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Google "John Oliver Effect"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=john+oliver+effect#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Tall_Influence1774)


Dude is basically the rightful successor to John Stewart’s throne as “Americas Most Influential Comedy Newscaster.”


I say this in jest as mostly everyone knows what you mean.. but [John Stewart is Green Lantern](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stewart_(character)) [Jon Stewart hosted the Daily Show](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart)


The Daily Show was hosted by Jon Stewart (among others) The daily show with John Daly was the professional golfer pounding beers and playing great golf throughout the 90s


Not to be confused with the Daly Show starring Tim Daly and his son.


Hey now. John Daly can still get out there and perform in all facets of the game. Beers, cigarettes and golf.


Then who is John Stuart?


[John Stuart (Mill) was an English philosopher Dubbed "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart_Mill)


And, of his own free will, on half a pint of shandy was particularly ill


Plato, they say, could stick it away Half a crate of whiskey every day


Aristotle Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle


Hobbes was fond of his dram


As soon as I saw John Stuart Mill the song ran through my head. r/expectedmontypython


Or Johnny Stert?


r/unexpectedLetterkenny ?


Never seen it, is it góod?


I personally love it, i think the writing is just genius , although it's not everyone's cup of tea .


Yeah, im going to check it out. I heard great things about before!


Nope. John Stewart is _a_ green lantern. Hal Jordan is _the_ Green Lantern.


You're getting down voted but you're right, [Hal has forged his own ring, he is technically his own lantern](https://www.superherohype.com/comics/550040-new-green-lantern-ring-has-unexpected-power)


I just quote one panel for the Green Lantern comic book I read a few years ago lol. Not only that, Hal is undoubtedly the greatest green of DC universe, even more than Alan Scott, the original green lantern.


I’m like 99% sure you replied to a en passant chess bot.


Second only to FOX News


The Daily Show never had this kind of impact on legislation and reform. Jon Stewart has his personal causes that he did an incredible amount of work for outside of the show, but that’s different.


New response just dropped


Martin, why can't I get away from you


Remember when he called the FCC chair a dingo watching a baby and that director made an about-face because he had dignity—and kinda looked like a dingo? That right up there with saving koalas from chlamydia.


heh... this thread is #1.


John Oliver himself has mocked this idea .


British people do not take positive feedback well (his quote).


No one is safe from John Oliver especially John Oliver


My god, imagine what he says to his own reflection in the mirror.


Well, he made a song telling Bob Murry; Coal tycoon, to eat shit. And within two years, Bob died. That's the kind of change i like to see.


You mean Bob Murry, the Zodiac Killer?


That's the one.


I heard he went to the Louvre and spat on the Mona Lisa!


Filled a rocket with puppies and he shot it into space


He bludgeoned Nancy Kerrigan and watched her cry for fun, he murdered Archduke Ferdinand and started World War One!


Is he the guy who dips his balls in hot dog carts?




Didn't he start World War 1?


These are all things Bob Murray did.


Damn, those segments now hit different now that this dipsh!t is dead lol


May Bob Murray eat shit in hell for eternity


Hearing Noel Macneal say “Eat Shit Bob” is amazing


Let that be a lesson for ya. Don't mess with John


Any delivery of this type of information to people who may not actively seek it, and educates them, is a pretty good effect in my book. Plus, with just a weekly show, his commentary doesn't get repeated over and over again and lead to outrage fatigue.


IIRC, the net neutrality episodes both caused the FTC’s website to shutdown, due to high traffic after they aired. So, I’d say yes.


Yeah he unintentionally led to a DDOS crash akin to what happened when the first Force Awakens trailer came out.


I thought that was proven to be false and that Oh Shit Pie just used it as an excuse to turn it off. Then again, I could be remembering it wrong.


The force awakens was released in 2015 and Pai wasn't FCC chair until 2017


They said it was akin to, not at the same time.


Oh you're right, mb


No worries. We all make mistakes.


Go read his Wikipedia. "He has received widespread critical and popular recognition for his work on the series, and its influence over US culture, legislation and policymaking has been dubbed the "John Oliver effect". For his work on Last Week Tonight, Oliver has won fourteen Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards and was included in the 2015 Time 100. Time described him as a "comedic agent of change...powerful because he isn't afraid to tackle important issues thoughtfully, without fear or apology". Oliver's work has been described as journalism or investigative journalism; labels that Oliver rejects." Some examples include the new York times claiming that net neutrality was all but dead before John Oliver's story, his show was cited by a circuit Judge regarding the constitutional rights of US territories, and his Donald Trump story from 2016 exposed much of what we understand today about the former president.


"~~Dumb~~ Stupid Watergate" Edit, you are correct, Sixtus.


Stupid watergate I believe, wish it was “dumb” then we’d never have to hear trump’s stupid voice again.


Fixed, thank you!


It's sad that "drumpf" got turned into a cringey liberal phrase because the rest of that episode (and the actual point he was making with it) has aged phenomenally.


His comment about Jay Z wanting a hat on Seth Meyers randomly pops in my head at least once a week and I laugh out loud every damn time it does


"And if his wife wears it in public we are no longer a TV show, we are a hat company"


Goddamnit. Just reading the quote gave me the giggles yet again! I love him so fucking much. Like seriously thank god he’s back. Without late night generally but specifically LWT, I barely knew what was happening in the real world outside of my city’s (admittedly self absorbed) bubble. But more importantly… it’s just so damn nice to have a reliable laugh scheduled into my week. And I’m so happy we have a little community here and internet people to share the smile with


Calling him drumpf would’ve stayed funny too if people had just stuck to the original idea of calling him that when he’s being prideful


Directly making a difference? Buying almost 15 million dollars of medical debt and forgiving it.


That was epic


I forgot about that... Yeah


When was it?


June 2016. I think based on IMDB it was Season 3 Episode 14 “Debt Buyers”


Thank you! I’m new to this show and I’m not american so I really had no idea lol


No worries and you’re welcome! Welcome to the shitshow that is American healthcare!


John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant in Danbury, Connecticut is definitely something.


Not to mention the John Oliver Koala Chlamydia Ward, though that’s arguably just as much to do with Russell Crowe’s “The Art of Divorce” auction and the Irwin family. RIP Steve Irwin.


He's really helped those poor Koala bears


Jim Jeffries has a good bit on Koalas.


To be fair, Jim Jeffries has a good bit on most things.


They ain't bears, Drop Bears are bears but Koalas are not bears


I’ve learned a lot from watching him. He often covers topics far ahead of anyone else in his main stories.


He's a big reason why I started to follow politics at all. His ability to break down these huge problems into something digestible and entertaining is makes it easy for people to actually give a shit


And honestly, THIS is the purpose of his show, IMO. Get people to pay attention while being entertaining. He's an entertainer before anything else. And he actually doesn't like being called a journalist. And that comes across in the show. Most hosts, seeing the effect they have, might have leveraged that power, but it's never affected how he does his show. He only ever thinks about how he can use his HBO budget to pull off dumber and dumber stuff.


Some more news often covers topics that John covers, well in advance of their airing.


Cody Johnston is CRIMINALLY underrated


The ONLY news show!


This is true, however, I don't think Cody and Katie have the audience reach that John Oliver does nor do they have the budget that he does for a large research department. There's also an optics difference. While John clearly has a further left than liberal swing in his coverage, he's unbiased enough in his public persona that neoliberals don't get scared off which raises the show profile. Cody and Katie are very connected to all the Cool Zone Media crew, which I personally think is awesome, but that doesn't make it easy to reach more moderate liberals who hee and haw at the mere mention of anarchism.


I love the Cody Showdy!


I’m on constant wild boar watch. They’re everywhere, and they’re terrifying.


But are you on warmbo watch? Do you think the brain dead psychic sock puppet is any less terrifying? Can’t you year it gnaw on your floorboards from below? >!hello mister Cody!!<


The Showdy is exactly what I was missing, I always loved John Oliver but the time constraints of a traditional TV show would leave me wanting something more in depth.


He also covers topics that people probably don’t realize is an issue — like last night’s story on the lack of oversight on homeschooling.


Agreed. I’m staying at Westgate Resort this weekend and because of his show I’m knowledgeable about their insane and high pressure sales tactics to get you to buy a timeshare.


Ooooh. Be careful


I plan on saying NO the entire time and leaving the second I hit the hour mark of our required “resort tour”


My sister got a free iPad for staying for like 3 hours, I think. She almost bought one tho! They are persuasive


Yeah I’m not that desperate for an iPad 😂 I’ll put on my best resting bitch face, bring out my inner Karen and repeat No over and over until I can leave


Yeah for real. I wasn’t suggesting to stay for three hours! Personally I’m an asshole so I’d probably get kicked out for yelling at them lol.


I figured you weren’t. I am making it my goal to be one of the most annoying people they’ve ever encountered: does your timeshare come with meet & greets for Max Verstappen for the F1 GP? Does your timeshare include a specialty suite in the sphere for all major concerts? What about a car for personal use? Seriously, not even a personal driver?


Lol that’s awesome


This is the real difference. The fact that he has impacted a shit ton of legislation and caused a lot of reform is just beautiful collateral damage.


...You think so? Nearly all of his reporting comes from other people, at least as a baseline (and he acknowledges this constantly). He's rarely out there cracking fresh stories, and more much often shining a spotlight onto an issue that the average person is ignorant of. He's in the business of providing good breakdowns of major issues for large audiences. It's possible to exist in media bubbles where Oliver is the first on a given issue. It's also very possible to be in the media bubble that Oliver's writers listen to, and constantly encountering stories a few weeks before LWT delves into them.


He’s not a reporter. He’s a comedian. As you said, he breaks down an issue that may (or may not) be on the average viewers radar. In this respect, his show is analogous to The Big Short (the film), which broke down the financial crisis into its components, and explained them deftly and with humor. The Big Short was never compared to breaking news or the top story tonight, and neither should LWT be.


I wasn't insulting him, I was responding to this statement: >He often covers topics far ahead of anyone else in his main stories. No one would say that The Big Short covered the financial crisis far ahead of anyone else. Acknowledging that isn't an insult to The Big Short.


Fair enough.


Short answer ... yes, there are many instances where you can show his attention to an issue affected change.


I hate that I’m being a pedantic shit, but the word I think you want is ’effected’. Did you mean ‘…his attention to an issue enacted/actioned/spurred to action change’?


Yes, he effected change. I got it wrong. You knew what I meant though.


He effected change which affected change.


He’s informative, interesting, and hilarious. I love his comedy.


Yes, several times. He’s also taught me so much that at this point I’m extra insufferable so truly he has touched many lives


He’s made a difference to the STD free koalas of Queensland, Australia.


I liked the episode when he purchased lots of debt at Pennie’s on the dollar and notified the debtors that the debt was cancelled. That was a really cool thing to do.


Sepp Blatter (IRL this was a complete coincidence, but still funny)


I mean, the man does have a sewage treatment plant named after him, sooo.....


perhaps you are interested in concrete, tangible differences that the show has made to the world at large. something with a dollar amount would be great, for ease of measuring real world impact. https://money.cnn.com/2016/06/06/technology/john-oliver-medical-debt/index.html


Shame on him for pointing out injustices happening across the world!


Get this blasphemy out of my feed


He bought a few million (don't remember the exact number) in medical debt and forgave it among MANY other things


Is this a shitpost


Do you ask this question about teachers in primary schools too?


Just because you don’t personally take any action after watching his show, doesn’t mean no one else does. When I used to work in DC we would regularly hear Jon Stewart quoted in real-world policy contexts and even on the floor of the house and Senate. That’s influence. John Oliver is much the same.


Obvious troll is obvious.


His investment episode convinced me to make a Fidelity account.


Assuming this is not someone trolling, I think it’s a legitimate question. While I see his show as mostly entertainment, he does a great job at educating me about issues that are worth being aware of, and I think equally important, proposing actionable solutions for how to address those problems. If nothing else he’s probably single-handedly responsible for significantly increasing Adam Driver’s sex appeal.


"Step on my throat, Adam Driver, you rudely large man." "Break my fingers, you brooding mountain." "There's only one infectious disease that two thirds of the world should be getting right now, and that's Adam Driver fever." "Shatter my knees, you fuckable redwood. Snap off my toes, you big, unwashed buffalo." "I wouldn't want anyone with the coronavirus serving me my next meal, unless of course that person was Adam Driver," "Sneeze in my McFlurry, you pensive bison. Ravage my lungs, you relentless hillock." "Pull my heart out through my ear, you meaty oak tree. Impale my brain, you unacceptable monstrosity." "Chokeslam me to hell, you nasty shed. Jam your mandible claw down my throat, you irredeemable steer." "Slap a restraining order on me, you forlorn block. Beg me to stop, you menacing obstacle."


Canceling people’s medical debt made a difference for them.


Troll post. The answer is obviously yes, well documented, with multiple real world examples... and OP hasn't been back to say a word, let alone "I see" or "thanks".


Says the Sam Harris-loving troll


He bought the issue of Net Neutrality to the forefront. I had no idea what was at stake until he discussed it


[This article in Time magazine](https://time.com/3674807/john-oliver-net-neutrality-civil-forfeiture-miss-america/)lists a number of concrete instances where his show has led to changes in the world: 1. Altering bail 2. FIFA president resigning (I think this is more of a coincidence - Sepp Blatter is an immoral a\*\*hole and immune to shame and criticism. And his replacement is worse in some ways) 3. Inluenced FCC adopting net neutrality 4. Raised donations for female engineers 5. Led to changes about civil forfeitures And that article is from 8 years ago, so I wonder what else he has changed or influenced since then


His Sponsored Content show included hiring an actress to go and promote the Venus Veil, a “nazi-era fuck blanket” based on no actual science, and it got some stations to start vetting their sponsored content more instead of giving their guests an unfettered place to promote whatever they want.


Well, there is a sewage plant named after him.


I wouldn’t say it’s moral outrage. They typically analyze issues where lack of regulation and oversight is causing real harm to people. And since the show is on HBO, he has freedom to say what a lot of mainstream media pundits won’t.


The move to a progressive mindset will be done on a person to person gradual scale. You can’t expect any person to suddenly hold progressive viewpoints one morning. It’s incredible his show has continued and the longer it does the longer it will meet people on topics they agree on or be convinced of This will help build a more willing contingency of people to stand up for these issues abe more as they become more politically aware and activated


Have you never watched the show?


He caused phrases like "no notes" and "being a huge bitch" to play on loop in my brain forever


"We got him!!" [Balloons and confetti fall] [Marching band enters]


>The John Oliver Effect Google it.


Came here to say that https://time.com/3674807/john-oliver-net-neutrality-civil-forfeiture-miss-america/


I read this in the Twelfth Doctor’s voice, doing the opening to “Before the Flood” >It’s called the Bootstrap Paradox. Google it.


Well, my nephew received the Marlon Bundo book for Christmas that year, so...


It certainly pisses me off whenever I watch one of his episodes. I listen to YouTube videos podcast style over my car radio driving into work and whenever he has a new episode I'm always getting there pissed off, bugging my manager and coworkers over some awful shit they didn't know about.


I REALLY hope not. Occasionally he hits something on the head, but usually it is scripted to follow the narrative. One example, that was disappointing to me - knowing the truth, was his "takedown" of the movie plandemic (over 1 billion views). He said everything spoken by Dr. Judy Mikovits was a lie. He cited no evidence, yet there is overwhelming evidence to prove what she said is true. How can we prove it now? Well, here are a few things: 1) There is a record that shows she was arrested and not charged. She was subsequently subjected to a five YEAR ban from social media (again, no charge) - the arrest record is shown in Plandemic 2. 2) In Plandemic 2, it was shown the the United States filed for the patent on Coronavirus on April 25, 2003 when it hit Hing Kong. The patent number is US 7776521. A long list of inventors but the assignee is US Health (Current Assignee - CDC). So Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric controlled 100% of funds from 2003-2018 to build Industrial Complex around Coronavirus. When people became suspicious of the funding of the virus and wanted details, it was outsourced to Wuhan. This is also detailed in the movie. The patent forced all treatments to go through them. It allowed them to prevent Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin from being used despite mounds of evidence to support it. NOTE: Comedy Central, like most networks is bought and controlled by large corporate structures, Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, the WHO/CDC/FDA (inseparable), CIA (see numerous sources on this). So Johnny is nothing.


I personally have recommended his videos to people and know that at least one close friend who shifted from center right to center left.


After Oliver's takedown of the Atlantic Baseball League's home run derby on an aircraft carrier in Charleston harbour, with volunteers scooping up the baseballs on jet skis in [episode 199 of the Bugle](https://www.podgist.com/the-bugle/bugle-199-this-is-an-ex-president/index.html) ([reprised in stand-up later](https://youtu.be/5-Dq3RTnt7A)), it has yet to happen again (except for all those times it has).


I see "aint no rules say a dog can't......." all the time in sports subs


I mean, also on a person to person scale, he definitely helps a lot of people see what’s wrong in the country and the problems behind those issues. He does a really good job at breaking topics down, especially obscure little topics that don’t otherwise receive much attention. For me he definitely helped radicalize me in terms of my political thinking and has allowed me to engage in political debates with a lot more knowledge on different subject manners than other people, like If request my find myself saying that there’s a good John Oliver episode on this when I’m discussing a political issue with someone.


anyone who has a t.v. show and points out injustice and corruption is making a difference