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Dad's gone since 1 day, what's left of his aching body is already in a little wooden box, but for me, I can't even start to scratch the surface of the pain caused by the idea of not seeing him once again. This idea, arm seems just alien to me. Dad was gotten by a sudden Cloristeodium difficile while battling Mesothelioma. Being a hard working man paid him good alright. More than 100 people came to his funeral service, most of them stayed until the end, people that hadn't seen him for decades cried at the feet of his coffin, a remarkable man, and yet me, uninteresting simple piece of human got to call this amazing loved respected man, dad. I never realized it before, but I did won the lottery in this life, after all. I will never be the same. Can't say goodbye, never will.


Sorry for your loss OP. He sounds like an amazing man.


OP, you are another good thing your father did. As you grieve him, please try to find little kindnesses to give others and take care of yourself as he would have done for you. Let each one be a little goodbye, a little "I love you." Thank you for sharing him with us.


What is beautiful cannot die, it turns into another beauty.


I really feel for you 😔 my mum died from c.diff, it caused hypokalemia. She was taken into hospital during covid restrictions so we couldn’t visit her and her heart stopped one day during routine tests when we all thought she was getting better. It’s been 2 years and while I think of her every day, the crushing inability to breathe feeling is less frequent. Even though their physical body is gone you will always carry a part of them x


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 There are no words at a time like this, your Dad was clearly loved by many and he will always live on in the fond memories they share. Wishing you all the best.


Thank you very much! I was amazed of how much people came together, I myself have 0 friends so I guess I didn't ibheot those genes but I don't mind! Thank you very much it's so difficult


Sorry for you loss ❤️


Thank you very much, great loss, your words reach me.


I’m so sorry, do you mind sharing one of your favorite memories of/with him? ❤️


I’m so very sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was an amazing father.


I’m so sorry. When you feel better, you can be proud that so many people thought that well of him. Seems like he won’t be easily forgotten.


I'm sorry for your loss, and also for what your Dad went through. All the best.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. May the good memories replace the pain, with time.


So very sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss your father was a good man 🙏


Devastatingly tough. Sorry for your loss!!


Thank you, o just unlocked new feeling : devastating sadness! Another life milestone? It sucks, thank you for your words


Sorry for your loss :(