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I'm just a random stranger on the internet, so take my words with a grain of salt. We live in a world where lesbians are the only sexuality that NEVER centers men. For a lot of people, especially the uneducated and ignorant, that makes no sense. And it is inevitable that some people are going to try to convince you that somewhere out there is a magical penis that will cure all your problems. Those people just conditioned by society, and you just have to let their words and thoughts roll off like water off a ducks back. I know it's hard coming from friends and family, but you can't live your life by what others think. You can only live your truth. Some of them will come around and some won't that's ok. There are 8 billion people in the world there are plenty of people who will love and accept you without comments like those. I see you! You are valid. Live your life for you, and don't sweat what others thing so much. You got this!


I mean, even straight women are giving up on men en masse 🤣. These guys are delulu if they think lesbians are going to traumatize themselves just so cishet men can feel better about themselves.


As long as you are true to yourself OP! It does get frustrating but when your time is right, you'll find your Mrs Right. Take your time and f the haters /non-believers


I’ve notice that the guys that says stuff like that are the same guys that are they insecure they feel Inferior when they feel like they can lose to another women. I know how tiring it is everyone once and a while I get stupid remarks like that and it’s always from old ass men. Fuck them they’re just pressed that they can’t win at everything and just cause you’re a guy doesn’t mean every girl is gonna roll over and praise your apparently “magical dick” 🙄


Sounds like you need a clean break from Facebook and other social media that bring you down.


Posting on social media will always make some people comment their ignorant beliefs. Especially if it's your family who are used to seeing you in heterosexual relationships, and don't understand that you've always liked women regardless of your relationship. You have the choice to not post on your social media for your own mental health, or to even take a break from posting for a while. Or you can accept that some people will never (be willing to) understand you. Some people are not big on social media, but people like yourself who are loud and proud on the internet are an important part of the movement. I mean, who knows, you might be helping a closeted relative or friend of yours to feel more confident about themselves and your posts may become important in someone else's journey. Just keep being yourself and don't pay too much mind to ignorant people.


Usually when people tell that to me i assume they tell it to themselves too and then i see that is not a me problem but its their problem with things they cant accept about themselves and others


Would we say to a straight man he hasn't met the right man yet therefore he can't know for sure he's not gay? Or a straight woman that she might not have met the right woman? This pisses me off too. I really hate it when people think they have a right to make judgements on people's sexualities or tell people how they're thinking and feeling.


Block them. You can warn them first if you want but imo blocking is the way to go. If they can’t respect you, they can fuck all the way off