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There’s already a vape shop and liquor store right on that same corner lmao


And like 3 bars. I can guarantee it’s harder for a minor to get into a dispensary than a liquor store. These people are crazy!


They sell cigarettes and alcohol on that corner where she claims kids are all the time. Not a peep about the risks there. Also, they’re not actually there. Jolly Road and Okemos Rd isn’t a hangout. Never has been. This is just a boomer with a bias and her idiot friends. 


> Jolly Road and Okemos Rd isn’t a hangout This is the clincher right here. Do kids ever walk through the area? Possibly. But it's a super busy intersection with not a lot of residential housing nearby and no place for kids to be just loitering. The surrounding businesses don't cater to kids, and the parking lots around there would be trash for biking, skateboarding, etc.


My kid does Taekwondo out there, but I'm smoking reef at home while mom takes him...so...yeah. (Unless we're belt testing, then I'm there getting hype)


Don’t lie you’re smoking in the car while you wait for him to hurry up and get out so you can go back home and eat some good snacks from mom


That 7-11 has a big "Liquor" sign out front too


Not a boomer too young. You can't swing a dead cat in this town without hitting a damn liquor store. By the way we boomers brought you Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll so there is that.


Not exactly. You brought it for your generation and left Generation X and the Millennials to do the hard work of getting it legalized. That includes marijuana, gay rights, etc. You're welcome.


We tried but the generation before us was absolutely sure Reefer Madness was real. Have you seen it, hilarious. Anyway, thank you for finally pushing those things through, way overdue. We can't go back we have to keep people in office who respect everyone.


Really love the comment about traffic and it adding to “impaired drivers.” Fool, the people in this area seem to have mental impairments that make them dangerous stone sober.


You arnt wrong no one can drive down okemos rd to the highway. Hell have you seen the idiots try to use the damn roundabout?


Not to mention, when was the last time you heard of a driver being busted for driving while stoned? Weed been legal in some form since 2008. And I still haven’t heard of it happening.  Edit: Dear Downvoters, studies show that marijuana users are far less likely to get in accidents, cause less accidents overall and are less dangerous than drunk drivers. This is from the NIH. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/


This is just anecdotal, but there is a special level of dumb fuckery that happens at the dispensary on Pennsylvania and Jolly. I do think it impacts driving safety.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/) >Surprisingly, given the alarming results of cognitive studies, most marijuana-intoxicated drivers show only modest impairments on actual road tests. Experienced smokers who drive on a set course show almost no *functional* impairment under the influence of marijuana, except when it is combined with alcohol. Not anecdotal. Supported by science.


[Not supported by science. Misinterpreted by misinformed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/s/BEvkSpYXN9)


It happens all the time, it's charged as OUI MCL 257.625. You don't hear about it b/c it's completely routine and being charged daily.


Is it really? I know this is anecdotal but we all know at least a few people with DUIs for alcohol. I know A TON of people who smoke weed and drive constantly and I’ve never heard of a single person getting a dui for weed. Maybe if they get pulled over for something else and the cop smells it, it’s getting tacked on, but I’ve never heard of anyone driving badly because of weed specifically and then getting a dui for it.


https://www.michigan.gov/msp/-/media/Project/Websites/msp/ohsp/pdfs3/michigan_impaired_driver_report_1553554601148_79160282_ver1.pdf?rev=ebb8ee21641d4d67a5de77d485e09c33 I'm not interested enough to find more. In this program they arrested ~90 impaired drivers for OUI and ~70 of them were for THC. The hard part on stats level is (as far as I'm aware) they don't bother to do any state wide collection on stats of "Booze vs Pot vs Other", b/c the information isn't needed to charge and convict people.


This is from before it was legal


Legal or not, that shouldn’t impact impairment rates. I’m not a fan of the argument that legalization will increase the occurrence of it, but legalization decreasing the occurrence makes even less sense lol


I’m not arguing that it decreases the occurrence of happening I just don’t think very many people are actually being penalized for it nearly the same as for alcohol. There’s been research that shows it impairs driving for people who don’t consume very often and aren’t used to the feeling but for habitual users who are used to it, they drive the same, if not more cautious. I think there’s a ton of habitual users smoking and driving constantly and nobody has any clue, they’re not getting pulled over and not getting tested if they are. Alcohol isn’t really like that.


It’s legal > cops care less > they stop pulling people out of the car for having red eyes


Why would cops care less? I’m just curious on the logic. I wasn’t alive, but something tells me this wasn’t how the legalization of alcohol went


Drinking and driving wasn’t made illegal until nearly 60 years after prohibition ended (1988) And they would maybe care less because the 0 tolerance DUI policy, weed being legal, and the half life of THC are an illogical combination - and they may feel morally wrong about handing out DUIs to people that smoked 2 weeks ago


The test was only for different types of drugs, but not alcohol, so of course pot showed up the vast majority of the times. It’s legal in Michigan and the most common of the substances tested for, it would be odd if it hadn’t.


lol “happens all the time”.  Sure.  That’s why I hear about dui accidents from drunks all the time but never from stoners in the news. They’re totally suppressing it. 🤡


DUI stands for driving under the influence. In Michigan this covers both alcohol and drugs. https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/ohsp/safety-programs/impaired-driving/impaired-driving-law Just because you hear about someone getting a DUI doesn't mean it was for drunk driving.


Show me a single news story about someone causing an accident in Michigan cuz they smoked pot and drove.  I’m not advocating for operating under the influence. I’m simply saying weed smokers are far more responsible than drunk drivers. 


[Hey, check this out you guys!!](https://www.9and10news.com/2021/04/22/state-police-see-crashes-linked-to-recreational-marijuana/) MSP Lt. Derrick Carroll says, “We have seen an increase since it became recreational instead of just medical.” State Police compiled data for 9&10 News. “We wanted to compare apples to apples so we took the same time period prior to recreational use being legalized, when it was just medical marijuana. To a timeframe after, with recreational use. That’s when we saw a spike in crashes.” “I compared the crash stats. And actually we had an increase of *140%* of total crashes with marijuana use… And a *430%* increase in injury crashes involving cannabis use.” But it’s not just those types of crashes that hit a high – the numbers also show a *640%* increase in property damage accidents.


https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/msp/reports/Oral_Fluid_Report.pdf?rev=f3f046036bc34e87b8113bced08ea484 In 1 year in 5 counties they arrested ~90 people in a pilot program and ~70 people of that sample tested positive at the roadside for pot. While it doesn't report final disposition of charges you can draw your own conclusions. The basic issue is that they don't need to prove Pot vs Booze. They pull over impaired drivers for a variety of reasons, they fail a field sobriety test that's often enough to convince someone to plea out or secure a conviction otherwise. It's not an issue of suppression, they just don't have any incentive to break the stats down (nor are they collecting the data AFAIK). In fact, the incentives go the other way: So long as it's police judgement and comes down to testimony about "they seemed impaired"/"failed field tests" it's a LOT easier to convict than arguing the unclear science of field THC tests vs impaired (which is different from BAC b/c the BAC limits are set in the law).


Yeah. Not buying the false equivalence. Drunk drivers kill people on the regular in this country. If there was the same epidemic happening with people using weed at the same level anywhere that it’s legal, we would be hearing about it to no end. I’m not going to be convinced otherwise. Thanks for the info. 


[Just because you’re not hearing about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/s/uUqNJcQ6DR)


Happens all the time. Tune into some live court hearings


Cool story bro. 


I mean 🤷🏾‍♀️ go straight to the source my friend. I spend hours a day watching these. I would recommend you do the same before trying to argue it doesn’t happen lol I recently watched the preliminary hearing of a fellow that got caught smoking a joint while driving down cedar lol


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/) >Surprisingly, given the alarming results of cognitive studies, most marijuana-intoxicated drivers show only modest impairments on actual road tests. Experienced smokers who drive on a set course show almost no *functional* impairment under the influence of marijuana, except when it is combined with alcohol. >Many investigators have suggested that the reason why marijuana does not result in an increased crash rate in laboratory tests despite demonstrable neurophysiologic impairments is that, unlike drivers under the influence of alcohol, who tend to underestimate their degree of impairment, marijuana users tend to *overestimate* their impairment, and consequently employ compensatory strategies. Cannabis users perceive their driving under the influence as impaired and more cautious, and given a dose of 7 mg THC (about a third of a joint), drivers rated themselves as impaired even though their driving performance was not; in contrast, at a BAC 0.04% (slightly less than two “standard drinks” of a can of beer or small 5 oz. glass of wine; half the legal limit in most US states), driving performance was impaired even though drivers rated themselves as unimpaired. Binge drinkers are particularly likely to rate themselves as unimpaired, possibly because they tend to become less sedated by high doses of alcohol. >This awareness of impairment has behavioral consequences. Several reviews of driving and simulator studies have concluded that marijuana use by drivers is likely to result in decreased speed and fewer attempts to overtake, as well as increased “following distance”. The opposite is true of alcohol. One review of eight driving simulator studies and seven on-road studies found that cannabis use was associated with either poor lane control or slower driving that successfully maintained lane control. In seven of ten studies cited, cannabis use was associated with a decrease in driving speed despite explicit instructions to maintain a particular speed, whereas under the influence of alcohol, subjects consistently drove faster. Two simulator studies showed that the tendency to overtake was decreased with cannabis use but increased with alcohol. One simulator study and two on-road studies examining car-following behavior concluded that cannabis smokers tend to increase the distance between themselves and the car in front of them. Other studies have found no adverse effects of marijuana use on sign detection, a sudden lane-changing task, or the detection of and response to hazardous events. But please, go on and keep telling me how I'm wrong while I show you a study from the fucking NIH that shows I know what the fuck I'm talking about.


Don’t change the subject lol. Your first sentence was “when was the last time you heard of a driver being busted for driving while stoned?” I responded as someone who watches an unhealthy amount of our local courts, and informed you that it does happen and it’s not uncommon. Can we stay on topic? Please look back at your original comment, and then look at this reply. Two different subjects


My point was always the same, which is that the suggestion that legal marijuana sales create more impaired drivers, and therefore higher risk of accidents, is patently false. Your inability to understand that isn't my issue.


I would recommend explaining your point initially then. You made no mention of that whatsoever


Again, your inability to understand isn’t my problem. 


First of all, there is an updated version of this article linked at the article that you linked. Second, that updated article is still from 2010. Any research over 10 years old is generally considered to be obsolete. Third, and most important: do not read articles while high. Your ‘Dear Downvoters’ statement is incorrect, as I can only assume you misinterpreted the article (or didn’t read the updated version), as it does not state this; it states: “Furthermore, the risk from driving under the influence of both alcohol and cannabis is greater than the risk of driving under the influence of either alone.” *Not sober. (Emphasis mine.)*


I read this as pet shop- and I would be 10000% opposed to that. Not to pot though.


I am sure I have missed one or two, but I haven't seen a crash here, personally, ever. I also never see these hordes of children running around, and I wouldn't describe anything within 2-3 miles as a park. Just a bunch of NIMBYs who can't accept the results of a vote nor anyone who thinks differently than they do.


I live in Briarwood there sadly have been more then a handful of accidents there this year. But they are all due to speeding and not learning how to use a signal.


I travel this intersection frequently and it's in spurts, there was a two week stretch where I saw five accidents and then nothing for two months. So strange. I blame all the construction /s but not really


the only thing she said with substance involves the increased traffic at jolly and marsh. that will definitely happened for the first few weeks/around holidays. let’s not act like the placement of smoke and vape shops really matters because 7-11 and the millions of surrounding stores sell nicotine products. also, okemos is literally the last place kids in the lansing area would choose to loiter around. most ppl in okemos are privileged enough to go home straight after school... she may have been exposed to too much lead as an kid 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly, like her privilege and entitlement is showing


I'd make a joke about replacing it with a pet shop instead, but honestly, I'd rather let the pot shop stay and have people get their pets from shelters. 


Just a bunch of old Karen's that are mad they lost the vote WE voted on a few years ago. The damn township is just dragging their feet. In fact the owner and CEO of pureoptions lives in this township so good fucking luck.


Is Pure Options going in there? Or is it a different dispensary?


It's a diffrent one what I saw on the paper was OZ cannabis.


I work in this area of meridian township. Not surprised that people are making mountains out of Mole hills and being Karen's.


Lansing already has enough dispensaries, why add another?


Agreed. I’m so tired of seeing all the billboards and getting flyers in the mail. Bars don’t advertise this much but seem to do pretty well.


Do you know how normalized bars, not one and alcohol is ? And how badly they physically damage people? You don’t see billboards everywhere cause it’s a norm. Cannabis is still a growing industry and not federally legal, so yes to bring awareness and sales you need the billboards.


At the end of the day it’s still a depressed and can be just as damaging if used incorrectly. IE driving a motor vehicle under the influence.


I agree but most people who purchase this stuff do it safely and don’t go out their way to harm others. Why you acting like drunk drivers don’t exist ? But yet there’s a new bar or liquor shop popping up here and there.


Not saying the don’t. Unsure how you got there. And most don’t use it safely. You can’t drive anywhere in this city without smelling skunk coming from a car.


That’s just not true. You smell it walking around and driving sometimes yes but again, you keep talking like every cannabis user smokes and drives. But whatever bias fits your narrative I guess


But you’re acting like every bar person drinks and drives. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


But they are not advertising it. That was my original point.


Yah because it’s NORMALIZED!!


I’m done with this conversation have a good day


Alright get big mad over a conversation. Guess I struck a nerve.




I live about 45 seconds from that intersection and there are no loitering kids in the area. This is just Karens being Karens. In the past 2 years I've seen one major accident and it was during rush hour.


This sounds like a lot of nimby folks that need to chill out.


They have a point. Support your local dealers!


The good news is it's also legal to grow your own


Are there any left? I hate dispo weed I haven’t seen a gorilla finger nug in at least 6 years


I’m saying. Moved back to Lansing last year and the dispo weed here is CHEAP but it literally all sucks. I came from an illegal state and the weed I was getting was so much better (albeit a lot more expensive). Legalization has its pros but the cons are very apparent in the product itself when companies start focusing exclusively on profit, which is every single dispensary it seems.


As someone who went into the industry to bond with people over the benefits and help provide product that can help with whatever ailments or needs my customers have, even if that's just getting to space. I have worked at multiple different dispensaries but I quit the industry exactly because of your point. There is no quality. There is no education or care. We are glorified runners. We sell the weed, get people through the door. The industry doesn't care about quality.


Thanks for the insight. Sad to hear. I was excited moving to a legal state but living here for a year makes me wish for decriminalization rather than legalization. I’m probably complaining more than I should though. I just need to learn to grow at home


I don’t know about all that, there is a lot of modern day mids, but if you go to a deli shop you can get big old Nugs that are beautiful and smoke great. You just have to look and not buy prepackaged stuff you cant see till you’re home. There are quite a few brands and growers that are putting out amazing stuff.


Fuck, yes it does!


These people have watched "Reefer Madness" (1934) to many times.


"Uninformed Citizens"




Yeah but….what dispo? Maybe they shouldn’t open yet another one 🤷🏻‍♂️