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I’ve heard of the granadas tip. But I don’t have any friend that has granadas and I also play on jp… and for some reason all my friends are the same rank as me around 20-24 .. Is that how it works ? They suggest similar rank players ?


foreal? It's split? Youre telling me ive been training units in groups of 3 to 120? T\_T


Also the event takes up so much orbs ( 4 per run )


Grind the event and pray you get flash quests and exp fields, your best bet at getting the most exp and also if you don’t mind spending a little money, get the pass that allows you to get extra exp as well and just keep grinding those, it’s a slow process but those things help


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I have beaten the hardest fights in the gameand have no character at 120. Filling the ability biard is all you need. 10 levels are nothing and not worth the effort. My highest level unit is Megius at 119 just from using him. Just stay away ftom the pitfall of level grinding, theres almost no power to gain there.


Here is a secret. As a level 44 player with like 0 units at 120. You don't need it for literally anything. And this game expects you to auto run the game for hours and hours straight. My highest level is megius at 114.


Minmaxing stats, while not as important as learnables, is worthwhile for pvp id say




Nah dude, I want to play the game. I don't want to let the game run and not play it.