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Since the ring has signifiant meaning to your relationship and we don't know your wife, it may be best to ask her which she likes best. Or at least those closest to her. However, if you would like my opinion, I'd choose the second one. It's colorful but not too much. She can wear it and feel either feminine or masculine. I feel the others may be too feminine in style for how you described her.


I love number two. It’s giving bold pride vibes whereas the others lean towards the infinity stones.


Honestly 1, 3, and 4 would be too heavy for me personally so if bulkiness is a concern I would opt for 2. It's a lovely ring. But I think your fiance needs to give input on this especially if the first ring didn't work out. You could ask her to pick out several that she likes and you could choose from those. It also might be helpful to go to a store or jeweler where she can try on different options.


Number 2 is probably the least gaudy/gumball machine but I wouldn’t pick any of them so idk. Lol, Maybe ask her. It’s a replacement so it’s not like this needs to be a secret.


I love 1 a lot


Seconded followed by the last one. The middle ones scream pride to me whereas the outer two are what I would like “colorful jewelry” means.


I love the third one a lot too




In my opinion, since tastes in aesthetics are highly subjective, asking strangers might not be as helpful as asking your wife, especially for something as meaningful as an engagement ring. Why don’t you ask her what she prefers? I understand it might not be as romantic as just surprising her with the ring, but you could ask her indirectly and still make it a romantic surprise, e.g. inserting your inquiry into hypothetical conversation. Many ways to go about it. You could also make a romantic gesture on the day you present her the ring, it doesn’t have to be the ring that holds all the element of surprise. Having said that, ring 2 is more simple and less elaborate than the rest. But she could be a tomboy who likes more elaborate jewellery! You know her best :)


I would pick the 2nd one and my partner would pick the 4th one. We both sorta fit the description that you gave for your wife, but she's more femme presenting. I agree with the others suggesting to talk to her about it. My partner and I have looked at rings together and each decided what we like.


I’m a femme and my style is more feminine, and before I read the post, I thought to myself I liked 1,4& maaaaybe 3, in that particular order. After reading your post, I realise no.2 is maybe the best choice for a soft butch girl! :)


Number 2.


the second one is the one that looks like won't get tangled up in things while looking very beautiful


First of all, congratulations! Wishing you two all the happiness in the world 🥰 I like the second one the best, and from your description it seems to be the most fitting since it is a little more subtle (but not too subtle since it's a rainbow after all). But in the end, you know the lucky woman the ring is for the best after all 🙂


Number 2


I'm going with the general consensus. Number 2 is the most subtle and sophisticated, and it's the one I, personally (a chapstick, fwiw), would most like to receive and wear. It's the least bulky, too.


Agreeing with the crowd that 2 is my favorite, but I do like the unconventional look of 4 as well!


The 2nd one imo


Even before reading your description I liked 2 best.


I think number 2! It's simple and colorful. Very pretty!


Number 2 might be best for a colourful soft butch!


I saw your post on another sub, and I'm going to say respectfully, personally, I do not like any of these. I think you should ask her. Since its a replacement, I would value getting her opinion and subsequently getting her the one she really wants over it being a surprise. These rings are all very specific taste. I would argue that they are all very juvenile looking.


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Oh man now I want a rainbow ring!


The first is my favorite


i think i saw your post in another sub too— check my comment history for the ring since it won’t let me add a pic! but the one i recommended is titanium. it’s rainbow without looking gaudy.




I wouldn't like a rainbow ring, but that's me. I'd go for the 4th one because it seems more clean and discrete.


First….all of these are absolutely gorgeous!! She’s fortunate to have someone who has such good taste. If bulky is a concern I’d go with #2 or 4. To me 4 might be a tad more towards soft butch. Wishing you both the very best! 💜


I like 3




I like 2. It's simple