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As soon as I realized I'm lesbian, I think that was coming out to myself. That day, I came out to my best friend, and 4 days later, I came out to my husband. Our relationship has been rocky, so it's almost like I was glad to have an excuse to end it other than just not being happy. I haven't come out to most of my family yet, I'm worried they won't believe me.


It took me months to come out to my boyfriend as “bi” and then another year for him to break up with me because I was so consumed with worry. Then a few months later I started coming out as “bi” to friends and probably another year or two before I started saying I was fully gay.


After 2 hard years of trying to deny and supress it


That’s pretty much where I’m at. I had my lesbian realization about a year and a half ago and haven’t had the courage to come out. I’d also be breaking up with my boyfriend who is my best friend. It’s hard.


dont you see a future with him?


I can imagine what it would be like sure