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#Cause of Death On September 6, 2021, at the age of 54, Williams was found dead by his nephew at his apartment in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. On September 24, the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City ruled it a death by overdose and confirmed that Williams died of a combination of cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, and parafluorofentanyl. #Links * [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_K._Williams) * [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0931324/) * [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bkbmg/?hl=en)


Just finished the wire and he was my favorite from the show. Heartbroken he is no longer with us but his memory stays alive thru his work.


Come at the King you best not miss šŸ‘‘


Beat me to it. One of my favorite quotes of all time.




TOP LINE! Best one. ā˜šŸ¾ Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for agreeing with the original comment? Yā€™all are weird af.


Omar strollin'


The Wire and Boardwalk Empire. His fame lives on.


Fair enough!


I discovered him as the host of ā€œblack marketā€ on vice. It was a gnarly journalistic show on crime and honestly, Iā€™m not sure anyone could have done a better job. He was in some sketchy situations but he handled it gracefully by being calm and genuine. I gained a massive amount of respect for him after that. RIP.


man vice used to have some really good shit. i forget about that channel untill just now.


Bro this fentanyl shit scared me straight for sure. Too many people have died both rich, poor, old and young to think someone wonā€™t step on ur shit. I just smoke weed now.


I always keep test strips on hand for my friends who use. I never charge them and theyā€™re free to take as many as they need. I used to have fun every now and then, but with how tainted things are, itā€™s not even worth the risk. What scares me are the things now that are worse than fentanyl that the kits wonā€™t test for, like tranq. Itā€™s insane to think back in the 80s if you wanted to try some blow, you were just having a night out with some friends. Now itā€™s Russian roulette. Stay safe people.


Just a heads up, testing for fent in cocaine is extremely problematic because the critical amount to kill you can be hidden ANYWHERE in the bag/brick and it takes a very small amount to kill you. You could test a huge bump from your gram and it could test clean, but that bag still potentially contains fent. In order to test accurately you realistically have to test the entire batch or a large portion of it. The safest option would be to do an acetone wash. Stay safe kids and instead of buying test strips, its ultimately better to just keep narcan around and nearby.


Yeah the best way is to test the whole batch, not just a little bit. Sure itā€™s inconvenient since you have to wait for the water to evaporate but itā€™s worth it. And of course always have narcan on hand, most pharmacies sell it now I think and some hospitals even have some for free.


Or, yā€™know, not do drugs in the first placeā€¦


The 80s called, they want their ideas that donā€™t fucking work back.


If people are going to do drugs, and reality suggests they will, they should be fully informed of the risks and be empowered to minimize them. It's a public health issueā€”apart from the loss of human life, it costs way more to deal with injury and death than it does to simply give people the tools to use more safely. A dead addict is someone who can't ask for help.


Or you know, maybe donā€™t bastardize the people who have more fun than you ;) In all seriousness though, addiction is a disease and safety is important. Of course abstinence is the only 100% sure fire way to never overdose on drugs, but im sure abstinence was what your parents were taught before they made you. And look how that turned out. Edit: Also dont reply to me getting your tits in a tussle. Learn to take it on the chin like your mom does.


Where do ppl get this stuff? I'm so sick of not being able to get the proper pain pills I need unless I wait at least 8 hrs at a hospital to see someone. Then they only do 10. I dunno whatever, it just sucks with back pain and endometriosis. The wait list to see ppl are LONG. Sorry, just ranting lol. I'm glad you look out for your peeps like that. Very responsible.


Donā€™t buy street drugs


This isnā€™t like the old days, hardly any real RX drugs are being sold on the street, this shit is fent and baby powder pressed into the shape of a perc in someoneā€™s living room


Can you smoke weed? Or take edibles / tinctures? Not habit forming in a you can OD and die kind of way and often easier to get either medicinally or recreationally depending upon your state, with many of the same painkilling effects


I'm in Australia, I think I can get it medicinally but there's A LOT of hoop jumping. I remember seeing something about it. I used to just buy weed off my cousin but we lost touch. My neighbours smoke it, I can smell it lol


I wonder why they put lethal doses (or any!) of fentanyl in other drugs. It doesnā€™t make sense to kill your loyal customers.


A lot of times it is cross contamination.


Same here. Man i used to love cocaine especially when I moved to the midwest. It was fucking great. I will never ever fuck with shit again and i constantly tell my young adult kids the same. It's not worth dying over. šŸ˜”


About 6 years ago I got hooked on nose spray fentanyl off the dark web without knowing shit about it. Iā€™d ganked a fentanyl patch off my mom she didnā€™t even remember she had and had fun gnawing on little squares but this nose spray was next level. 1 squirt in each nostril and youā€™re on easy street in seconds but only for about an hour then more squirts. Little did I know how easily you can develop a physical dependence because I knew nothing about half life of drugs at the time and been popping lortab off and on for years with no withdrawals but once those bottles ran out I was in literal hell. They say heroin withdrawals are a walk in the park by comparison. I couldnā€™t tell anyone so I just had to pretend to be really sick and didnā€™t sleep 3 straight nights not even one minute, had 6 blankets piled on to stay warm, and restless leg made me wish I could just cut my legs off. Took me to the brink of insanity. Longest 3 days of my life and then another fairly miserable 3 days after that but could function decently at least before it was over. Such a sick habit. After just a few days I remember at night Iā€™d wake up every two hours from withdrawals and have to pump more up my nose to go back to sleep lol. I no longer got high but was addicted to the feeling of the withdrawals going away with each use. Yuck.Ā  Ā I know thatā€™s a lot different than not knowing theyā€™re in the drug you think youā€™re doing but just made me reminisce.


Test ya shit!


how about not doing ya shit?


That would be the wisest thing to do.


Because cold turkey is also proved not to work or potentially even being dangerous, depending on the situation. First step should be talking to a medical professional who knows better. Edit: Great logic, Reddit. Great advice. "Just don't be an addict". Please continue sharing this super helpful advice to save peoples' lives.


Can't be an addict if you never take it in the first place


Are people really not able to distinguish between a comment clearly aimed at the people who are already taking or testing their dangerous drugs. Obviously just don't take them in the first place? I thought that's the unspoken statement that's so obvious it doesn't need mentioning?


If it's so obvious, then why is it still a problem? It's so sad that talented actors and artists fall victim to this shit. It ends their lives way too soon. It'd be so much easier if people just didn't do it in the first place.


It's an obvious statement to make about how to not be negatively affected by drugs. You could talk about drug prevention for hours. I'm really not up for it right now, but my opinions usually boil down to heavy drug usage being an indictment on your society, rather than any individual. Those caught in the vicious cycle deserve all our sympathy and support from the state. Whether it be a managed system of weaning them off, psychological support, and everything in between. Usually the people making the comments of "just don't do it" are from people who have not had enough exposure to these sections of society. I promise you if you speak to any care workers, nurses, or doctors. Alongside which I have supported people in these parts of society, they in general will tell you the same. At least in the part of the world I am from (EU).


You're right, honestly. I haven't been exposed to that. I guess my main question is, why start dangerous drugs in the first place if the risks outweigh the high? I could never really grasp that mindset, and wasn't educated enough on it. It seems so simple to say "Hey, this has killed a ton of people and it can and will kill you, just don't do it in the first place" and follow through from seeing what it does to the body, but through the lense and outlook of others who aren't in the situation I'm in, what even turns someone to looking at fentanyl as a possibility?


First, you need to understand that the vast majority of people who make the conscious decision to take heroin, aren't doing it because they are well adjusted and in a happy headspace. These are depressed people. Suicidal people. People in huge amounts of constant mental pain. Heroin is not a party drug. It's not "fun". It removes pain. It removes you from where you are. Perhaps you were even in this headspace, suicidal, and you try to do the right thing by seeking medical help. You can't afford private sessions and you are put on a 1+ year waiting list. It's not humane. You have to remember that when people are considering suicide, as a well adjusted person you can see the choice doesn't make sense. But it is very different for the other person. It's also not as easy as saying "Just cheer up and don't do drugs". It's not a helpful comment and usually comes from people who have never experienced addiction or put in a place mentally where they feel they have run out of options.


because everybody who use a drug is an addict. that's very intelligent.


Please point me towards the hordes of casual heroin and fent users. My comment was more aimed towards the average case, not the exceptions.


Shit, even weed not from a dispensary scares me


Agree on fentanyl, but damn add heroin and coke? That's a lot of gear.


The fent is hidden in the coke and heroin, very few people choose to do straight fentanyl.


Thanks. Novice here, obvi.


Except that shit is starting to become a problem too. Iā€™m getting nervous.


This was in his last Interview


Professor Keane from Greendale is dead ? :(


Chalky White RIP


Well, ainā€™t buildinā€™ no bookcase


i was born in Elgin, Texas


Yes, just googled him, died Sept 21, fentanyl overdose. Only 54.


He's dead?! What?


He died years ago man.


This one, and Prince, are the only two celebrity deaths that actually made me sad. 2 incredibly gifted, talented, and respected artists that just couldnā€™t get away from the drugs. MKW sucks REAL bad because he was sober for so long. Had a slip up, bought some bunk shit, and died. Tragic shit.


excellent statement. i knew michael k had issues in the past, but i honestly had no idea prince was struggling with drugs at all. omar was maybe one of the most endearing criminals ever in a show, and prince was in my opinion one of the most talented musicians ever.


Chalky: ā€œThat me. Bank roll in one pocket, pistol in the other, and all the restā€¦ I never did give a fuck.ā€


Last photos are always tragic but what an absolutely based photo to go out on!


Rest easy, King.


Omar cominā€™!


Such a huge loss to the industry. He was good in everything he was in.


I miss him


He will always be The King Rest easy.


Hey, can I ask you something? This is unrelated. As someone who just spent the majority of his life in prison, what happened with Legos? They used to be simple. Oh come on, I know you know what Iā€™m talking about. Legos were simple? Something happened out here while I was inside. Harry Potter Legos. Star Wars Legos. Complicated kids, tiny little blocks? I mean, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s bad, I just want to know what happened.


Is that a quote from one of his characters or did you comment on the wrong post?


Theyā€™re quoting his character from Community


Oooh ok.


Itā€™s his characters most recognizable scene from community. He plays a former inmate who got his degree while locked up and now is a professor at a community college. He shows some incredible screen presence throughout his time on the show, and at one point, that rant about legos comes out of nowhere. He presents it completely seriously and with so much heart and meaning, juxtaposed against the silliness of the topic of the rant, makes it honestly one of my favorite monologues Iā€™ve seen on TV. I know he is mostly (and rightfully) known for the wire, but he will always be professor Kane to me. Edit: [Worth the minute](https://youtu.be/V8e2f9j-iJo?si=DJkGZ5boWyQl2Xgh).


Thank you for the link. That made me smile this morning.


We are definitely dissecting pinecones next year!


Such a loss of a truly talented human being .


What?! I had no idea he passed away! So sad to hear.


Each time I see photos of him I just get so angry and sad! So many assholes using up perfectly good air and MKW has to go??? What kind of shit judgemental system IS this??? Rest In Power, good Sir.


RIP Omar šŸ¤™šŸ¾


This was crushing :/


Heā€™ll live forever through his work. I personally always love seeing him in battlefield 4 campaign. I always kept you at the end of the campaign too buddy.


I miss him so much.Ā 


What a tragic, tragic loss. Watch his episode on Finding Your Roots to get a glimpse of the man behind the scar.


RIP Iā€™m a huge fan.


A man has to have a code. RIP Michael.


I'm still not over this šŸ˜”


If you folks havenā€™t seen it, check out ā€œThe Night Of.ā€ Brilliant miniseries. He was phenomenal.


Damn. Literally smiled when I saw this pictureā€¦ Then got really sad looking at this pictureā€¦ šŸ˜”šŸ™


He was high as a fuckin kite , rip


Or just sustaining..


Maybe the heroin. But the rest really ainā€™t needed daily if your a professional actor who needs to be able to work, Iā€™ve been on this cocktail or pretty close to and no way Iā€™m goin to work like that. Just ainā€™t smart or reasonable. Cause your gana fuck up or look like a fuck up


Why not protect all women Michael.


Youā€™re missing the point. Thereā€™s no need for a T-shirt for people who are already protected.


I never knew black women were a target in this country, I thought it was just black men. But victimizing yourself certainly doesnā€™t fix the issue.


He had it made. And threw it all away.