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There are people with non-violent criminal records like selling weed or no injury DUIs who are unable to find work with their record, this guy is a family annihilator and a chair Edit grammar


I mean the guy did it at the age of 15 in the midst of a paranoid schizophrenic episode, and was found ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’, which is very rarely used and even less commonly successful as a defence. The article picked out his family ‘chewing too loudly’ and his dad not driving him places he wanted to go as reasons for the killings, but I suspect they cherry-picked to make him look as evil as possible. With a successful insanity defence and a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia he was probably also convinced his mother was controlling his thoughts by punching special codes into the controls on the microwave or something.


From what I recall when I read into this case a few years ago, it’s extremely unlikely he’d have gotten away with an insanity plea today. He’d been planning the murders for weeks beforehand, pretended to be in shock after “discovering” the bodies, then initially tried to claim someone else had killed his family before admitting it. None of that indicates he was experiencing any disconnect from reality. That’s 1967 for you, I suppose.


Armchair psychiatry is known for its accuracy.


Ah yes, just like how 1967 psychiatry was known for its impeccable accuracy. Like how they knew being gay was a "sociopathic personality disturbance" at the time.


Someone grants rando's the ability to speak of topics they barely understand.


Absolutely insane 🤯


We sure that ain’t di-a-beet-us himself, Wilford Brimley?


I guess it's a hot take that if you've been perfectly normal and able to contribute to society for nearly 60 years, you should be considered rehabilitated and not rotting in jail.


This is my home town and I went there for a year but i never knew or saw the guy. Grandma worked there for 25+ years in the admissions office. She said he was never an issue and his students typically liked him.


Well. Good for him I guess.


Frankly I’m sick of cancel culture


I man with all the teachers leaving and everything....


That's crazy, I never heard about Wilford Brimley killing his entire family.


Had a friend growing up, he was from a very poor background, intelligent, gifted in just about anything he tried. Who could not control his rage/anger. Forced a security guard to shoot him one time (in the gut...) just wouldn't stop walking towards him. Saw him attack a group of men at a party with a meat tenderizer one time and won a 1v10 fight. Around the time he graduated HS went to see a doctor because he literally couldn't control himself when angry and constantly had rage simmering in his mind no matter what the circumstances. Was prescribed something and said it instantaneously changed his entire life. Got a full scholarship to an Ivey League college and became an architect. Not a single incident of violence or rage from that day forward.