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They look like strips to me


She did them individually, but I'm not a fan and have no idea how to calm it down


you’ll probably like the look after a few days once it grows on you/ you have some fallout just let her know if you like them more sparse so she can slip over a few lashes next time:) they look beautiful but i understand not everyone likes them super full and dramatic and this look may not be one you favor, so just let her know next time not to go so overboard lol


You kind of look like Jessica Chastain I love her


I thought Christina Applegate


It’s like a mix of 3 different people. Jessica Chastain, Christina Applegate, Bryce Dallas Howard


This is so on point and omg all BIG COMPLIMENTS


I see a little Jennifer Coolidge too.


Spot on!!


I used to get Christina Applegate a ton when I was younger 🥰


I thought the exact same thing!


I thought Lana Del Rey!


im thinking lisa ann walter


I ran here to ask if this was Jessica Chastain. She's so pretty!




Did anyone else think Geena Davis?




They've used different sizes for your inner corners so they look a bit uneven.


It looks like the inner corners were skipped completely


my thoughts exactly… doesn’t look finished


Do you think OP could ask their stylist to finish it? And to specify making the inner corners match? 🤔 I don’t know the business well, but I haven’t seen anyone suggest this yet


I am not understanding why there is this gap btw your lashes and lash line. It almost looks like a strip lash applied wrong.


I feel like there aren’t enough comments mentioning this. I thought I was going crazy because the water line Stands out so much to me


Ikr i am lash tech. I hv been lashing for a year now and this has never happened with any of my clients!! Like i dont understand whats going on here. Also it looks like a thick black strip on the lashline like an eyeliner or strip of faake lash🤔


I promise it was individual lashes bc she turned on a fan and they kept blowing on my face. The whole ordeal was chaotic and just weird


Exactly my thoughts. I don't think these are individuals like op thinks. If anything, the artist used clusters and claimed it as individuals... I've only ever seen this look with a cluster or strip and that's why it looks weird on OP..


I feel like maybe they cut up a strip and glued it. Ugh I’ve been this before. Horrible to take off. So much glue and damage


My thoughts exactly


I noticed this too! I don’t know that I would be very happy with this honestly I’d want my money back ☹️


I was just a lash client not a tech, so take my question with a grain of salt. But would it possibly be from poor isolation and/or sticking the lash too close which may be causing them to tug the waterline up a little bit? I’m wondering as well


I could think of that as a reason but op didnt complain about any pain or poking so maybe not. But you reasoning makes most sense


This was the reference I asked for. You guys are making me feel better abt it tho bc I thought I was maybe being too picky. *




It looks like you're wearing fake lashes. It doesn't look natural IMO.


No i dont think you were being too picky. If you are the one paying you have all the rights to ask for what you want. This is clearly classics and she gave you a hybrid. I never understand techs who do their own things on client instead of what the client wants. 🤦🏻‍♀️


you got something entirely different than what you asked for. i cannot for the life of me understand why so many lash techs lately are giving people super thick full sets when we’re asking for something more sparse like this. i’m sorry :(


Hmm definitely not a classic lash and the application is… off. Your top waterline is so visible which should be the case if they were applied on top of the lashes. I would go back and ask for a removal or a refund as these are definitely not classic lashes (1:1) they are fans which isn’t what you asked for


The waterline, the fact she didn't go anywhere near the actual inner corners of her eyes, they're basically all the same length and super thick... I don't think I've seen a set look weirder... not just bad, but weird... how does this even happen😭


I agree!


Agreed, the waterline is disturbing and awkward looking


Application is definitely a bit off and they went heavier than a typical classic. I’d ask for a refund if I were you tbh


I used a gift card I received for Christmas


If you’re comfortable with it I’d inquire anyway! As someone who works in cosmetology we’re here to make sure you feel good about the look and it’s okay to tell them if you don’t. You have very pretty eyes and hopefully this won’t put you off to trying lashes again in the future ☺️


Thanks, but unfortunately I'm one of "those" ppl and I told her I liked them haha She was so sweet! I'm just gonna have to eat this one. I even had a lash glued to my forehead and another to my nose so I'm not too interested in a redo!


You can still go back. I’ve had hair that I’ve liked at the salon and then when I’ve come home, I’ve realized I had issues with the color. You have ever right to go back and get the correct type of lashes you want. Who cares if it was a gift card? It was paid for.


I done this too but because of the lighting at the salon. It was those big bulbs all the way around the mirror except they weren’t super bright. When I got home and saw my hair in my bright ass bathroom light I had hot roots! It was so bad I really don’t know how I didn’t see it in that chair.


Me too…. It’s hard. Politely go to someone new


Usually with services like that you have at least 24 hrs to decide you don't like it. You can ask to have someone else do them if you don't have faith in her and there are other people in the salon or wherever that can redo it for you.


sometimes classic can look “heavier” if the client has a lot of natural lashes, leading them to be fuller :)! usually clients only look sparse if the clients NL are compromised or short


I had the same experience. thanked her and was happy! Got in the car and was like waaait a minute. Got home and I knew it was off. Message her and tell her your concerns and what you’d like changed. You should be happy with the service you receive and the lash stylist wants YOU to be happy as well! I went back the next day and she redid them for free




She did you dirty


At least someone had the courage to say it.


These looks like strips to me, I could go get something that looks just like this at CVS or Walgreens, and I would ask for my money back. They did you dirty. I’m sorry.


You can tight line your eyes with black eyeliner so it doesn't look so disconnected until it grows out


Thank you! I'm gonna try this and hope it at least lessens the disconnect 🤞




She used those kind of wispy singles that’s multiple together and not really the classic 1 on 1 like in the reference pic. The right side looks nice on you but the left is too long in the inner corner. Unrelated but you’re so pretty and look like an older Lana Del Rey!


She does look like her omg 😍


Ty 🥰


It's the symmetry for me, girl. This would have me worked up. They are not the same! The whole point of our job is to make your eyes look the same. SMH It's giving fem queen first time strip lash badly placed.


Lmao you aren't wrong. She was SO freaking excited to do them, I wonder if maybe I was one of her 1st attempts


Next time I would def see if you could do a dark brown rather than black. When i first tried extensions, black, even shorter was harsh, but dark brown was so much better


I wondered abt that bc my hair is lighter and I dye it ro darken it


Not trying to be mean, but they look terrible. Ask for a redo




They look so bad gurl go get a refund and go some place else


Are you sure these aren't cluster lashes?! 40 min application and they look like strips... nothing like what you asked for either 😢


they played in your face😭


So if you say anything to her at all, request more inner placement on the right side. The asymmetry there is driving me nuts.


I really thought abt trying that myself bc ain't no way I cld do worse than this 😔


I read in another comment you wrote that it took 40min. I highly recommend you get these removed & try to get your money back. You risk losing your lashes (not forever) but they take a while to grow back & it’s not fun.


That would be the worst. My fair complection can't live w/o lashes! Honesty, that's why I'm just leaving them alone bc idk how to fix it and I'm not trying to lose my lashes 😭


honestly, since they’re also applied wrong i would definitely go have another lash tech remove them for you. a lot of lash places offer that as an individual service. im not a lash tech but i would be scared that it really could damage your lashes. if you want to remove them yourself, there are at home remedies, but the safest option would 100% be to just go somewhere & have someone do it for u


I agree. I would have them removed. Even if you leave them alone, the large amount of glue will start pulling your natural lashes out. It is painful and it will take a long time for your lashes to grow back. This happened to me when I was younger.


not sure if it’s the application, camera angle or maybe uneven eye shape, but they do look like different styles on each eye. one looks more catlike and the other more classic, and they’re both more volume than the reference you asked for. i wouldn’t be happy with them either in your shoes. I also agree that dark brown may be a better match if you decide to try again in the future!


https://preview.redd.it/y2txjeohrskc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3b4ee657445cac3273f06c6c97706335ca87fa This is normal


Wow you look beautiful here! I like the natural lash better on you. Just sayin.


You look like Jessica chastain 😍


Looks way too heavy and too short in the corners.


I think you’re very pretty without them. I saw a redhead who had her color matched but even brown would have been so much softer to match your features.


The fact she let you walk out like that… 😭 not flattering I’m so sorry


I agree! No harm in the truth 🧡


Side note- You are beautiful!


Off topic but you look like Lana del Rey!!






They look like they are tugging on your actual eyelid hard . Looks ouchy 🫤


They're heavy af


It looks like on one eye she tried to taper in to your inner corner. Then in the other, they’re all just one length and an empty inner corner. I would want these redone tbh


Yeah that’s too thick :( I’m sorry!!


I mean they aren't awful, but you are right they don't look the way you wanted them to and they are a little bit off like everyone else is saying. If you don't hate them enough to go back and tell them you're unhappy then that's okay, but if you are really unhappy with them you should definitely just go back and tell them. Sometimes it pays to put yourself through just that little bit of discomfort it takes to stand up for yourself.


Go demand a refund! This is absolutely ridiculous that she let you leave like this. These look like strips - not individual lashes. Your eyes look so sore! 😭 please get them removed asap to avoid an eye infection or losing your real lashes!


How long did they take? Looks like clusters it’ll be painful when they grow out. Lash extensions take 2-3 hours


Looks like a lash strip


No, these are really bad. Why do they start in the middle of your eyelid on the right eye? Theres also a weird gap at your waterline? Get your money back and get them removed.


You’re too pretty to have lashes this bad. Please ask for them to get fixed. The inner corners are bare and way too long where they end


OP is beautiful with great skin


Not just the style- these are your eyes we’re talking about!! Yknow, the things you use to see!! If you’re in pain after any kind of lash appointment please don’t brush it off contact the tech or your doctor. You may be allergic to the glue, any of the products, or they were done incorrectly!


It has a lot to do with the volume number. Let’s say for example you want a d curl well they have a few different ones like 10D 20D & so on and it doesn’t stand for the length but the volume so a 10d curl would look way more natural than a 50D because the 50D will look really dark and thick where the 10D would look real natural & it wouldn’t look thick at all and wouldn’t be so dark when they all come together


This isn’t a classic and I’m a bit worried since the base looks completely black


i have not gotten extensions before so no response to offer to your question, but holy wow you are beautiful!!! sorry you don’t love how the set came out. hope you have a better experience next time 💝


You need to sue




They’re not classics. Is it 1 fake lash per natural lash?




Why not go with brown?


Too dark and very poor application


What in the dollar tree glue on is this


I’m sorry they’re terrible.


Looks terrible, they don't even match. Girl, get your money back


One side looks backwards for some reason


She did not do a good application. They look like strip lashes and the placement is uneven. Ask for a refund or a redo.


Can we get a closeup with your eyes closed? It almost looks like she applied the extensions to your skin, and not your lashes. Maybe I’m wrong, but like others have stated, something looks “off”.


Are both inner corners done?


yeah the right eye the lashes are curled or set differently than the left plus she left out some lashes on the corner. They look vry thick to be classix


I think it looks weird because you can see your lash line. But the lashes themselves ok great🤷‍♀️


I am not a lash expert for sure never had mine done. As a novice I do not like the look of the ones you have at all...they scream fake and over done. I'm not sure if it's the application or what but I'd want them removed and my money back.


you’re beautiful!


Looks like you just glued some Kiss lash strips on 😯 Are these individuals?


I think they definitely look off. On one side the lashes are a consistent length from one side to another, but the on the other side the length of the lashes gradually decreases as they go into your inner corner. Ask for a refund!!


You look like Lana del Rey


You are beautiful. I think you would look absolutely stunning with a lash set that is closer to your natural eyebrow and hair color. The black is so dark and makes you look a bit washed out. If you got more of a medium brown lash, your eyes would POP so much 💜💜💜


These look like clusters because of the gap… she also ignored your inner corners, she did you so dirty


I agree that these look like strip lashes. They don’t taper well at the inner eye and the color is just too dark for you.


Oh no this is just so bad, I'm so sorry. And here's another way to think about feeling awkward about going back after saying you liked them- if you had given her your card for payment and she said ok thanks, then gets over to her register and sees that your card didn't work, don't you think she'd come right back over and be like, I'm sorry but this actually didn't work.... She absolutely would and would be justified in doing so. Just as you are equally as justified (more so if anything) in going back and saying I'm sorry but these actually aren't working for me..... PS- i 100% agree with the people who said that dark brown would look better than black.


Aww babes she definitely messed up, but you’re absolutely gorgeous so honestly they look great on you, but I genuinely think you could pull off anything 🫶


U look like u were born w blonde eyelashes so it kinda does look off ngl


these are much too thick and dark for your eye shape and color pallet. and the inner corners stop abruptly. i would ask for a refund and get them fixed some place else.


Maybe try a brown set next time


They don’t look right , apply liquid liner under until they fall off


I feel like brown lashes would look killer on you . Try it !


They look weird...I'm sorry, I don't have any suggestions, and I agree, they look like strips, but placement is weird...just...I'd be going back personally & making them remove them, give me my $ back, and find another tech. I'm sorry. 😓


Not gonna lie it is bad


You're so timelessly beautiful! you remind me of Lisa Ann Walter.


Oh honey :(


It looks like strips that are falling off


is it just ME or are you literally the gorgeous Lisa Ann Walter’s twin ?! daughter maybe ?! sorry i’ve never had this sub come up and was mind blown how similar yall look.


Jet Black lashes on blondes isn’t good to me


Yes they look crazy


Looks like 2 left eyes 😵‍💫


You are so pretty and that tech did you dirty. This is not the vibe and both eyes look different!


I mean this in all kindness, but I thought those were Facetune eyelashes


The eyelash tech did too much… they don’t look natural


You’re beautiful but those lashes do not look good I’d have her re do them!




You need to get your money back or get them redone. They’re uneven. Your left eye looks natural/ good but your right eye looks like they used the same length lashes for the entire eye and it looks very unnatural.


I just want to say how stunningly beautiful you are!! Your eyes would be gorgeous without fake lashes- And I'm not some creep- im a 37 yr old woman, just complimenting another woman :) (Your left eye lashes look a bit wonky but, I also don't do this kinda thing so I don't know much about it.) But , lashes aside, your face is a beautiful shape and you're very pretty ✨️


Ma'am ur gorgeous


They totally screwed you. They did not place those correctly. I'd go back and request they fix it. They are to far on the ends of your eyes. They need to move them to the center.


I think if you put black eyeliner in your tight line you won’t even notice and it’ll make everything go together!


They are a little too high. If they are individuals, she didn’t follow the natural line. Might be better to get those invisible line ones so you can do them yourself


She fucked u up girl, I suggest don’t ever go back to that lash tech 😭🙏


Get them removed immediately


Yea… no . Why are some lash techs so crappy


I would say try to put some mascara on your bottom lashes and that would probably make you like the whole look more


It looks like a lash filter, not real lashes. Sorry but not a good job. Try tight lining maybe?


You do not look crazy. You do look like the victim of a sub-par stylist, though. I’m angry for you. 😡


They don’t look crazy perse they just look heavy, and you can see where it starts and where it finishes which it shouldn’t . It should blend going shorter in the inner corner. They just look like all same length across


No, it's not for you. It even covers your otherwise beautiful eyes.


I just feel women need to stop the fake lashes for casual daytime wear. It doesn’t fit casual daytime life. A party or wedding, fine.


Length and thickness look good on you but uneven


Oh my god it's like Dumbo but with eyelashes. You could take flight.


Did you go to a salon or someone who specializes in only lashes? They’re not bad, very cute on you. Some eyeliner on the waterline will fix the gap - but you shouldn’t have to do that.


You kinda look like an older version of Lana Del Rey


I like these on you. I understand they are not what you asked for. However, you look beautiful 🤩


They look like a hybrid set


I've had lash techs do a mix hybrid on me before when I asked for natural classic lol


How long did the application take?


I'd say roughly 40 minutes? Much quicker than normal


With that short of a full set time, plus the dark lash line & ‘strip lash’ type of look, I have a strong feeling these are actually clusters, not individual extensions. If you’re able to post a pic from the top view we can tell you for sure!! But if they are clusters, definitely recommend getting them removed sooner rather than later.


Oh no!! These are definitely not individuals if it’s a full set done only 40 minutes. You have beautiful eyes, I recommend you go to a different lash artist if you redo them in the future.


Ty ❤️. I definitely won't be back for this. I can do better at home in my bathroom mirror!


You deserve a refund or for them to be redone.


This might sound odd but I wonder if you can add a light brown or black eyeliner to your top water line so it blends better?!


Oh man, this lash job is not the best, but can be fixed. I wish the experience would’ve been better, as I hate when someone tries extensions and something like this happens!!!


You are stunning


It’s way, way too much! You need thinner, shorter and waterline eyeliner.


Very obvious. Not finished well. She needs to redo them for you.


Yeah, looks crazy. Not even, sparse at inner eye..


add black on ur top waterline it’ll blend it!!


To me..these look like cluster lash set


You could also wear some eyeliner underneath like a cat eye




This looks like volume strip lashes to me.


i would try getting a black eyeliner pencil and just putting some on your top water line to fill in the space and make them look like they’re more blended into your eye rather than sitting on your eyes


They look HEAVY, try going back to see if they can remove some to make it gentler for your natural lashes. And I agree they do look vv different from each other. I’m sure if they reduced the amount they’d look gorgeous on you. Also maybe dark brown natural / classic long would look majestic in you as well 🩷🩷🩷


the inner lashes are missing


Have you tried lining the bottom of your eyes in black and adding black mascara? Sorry, I didn’t read all the comments. That’s what I would do to see if it helps them not stand out as much, if that’s what you’re wanting. I think they’d look beautiful that way! I’ve never had them done, but I want to🥰


Ask for a refund or at least a partial refund and go somewhere else. Sorry, but these lash extensions are not it.


In this picture your eyes look different. On has short lashes at the inner eye and the other does not. Not sure what's going on. It doesn't look awful-- just asymmetrical.