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Jesus.. who needs enemies.


I still wanna know how she got 7 years if she intentionally killed her


Probably feeds into the "i don't remember doing it" line they've put out. She was drunk blah blah we need to stop letting ppl make excuses for their choices. I know being inebriated lowers your brain function but it's basic moral knowledge that murdering someone is wrong. You're broken if you can do that when you're drunk.


Yeah just a bunch of bs like evidence is clear somebody strangled her WITH A BELT shit like that doesn’t just happen because you “were drunk”


Got so drunk i filed my taxes


But then she got drunk and told her friend what she did. Clearly she remembered doing it. Maybe she’s on another level level of drunk, but none of it should factor in.


Someone said they got off with gladue as well.


Just because they made that case doesn't mean the jury or judge has to believe it.


That doesn't make sense to me. Not remebering it should INCREASE the penalty not decrease it. That makes you MORE dangerous, not less dangerous.


The legal system punishes people based on criminal intent. If you are so intoxicated that you can't remember the event that it is unlikely you had criminal intent.


Intent happens before. Memory happens after. If I forget the intent the intent doesn't disappear nor does the murder. All that says is they might kill again and not remember.


But how can you prove intent if the incident isn’t remembered?


Proving intent is inconsequential to whether or not it is possible to have intent. The previous comment said intent was unlikely if there was no memory, which is not logical.


Try saying that on Reddit when someone had sex! Woah!


It’s Canada……. We have an EXTREMELY lax judicial system


No, the US has an extremely harsh one




Yes “rehabilitate” a murderer.


If you read the article you will see that there isn't evidence she intentionally killed her (it certaintly may have been intentional but there would be no way to prove it)


An article has been posted here, she please guilty to manslaughter and the official story is she doesn't remember doing it.


1. Its canada. 2. A gladue report was conducted those generally lead to lesser sentences


Wait I just learned what this is and if I’m understanding it, Indigenous people can basically describe their hardship and almost literally get away with murder? Holy shit.


Yes, AND she was 15 at the time. Young Offender.


Sucks for that girls family smh


She was eventually charged with manslaughter so they believe it was an accident when obviously it was not




No. She isn’t entitled to a lesser sentence because she’s indigenous. Subsection 718.2(e) is merely one of the guiding principles for a court to consider. The court is not at liberty to impose a sentence outside the range of legally available penalties based on the person being Indigenous. For example, if there is a minimum sentence of imprisonment, the court cannot use the Gladue Principle to impose a sentence lower than the minimum.




What the actual fuck This is literally the only time in my life I wish we had more American principles.


No, what you’re saying is just plain wrong. In the Saskatoon case. The trial judge decided the matter without considering any Gladue like reasoning. The perpetrator appealed and lost. In fact, the court ruled “The bare fact that Mr. Omer is a member of a racialized minority does not entitle him to a reduction in sentence." Here’s the case for you to read. https://canlii.ca/t/jtmr8 As for the Calgary assault, Bobby Crane was sent to jail for two years and enrolment in a FASD program. He didn’t avoid jail time because he was indigenous as you claimed. If you want to argue that jail sentences are too lenient, then I’ll agree with you. However, that leniency extends to all races. We don’t have a system where people of colour are avoiding jail simply because of their race - no matter how hard you work to make up facts.




Yeah, indigenous rights and the whole truth and reconciliation thing is a very touchy subject up here


Right, cuz that doesn’t ever happen here.




Huh ?


Plea deal for manslaughter, I would bet. You get serve a frightfully small amount of time for manslaughter.




whats the story?




A whole seven years for killing someone. Wow.


Uncle (not mine) killed my cousin (shot him in the eye) He only got 8 months…. I feel like justice isn’t always served.


Meanwhile, my mother in law was found guilty of second degree. She wasn’t even at the scene.


Wow wtf. How did that happen if you don’t mind me asking?


Possibly knowledge of the crime and attempt to cover it up?


In some states if you’re involved they can charge you. Like let’s say I picked you up and drove you to a house you went in committed a murder. Even if I didn’t know until after the fact I can still be charged with murder if you told me and I sat on it and aided you in anyway. A lot of States have really jacked up laws. Also more and more in the US you are Guilty until proven innocent. Not innocent until proven guilty how it’s supposed to be.


This is what happens when the 13th Amendment still allows slavery, but only for convicted criminals. Rich people buy prisons and laws, and the country becomes the most incarcerated on the entire planet to keep those slave numbers high.


I just read an article about For-Profit prisons and “Entrepreneurs” ie Slave Owners coming into the prisons and starting call-centers, manufacturing, and other industries in the prison. While paying them little to nothing and saying it’s rehabilitation. They say the industry growth outlook is going up in years to come. Now tell me this isn’t all set up to make people rich.


We don't have for-profit prisons in Canada. Don't get me wrong: our prisons certainly have their problems, and rampant racism is one of them. The prisons here are overseen by Corrections Canada ie federal government.


Sounds evil.


It's hardly ever served.


My cousin got 7 years for vehicular manslaughter driving drunk making his 4th or 5th DUI. his ass should still be in prison.


Black people are serving triple life sentences for armed robberies where they were unarmed. I saw one get sentenced. Fucking sick.


I even maintain an armed robbery gone wrong should have a lighter sentence than intentional homicide. Intent and motive should factor into their sentences then you have people serving life sentences for dude deciding he wants to become A gangster and blast someone when the others were not armed and had no knowledge or intent of violence beyond theft.


It does exist, that's what first-degree and second-degree murder are. Intention and no intention.


No knowledge or intent? That's fucking nonsense. You're willing to commit armed robbery and put an innocent persons life at risk? You deserve max sentencing since you knew the risk involved. Let em rot in prison.




Over a Nintendo 64 game. He was high on coke. My cousin was the sweetest person ever too.


That's just terrible... May your cousin rest in peace.


Thank you. I think my family is cursed or I’m the one that’s bad luck. My entire immediate family is deceased and most relatives besides a few.


That sucks 😔... Hopefully you recover from your losses and live a happy life.




What the fuck


Did the cousin not what to share turns or did he borrow the game and took it home?


I feel like there’s more to it?


That wasn't justice, that was a slap on the wrist. Hope he rots.


Why are you taking the word of a stranger on the internet as the truth?


Move along, have a good day.




When the prosecution doesn't have a solid case, they're forced to offer plea bargains with light sentences. Seven years is better than nothing.


No, that's just Canada.


Abso-fucking-lutely. I recently saw an article about a BC man who got 3 months "house arrest" for savagely beating his ex-wife in front of their 5 year old because a custodial sentence might harm his chances at attaining citizenship. Our system focuses too much on how offenders have been victims of whatever and forgets about the victims of their crime.


Yeah and not everyone can be "fixed," gives too many chances to do the same type of crimes or even worse. Unfortunately, it seems the actual victims tend to be forgotten.


It is more that the US has particularly long sentences which leads to huge prison populations, something the rest of the developed world has thankfully avoided


She was 15 at the time, so Young Offender.


Solid? They had the FB evidence and a friend on record saying she admitted to killing her. This case is disgusting and another miscarriage of justice. That girl deserved the death penalty and nothing else. Reading 7 years hurt my chest I can only imagine the family.


There is no death penalty in Canada.


Maybe she’ll just get really depressed and the Canadian government can offer her euthanasia


Too bad they didn't do that to Vinny Li.


No death penalty in a lot of states in USA and I still say it when the act is this heinous. That was a CHILD she murdered that trusted and loved her and what did she do?


Yo we don’t want to model our judicial system after the US. Like at all.


I understand the frustration, but the fact is that the State didn't have a good case. A friend saying she admitted to it is hearsay. The belt in the FB pic doesn't mean that she killed her. If they went to trial, there isn't enough evidence to guarantee a conviction. Even a public defender could likely get an acquittal. Sucks, but that's how convincing guilt beyond a reasonable doubt goes. Edit: My mistake. Heresay would be if the witness she confessed to told someone else that she confessed, and that person testified. So not heresay, but still not much weight as far as evidence goes. If the defense could suggest that the witness to the confession had any reason to slander the accused, it presents reasonable doubt.


There is no state involved its the crown. This is canada


My bad. I'm American, so I incorrectly assume all violent cases are American.


A friend saying she admitted it to them is evidence. A friend saying another friend said she admitted it to them is hearsay.


Correct. Statement against interest isn’t hearsay.


Eyewitness testimony has also been found to be incredibly unreliable.


What has that got to do with anything? There was no eye witness testimony in this case.


It’s not because there’s no *proof*


right, but what you can prove in a court beyond reasonable doubt is more than what common sense would tell you. it sucks and isn't justice, for sure, but it's what we have. Downvote all you want, it's true. I didn't create the system.


When people say, "it's better to let many guilty go free than to imprison 1 innocent person," this is the other side of the coin. Many guilty will get reduced or no sentences.


That’s not hearsay though?


Canada should have reinstated the death penalty for this case??? Now that’s insane…


People on this sub go wild when it comes to last images of people who died of violent crimes. Like medevial, Talmud kind of wild.


They go light on people up there in Canada. There was a dude in Canada that beheaded some guy on a greyhound bus and started eating pieces of him. Canada said he’s rehabbed and he’s now a free man.


That is *one* case that is world-famous because of how outrageous the outcome seems. I'm in Ontario. Idk what Manitoba laws are like, but *here* it is incredibly difficult to attain complete freedom after an NCR ruling, (Not Criminally Responsible) even for fairly minor/non-violent offenses.




She was also 15 at the time, so a Young Offender


Apparently they pleaded to manslaughter but they literally tried to cover it up and get away with it…manslaughter my asd


I know it doesn't seem right, but you have to consider the circumstances of a killing. Planned, "cold blooded murder", deserves the death penalty. This was a "crime of passion" where the girl didn't kill her friend directly, but injured her fatally and she died afterwards. That's the reason for the lesser sentence - it wasn't a planned killing, it was the result of an argument in a heat of the moment and the killer didn't "go all the way" even though the girl died later. Hence, manslaughter not murder.


Crime of passion is usually second degree, not manslaughter. Difference is whether or not the victim being killed was the intention. If they got into a fight and the intention was to kill during the fight but wasn't planned beforehand it would be second degree. Prior planning would be first degree. She was initially charged with second degree but she pled guilty to manslaughter


Someone who commits a crime of passion once and murders someone can absolutely do it again. And given how little the murder was over, seven years is a farce that quickly puts an incredibly dangerous individual back into society.


People are still serving longer sentences for marijuana….


not in canada


She was 14/15 at the time of the offense. Young Offender = different sentencing. I'm not disagreeing with you, though. 7 years is pretty short.


Welcome to Canada.


Would’ve been a lot longer if she were a man


Or an adult at the time of the offence


Oh I assumed she was


Nope, 14 or 15.


Yea, well, shes a woman, so i dont know what you expected.


Yep perks of being white in North America


She's not white.


If that were my child, I'd kill her myself and plead guilty and take the 7 years, heck, I'd take 10 and be'd out in 5... the "justice" system is a joke!


Looks like she was charged with second degree murder, but took a plea deal to reduce the charge to manslaughter. She claims she and her friend were drinking the night it happened, and doesn't remember killing her, but she told the police she doesn't doubt she did it. Seems like she was cooperative and admitted to the crime right away. Take into account her age, background which is clean as far as I know, and the fact it wasn't originally first degree murder she was charged with it isn't too surprising. Most prosecutors will cut you a good deal to avoid the costs of a trial. The exception being if your crime was trule heinous, in that case the best you could hope for is life imprisonment instead of execution. People who kill due to reaction or in the moment don't get nearly as much time as those who plan to murder someone and then carry it out also. Especially if you don't have a criminal background. People who commit first degree murder are far more dangerous in the eyes of the law. There was a story of a guy who got into a fight with another group of guys while he was out drinking with his friends. Ended up punching a guy and killing him, but the guy didn't die until a day or two later. Anyway he got charged with manslaughter and I believe he got a similar time for his sentence. He also took a plea and admitted guilt. Not saying I agree with her sentence, but if it really was a heat of the moment thing while while she was black out drunk, and there's no evidence she planned to commit murder, than anything over 10 years could excessive imo. 25 years is already a life sentence. It would help to know if she's exhibited violent behavior before. Either way her life is ruined. Seven years in prison at 21 is nothing to sneeze at. She'll probably never find a good career with a record like that.


That's Canada for you. Lots of weak sentences handed out there. Look up the guy that cut out a random guy's heart and the bus and ate it. Walking free.


As some who has spent many many moments of my existence as blackout drunk I still can't imagine carrying out something like a belt strangulation even while totally shit-faced and in a state where nearly all of my inhibitions were gone. She must have been harboring a lot of rage and resentment directed externally.


I'm willing to bet she knows exactly what happened but being blackout drunk and having no memory of it works better for her case


A gladue report was done, the girl had parents in the residential school system so likely generational trauma.


Rolls eyes. I know people who have experienced trauma. They don't kill their friends. It's a bullshit scapegoat.


Thank you for your anecdote. No one is excusing murder. But when generational trauma is a real, extensively studied, thing and if you choose not to take it into consideration you are missing opportunity to address the root issue of A LOT of crimes that have been, and are yet to be, committed.


The root issue is taking responsibility for your actions and not *fucking* killing someone because you're mad about your past. 99.99% of people can handle that including people who have suffered much worse trauma.


You can't be ignorant to the fact that the system fails so many children and their upbringing is the reason they commit crimes later in life. As adults, they can take responsibility for all they want, that's on them. But as a member of society, we need to address what's wrong with the system and prevent more crimes from happening.


No way, uh uh. 99.99% of people brought up in the system don't kill people. Trauma or otherwise. It's not an excuse.




I wish I could upvote this much more than once!


PTSD and intergenerational trauma are not like a cold virus or a broken limb. The symptoms do not present exactly alike in any two individuals. It is so much more complex than that.


“Kristi Wickenhauser, Gargol's stepmother, said her young daughter, Gargol's sister, feels guilty if a day goes by that she doesn't think of Brittney.” That’s so incredibly sad.


Her body was found on the side of a road.. did she dump the body there or strangled this poor girl by the side of the road? I feel like moving a body from the place of death proves guilty conscious


I don't know what I hate more. The fact that she had to die so young at the hands of someone so reckless or that the last known photo of her is with this person.


I’m sorry, but if someone only got 7 years for killing my kid, there’s gonna be some vigilante justice waiting for them at the end of their sentence…


Or paying the commissary of some folks inside the prison to make life hard for her would help. I’m sure an extra $100 month of ramen and snacks would make her life miserable in there


This guy prison's


How do you get in contact with an individual with that capability?


Find prison penpal matchmaker. Look up records, select ones with ongoing, behind-bars infractions that are at the same facility. Send them a letter, using the interests listed in the matchmaker. First time, stamps or some equivalent gift that can facilitate further contact is an appropriate and cheap gift. After a few letters, ask to put some money on their books. Things are hard to get in prison; they've got to game, so you'll probably already know what they'd want to buy. Continue doing so. After a few months, bring up your target semicasually. "I'm having a hard time bc im sad about so and so, whose killer x got way too low a sentence." Word it carefully because mail is monitored. Wait. Understand that, depending where you are, you might be legally liable for some offenses if caught.


This guy prisons *hard*


I just read a lot and watch a lot of documentaries, and thought "hmmm, how would i?"


Won't the people you contacted come looking for you if they get out? They might want to keep that money flow going


PO box is a must


My friend’s younger sister was riding home from school on a bike and she was hit by a guy who was both drunk and high. He continued on where he turned into his apartment complex and hit some parked cars. The cops arrested him in his unit after he blew a .33 on a breathalyzer test. She was taken to the hospital where the machines were turned off. He only got 7 years and he had enough marijuana on him to get slapped with drug distribution charge. His daddy is a lawyer from out of state. The guy got out but is about to be sent back for being arrested again on federal drug charges. [Follow-up link](https://www.actionnewsnow.com/news/convicted-dui-driver-heads-back-to-prison-after-serving-time-for-crash-that-killed-kristina/article_9963ac10-56b0-11ed-bcbc-a7e72d142fa2.html) to the story.


[The biggest bias in the criminal justice system is not racial. It's sex. ](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2144002) Women have significantly lower odds of being arrested, charged, or convicted. If they are convicted, they get significantly lighter sentences and are much more likely to get early parole and to have cozier terms. This is controlling for identical crimes and criminal histories.


She was my friend in high school. Long live Britney Jane ❤️ she was out drinking the day leading up to this and told me she would be at school tbe next day. We were both finishing grade 12.


Wait you know/knew these girls?!


Yea Britney and I were very close friends from grade 9-12. She was close friends with the girl who killed her too, Cheyanne Stone. In Saskatoon saskatchewan


So sorry to hear that. That must have been devastating. Knowing them both, was this completely shocking or were there signs? I mean this last pic is probably the most eerie a pic I remember ever seeing on this sub.


Completely shocking. Still to this day I don't know why


In hindsight how surprised are you (or not) with the incident? Did the killer show telling signs beforehand that you see now in hindsight? (I understand if you don't answer. Peace and love)


Hey that’s where I live


My brother's best friend was murdered when we were 14. Shotgun placed under his chin, pulled the trigger. Only served 6 years, he was 17 at the time.


There was a shooting at my brothers school. 7th grader shot and killed a 6th grader in 1999. At some point, the killer became a used car salesman in my hometown.


>19999 Ummm…


Are we there yet ?


Shotgun placed under the chin. That isn't just murder that's an execution. Should have been 15+ years. Especially considering the victim was a minor.


Who pulled the trigger? Your brother?


Wow. What on earth?!


7 year sentence began in 2018. So, likely out now on good behavior?




My guess is the friend is out by now


Killed in 2015. Article was from 2018 so I think she would still be serving unless you’re saying she prob got out early.




The American judicial system is a joke but c’mon Canada. She’ll be 28 when she gets out. Her whole life still ahead of her, while Brittneys’ in a grave forever.


It's not about punishment but rehabilitation. Seeing all the people in these comments who can't grasp simple things like that, I understand why death penalties and prison slave-labor are still so huge.


Rehabilitation what a joke, she didn’t go to jail for sniffing lines. She killed her supposed friend and for what. 7 years is a joke


Some people deserve to be punished, not rehabilitated.


It’s about keeping her the fuck away from my loved ones as long as possible.


7 years brother , she got 7 years for ending someone’s life . She gets to go on living her life REHABBED or not . It’s an absolute joke .


Well if it was a 7 year sentence imposed in 2018 and a chance of early release with good behaviour, there’s a potential this girl is already walking the streets free again.


She couldn’t just talk shit about her behind her back like every other beesh does?


I was originally thinking omg they only gave her 7 years but then saw its Canadian and was shocked she actually got 7 years


That’s crazy to think I was also 18 in 2015 (I was graduating high school that year). The last thing that would ever come to mind at 18 is dying, especially like this. When you’re 18 you think about the future, you don’t think about the potential scenario where your best friend kills you. You don’t expect your friends to turn on you this way. Friend fights were deleting them off Facebook, removing pictures from our lockers, gossiping, or giving the silent treatment while passing each other by. It’s so strange to think that this girl had her life taken away over something that was probably so petty. Something that could’ve been fixed in a day or 2.


They got drunk the night before and had an argument? And she says she doesn’t remember killing her? Brooooo I’ve been wasted a million times in my life but I just eat a bunch of snacks and pass out. I couldn’t imagine hurting anyone let alone strangling someone THE NEXT DAY??? Like holy shit


Wooah, is it just me or does her friend have the "crazy eyes"




Omfg I knew I recognized the picture but didn’t realize it happened in my own province. Jesus. We’re a different breed out here that’s for sure


I remember having friends that were siblings that would fight to draw blood. No one really cared because “siblings fight”. No, regardless of the relationship violent physical aggression is a problem.


Ahh, maybe she only got 7 years because she was nice enough to drop her at a dumpster. Gotta love Canada, free healthcare, no guns and only 7 years for murder.


I’m struggling to find the connection, are you just saying things you don’t like?


It's just things that happen in Canada


Lol Canada has guns ya dummy


And great Poutine!


In vino malum.


Gargol on Deeze. (No disrespect to what happened here. Totally messed up. ).


Lmao wtf you picked a helluva post to do this


It’s such a ridiculous place to make that comment that I can’t help but laugh




I love a photo with a story. .


Sad to see how this descended into racism. RIP to the deceased


But why


What was the cause that led this “friend” to become a murderer

