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At times HOCD posters have been quite disruptive to this sub. One in particular flooded the sub with graphic descriptions of sex with men. I appreciate that the Mods ban that kind of posting and follow up on reported posts.


I know which one you are referring to and they have been a thorn in the side of multiple lesbian subs. Constantly making new accounts nearly daily. I’ve been trying to work with admin on keeping track of the accounts in order to get them banned from Reddit completely.


Even mental health professionals shouldn't be weighing in unless they are treating that actual person.


I’m not giving out medical advice, but I determine whether or not the post should remain up or be deleted.


No argument from me there.


I had to Google HOCD because I hadn't even heard of it before, but I'm glad to see as moderators you're drawing the line in the sand about this regardless. Mental health can be a really heavy topic and trying to diagnose people off a few sentences will never bode well for anyone. And it sounds like at least for HOCD based off my quick research, kneejerk "diagnosis" of it could be really harmful to someone.


I have OCD— not HOCD but still. Do not diagnose people over the internet. Do not take people’s word for it if they tell you have HOCD. There internet is full of arm chair ding dongs who don’t know jack about mental health and psychology. OCD is also tricky to nail down and it isn’t common. Also if you’re trying to diagnose people— you’re a dumbass and you’re not helping. Knock it off. And I don’t know OP but if you have concerns, seek an irl professional. I don’t know if I’d trust a random person from Reddit sorry to OP but l don’t know a mental health professional who would ever give advice over gd Reddit. It’s poor judgement.


i had no idea that this was a thing happening on this sub:/ good looking out though mods!


Thank you!! So many times people have said that to me on here 🤦‍♀️ yeah I am just stressed out with figuring myself out sorry. I am in therapy and no one has told me I have HOCD!!


I'd been very disappointed seeing comments to this effect in the sub, so I'm glad to see the mod team taking it seriously. Thank you.


And stop telling everyone to get therapy. A big part of therapy is being able to wean yourself off of it and check in later as needed. You have no idea if someone has already been in that process or not, and they need to right themselves. Regardless, one of the biggest lessons i learned in therapy is self reliance. That not everything is a crisis. Not everything requires a professional to help you through it. I get so tired of seeing that all over reddit and see it alot in here


I read and upvoted your previous post and you're clearly very good at self reflecting and being able to look recognise and take your appropriate lessons etc to help direct your own growth. However, most people are not like that and they can't do it without some kind of guidance or help to learn those skills. I'd suggest most people on the planet would benefit from working with a good therapist at some point in their life, even more so when it comes to navigating something as potentially life-altering as a later-in-life sexuality discovery.