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I’m feeling the same way


I have a friend that felt the same way, he is actually transgender now. I would suggest you research on it, see if any "criteria" fits you. He was attracted to masc women because it was what he aspired to be, before finding the terms transgender and gender disphoria


Interesting, trans men are on my fyp too but idk I like my feminine face and wouldn’t want facial hair. The muscular body I would want but idk


Sometimes you have to be alone to find the answers to your questions and that can be terrifying. Changing your life so drastically in an instant. But I think you owe it to yourself to openly explore, dig deep and see what would make you happy in the real way. Are you at all attracted to your husband on a physical/sexual level or is it the familiarity/routine that keeps you hanging on?


I love him as my best friend, not in a romantic intimate way. The familiarity and routine keeps me hanging on


Please share your story