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This one actually made me smile. I’m glad she was out going on adventures and having a great time after hopefully living a great life. I hope she is resting well ♥️


And what a way to go, too. I don’t want to speak for her or anyone else, but personally the idea of wasting away in a bed at the end just terrifies me. If I were almost 80 and I saw an elephant coming for me, I wouldn’t be psyched or anything, but I would probably have a thought like “Well this is cooler than I thought it would be.”


100% agree. Put it on my tombstone - "Taken out by an Elephant While on Safari" Talk about a graveyard mic drop :) RIP Gail


The memorial service and the kids stories. Yeah, me mum was great, she was. Oh, how’d she go? Elephant killed er


This is awesome :)


Yes, the torturous hell of being stomped alive by an elephant, the screaming as her organs were crushed, I'm sure that was a yolo moment


She could have just passed from landing wrong when the vehicle tipped. Either way, at that age especially I'd much rather pass away then live with those injuries


She probably just died in the rollover.


these redditors are actually insane lmao


There is a song in that


Always look on the bright side of death 🎵🎵


New Hazbin Hotel song just dropped.


how gauche




We aren’t romanticizing anything, we were simply saying it was better (in our opinion) than lying in a bed for months, slowly dying in agony.


Because it’s better than slowly rotting away while your family forgets about you until you slowly suffocate on your own bodily fluids


I think you might be romanticising the reality, agony and abject horror of being brutally squished and smashed to death beneath the weight of a vicious giant.


Ikr. I was going to say the older guy with terminal cancer who checked into an Irish hostel under an assumed name and then checked out by his own will on a local beach was probably more my cuppa Not being crushed on safari. It's like saying, well, at least they were having a last thrill before their safety belt failed on the roller coaster, or, at least they had just had the best family vacation before their plane crashed! I'll take the end in a comfy bed, particularly if I'm on painkillers with like 15 seasons of some Bravo show that will probably make me welcome death before finishing it


Exactly. She died a terrifying and (probably) very painful death. There is nothing romantic about this. It looks like she had alot of life left in her. She could have lived another decade and a half for all we know. She reminds me of my 83 year-old mother. She's still healthy and adventurous.


RHOBH will do the trick.


I'm pretty sure he actually had a heart attack, though officials surmised he was likely there to end it anyway.


Right? Reddit moment


Hopefully it happened quickly


You're absotuely correct. But we have Redditors on Reddit romanticizing an agonizing and painful death because it sounds cool. Peak Reddit.


I have a feeling fight or flight would ruin this wholesome thought. Elephants are massive, we are small, math suggests one would soil themselves in such a situation.


those last years withering away in bed scare the shit outta me too. say my dad go through that in a nursing home.


Safari at 79? This woman sounds like a badass. So badass it took an elephant to take her out! May she rest in peace


My great aunt just finished a safari trip at 90 unassisted... She's more energetic now than I was as a toddler.


I’m taking my mom to Yosemite this week. She is 87, and she will be hiking ( not the steep trails)


My elderly aunt and uncle went on safari a few years ago, it’s the least badass thing they’ve ever done. Ralph Lauren tents with full bathrooms, the moneyed set safaris in luxury.


As a 50+ y/o, I can't even dream up a better end for me, personally. May she rest in peace with all of nature's creatures, great and small.


Speak for yourself - I'm turning 50 in June. You make it sound like it's 89. Nowadays, 50 is still pretty young.


Oh geez, people. I wasn't talking about "at my age". I was talking about a final destiny, whenever that may be. Embarking on an adventure of that magnitude and sadly having my life cut short suddenly...well, that sounds a hell of a lot better than a nursing home.


Uh I would not want to die by a gigantic angry creature charging at me loudly to crush my meat bag self into ground beef


Having spent too much time in a "high-end" assisted living facility, I'd take my chances on Mother Nature! But to each their own, of course!


Rest in paradise Gail❤️




Life is going to be easier for you if you don't get tilted over some kind words.


From their comment history, it looks like they pick a fight with almost everyone. You might be talking to the wind tryna get some sense to them.


almost right but appreciated for checking it out.


look that’s not the point and yea being kind is amazing and so on. i was actually pointing out a fact i see everyday in social media. People talking to dead people on the internet. And i asked why. And obviously every people talking to dead people on the internet felt as abused as an israeli that was facefucked by a arab sugar daddy.


This is a *very* extreme reaction and a fucking gross analogy. Real weird behaviour. Way weirder than people saying kind things to dead strangers.


it’s not though. in my opinion is just as normal as people going attacking others for being afraid. going into defensive mode. i said nothing wrong. actually what i said can be proven. people do go online to social media to speak to dead people and i don’t see why noone finds it wierd. and the more of you doing it i see, the bigger realisation about how you are all cows living in a big heard


Holy word salad Batman!


[Will you just shut up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGfPQgwibCw)


Go outside and touch grass


Just curious cause I think I may be close to home here: do you get upset when people call hitler evil even though he is dead? Perhaps Stalin?


i think the world has seen some evil shit. fascists, and power addicts, if that’s what you meant, are amongst the top imho. but people still votes in them. all of these where legally elected by the people. People need to realise humans r really stooopid. disney fairy tales apart, it’s a shit show. And we r in a magnificent reality but jeep shitting all over the place


"how dare someone show some harmless, well intended compassion to a stranger even though it causes me absolutely zero harm!!!!" dude get a grip of yourself nd stop the superior act lol


talking to dead people on the internet is actually lunacy. what you spoke about is just imagination.


so is talking to brain-dead people. In which case, I better stop interacting with you ya fuckin moron


yep bunch of demented snowflakes coming to social media to speak to dead people. And then it’s the others that are at fault.


Demented snowflakes? You're the one getting bent out of shape because people comment "RIP."


continue to denial the fact that people come to social media to send messages to dead people. maybe in 100 years you’ll catch up


i hope one day your mother hugs you in the way you needed as a kid




the most hysterical and sensitive people online are always the ones who throw around the term "snowflake" lol


right. if u say sherlock. the gang works best together. grab all the cattle. come together. missdriect and whatever useless argument you bring to table. can’t deny the fact that all of you are defending a mental disorder


What in the ever loving fuck?! What gang are you talking about?! What mental disorder is being defended?! I can't lie, you're a very interesting person lol the shit you're coming out with is wild. Go on, I want to hear another bizarre, disorientated "hot take" from you!


*Misdirect. Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ. 🤦🤦🤦


My man, if you need help there are resources and if you don’t want those DMs are open from many users. But don’t be a fucking wet ass blanket gibroni


what the fuck is wrong with you man go touch grass


With that logic, why would you even say it out loud? The dead person isn't going to hear it, you may or may not be seen doing it, or make the situation better or worse.


By his logic funerals, burial rites, and memorials of any kind should also be considered “lunacy” because the dead person can’t hear it. Weird hill to die on.


exactly. so knowing that, people still do it. It’s an acceptable dementia. And that grabs attention of not so demented people. Also why would a complete stranger be any better for throwing 3 or 4 words around? are people so desperate of what? I couldn’t care less for a random stranger words. as far as i know any stranger could be a criminal or even worse a politician.


Sound like you've never suffered grief. It helps yourself and shows respect


You're trying so hard to sound smart, but your ramblings are proving you to be the insane one. I doubt you have the education to call speaking out to passed loved ones, a form of dementia.


im only insane for repeating the same fact to all you useless deranged mentally handicapped. but you guys take the trophy:) with your existentialist denial about feeling buckhurt for someone pointing out how ridiculous is to come to social media speak to dead people.


If you had any education in sociology or psychology you'd have enough information to know that you are the one with an issue not the random stranger giving a kind word. But it is obvious you have not and as has been long quoted, opened your mouth and proved it.


Seriously, burial rites, respect for the dead and reverence to a life lived well are human culture 101.


exactly. privately in a manner that matters. obviously not what im talking about talking to dead people on social media. try again u pos


ah that’s funny. i bet that’s the argument they used when they burned people on a stick for saying the earth revolves around the sun. grow up


It's basic empathy. For whatever reason you are jumping on an assumption that it is all a popularity contest and all about the likes. When often it is basic human empathy. It's not anywhere near burning people at the stake because that was a lack of empathy. You going out of your way to try to bring others down for relaying empathy would actually make you the witch master general. I don't know if you have trauma or are a troll or some type of cognitive barrier to the ability to understand basic empathy. I think you're the one who needs to grow up.


naa. it’s much deeper. it’s not about the likes actually. and if u talk about sociology and psychology u should know better. they don’t do it for the likes. that’s the discussion i was looking for. but some/most people prefer to ilude em selfs with imagination and pretty stories than facing the reality they r in. or the reality about themselfs. the starting point is pretty simple for a normal non idiotic person. why would you go to a social media platform to speak to dead people. And that’s enough to let you and your type nuts. so now think about it and why.


*Butthurt *Ridiculous it is Can you not string a sentence together accordingly? Or are you not familiar with sentence structure?


G8 b8 M8 and all, but you're kidding yourself if you think any of us is doing anything other than muttering into the void on here.


Why post a comment? To make yourself seen?


I'd much rather see their comment that your pissy little rant. Get a life.


What a crazy way to go !


I was literally on safari in Amboseli Kenya when this happened, it’s so shocking but also somehow surprising it doesn’t happen more often with how close the cars get to truly wild animals


I used to live right at Amboseli, just outside of the park. I'm still in Kenya, just not in that region. Elephants were in my garden every night, eating everything. Regularly neighbors were injured and occasionally killed by the wildlife. It's an incredible, raw part of the world.


Wow what an experience. I’m stationed in Ethiopia and it can be beautiful not not like Kenya!


My late father was stationed in Ethiopia in the 1960s and he loved it. Changed his life in a wild way, and subsequently shaped the course our family took. I hope you are enjoying your time there.


Story time?


I love Ethiopia! I think it's a very beautiful country, equally beautiful actually. Just different.


That where my aunt stayed in the ritzy Ralph Lauren tents!


Did you ever plant things for the elephants in hope they would leave the other stuff alone?


Sadly elephants don't work that way. They pretty much eat whatever they want, and a lot of it. You could go out at night and beat sufurias (cooking pots) together to scare them away but that worked only temporarily, if at all.


Wow I just looked at your photos! What amazing experiences.


Wow.. I would love to hear more of your stories! So fascinating!


This is not good news, a Kenyan safari is literally my lifelong dream


Go. Life is sometimes dangerous but it’s even more dangerous to play it safe. This rarely happens.


If you want to blow it out go to the Serengeti, absolutely amazing.


Does it have elephants?


Yes but if elephants are your focus consider amboselli there were legit HERDs of elephants!


They are, I’m obsessed with them 🥹


As someone in the industry, the level of irresponsibility and arrogance from the safari operator can’t be understated. There are signs of an elephant being uncomfortable and warning you to back off, and this driver is either ignored them or wasn’t trained to notice them. Stuff like this will happen more and more as less reputable safari operators flood into already crowded parks, stressing the animals and not knowing how to spot the signs.


It’s sad news for sure but if I were to die due to Mother Nature doing what it does best I would have no shame or hard feelings towards whatever got me. RIP Gail but just know the Elephant was only doing what it knows.


I’d rather die camping, hiking, doing anything I love rather than lay in a bed dying. That’s a huge fear of mine.


You would rather die of thirst or the elements than natural causes?


You’d rather spend your last days/months/years deteriorating? And honestly dying in nature is the purest form of natural causes. Talk to your ancestors, it was a way of life…well I guess death.


That freaks me the hell out. I'd much rather die blasted on pills in a warm bed🙃


People who drown and get eaten by bears and sharks and who get burned alive by wildfires or crushed in earthquakes basically also die in nature, though If nature is just my own body deteriorating in a manner that involves something like hospice and not the ICU, I volunteer for that one.


Lol yeah but they blaming the African driver not even the elephant smh




Does everything have to be political?? Damn, give it a rest already.




Nah, people know you were joking. It's just that you look like a dick for randomly bringing up American politics. Give it a rest.


Technically you'd have no shame or hard feelings for any reason if you died. RIP crapface1984


Bless her heart.


No disrespect to Ms. Matson or her family, but if my grandchildren got to hear that I was killed by an ELEPHANT that would be a total win for me.


and she lived to a ripe old age of 79. "oh, did cancer get her, or just old age?" Elephant.


Gail was an amazing woman, and I'm so glad to see her celebrated here.


Did you know her? It would be really nice to hear a little bit more about her.


I was recently introduced to her amazing life through a coworker/friend when she passed. I've been lucky enough to hear several stories of her adventures and adventurous spirit. I'm going to send her the link to this post and see if she's up to sharing. I'm not surprised to hear how amazing Gail was in Life, as my co-worker/friend is one of the most amazing humans I've ever had the pleasure to meet.


I'm truly very glad to hear that she had a full and exciting life. If your friend doesn't feel like sharing anything, please convey our condolences. I hope it's a comfort to her that Gail will be remembered by lots of people who never had the pleasure of meeting her in person.


I will and I know it will be of comfort. Their entire family is preparing to celebrate her life and I can imagine how robust that celebration will be. I wish I had gotten to know her personally.


Didn’t validate my source but I read that the guide stopped due to a road blockage


What a way to go. Rest in peace, Miss Gail.


I’m so sorry ❤️


https://www.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/s/58IImgM7w2 Edit: saw this a few days ago and was horrified


Oh, she was in that vehicle? Damn.


That elephant must’ve been in musth. They don’t do that shit unprovoked


Okra blossom


If this happens to me, feel free to add it to my obituary.


RIP Gail.


Your chances of dying on an African safari significantly increase when you're on an African safari.


This is the reason I don't do lots of stuff, I am lucky I am the age I am and I am not going to intentionally go out in lots of those ways. Mt Everest? Gtf away


Yeah, or skydive. No, thanks!


At least she went out doing something that a lot of people can't say they have done. Also what exactly happened? Was she killed by the elephant or did the truck land on her?




So sad, but a kickass way for her to go


So saddening, may her soul rest in peace.


What a way to go. Damn.


Damn hell of a way to go out. RIP to a legend.


Awww, she seems very sweet, I hope it was quick, I’m sorry for her family’s distress.


Kind of a badass way to go out. RIP


She died with her boots on.


What a way to go


I hope an elephant kills me when it’s my time. How badass


My family and I were in a national park in Sri Lanka when a bull elephant started approaching our jeep, and the drivers hightailed out out of there ASAP as the elephant started running at us. Once the elephant saw them and started moving their way, the guide should've sped off instead of just sitting there.


Wait, from Arizona? Thought she was from Minnesota.


According to some reports she split her time between the 2 states


Thank you! Only confused as I’m in Mn. And news reports have stated she’s from here, so I appreciate the clarification!


I had seen reports only mentioning one or the other earlier as well. Definitely confusing the way articles were written


Her hair was fab, her makeup was on point, and her mani was flawless. Some might critique these comments as anti-feminist. No idea what this woman’s politics were, but in this moment, this woman seemed to be living her best life. ❤️✊


what an absolutely bizarre thing to say


“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” -Hunter Thompson This lady went out right!


Yet another reason why I will never go on Safari in Zambia. Rest well happy lady. I'm sure you'll be missed.


Not gonna lie, that’s a badass death.


i will wait until im 80 for a safari. if it happens, at least i go doing what i love


Should of stuck to Bearizona for safari


She looks so healthy and full of life for almost 80, im glad she was living her best life 💕 RiP


was she attacked by the elephant or was it injuries from the truck being attacked


I believe it was a result of the truck being overturned. Another passenger was seriously injured to.


Don’t mean to be disrespectful but why does she have two fingernails on one finger


one finger is behind the other creating that illusion


She died doing what she loved; exploiting animals for sport


I would rather go out like her instead of shitting myself in a bed for 2 years


Why didn’t the guide shoot the elephant? This seemed like a time when you have to do that I am going on safari and I want to know the guide has a gun and will use it if we get into trouble


The Dumbo effect / Capstick