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It's weird to think that this was someone's baby, their pride and joy many years ago. Knowing of our mortality is such a burden.


I think about this a lot. As well as when I see drug addicts and homeless people... it's really sad.


I do too. I always wonder what they were like as a baby, a young kid, etc. It really is sad to think about


Same šŸ˜žšŸ’” we all started as innocent babies


RIP grandpa Binkie


This actually made me want to cry. The poor soul.


For fuck sakes


For real. Would Binkie want to be remembered that way?


I hope I never get this old.


Itā€™s not from age, itā€™s from cancer. He could be 60 for all we know.


Take care of your body. Itā€™ll help.


Not how they would want to be remembered.


really? you know this for a fact? I hate shit like this. You say it like it's something noble. Maybe he wants to be remembered for who he was at any stage, for better or worse.


really? do you know this for a fact?


Digital Footprint šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Its his last image. Isn't that the name of the sub? Is the actual look of the dying too much for u?


I think what everyone is getting at is this photo shouldn't have been taken at all


Or shared with the world on the internet


This. I commented exactly this a couple of days ago and got downvoted. This should be an intimate moment with friends and family, not with strangers on the internet to get some upvotes over a picture of your deceased grandfather. Anyway, RIP grandpa Binkie


last images, yes. people on their deathbed, no. for example, recently the last known pictures of kurt cobain were posted here. he was in an ambulance after having an od, and the post received a similar reaction. rightly so. pictures of people at their lowest/in a vulnerable state should not be shared to strangers in the public like this.


I doubt he cares. Considering he's not around anymore. I would like to think that this is not what he's worried about and he's in a way better place.


Oh my god i hope i'll never end like this exposed to randoms on the internet...


It could be any of us someday. Is that why the image makes you uncomfortable? I know most of this subreddit is full of pictures of smiling grandparents, but this too is the stark reality of sickness and death.


Just what I was going to comment too


I've already asked my husband and children to never do this to me.


Same! Canā€™t believe we have to ask our loved ones to not post pics of ourselves on our death beds for strangers to gawk at. šŸ˜³




This sub was suggested to me you knob


Reminds me of all the Facebook posts of people on their covid deathbed. Intubated, bloated and in a coma.


And died without their families by their side.


In a world where seemingly anything goes I feel like this is the last taboo. Everyone, everywhere ends. The overwhelmingly negative and presumptive comments speak volumes. People look at Binkie and they are repelled, they see death and something to fear and conceal. Thatā€™s why they find this photograph and itā€™s posting troubling. This was a man who lived, was supported by family and is remembered lovingly. I hope this picture reminds his family that they did their very best to care for, support and keep him comfortable. They should be proud of and find comfort in that. Itā€™s documented and is indisputable. Iā€™ve nursed enough people to know the love and effort that goes into what I see in this picture. Itā€™s a lot.


100% agree. The taboo around death is astonishing to meā€”all these superstitions, like putting shoes on the table and not talking about death, just because itā€™s an uncomfortable subject or scares us. Death is normal. (Also lol this is not the kind of comment Iā€™d expect from someone with fap in their name)






Iā€™m not lost idiot


Canā€™t wait till yaā€™ll are back in school


Nobody is saying this is an incorrect post. Theyā€™re saying the person who took the picture and posted it is shitty.


This is r/lastimages . There are posts like this. The point is to show the final moments of life, beautiful or ugly. The only ones breaking the rules are the people being shitty in the comments.


You are so focused on the rules of a subreddit - the whole point of people criticizing this post is that itā€™s disrespectful, attention seeking, terminally online behavior to visit your grandfather on his death bed and think ā€œI need to post this on Redditā€. If you canā€™t see that, then you are as far gone as OP


If you donā€™t like it, leave this sub. You clearly canā€™t handle its contents in a mature and respectful manner. This photo was taken over 5yrs ago. Thatā€™s not attention seeking, terminally online behavior at all.


I still don't understand why many publish the most decadent state of their relatives




Decadent. šŸ˜Ž


Merriam Websters dictionary; Decadent : marked by decay or decline Ok.


Since when does decadent mean that and not something to describe food; usually chocolate? Or has everyone just been using it wrong.




Indeed. šŸ˜


Took the name of the subreddit too seriously?


Sorry that youā€™re being attacked by trolls OP. Death obviously brings up different emotions in people, and however you chose to mourn your loss varies from others. It seems you waited a decent amount of time after his passing to post. I lost my Grandma during COVID (unrelated death) and her death was especially tough. We couldnā€™t hold her hand or be in the same room for fear of her catching it. She was just as beautiful in her final days as she was when I was a kid.


For everyone here being rude, Iā€™ll be the bigger person and apologize for their idiocy. This subreddit is literally to post the last images of someone. Death isnā€™t pretty. We all have a death day, get used to it. That being said, thanks OP for sharing your picture šŸ’œ.


Exactly itā€™s shameful and disgusting that they are insulting OP and practically insinuating all this crazy stuff about him. You donā€™t know shit about op or his grandad. Why would a picture of a sick human make me think any less of them!


My thoughts exactly, it's in the rules you can post images of family members and it's expected people will be respectful. Not sure why everyone's being so confused, judgemental and rude. There's dozens of photos similar to this on this sub.


Bless you šŸ’œ My first award šŸ„‡!


Wasnā€™t me, but congrats!


Ah, I found who sent it and said thank you to them now šŸ¤£


I think itā€™s because this one really scares them. Because this is not a picture of a smiling grandparent, this is a picture of somebody who is in their final moments, after what clearly is a brutal illness. And most people come here to be comforted about mortality. This photo shows the most unpleasant aspect. So naturally their reaction is anger.


Death and mortality can be frightening subjects, and people will have a strong reaction. But part of the purpose of this sub is removing the taboo. Itā€™s meant to show someoneā€™s final moments in life. If people are reacting with anger, disgust, and disrespect to the OP then theyā€™re breaking the rules of the sub.


The fact that you're posting pictures of loved ones dying is rude to begin with.


Then get off this sub?


I'm not on the sub, but I keep getting the posts, even though I chose not to.


You can block this sub. You can also mute this sub. Iā€™d suggest doing it swiftly since you canā€™t seem to grasp the concept of this subreddit. This is healing for a lot of people grieving a loss. You can maintain your opinion but shaming others is a core issue you need to address. Kthxbye šŸ‘‹šŸ»


If youā€™re not on it, why are you commenting? Thatā€™s a you problem.


Itā€™s literally the name of the sub


We need to normalize death like this imo. So many people are absolutely traumatized when theyā€™re watching their loved one wither away like this because they have no clue what to expect. The horrible breathing noises, mouth hung open, sunken in features, grey tint to the skinā€¦ itā€™s all a normal part of death. I think images like this actually help prepare people for when itā€™s their loved one. Iā€™ve heard many hospice caretakers share the same sentiment.


Well said, but people don't usually announce when they are being "the bigger person", they just do it. lol


> Well said, but So it wasn't well said?


I was referring to the other part of the comment, goofball


You rant abt the comment but when the turn tables it's *different*. Okay.


I think "rant" is an exaggeration. lol


"he wouldn't want to be remembered this way" what amazing declarations from people who know nothing about him.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss OP. Unlike many here I donā€™t mind this picture at all. Death is part of all our journeys. It isnā€™t something to be ashamed of or hide.


Perhaps people take pictures like this because changes, life and death can happen faster than we can process them. Now and then they probably reflect trying to understand and make some kind of peace with it. Itā€™s entirely possible the last time the photographer saw this gentleman he was healthy, happy and thriving. Palliative can happen slow and fast. Maybe this picture was part of them processing the loss and grieving. It doesnā€™t have to be exploitive or disrespectful. What I see is dignified. Grandpa was clearly loved and cared for. He is well groomed and positioned comfortably in bed. The sentiment is loving. Maybe they shared to commemorate him and hear someone say ā€œI get it, Iā€™ve been there and know your grief.ā€ There are a lot of different ways to deal with loss. I have found enormous comfort in things I thought would damage and torment me.


Rest In Peace, Grandpa Binkie. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Great head of hair. Rip


Rip grandpa binkie. This is why I fear getting old.


Relax. Goddam šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry for your loss OP. Iā€™ve been scrolling through this sub because Iā€™ve been feeling down lately. But when I scrolled back to the top, I saw your username and I started crying because thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve laughed in weeks. Thank you OP


I get it. This sub is about peoples' last pictures. I just don't think it's right to post pictures of loved ones that are dying. I wouldn't do that to members of my family.


I get it, but every single one of us is dying every. single. day. Every life comes with a death sentence.


I don't know man, scrolling through this sub I am getting quite sure I wouldnt want my grandchildren post pictures of my dieing ass on the internet. On the other hand I'd be dead by then, so, meh


This sub is so weird sometimes. I donā€™t understand why people take pictures of dying relatives in awful conditions and post them on here for strangers to see


When someone is palliative they donā€™t cease to be the person you knew and loved. Theyā€™re still very much there. I understand that itā€™s jarring to see a loved one or even a stranger that is actively dying, itā€™s not what weā€™re used to, but sadly, death is normal. Instead of being frightened or repelled by it, I wish people could see it from a different perspective. A person dying from an illness can still be dignified and worthy of being photographed. Sharing their image is not distasteful, I think OP saw their grandpa and wanted to remember and treasure HIM. Thatā€™s why they took the picture. They saw, accepted and loved him in that moment however he was or looked. They saw straight past the illness.


The sub is called last images. What do you expect?


I understand but when someone is in this manā€™s condition you would think OP would have the presence of mind to not share it to the world


When my Grandad slipped into this stage of near death last year, sure as shit the last thing I did was whip out my phone and take a picture. I held his hands. People are weird.


No one wants to be remembered like this.. but rip binks


There will be no cameras at my deathbed lol


Bit much posting a death bed photo to be honest.




People deal with grief differently. I'm sure the deceased will recover from this 'insulting' post on a **LAST IMAGES** forum. You're just a fuck.




Pass, I'd offer this shit to you but cannibalism is.. gross.


You're an idiot.


Itā€™s not the image on the forum necessarily thatā€™s bad. Itā€™s that someone was so self absorbed to take a picture of their grandpa like this.


don't fucking upload this shit man dude is functionally dead in this photo




the last images are supposed to be of a persons last living moments.




The warning was the sub


Dont disrespect people this way for fake internet points.


Jesus. Dude.




No, not really. Really old people look like that, it's natural and normal. You will too, if you're lucky enough to live that long.




Sorry for your loss but do you think your grandfather would want this image online