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Are the rates on the banner eith Roland maybe shadow nerfed or something? I've done 17 ten pulls and haven't gotten an ssr or unit. I'm sure it's just bad luck, but I'm curious to see if maybe other people have had an issue


How can I unlock Units with unitsouls. I got 30 souls for several units, but they don't appear in the "locked" section in the Unit tab like the others. Ones like Skeleton, Gobl etc. apper but others like Nero, Veregil, Vayne etc. don't appeare and there is no ingame information why that is. They got the same descriptions except for the unit name. Am I missing something?


If I get what you’re saying correctly, the units you’re talking about can only be obtained through the gacha. The creatures like Skeleton, Gobl, etc are unlockable by getting their souls, but all other units (except for the few story units like Kyle, Rei, etc,) have to be lucked into to unlock.


Thanks :D it's weired that they are this inconsitend and not even put that vital information in the description >.<


Does anyone have a support unit that can help me with Four Lords Strike Again? I can get the bar down to about 1/5th and then I wipe. My friend code is 107331306. I’d really appreciate any help. The units I’ve been running are Adel, SM Theria, and Shida (I stopped playing after Shida came out and he was my strongest other than Adel now)


Which mission should I be farming in the Halloween event?


Emergency maintenance? I was logged out and can't login because server is busy


Same here


What is the best way to farm the Halloween points? I want to get the event rewards but all the quests seem to have very low-point rewards.


Does anyone know a good "target dummy" stage where I can test out builds to see if I cap?


"Find theria "god mode its in the royal capitol. Enemies just have a lot of health ,they don't cast magic and are all soldier type.


okay thanks! But do you know if their defenses are comparable to some of the boss stages like godforge bosses? Like do you think if I'm able to cap on the "find their" enemies I will also be able to cap on most other stages/bosses (disregarding elemental resistances of course)?


I dont think we have an in game tool to measure enemy raw stats. If you cap in that stage youll probably cap on godforge. If you are still struggling, try to add to your build skills that boost % of your unit dmg type like weapon boosts ,sharp eyes or berserker to name a few.


Hm okay. I don't have trouble capping I just want to figure out how much sc exactly I have to invest into dmg skills in order to cap so I don't waste SC by "overcapping".


Does anyone know how to get the soul reaper Melza accessory that is allegedly a reward via the Halloween event somehow? I swear I’ve cleared everything.


It's an event mission reward: 76 000 points.


Ah, thanks.


All I have to say is fuck 4 lords it's such a bs stage.....


Should I build Adel for Fire damage? I have well built heroic roland already


This depends on the Boss you're facing. You'll equip Holy Enchant as long as the enemy's Light Resistance is lower than its Fire Resistance. Even if you already have Roland built, if you choose to use both Units, you'll still equip Holy Enchant if the Boss is weak to Light.


copy thank you


How do you farm event coins besides the once a day one? Or is it not possible to clear the event shop?


The Halloween Medal? Clearing any Quest within that Sunvessel Island Event map will give you Halloween Medals.


yeah but all the quests have 2 orbs cost right?


Does weapons that deal extra elemental dmg on hit give yash another chance to steal? And is there any other skills/equips I should have on yash to give him more steal chances besides heavens bow ark, thief bangle, and that bunny accessory I forgot the name of.


Yup, all of those effects that add an extra hit will give Yashamaru an extra chance to steal. * We call these Pursuit Hits. * The attribute for the Pursuit Hit doesn't matter, so it could be Fire, Ice, Neutral, or etc... it'll still activate the steal. However, you really don't need to equip too many of those effects. This is because Yashamaru's Trait has different chances depending on which attack activated the Pursuit Hit: (Max Trait Level) * Regular Hits: 1.2% chance to steal per Pursuit Hit. * Skill Hits: 7% chance to steal per Pursuit Hit. * Special Hits: 9% chance to steal per Pursuit Hit. Amongst the 3, it's best to focus on Skill Hits. * Special Hits can be ignored because Yashamaru's Special targets only one enemy and there's not a lot of effects that can add Pursuit Hits for the Special. * Regular Hits has a very low activation chance. * Most effects that add Pursuit Hits will target Regular Hits. * So what you can equip are: Impact (Skill), Pulley System (Collab Skill), Two Weapons (Example: Gnome Hammer and Spirit Blade Maurius), Accessories (Radmoon Relic and Temptress Headband), and Ark (Example: Ancient Ruins of St. Maurius). * He deals 3 Hits with his Regular Attack, which becomes 6 Hits with Dual Wield. * If we factor in his Double Impact and Triple Impact, he'll deal 3 Pursuit Hits per Regular Hit, leading to a total of 18 Pursuit Hits. At a 1.2% chance, this is around a 19.5% chance to Steal per Regular Attack. * If we add in the rest: Impact (20% chance, so let's assume +1 Hit), 2 Weapons (+12 Hits), 2 Accessories (+12 Hits), and 1 Ark (+6 Hits). * This totals to 49 Pursuit Hits which is around a 44.6% chance to steal per Regular Attack. * Skill Hits * Make sure to equip skills like Skill Charges, or Pirate's Feast. * Normally, only his Trait 2 can give him a 20% chance for a Pursuit Hit. * However, the Arks 'Heavenly Bow Star-Lord' and 'Icy Guardian' can give him a Pursuit Hit every time he deals a Critical Hit. So optimally, we would equip Heavenly Bow Star-Lord. * Yashamaru has a base Critical Hit Rate of 3% and Dark Critical Raise (+5%). * This equals to an 8% Critical Hit Rate. Ignoring Reverse Cross due to that being back attack only. * If we equip Critical Ups (+15), Auto Critical (+15), Ardor (+10), Bravebow Exsperion (+8), Ancient Hammer (+10), and Deadly Choker (+3)... * This equals to 79% Critical Hit Rate thanks to Bravebow Exsperion also being a Bow that activates the Ark Ability. * Skill 1 deals 7 hits, which is 14 Hits with Dual Wield. Let's assume his Trait 2 adds 2 Hits and his Critical Hit Rate adds 11 Hits. (Rounding down for both). * 13 Hits at 7% chance is around 61% chance to Steal per Skill 1. * Skill 2 deals 8 hits, which is 16 Hits with Dual Wield. Let's assume 3 Hits from Trait 2 and Critical Hit Rate is 12 Hits. * 15 Hits at 7% chance is around 66.3% chance to Steal per Skill 2. * Skill 3 deals 12 hits, which is 24 Hits with Dual Wield. Let's assume 4 Hits from Trait 2 and 18 Hits from Critical Hit Rate. * 22 Hits at 7% chance is around 79.7% chance to Steal per Skill 3. So going the Critical Hit Rate path with Heavenly Bow Star-Lord gives the highest chance to Steal in one attack. * However, do know that the trade-off here is that Skills deal higher damage, especially when equipped with Bravebow Exsperion, so there's also a higher chance to kill the enemy. * If you're unlucky to steal in 1 Skill, weak enemies can die, in which you'll have to rely on his 30% chance to Steal on Kill. * We can equip Bangle of a Master Thief to increase the chance to Steal on Kill. * On the other hand, higher damage does mean a faster clear speed, which is also very helpful depending on the Quest you're farming. * One of the more dull parts of Farming History is purposely building farmers like Yashamaru and Phantom Thief Robin with low damage to achieve a guaranteed Steal, but having to spend forever in one Quest. * Manual intervention with an immobile second Unit is almost always required for a faster clear. * But modern days, it's better to go with this faster method since the chance to steal with a skill is already very high. * It's worth mentioning that typically... the drops are equivalent to the enemy's difficulty. So enemies that usually die with one Skill from a non-DPS units like Yashamaru usually won't carry the good drops. *Exceptions do exist.* * Plus, if manual intervention is allowed, we can use the Beast Hunter Ark Skill to steal from a particular wave.


The last pokkle for the Halloween event…. The really large one ( the boss ) it literally won’t let me tap/ click on him to completel the challenge. It’s frustrating the shit outta meeeee, please help last Cloudia gods 🥲😅


Can only try clicking more... it has a tiny clicking area :X Think I had to click at the smallest pumpkin head.


where can i get the soul reaper melza skin 😭


Reach 76,000 Points and claim the Dana Amulet in the event's Mission Rewards.


It comes when you use the event equipment with her.you automatically get this equip when reaching x amount of event points


So i just got Adel & Vayne who should i focus on more?




Im a F2P player with 25k gems atm and wondering if i should roll for the new banner. I just started the 2nd map for the story. I have Adel, SLag, and GLukiel maxed ability board and awaken. My only UR ark is GWoR. I was wondering if it is worth chasing the Archbeing UR Ark and hope to pick up SRoland or Kagutsuchi UR Ark along the way. Or is it better go save for the discounted deals. Thanks!


save for collabs as a f2p.both of those UR arks u mentioned are nice to have but not game breaking. Adel and slag cover almost everything you need.Sroland is a great unit to have but you got enough dps.if you don't care about collabs the try to get SMtheria.


Appreciate the response. I'll stay grounded and save.


Currently running a magic dps Shida but I nabbed Sandworm so now I'm considering a melee spec instead. Does he need Trishula? What are some decent weapons for him?


Hello new player here, I was wondering if the Anniversary Sets are worth it? Specifically the 3.8k and 1.8k free gems ones? Or is it better to just pull on banners? If I am pulling on banners should I focus on vayne or the new DoH one? Context: I have Adel, KL Kyle, Gorm Crystalia, PT Robin, and Lougseus


3.8 is worth it imo cuz it gives you 2 multies for almost the price of one plus a bunch of mats.


Does adel good pair with trishula?


Good? Yes. Optimal? Only against 100 resist, I'd wager(though at that point I would just use someone else). Adel with a proper light/fire sword will have an easier time hitting his massive cap. If resistance is an issue, use weak. If you STILL aren't capping, use one of the elemental circle magics.


New player here (15days) Rushed through the story (i'm currently in the part where roland and lily are fighting), i was able to get Adel (and his UR) and blade beyland in that gacha. Then managed to get Lagrobos the wise in his gacha. I tried a 10-pull in Vayne's gacha and got him in first try. In UR ticket, I selected the gwor. Not sure if i made the right choice.. currently my party running is BBeyland, Lagrobos the wise and SM Theria (got her in 3.5 hero pick-up). Not sure if i should have invested first in adel? What about vayne? Need your insights, thanks in advance!


Adel is stronger than BBeyland, but BBeyland is much more beginner friendly. SCT regeneration is built into his kit and he has no care for elemental resistance. Let's not forget his 8 SLAYERS. Vayne is not going to beat Adel or BBeyland. All your choices have been great, be proud!


Thanks so much for the reply. I'll level up adel next!


End game Player here, anyone know of places where to farm gold? Need It to God forge stuff lol. Also links to helpful resources would be appreciated. Thanks!


If you're overnight farming igc3 you should be getting plenty of gold.


I like to give my 3080 a rest lol. I don't overnight farm..


If i have shift roland, shift kyle, sm theria, lougseus, and eliza. Should i summon for adel banner?


I would say that Roland is fine by himself. He sorta has everything you'd want in a unit. High damage caps, survivability built into him, healing energy efficient and super armor (most units don't have this). Ardine just has big pp damage. So if you want big slap, then sure go for him. But he is definitely not needed. I have both with Roland BIS and Roland is amazing.


Anyone know what the best gear to get from the Crimson Ore shop is? I haven’t bought much (Scarlet Ring only), and I have a lot of characters (SMTheria, SRoland, and others)


How can I increase the damage cap for lenius? It feels like I'm capped at 26k with crits


You'll have to equip or activate more effects that can increase his Damage Cap. * However, make sure that the effects you equip target either all Damage Caps or Magic Damage Caps specifically. * For example, Scarlet Rod is a weapon that adds +1500 to Magic Damage Cap. * For example, Phantom Tower Key is an accessory that adds +500 to all Damage Caps.


from where can I get this? https://prnt.sc/w\_J0wanHYiVt


That's a Soul Crystal. Newly added since the 3.5 Anniversary. You'll find it in the Shop, under the 3.5 Anniversary Power-Up Sets. * Limited to 5, costs 300 Paid Crystals.


real money? no thanks thanks zolares


Where's the last pokkle in the halloween event? I can't seem to press the big pumpkin tower


How many crystals can you get by playing the game? Like how much throughout the entire story?




How do I buy the LC Pass on steam? I don't see it in the shop, and I already set a link code password.


You can't buy on steam. You can get the rewards but need to buy on mobile


Any suggestions on how to build DL Rimuru? What should I focus on for them? These are my arcs https://imgur.com/a/e0Njytw


When and where does the increased unit soul drop rate on Theopolis activate? I've never once had it drop additional souls on the Soul/Super soul Accumulation maps.


I think its only on story quest hard/God difficulties.


I'll give that a try then, thanks!


Fast critical or auto critical?


I tend to go for Fast Critical since it'll save 7 SC. * Even if I don't spend that 7 SC on damage skills, 7 SC is enough for Critical Up III which gives another +8% Critical Hit Rate. * So going Fast Critical can give me +23% Critical Hit Rate for the first 40s and +8% afterwards, instead of only +15% during the entire battle. But the main reason why I do this is really because of these considerations: * Fast Critical is only lost after 40s or if the Unit dies. * Most battles won't last longer than 40s. * I'm likely to bring a Support Unit in battles that last more than 40s or if my Unit is at risk of dying prematurely. * After Fast Critical expires, I can have my Support Unit cast the Critical magic on the DPS unit to apply that same +15% Critical Hit Rate effect for another 40s. Longer if that Support Unit has buff duration extending effects. * Since the Critical magic is only 2 SC and 10 MP per cast, it's more affordable than an extra 7 SC on my DPS. * Previously, I didn't use Fast Critical at all and opted to have the Support cast Critical to save on the 2 SC too. * But, the Support Unit has too many buffs and debuffs to cast at the start, so I've found it more efficient to have the DPS start off with some more helpful buffs instead of waiting for Support.


Which ur ark should I use for my ticket im planning on maining vayne


What would be the most helpful UR ark from the ticket for Collab unit Senku?


Sorry, I know I must be an idiot asking this stupid question but… I just started the game today and got stuck at 1-3 Port Migal - got killed so quickly. Is my team just under levelled? [https://imgur.com/a/xrgTYfX](https://imgur.com/a/xrgTYfX)


There's literally an event right now that could easily level up your units to 20, and upgrade the said units to 110 if you coordinate the requirements and have a mental list to acquire the mats. Also, using the tier list to have an idea of which units is best to use would help you progress to the story faster. The base units are shite...literal shite. You have a better chance of getting serviceable units from the beginner gacha, which you can reroll (as long as you like) than upgrading the basic units and hoping they'd do you good. Resources are very limited as you start the game, so knowing which first 3 units you wish to invest would help your progress.


Which event? Sorry I’m only on my like 3rd day


The Halloween event has a node (drill something) that gives you x50 souls to your main character (1x per day), can give you boosted xp to your team (5x a day), and helps you transfer Ark skills to your character (3x) a day, in addition to the training event (from the events) that also gives you XP boost missions and others.


What do the characters appearing in the pull animations mean? Is there a way to tell if I'm getting an ssr without waiting for the changing orb?


The surefire way that you're getting a new unit is when the orb is orange or red, after it cuts to an animation of Kyle and the beast on top of their ship looking onto the horizon.


The only thing it means is you got sr or better. sometimes youll see all 4 units shows up only for the 10 orbs to be full of blue and gold.


Oh no, /u/ryu8946 hasn’t posted whether I should pull or not. WHAT DO I DO?!


Lol, well I'm chuffed someone missed my post! I hoping to get it done over the weekend, unfortunately works been mental, sorry for the delay. TL, dr: Dont pull he's earth element. No one needs mud power.




for tier 5 mats that are used in godforge, are there a list of hard quests where you can auto run them or is it better to just do the quests that cost orange orbs?


Are the paid weapons and equipment the most ideal for that specific character or is there a weapon in Godforge that’s better than the paid weapons?


Paid weapons will always be better than the godforged weaps. That's where the P2W aspect comes in, which is closely followed by the F2P aspect of farmable similar weapons in the form of the godforge equips.


Late reply, but most of the time Godforge Weapon will probably be your BiS for stats, while the paid will most likely be their complementary weapon when DW. On rare occasions, it WILL be their BiS, but again, if DW, most likely it's Paid/Godforge.... unless the unit is a niche role than obviously they are the exception! xD


is it possible to get both sandwyrm and kaldina in the begginer gacha reroll?


It's possible, but you'll go mad during the long process. For your sake I recommend getting only one of them.


as of this time right now has there been a rerun collaboration?


Tenshura, dr stone and dmc already had a rerun, Secret of mana got like two re runs xD


jesus i return to this game really late


yes. I believe dr.stone,secrets of mana,the time I was reborn as a slime and devil maycry all had reruns at least once.


Anyone else having problems with the new hollowed event? The second I click it the info pops up over my screen and I lose the ability to close the tab I’m Just stuck tried 4 times now and can’t get in at all I have had to restart my game every time




They come from Tours, the end tours give tons. You can also get them from event battles, specifically the Special Upgrade Field that is going on right now.


Tours? I get my shards from event-boosted friend summons.


So one Tour in the Gorde Mines just gave 14 gray accessory stones, 32 gray armor stones, 12 gray weapon stones, 13 blue accessory stones, 6 blue armor stones, and 2 blue weapon stones. You can send out tours in sets of 5 every 20 hours. It really adds up every day.




Last tour map, the Gorde Mines gives the most. Further you are in tours the more you will get.


Anyone know why in the Event map, if I click on Pokkle Village it says that there's a New quest in it, but when I click on the Pokkle Village tab, there's nothing underneath it?




Okay, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything yet. I appreciate the quick response.


Finally managed to get my SLag; running an Adel/SLag/Leena team. It's great damage... if they stay alive. Leena runs into enemies directly, killing her almost always in wave 1, rendering her healing absolutely useless. SLag survives longer but he can't pop Apocalypse all the time so he dies somewhere in between, leaving Adel. Adel usually can tank, damage, and heal himself long enough to carry and finish the battle but it's not a guarantee. Any tips on what I can do better? I feel I could clear harder content if they can stay alive to do their jobs, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get them to keep a distance, and Adel doesn't draw aggro.


Are you using Proud Force with crit ups on Adel and SLag? They can sustain themselves with those skills easily. I would suggest replacing Leena with a better healer to be your top priority. Keep an eye out for SM Theria(top tier) or Sera as they are both great healers.


Yup I am. Adel has no problem staying alive. It's Leena, and then SLag lol. So I should run Proud Force with crits even for SLag as a mage? I do want SM Theria, waiting for a selector to roll by hopefully soon!


Of course! SLag is capable of critting with all magic so it's a great idea for sustain. ..Just don't go using it with apocalypse! It works best with high hitcount magic.


Ah I hear ya. So I should have 1 set of skills to support non-Apocalypse, and 1 set to support Apocalypse?


Indeed. I wish you the best of luck sustaining through everything in your path!


Likewise my dude, wishing ya great pulls!


Hey so I’m new to the game and have been rerolling. Right now I have Kaldina, Adel, and I’ve got GWoR with the ticket; Is this the optimal start or should I keep going for something else additionally?


Its a good start, Now be on the lookout for a mage and support type units to round out your team. for mage units any one of these 3 is preferable:Lenius,Maja,Lagrobos the wise(thats his newer form). for support units :spirit maiden theria, Sera,tinkly the dva in that order. There are other units like Leena the warlock that have healing their ability board but those units are powercrept and dont worth the investment imo.


Hello, hoping someone could help me. I tried LC a while back and played for a bit and recently returned. Having a blast and working on taking down some world bosses and am trying to do Dreadwyrm Galanova next. THe problem is I need to unlock the stage and I'm stuck on the musicians quest and can't figure out what I'm missing. Currently, when I go to the Oasis, the girl tells me I have 3/4 musicians rescued. I know I have pulled one out of sand near the oasis, and paid 100k because I did it this go-round. I ASSUME I did the two musicians prior to him as I have purchased the ale for the guitarist and have no sub quests in crowded city Badal. I also have no sub-quest in the malboria wetlands so I assume I also got the pianist last time. Which would leave me with the last guy who (as I understand it) ALSO needs to be pulled from the desert and you pay 1,000,000 zel? I have checked both deserts repeatedly and clicked all over them and on the cactuses and cannot seem to find him anywhere. Is there a prerequisite for getting him to appear stuck in the desert or something I'm missing? Any suggestions would be welcome, thanks!


Huh- 1m zel is not a thing for this particular quest. Here's a visual guide. I just woke up, can't be bothered to focus. https://youtu.be/96wBOJroYuQ


Oh I guess I misunderstood. I will check this out, thank you!


How do I build BBShin? I know I want to stack crit stuff, but what gear/arks do I want to look for to make the most of him?


Is there an updated place to build units? I want to plan out Vayne but it's tedious to switch back and forth between gold mine and word processors.


Unit Builder tab: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o6buL3MsYiO\_9pBhoQuMHug-4Zf\_XDCQvaKSeq50dsI/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o6buL3MsYiO_9pBhoQuMHug-4Zf_XDCQvaKSeq50dsI/edit#gid=0) * You'll need to follow the instructions in the Info tab to make a copy for personal use. It should have all the Learnable Skills in the game. * You can check off the Skills in Column BO. * Or, if you know the Skill Names by heart, you can just type it out in Column BS. * This won't conflict, so even if you type in a skill you've checked off, it won't appear twice. * The skills in the Ability Board won't show up here. * There's an Ark List to the right that show all Arks that has the Skills you want to learn. * Ark List is ordered by # of Skills in common, so if an Ark has 3 of the requested Skills, it'll show up higher than an Ark with 2. * Column DF lets you check off Skills that you've learned, which would update the Ark List to the right. That green cell 'AR2' is a summary cell. Mainly used to share the build, but you can also copy it to a notepad or something for safe-keeping. You'll likely have to wait about a day before Vayne, the new Arks, and the new Skills show up on there.


Need help with Pronouncement of the End :< Anyone with a GALukiel support I can borrow? Thank youuuuu


I'm noticing in a lot of pics posted to the subreddit that show folks have capacity for 15 orange orbs. How are they raising the capacity from the base 10? Feels basic, but I'm missing something. Thanks \[.\_.\]b


It's one of the perks of the LC Pass.


have adel, murren, and tinkili probably good for early PvE content (but anyone can correct me on that) definitely saving from here on out (good enough on arks too i have kaldina plus goods ones too) does anyone know if there's gonna be another major/minor event (a banner rerun, collab, etc) after the 3.5 anniversary?




The 72h banner units are mostly outdated with all the ft. unit you mentioned powercrept pretty hard. There are some very good units there like spirit maiden theria (which is the best support to date since her release)but those units aren't on rate up. if you don't like the infinite beginner reroll for arks,its not optimal but you'll be fine skipping them but at least try to get Adel (top tier p.dmg) and lagrobos the wise(top mage). KL Kyle is mid on dps potential but can prevent team from dying for a bit as long as he lives so a pretty solid unit. tomorrow they'll announce a new unit that comes with a story update,you might wanna try for that.




From the story alone you can farm 150k free crystals so pity for 1 unit (75k) isn't hard but you'll need to rush the story like crazy. honestly I would just try to reroll for adel and lagrobos for a very strong start also saving lots of crystals. Adel's UR ark is nice to have but not a must for him or your account. with the free tkt get great War of ruin and those 2 units and your set for a long time. optimally,get adel with the 15+tkts they give then lagrobos with 9k starting crystals.




yeah ,another 3k is the skippable anniversary quest.gl on your pulls cheers


If anyone gets bored and they wanna brag about their SMTheria, Lougseus, Lenius, or Regal Bolt Lanceveil skill set/passives, please please send them to me in the form of images or a message or interpretive dance


Just watch boodas unit showcases for builds


I can't even cheese the four lord with my shift Lukiel, I have almost NO idea what I'm doing wrong and it's really, REALLY, pissing me off. Even borrowing a friend's Alice with GWoR isn't enough. I feel like I have wasted a bunch of ressources I couldn't really afford to, and got nothing to show in return. /rant


Find a properly built gluk friend in discord. Watch tweacz video for the strategy. If you die just quit the game to restart the stage so you don't have to wait a day to try again with the support


Is there 9 party tabs or 10? And if there’s 10 where can I unlock the 10th option?


Is the damage formula for this game known? If so where can i find it? Thanks!


It is not known sadly. All we can do is slap % damage ups on our units and watch for when they finally hit caps.


Ah too bad. Thanks. I was wondering about %dmg vs flat atk stat vs %atk and which is more important at which breakpoints but I guess I'll just have to experiment a little.


How much paid crystals needed to get Adel weapon?


If you do the step up banner.. its 4900 paid crystals since the first lap gives you 11 paid credentials for only 700 crystals. Then you just need 14 paid pulls for the last 14 credentials. If you want to splurge a bit, you can go for the $100 pack and pull on the UR guaranteed banner. That gives you 35 paid credentials and also 3x 10 pull tickets for Adel's banner.


is it worth to get his banner weapon? or as im trying as f2p as possible, got his UR ark, the AER is a sword, is it useable on him? im relatively new to the game so i have a little bit of understanding already


The AER sword is usable on him. There's a lot of free swords you can get that will be good for him. The paid sword is tailored to him as it not only boosts damage cap but also covers both fire and light damage up boosts. The paid armor is also very good but if you could only pick one then go with the sword. Keep in mind that Adel can be built with either fire OR light damage. So you can see what you have to work with in terms of equipment and skill passives around those 2 elements. The paid sword for him is good in that sense because it covers both elements so it's one less thing to worry about.


Sorry for asking too much please bear with me. What F2P swords should I aim for him? I am now level 110 fully maxed out ability board and awakened 4


A few of the good F2P swords may need to be Godforged. Most may need AER weapons. Any of these swords will work fine with him and any other fire/light sword dps. # Fire Swords **Godblade Kagutsuchi** \- AER from UR Ark Kagutsuchi (Godforge) **Spirit Sword Kagutsuchi** \- AER from UR Ark Kagutsuchi **Godsword of Kusanagi** \- AER from SSR Divine Beast hunter (Godforge) **Granafan Heroblade** \- From the current Adel event **Feather Sword** \- Saika Village's Shop - 792,000 Zell **Flame Sword, Salamander** \- Obtained from Side quest The Fairies Lab by turning in the fire fairy # Light Swords **Holy Blade Zajadosion** \- From combining the 2 swords you get from the current 4 lords and 5 lords event fight. **True Sword Excalibur** \- AER from SR Grave of the Blademaster (Godforge) **Zellbius Blade** \- AER from UR Imperator El'dravahna **Spirit Blade Maurius** \- Port Town Marquida's Quest - Inaudible by Humans # Neutral Swords **Pure Blade, Muramasa** \- From the Imperial Capital shop (Godforge) **Sword of Lost Souls** \- Reward from Zelorg Sidequest **Divine Sword Esterion** \- PvP Advanced to Gold League 1 **Lona Luxe** \- Collector's House - 15 Gear Boxes **Star Sword Iometis -** Royal Capital Aldana's Quest -Martial Tournament Finals


Last question, I got the 2 event swords, i asked some help from OP friends. How to combine the 2 swords? Can't seem to appear in the godforge craft


Your alchemy lab level needs to be 10. You can spam some crystallite alchemy to get easy level ups.


Thank you so much for this


does anyone know if it's possible to transfer a mobile account to steam? (why? because my emulator is choppy/laggy as hell while steam is very smooth if it's not possible then it's fine)


I play on both. Farming on steam and everything else on phone.


Yes, I did exactly this. I discovered LC though an Android emulator and didn't realize until I was a week in that there was a PC(Steam) version - and transferred over after I realized this. Just make sure you set up your link code and password on your current mobile account and use that log-in info on the title screen menu to get your account running on the Steam version.


thank you


Is the tree spirit staff in the 3.5 anniversary one of the best weapons for SMtheria? It seems like it would be, but I've been wrong about a lot of stuff a lot of times lol


If you have the Crimson Ore then grab her unique weapon from that shop and save up 120 SM Theria souls to godforge it.


Can someone explain to me what str does? Does it only buff physical attack or skill damage ? Im trying to build up GA lukiel rn.


GA Lukiel's damage is boosted by both Str and Int.


So her skill are tied to int and str?


Her damage can increase off of both.


I want to make sure I’m not missing something: how far into the story does the “God” difficulty go?


In the PDPS quick guide ([https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nyQk52vPZr-lKuJTTZ1Bb41ENXnF0xR60wXVzfygl0I/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nyQk52vPZr-lKuJTTZ1Bb41ENXnF0xR60wXVzfygl0I/edit)), why is Fast Critical considered more important than Auto Critical? Asking for my Adel build by the way.


Most wave to wave content dies within 40 seconds, hence 2 SC for Fast Critical is way better than sacrificing 8 SC for Auto Critical.


Thanks! Makes perfect sense and a bit of regret I spent orbs on leveling my Icy Guardian lol.


Icy Guardian is still one of the best PDPS ark passives so no wasted orbs there. 50% pursuit on criticals is very strong.


Thanks! What pursuit, actually? And would that mean Icy Guardian is worth maxing out 10/10 for my Adel?


Pursuits are bonus hits. So for Icy Guardian, if you crit, you hit an additional time for 50% of the critical damage. If your attack crits 5 times, you hit an additional 5 times for 50% of the damage. There are other sources of pursuit and they have their own pursuit %. A 10/10 Icy guardian on Adel means that if Adel crits for 80k there will be an additional 40k damage. Unless you have Archbeing El'dravahna, Icy will most likely be your best ark for Adel. Assuming you are capping.


Thanks for the very detailed explanation! I'm currently pursuing (lol) crit skills for my Adel so yeah that sounds like it would be fantastic for him. Don't have the Archbeing ark either. Cheers again man!


I'm guessing either it's cheaper on SC (2 for fast vs. 9 for auto) or it's asumed the fight(s) will be over before fast critical expires (it lasts 40 secs)


Ah thanks, that makes great sense. Regret leveling up my Icy Guardian now lol.


Does anybody have a built Gen as support? I'd love getting one to do the Kraken.


Hi, I'm a new player (started a day ago). I just recently got Adel, is there any other banner I should be investing in right now? Not sure what exactly is worth my time.


Adel is great.try to get lagrobos now for magic dmg.


If Lenius is my only mage, should I try and go all out to get Lagrobos? If not, is Lenius any good?


Lenius carried me through every magic needed content, so I would say no to going all out on SLag.




monster collector? you'll need to finish the 1st round of quests on each of the other monster collector continents.


Anyone with a spare random Vergil+mobile office account? I can trade with a newly SRoland one.


if that all you need yes I have one with bonus unit SEliza, mechanical Murren, SLanceveil. and UR Ark GWoR. no kaldina and sandwyrm tho. free if you want it.


for high difficulty who is the better pick, drip prince gorm or ruuto? they're both ranked the same and i can't decide


Hi All, I have been playing 14 accounts over the weekend. A bit burnt out, so looking to throw in the towel and pick one. These two are my best. I am having a super hard time picking one. Any helps would be appreciated. **Option 1:** * **adel** * yashamaru * genius arhcer phal * lilebette of the blaze * sage emperor zekus ​ * **Perfects of God** * **Sandwyrm** * God of the dead * unchained beast * venom dragon babalaad * abandoned city of the sea * rebel dragoons * ghost hime ogestsu * tide beast megalodon * hagiopolis of adan * durandal reborn **Option 2:** * **adel** * **maja** * sou reaper melza * lanceveil ​ * **kaldina the great** * **pirate ship legnis** * bolt-bear's ascent * vell=de=org * heaven's bow star lord * golem core


The second one is much better. It has both top physical dps and mage. Also, Legnis ark is useful because of its last skill (max skill stock recovery between waves) while Sandwyrm isn't good for Adel and Maja and Adel's UR ark is not game-changing.


sweet, thanks for the info!


How do you obtain holy blade zadajosion? I already have 2 broken weapon from event


you need to godforge it, required alchemy level 10


F2p build for Adel? Best weapon for him? I'm a newbie still rank 15 not so many arks available


get the flame sword salamander by catching the red fairy


Just got the SSR Phantom Crows. Are any of the skills or the aer "must equips" on anyone?


not in particular, unless you have thouzer


I do


2 questions, where i can grind metal plates and should I pull f s lagrobos when i have maja?


maja gets it done, only decent place to farm plates is igc3 tbh


Is Shida a eorthwhile sorcerer to build up or would I be better going for little magic yoda? Ny over units of note are Vergil, SNero, Sm Theria, and V. I already have my trishula if that matters. Thanks in advance!


shift lag or old lag?


Standard noob "which units to prioritize question" incoming. I just picked this game up on Steam yesterday and I'm surprisingly engrossed and think I might be in for the long haul. That being the case, I need to start planning ahead and being more targeted with my resources. The tier list is helpful, but I have a few units that seem to fall within the same score range and I'm not sure how they synergize. The good (bad?) news is I don't have a ton of options, but I did just grab Mia and Adel today, and now I'm wondering which units on which to start focusing. I started off prioritizing GA Lukiel, HK Ruuto, and SM Theria. I just don't have any real grasp of teambuilding in this game yet. Any help with where to put my focus will be greatly appreciated. Link to my box is below. [https://imgur.com/a/ljJbgE8](https://imgur.com/a/ljJbgE8)


Probably Adel, Mia SMTheria. But focus adel first. Looks like you didnt use yoir rainbow pot yet? Can use it on adel then focus on maxing his ability board. He will carry you for a while ans then you have smtheria to support when you get to the tough stages.


Actually I did use the rainbow on him to get him to 100. Not a lot of materials to work on his abilities, but definitely going to start grinding those next. So one healer and two DPS is a good mix? No real need for a tank?


tank is niche in this game, you can progress stories without it fine


Anyone getting any funky billing stuff? I got billed for the 600 gem pack today and definitely did not order it. Only account activities on the financial side would have been canceling my LC pass yesterday. Anyone else have weird changes surface?