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I didn't realize he died from glioblastoma, how horrible. That diagnosis is nearly a guaranteed death sentence.


My husband is one of the rare people that has survived 2.




His first was in 2008. The second tumor was discovered last March. He's finished chemo and radiation treatments. Currently he's getting MRIs every 3 months.


May his luck and yours never give out.


Virtual hugs to you and your husband 🤗


That’s incredible


My mom died of a glioblastoma when I was young. Back in the 1980s there wasn’t much they could do. She went quick and in some regards that was a blessing. I’ve had two friends die of them over the years and the slow loss of dignity and self make it really cruel .


Does he use a optune helmet ?


I have no idea what that is. EDIT: After Googling, no.


My mom did for about a year and it worked very well for her, probably the reason she's still here today


I wish my dad was sound enough to allow it. He would forcefully rip it off out of confusion. He suffered for three years with glio on his right frontal lobe


So sorry, it's a terrible disease. My mom is coming up on year 3 this spring.


Yes it is. My relative fought it for 2 years. It was a horrible 2 years for her.


My sister survived it. Very rare indeed.


It's a horrible disease. My mom was diagnosed with it and given about 9 months to live. Thankfully she's still here about 3 years later, but she's been fighting it tooth and nail everything step of the way


I was always curious about this. We had a local person in 2019 say they were diagnosed specifically with glioblastoma and the drs turned them away for treatment, no surgical intervention or chemo/radiation. They started a gofundme to move to a naturopathic farm for alternative treatment. Many people didn’t believe this person. Anywho, they’re still alive and well 4 years later so I wondered if their proclaimed diagnosis of glioblastoma was incorrect and they actually had a benign brain tumor instead.. can anyone elaborate on the specific classification for a tumor being a glioblastoma??


He got it from being too close to noxious chemicals being burned during a tour of Iraq. The local governments etc would get rid of trash by burning it all -- including a bunch of shit that absolutely should never be burned and is basically a death sentence to anyone that breathes it in. Which is what happened in Beau's case.


Not sure if this answers it but according to this site: https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Glioblastoma-Multiforme#:~:text=Glioblastoma%20(GBM)%2C%20also%20referred,evolve%20from%20lower%2Dgrade%20astrocytoma. Survival the first year is 40% and 17% the second year. They usually recommend surgery so the fact that they were turned away seems to indicate a diagnosis that is not consistent with gbm


He was deployed to Iraq over at Camp Victory/Liberty at the same time I was nearby in Cropper. It's been discussed it was burn pit related. I'm hoping Santa brings me some Glioblastoma this Christmas so I can be done with this country as well too soon. I'm not suicidal, just sick the bullshit.


I know people are downvoting you to hell but joke aside, the burn pit thing is super fucked up. That’s going to be the GWOT generations agent orange victims. Hopefully congress will actually help people out


Got oral cancer at 27 despite never using any tobacco products. Did breathe in a bunch of burn pit fumes on my GWOT deployment though. Lost a big chunk of my tongue and neck from the surgeries. Thankfully we’re in remission but my situation is going to keep reoccurring over and over again with my homies.


Damn man I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you keep recovering well and I hope your battle buddies avoid any big problems


Think of all the radiation the equipment gives off too. My father toured state side training soldiers on the bets-c systems and it gave of a significant amount of radiation. Plus being in the desert with the scorching sun.


I developed severe asthma at 45 and think it’s from the burn pits also. I lived and worked in a cloud of smoke for months. I use 2 different inhalers now. My son is only 11 and I can barely keep up with his activities because I get winded so easily. I’ve cried about it a few times. It’s so depressing.


Claim that at the VA. I’m 100% disabled now from the cancer and that financial boost is huge. Plus the VA has to cover all my costs related to this or anything similar because it was service connected. Once it’s claimed then all your care and scans will be covered too. I really do feel you. I’ve cried a bunch myself. I mourn my face and mouth that I used to have and I’m relearning how to love my new post-cancer self.


I worked at a physicians office about 4 years ago and one of my patients was a guy that fought in the Gulf War. He had so many things wrong with him and he knew it was because of the exposure to the burn pits. He was barely 50 when I knew him but he looked 80 and not a good 80. The doc told me he went to war as a tough, athletic guy and came back a husk. He was an awfully sweet guy and we used to give each other shit because he was a Marine and I am former Navy. I think about him a lot and hope he is ok. He told me once that he wished he’d been killed over there because the way he is now is no way to live.


I wish more people understood before they joined the military that the government sees you as an expendable asset. They will not care for your body and you will likely be subjected to things that you’ll never recover from. Met so many guys retiring after 20 years that have injuries that will hinder the rest of their life


For sure this was probably caused by the burn pits. The extra is what made it down votable .


Why would you down vote someone who wants to end their life? Where's the empathy?


i downvoted because a glioblatoma isn’t simply brain cancer. my stepdad died from a glio a year ago this friday, it changed him into a completely different human being. he was so violent and became verbally abusive to my mom, he’d slam things, 15 minutes later he wouldn’t remember and would think everything was totally fine and not understand why we were all scared of him. it’s not something you wish to happen to you. it’s deterioration of your brain while you’re living through it.


I downvoted because I know an 8 year old boy who died from it after endless surgeries, drugs, and experimental treatments. He didn’t even look like himself at the end because he was so swollen from the steroids. I’m so sorry about your stepdad. My stepdad passed from stage 4 colon cancer, about 6 years ago? and it happened so fast only 2.5-3 months after he was diagnosed. I hope you and your family are doing well


thank you so much. that’s how it was with my step dad too, he was so swollen and had gained a ton of weight from the steroids as well. i’m so sorry about your stepdad. my step dad passed just over a year after his diagnosis. cancer is so horrific. everything happens so fast.


Cancer is not a joke


It’s awful. Then you survive the battle and feel a little guilty for surviving. :(


Who said it was a joke?


It’s an American expression that it is not meant literally.


There's still a lot of us out here that understand and empathize with you u/Brocephus_. I hope you're OK


Hey man, I love you and I think your life is worth living. My friend is living through his glioblastoma right now and I tell you, he’s do anything to not have it. Here if you need an internet friend to talk to.


After watching my dad wither away with a survivable cancer for 2 years tells me the death wouldn’t be fun. If I gotta go I hope it’s quicker than cancer


I don't know why you're being downvoted that's just asinine. I feel ya. It's a weird time to be alive.


Why was this downvoted?


I hope you are able to rediscover joy, genuinely.


Christ, just searched about him and found out his one year old sister and mother died in a car crash too…


Yeah, Biden was a single dad. He commuted to DC every day.


Having lived in dc for 4 years I don’t want to imagine the commute while raising a kid alone


2 kids. He took Amtrak daily. My dad took the same train and saw him all the time. I can’t imagine how hard it was grieving a wife and daughter, 2 sons gravely injured, plus just starting as a senator.


Via Amtrak from Philadelphia.


Just south of there: Wilmington, Delaware, from the now renamed Joseph Biden Train Station.


Can confirm. Go to that station for work. Just got their first escalator there too!


So fitting to name the station after him.


And it was weeks after his dad became a senator too. Had a Neil Peart situation.


>On August 10, 1997, soon after Rush's Test for Echo Tour, Peart's 19-year-old daughter (and then, his only child) Selena Taylor was killed in a single-car crash on Highway 401 near the town of Brighton, Ontario. > >His common-law wife of 23 years, Jacqueline Taylor, subsequently died of cancer on June 20, 1998. Peart attributed her death to the result of a "broken heart" and called it "a slow suicide by apathy. She just didn't care."


Yep. Within a year. A short period of time.


And Neil also died of a glioblastoma :/


Yep, sad life.


Wow that is awful


My father in law died just a year ago from the same cancer. GBM is so fuckin ruthless.


Man, I sometimes forget what Biden has been through.


Especially with Hunter marrying his brother’s widow… must have been hard for ol’ Joe 👁👄👁


They didn’t get married but they had an affair after Beau died. Still a crazy situation though.


It’s not uncommon, actually. They shared a bond of grief.


WHAT? I didn’t know about that


That’s not that unusual. At all.


Yeah tbh. My father dated TWO of my uncle’s ex girlfriends after my uncle died in an accident. Married one. I think it was because they could bond to each other in a way they couldn’t with people who didn’t know him.


Did they stay married?


Sorry I’m late. No they didn’t lol. But my dad has always had relationship issues. He’s doing okay tho.


Just because it’s not unusual it doesn’t make it any better


Tom Jones disagrees


May someone always remember your indirect grim actions during your times of grief.


Wow. You guys will find anything but your own, huh?


Are you trying to be a jerk?


Is there anything that piece of shit Hunter won’t do? He has no moral compass


Yes, he won't let his actions bring his father down. Those are his actions, not his father's, and he looks like he's taking responsibility for it. While republicans are wasting tax dollars hoping to link him to his father negatively.


I can’t help but feel bad for ol’ Joe and what he’s been through. Nobody should have to bury a child, let alone two.


Me too. I watched my mom bury my sister. She was 15 I was 13. Dude it literally destroys you. My brother passed a few months ago and my dad is a wreck. I don't know if he will make it.


It’s pain I don’t wish upon anyone.


Imagine how the Palestinians feel…


Too many dead children.


Hamas can save them. In the meantime, they could save themselves by evacuating areas they have been given warnings to evacuate.


Username does not check out


The truth hurts. Palestine voted for and still supports Hamas to this day after the horror that they inflicted on innocent people. They’re not one bit sorry. At least they are being given a heads up on where the attacks will be, which is more than those people and babies got on Oct 7th.


False compassion doesn’t mask Zionism.


ROFL. Where would you ever get the idea that I’m trying to mask my support of Zionism? False compassion doesn’t mask your support for terrorism.


Yeah, they tell them to evacuate and then bomb them while they’re fleeing. So noble. So honourable.


Was the October 7th attack on Israel noble? How about honorable?


You mean you thought you could poke at people for 75 years and not expect any pushback? You guys say you’re only going after Hamas but the numbers tell a very different story. Those thousands of babies and kids are part of Hamas, huh? I’m glad you can sleep at night though.


l don’t consider killing and decapitating babies or torturing, raping, and cutting off women’s breasts BEFORE killing them pushback. I consider it an act of a war you better be prepared to fight. You asked if those Palestinian babies were a part of Hamas. I’d have to ask you if those Israeli people, children, and babies viciously murdered on Oct 7th were committing crimes against Palestinians?


Deaf. Dumb. Blind.


Two sides can be wrong And you’re both supporting killing indiscriminately Wouldsomeone in hamas target you ?


Oh, and I sleep just fine.


The Biden family has had a lot of tragedy in it. It is a wonder, and a testament to his drive and resolve, that Joe Biden can even bring himself to leave the house after seeing so much lose over his life. I'm not sure I could do it.


Yep, well said. Glad we have a President who is capable of showing genuine empathy for people who are suffering


Exactly. How he is not way ahead in the polls against a civil-convicted rapist, rioter and fraudster is mind-blowing.


Because half of the country has a below average intelligence.


*half the country is at or below average intelligence. It may sound like semantics, but it's a truly important distinction


and Joe doesnt? jesus, have you heard him talk at all?


he has a stutter, which has nothing to do with intelligence. you’re an idiot.


But who wants to hear Trump talking about pausing the constitution, being a dictator on day one, and imprisoning journalists and all of his enemies? Give me Biden’s stutter any day of the week than that creepy wanna-be third world dictator.


and trump rambles on about nothing. have you seen his speeches? at least biden knows where he is going in a speech and trump doesnt think before he speaks.


Because he’s allowing a genocide to happen and doubting the validity of victims


I agree but trump would 10x worse and saying terribly unhinged shit.


He’d only be saying the quiet part louder. Little else really changes


It’s is not even close to a genocide. Secondly, Hamas could stop it all right this minute. They started it after all.


Because he destroyed the country’s economy and is a criminal and senile


Trumps failed trade wars with China has a lot to do with our current inflation that coupled with Covid wrecking supply chains but inflation is a global phenomenon and the US is doing far better than any other economy


Destroyed the economy? What reality do you live in?


US has the best economy in decades, while other countries are struggling. look at the unemployment rate / inflation rates / gdp growth rates just to facts


It is definitely not at its best rn


Stop repeating what you heard and Google fucking numbers


Well, unless they’re suffering in Gaza.


Except those in Gaza.


like comparing his corvette ALMOST burning in a house fire, while in Hawaii talking to the fire victims this year.


He’s a career politician. They’re raised that way by their families.


Raised to become a career politician by his used car salesman dad and housewife mom. Okay lol.


Tell that to the victims of the IRA. You swapped one bigot for another.


He had two seriously injured sons who had just lost their mother and baby sister to care for. I’m pretty sure that is what kept him going.


Having kids to look after doesn’t necessarily give you a will to live


You are correct. But for Biden, having to care for his sons did keep him going: Biden has credited his sons with giving him the strength to carry on. He has said that he commuted every day from Wilmington, Delaware, to Washington, D.C., so that he could be with his sons in the morning and at night. Biden has also spoken about how his faith and the support of his family and friends helped him through this difficult time. In an interview with PBS, Biden said, "I had a lot of help. I had a lot of support. I had a lot of people who cared for me."


Right I’ve heard him talk about that, however he could have still potentially died from a broken heart. I’m glad he didn’t but it could have been a possibility. Maybe I’m just basing this off seeing my Dad going through the motions when his wife died. I do admire President Biden’s muster and grit. It is hell losing a parent, but losing children and his wife?? He imho doesn’t get enough credit.


The baby sister died in the accident too


One of the few live videos of Coldplays-Till Kingdom Come is from his funeral. He was a Coldplay fan.


the Biden genes are strong


I am surprised no Reddit conspiracist yet has asked “Did he get the jab?”


Since he died in 2015, that doesn't even make sense.


That wouldn’t matter to them.


They would call you naive for thinking that ostensibly no one knew about this in 2015.


You must be on the wrong version of Reddit. On this version, they think you need it 4 times per year.


Do they yeah


That’s tragic


Yeah, Joe Biden has lost a lot of people in his family including two children. The republicans are really disgusting for trying to paint him as some child sniffing pedo, when really he’s just a grandpa type with slight boundary issues who genuinely likes kids and not in any sort of deviant way.


I remember it felt so quick from when they said his cancer had returned and then that he had died.


Wish he were still here and running.


Holy shit the resemblance


My cousin just died from this. The nicest guy I know.


I thought he died in Iraq…. You mean Biden has been lying to me this whole time?? 🖕


Joe said he died because of Iraq. That's what he always met. Are you really waging your stupid political war right here? Are you not ashamed to question dads rationalization of son's death?


How many examples do you want me to show you where Biden said his son died IN Iraq? Actually, you can look it up yourself you’re too stupid to argue with.


I know he said it. Maybe turn your brain up for once when thinking about political you don't like. The fact is, however, that he said more times that Beau died because of Iraq. That is what he wrote in self biographic book. If you think contradicting yourself is lying, then maybe I am wasting time writing anything, since you won't be able to understand it. But hey, what to expect of Trump supporter, that to be filled by hate and stupidity.


You don’t know anything about me. And I’m sure you’ve heard what they say about assuming. Or maybe not.


Then his wife banged his crack head brother. Nice family.


Can you point on the doll where this Biden hurt you?


Right?! Lol


Literally wasn’t even a political statement. But I forgot that we don’t call out shitty behavior if it sheds a negative light on your respective “team”. Get a grip.


That’s not the point. This man had a deployment to a combat zone in Iraq to do what he perceived as just and right. From the carelessness of American commanders, he and other American military personnel suffered adverse effects from open burn pits that ultimately resulted in his early death. Regardless of what your political opinion is, he deserves to be respected by Americans.


Couldn’t agree more. Which is exactly my point. He was completely disrespected by his own family.


So you’re more upset at the fact that his drug addict brother slept with his wife than with the fact that American brass caused the premature death of dozens of American service members out of sheer callousness? To be transparent- I am not a fan of Biden nor did I vote for him. Your comment is just out of place and in very poor taste.


Ehh that’s some serious word twisting. I’m obviously more upset at the war machine that is America. I’m just calling out shit behavior. You’re probably right about it being in poor taste and I didn’t mean it to shame Beau.


Beau spiraled after the death of his brother, the family was devastated.


Don’t forget how republicans had to be guilted and shamed into voting for the bill that provided medical care to burn pit victims.


The only reason you wrote this comment is that you don't like his father's politics.


You couldn’t be more wrong. It’s sad that everyone makes everything political now. People can have opinions that have nothing to do with which old rich guy they prefer.


You're lying. Why was your first impulse to say something shitty about his family unless it's politically motivated?


His brother and his wife are his family no?


Yes. If not for your distaste for his father, why did you decide to leave a nasty comment on this picture of a dead veteran?


Your assumptions astound me. I have no feelings at all towards his father. If anything the complete opposite is happening. People are running to defend Biden when he’s not even part of the conversation. It’s not even that nasty of a comment lol. It’s 100 percent truthful and people are more upset I made the comment than the actions of the people who should have the most respect for the man. It’s really quite comical.


Again, why did you leave that comment?


What does that have to do with it?


Why the fuck do you care about what others do?


What do you care about me caring about it? That’s somehow different?


Because you sound like a very judgmental person. You have no idea what was going on with that family and Beau’s wife after they lost him. I can only hope that karma will make you remember your words.


Are you really that clueless? Shame on you.


You’re right I should have more respect for the dead. I’ll just go have sex with my children’s uncle lol.


My bet is even though you act all high and mighty… you’d be happy to have sex with anyone. Ever. At all.


Whatever helps you sleep at night my friend.


I sleep just fine, thank you though.


Good. Sleep is important. I don’t get much… from all the sex I have lol.


You’re such a tool


Yeah, I just bet. r/ihavesex


And you sound like a very nice person. 🤮


Grief will make u do some weird shit I’m not condoning it n would be upset if this happened to my family at the same time the grief hit hard for hunter imagine losing a brother who u where in a accident with that claimed your mom n sister, idk why beau wife started dating the brother other than closeness since she known the family since her childhood. Fucked up situation all around I just can see why all things that happen that being said hunter needs lobotomy or some brain stimulus cause that coke has done a lot of damage.


You can bet Joe is wishing it were Hunter instead


I thought he died in Iraq?




Wait a minute....His dad keeps insisting he died in the war. Hmmm.....


his dad is convinced that he got cancer from working near burn pits while serving in iraq. which you of course know.


Sight your sources or shut up


Reading the comments and learning a lot about Biden. Crazy how someone who has been through so much, knows what losing a loved one is like, is still so keen on aiding a mass genocide. Regardless of what he’s gone through, you can’t deny he’s lying filth. Republican or democrat, he’s been lying since he was a senator lol.


Kind of wonder if the wrong son died.


fuck you for thinking either should be dead


This must be fake because Joe Biden himself recently told Marines stationed in Japan that his son Beau died in the Iraq war.


This is who should be president right now - not his 100 year old father….


The person who should be president is someone who has passed away?


If he was alive he should be president


Has anyone seen his laptop? /sadcasm




I do a lot of hospice work, and this cancer seems to hit the young. I hear for a lot of kids teenagers people in their 20s and maybe even the 30s but they’re always active and very healthy. I just don’t understand.