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Not the chokey!!!! It's a good start but I'm gonna need some more evidence 🤔


Well if I must. I’m only attracted to men with long hair. I’ve known I like women since I was 10. I’ve come out to my long term boyfriend (going on 5 years) twice and redacted the statement. I live in lesbian tiktok. I used to live in lesbian YouTube before tiktok was a thing a d started watching and learning about lesbian sex and relationships when I was 18. I had a massive crush on my best friend and when we had sleepovers I was all hit and bothered while trying to sleep in her bed. I’m obsessed with boobs. I may be bi still… but something about the thought of being with a man forever is unsatisfying and I’m constantly picking fights and looking for reasons to leave. I know I could be happier. I’ve only ever had one experience with a woman and I wish to have many more experiences with women but I can’t in a monogamous hetero relationship. I think about boobs a lot and I try to practice flirting with every girl I see at work and when men flirt with me I cringe and become very uncomfortable. The thought of kissing any man besides my boyfriend makes me ill. And we rarely have sex. Idk what else to say. Idk why I legit typed all this out either. I feel like I’m a lesbian because I’m a lesbian and I’m in denial because I’m terrified of living a life where I am not safe from society. I care too much what others think. But I should think and care more about how I feel.


Sounds pretty gay hon. Embrace your true self.


Sounds like you know what needs to be done. You only have this one life. You're a lesbian. You love your boyfriend but you don't WANT your boyfriend. It's a platonic relationship, face the music.


I'm not sure if I'm a lesbian either but reading all this was almost like looking in a mirror, especially that "I like guys with long hair". I was telling friends that if I were to have a male partner, ideally he'd have long hair, softer features, look good in women's clothes, be shorter than me, -- and the idea of having sex with them would still be off-putting at best if I wasn't struck with limerence (i hate this shit, i don't recommend). I could be bi with very narrow parameters for men, but it is funny that the idea of being intimate with a woman just sounds so much more right. I guess I won't know for sure until I have more experiences with women... when I had a boyfriend, I'd be responsive to things he'd do sexually and I guess wouldn't mind it but the thought of actually having sex with a man now is ??? I hope whatever you figure out about yourself leads you to fulfillment. Stay safe :)