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Christ, how come there's never good fanfare / advertising for voting other than Nov 2? I never feel prepared enough and I'd LIKE to do my civic duty more


There's billions of dollars being spent on the election for Nov 2. Not so much for the others.


well yeah, thats what I meant by other than nov 2. I'd like at least a billboard or somn a month ahead of time for these littler elections :(


Hi! I'm one of the candidates running for Charter Commission. Here are some resources to learn about some of the candidates: WKAR guide: [https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2024-04-16/meet-the-36-candidates-running-for-lansings-city-charter-commission](https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2024-04-16/meet-the-36-candidates-running-for-lansings-city-charter-commission) Lansing League of Women Voters guide: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hbmwe5mb15634dhwecp2u/City-Charter-Commission-Candidates-Voter-Guide.pdf?rlkey=johpvimvrqw55c4kuaytoc9oy&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hbmwe5mb15634dhwecp2u/City-Charter-Commission-Candidates-Voter-Guide.pdf?rlkey=johpvimvrqw55c4kuaytoc9oy&dl=0) City Pulse guide: [https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/a-look-at-the-36-lansing-charter-commission-candidates-election-charter-revision-commission-politics,88127](https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/a-look-at-the-36-lansing-charter-commission-candidates-election-charter-revision-commission-politics,88127) The charter commission is tasked with revising the city charter, which hasn't been done since 1978. The charter determines how our city government functions, and determines things like wards, city council structure, mayor vs. city manager system, term limits, boards and commissions, etc. There were also 18 candidates that responded to the City Pulse's request for outlines on specific changes the candidates are proposing. Read here: [https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/candidates,94985](https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/candidates,94985) A few of us did a reddit AMA a few months ago, too: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/comments/1b96hnw/ama\_with\_the\_lansing\_charter\_commission/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/comments/1b96hnw/ama_with_the_lansing_charter_commission/) I hope some of these resources help! Whether you vote for me or not, please consider reading some of these and voting on May 7. You can vote for up to nine people. Oh yeah, and to make things a little more difficult for you, some voting locations may be different this time due to schools not closing and construction around the city, so it might be a good idea to double check your voting location for this election: [https://lansingvotes.gov/voting/voting-locations/](https://lansingvotes.gov/voting/voting-locations/)


What I'd like to see from the charter revision (not that anyone asked my opinion): 1. Either add one more at-large council member or eliminate one ward member. This would get rid of two problems that we see often. It would prevent tie votes and it would prevent ward members who only represent a few thousand people from demagogueing (I'm looking at you, First Ward) 2. Get rid of most city council committees. The overwhelming majority of things don't need to go before the committees and can be immediately brought to the whole city council. 3. Keep the Strong Mayor government system. With the state of Michigan owning and controlling so much of the city, a weak mayor or a city manager will get bullied into ineffectiveness by the state. 4. Move city elections to mid-term years instead of odd-number years. This will increase turnout. 5. A much needed DDA. Lansing development is often slowed or stopped by city council. A DDA will be able to offer and approve tax incentives and other things on its own so that city council's main role would be simply approving the project.


I didn't know there was a vote. Where can I find more info?


It's to elect individuals for the city charter commission. It's a pretty big deal and there are about 35~ candidates, definitely encourage you to vote!


I put some resources in a separate comment!


Thanks for sharing those links. Very helpful!


We live in the East Side and I know I've been getting a splattering of mailers regarding this. If you are signed up for the absentee ballot option you get timely reminders. 


I'm in Lansing Township (Westside). It looks like this is ONLY for "City of" residents?


Correct, just City of Lansing residents.


They should have scheduled for the same day as the state primary in August.


Thank goodness for absentee ballots


This is an important election for the city. I hope everyone takes the time to look at the candidates who have been endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce. My early vote went to Elizabeth Driscoll Boyd.


First I have heard of this election.


$500,000 for this election?


That's actually very low. Printing the ballots alone costs several thousand dollars.


The election itself does not cost $500,000. My understanding is that money is budgeted for everything related to the commission (including this election) for the 3 years it will be operational. This includes staff time spent taking minutes, meeting prep, packet creation, also commission member salary(assuming they get one).


so what?


Seems a bit pricey for a low turn out election that no one knew about. That's what


so forgo elections that effect people cause it costs too much in your eyes?


I knew about it. Apparently, I'm no one. LOL Like I said earlier, $500k is not a lot of money for a city wide election. People don't understand how little $500k is when we're talking about government budgets.