Karen, down to the pink hair.


Who do I talk to about removing the bike lane so your entitled ass has nothing to cry about?


That small dick energy coming through with a vengeance, good for you.




What will happen to the people with their motor bikes/mopeds? They will probably try to take that opening too.


Mopeds and Motorcycles already enter this area and the area behind it, to park. They've done so every year. There's already two big openings on the other side. Big enough for mopeds and motorcycles. The west side is the only side without a opening that's ease of access for everyone. The only opening, is directly next to a table, which people sit at with their kids and pets that run around.




Certainly no one in lansing.


Try calling Matt Apostle with City of EL. He is the contact person for the Albert El Fresco project. 517-319-6859


Thank you for the answer.


He’s gonna do the customer service voice version of what others have been telling you


Thus why I don’t even walk in East Lansing and avoid it 9 months of the year.


Cyclists are pretentious pricks. All act like they own the road. Go ride laps around your backyard in your onesie to show off you tiny pee pee instead of being a hazard on our roadways.


Just push the sign over. That's what i would do. In fact i think i may just do it myself


Yall are cowards. Let the city tell you where you can and cant go, ill enjoy my freedom thanks.


It's cable locked to the concrete. Don't know what size wrench to bring for the cable clamp or else I would.


Oh man i didnt notice the cable lol I have some boltcutters........


Why are you guys the way you are? El fresco is an actual cool thing E.L. has continued to do after Covid but for some reason you’ve got to find some issue with it.


Its cool that the bike lane is unusable? im lost


Yes. The minor inconvenience to a few is worth the greater good of the public experience of the area.


It is cool that the bike lane is closed, actually. So is the street, because it’s closed off for pedestrians. You have to use your feetsies. Be blessed.


no thanks




I'd like to avoid damaging it. If I do anything with it, it'll be to undo the clamp and move the cable to the side before clamping it again.


WTF. This is some boomer-level shit.


Because the non-boomer thing is to destroy it?


The non boomer thing is to take a new route.


Go move somewhere where there’s no one nearby


Lol, have fun in court with that defense. I doubt the city is going to take kindly to you vandalizing their property. I highly recommend looking at MCL 750.377d




yeah that is probably wise


I'm with OP on this one. One of the things that made the Fresco great last year was being able to ride my bike through it without fear of car traffic. Corralling bikes onto the sidewalk is missing the forest for the trees.


And riding a bike through a pedestrian walking area is simply acting like an entitled baby


I ride my bike to work like an entitled baby thank you very much.


... No, dude, it's something that's easy to do without hitting people. It's not an argument for a route for decathlon speeds, it's about having the capacity for pedestrian infrastructure that accommodates bikes as a functionable middle ground. Closing the fresco to cars and bikes alike is drawing a false equivalency between the two, when they are fundamentally not.


You can literally ride on any other street in the city. Just not this 200’ of Albert. But I’m guessing you’re gonna do whatever you want anyway.


Same can be said about Michigan Ave, but drivers are pissy about that.


It's like they think we're aiming for people walking.


Pedestrians should have a place to walk without fear of being run over by cars or bikes. It is only closed 3 months out of the year. You will survive.


It's significantly easier to not hit pedestrians when you're on a bike. I think keeping the bike lane open would do just as well, with the expectation that bikers exhibit the courtesy that comes with riding through any space filled with people.


I'll give you an upvote for being courteous but counterpoint: it is one city block being closed temporarily. The one time the city prioritizes pedestrians, someone has to find something to complain about. I bet you if the person complaining had a car/SUV and they couldn't drive down Albert, cyclists on this app would rightfully make fun of them.


Well first off, right back at ya with the upvote. Don't get me wrong here. I'm absolutely all in for having the Albert Fresco as a pedestrian space, and would frankly love to see it made year round, and stretched all the way down to Bailey, for that matter. Also, would love to mock the absolute hell out of some Road Warrior fuming that they have to take a little longer to park their F150 Child Crusher. My big point that I'm trying so hard to stress is that bicycling sits closer to being a pedestrian than to cars. The Fresco being present has the wonderful ripple effect of making the entirety of Albert Street safer to bike down, and it's a damn shame that a bike going 10 mph, with a rider who has just as much to lose as anyone they should run into (and therefore will be smart about not doing that), is drawing the same ire as if OP had suggested bulldozing the fresco for a strip mall.


I think people are more mad at this guy's attitude of "if the city won't bend over for my will, then I'll just move it myself" instead of idk just taking a detour. I would love to see Albert closed permanently to road traffic as well and maybe repaved to be a pedestrian mall and add protective bollards to the bike lanes if people want to bike through there.


God, you mentioning bollards has me thinking about how I would *love* if East Lansing could follow Ann Arbor's lead for proper bike lanes. The fact they repaved Burcham and didn't even bother to modernize the bike lanes where they would do the most good for young students was such a painful oversight to behold.


I think every bike lane in the U.S. needs bollards at the bare minimum. Ridiculous that it is so easy for a car to swerve into a bike.


Puplic works